• Published 20th Oct 2015
  • 586 Views, 4 Comments

Untold Stories of Equestria: Episode Four- Nightmare's Eclipse - Sparrow9642

What will happen when an old enemy of Luna's returns?

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Nightmare's Origin

An hour after hearing the dreadful news, Luna prepared for her departure to Discord's dimension, where she'd be staying in the time of the solar eclipse approaching Equestria. Luna was silent the entire time, because once again she felt as if she were the cause of the chaos approaching Equestria. Celestia saw the depression in her sister's face, and did her best to convince her otherwise, but it was hard to do so, after all that had happened in the past.

Celestia looked at Luna, assisting her in any way she could.

"You have no need to feel guilty, dear sister," said Celestia.

Luna looked at Celestia, nearly shedding tears. "How can I not, sister?" said Luna. "I despise the day that Nightmare Moon ever came into existence, and I hurt you both physically and mentally. If you were in my position, you'd feel the same. It's a heavy burden to carry, sister. A burden that seems to never dissipate."

Celestia was speechless, as she remembered the day that Nightmare Moon ever came into existence.

2000 Years Ago

Young Luna stood outside the Castle of the Two Sisters, attempting to accel her magic to a new level. She strained herself to the point of collapsing from exhaustion, with her older sister next to her.

"Sister, if you strain yourself too far, you won't be able to raise the moon later," said Celestia.

Luna paused, thinking of her sister's words. "I-I just want to become as good as you and not have you look at me as a failure, sister," replied Luna.

"What ever made you think that you needed to accel in your magic to impress me?" asked Celestia. "You are my sister. You have no need to worry about impressing me, Luna, because no matter what, I will never look at you as a failure."

"I just want to impress you as much as I can, Celestia."

"You already have, dear sister," assured Celestia. "You don't have to strain yourself for no reason, because I know that one day you will become a great alicorn princess. However, you are still young, and have much to discover, so why don't you start by coming with me back to the observatory. I hear there's supposed to be a rare occasion with the sun and moon later."

Luna decided that Celestia was right, and did as Celestia said; she returned to the castle, to prepare for this "strange occasion" that Celestia had mentioned.

Luna and Celestia gathered in their small observatory, where Celestia had a telescope set up near one of the open windows for the occasion that interested both Luna and Celestia both.

"So, what kind of occasion is this?" asked Luna.

"Nopony knows, because it's never happened before," replied Celestia.

"This should be interesting," said Luna.

"Indeed, sister."

The room suddenly started to darken, with only a small amount of sunshine.

"What happened to the sun?" asked Luna in a worried tone.

"I'm unsure," replied Celestia.

The two sisters continued to worry, until they looked at the sun, noticing that it was blocked by a black circular object. Celestia and Luna were confused at what was happening, until they noticed their cutie marks glowing, causing them to wonder if this had to do with whatever was happening with the sun. It didn't take long for that to be answered, as Celestia noticed Luna start to act strange.

Luna was holding her head, yelling for something to get out of her head, as if she were being possessed.

"Sister, are you alright?!" shrieked Celestia.

Suddenly, Luna stopped struggling, and let out a sinister laugh. "Oh, I'm better than 'alright'. I'M OVERWHELMED!" exclaimed Luna, firing a beam of dark magic at Celestia.

Celestia dodged the beam, immediately noticing that the alicorn before her was not her sister, but something more sinister. She didn't want to harm her sister, knowing she was still inside of whoever this imposter was possessing her sister, so she did her best to dodge every beam fired at her. As she continued to dodge, she started to feel more weak, wondering if the cause of her sudden weakness was the moon blocking the sun.

Celestia managed to remain on all four hooves, as she stared her sister in the face, noticing that her teeth were jagged, and her eyes were different as well.

"Who are you?!" commanded Celestia.

"Hahaha! I'm your sister, you fool!" replied the sinister Luna.

"You are not my sister! My sister wouldn't attempt to harm me in any way!" Celestia snapped.

"Would she now?" claimed the sinister Luna. "You have no idea what your sister would do, and would not do."

"You lie!" snapped Celestia.

"No. I only speak the truth, for I am everything that your sister hides from you. I am her dark side! Her darkest thoughts! I am, NIGHTMARE MOON!"

Celestia was growing with anger, but also losing her strength at the same time.

"That's right!" shouted Nightmare Moon. "Keep feeding me your anger, for it only MAKES ME STRONGER!"

Nightmare Moon fired a beam at Celestia, managing to hit her and injure her. Celestia collapsed to the floor, struggling to do anything. She stared at the sun being blocked by the moon, and thought of a way to free her sister, but she'd have to fire right, or she'd be finished.

Nightmare Moon approached Celestia, as she struggled to charge up a spell strong enough to end the madness.

"Please, let this be enough," pleaded Celestia, as she fired one last beam into the sky, hoping she would hit her target.

Celestia was too weak to do anything anymore, and just sat on the floor awaiting her fate, as Nightmare Moon approached her, firing up a final beam of magic for the final blow.

"Farewell, pheasant!" exclaimed Nightmare Moon, preparing for the final blow.

Celestia closed her eyes, awaiting the blow, but was surprised, noticing Nightmare Moon start to struggle. Celestia opened her eyes and glanced at the sun, which was becoming more visible. The moon was retracting from the sun, while Luna was returning to herself.

"NOOOOOO!" exclaimed Nightmare Moon, as Luna returned to normal, collapsing to the floor.

Celestia's strength returned to normal, but seeing she was still injured from Nightmare Moon, she couldn't move much. Luna opened her eyes, rubbing her head and confused on what had just happened.

"What happened?" she said to herself, just noticing Celestia injured on the floor. "Sister! Are you alright!" she shrieked as she trotted to Celestia's side.

"No. I'm injured pretty bad," replied Celestia.

"Who did this to you?!" exclaimed Luna in an angry tone.

Celestia had already passed out, before she could answer.

Luna came out of her flashback, shedding small tears.

"That's a day I shall regret my whole life, because I hurt someone I care for, and that is something that I would never do," claimed Luna.

"It wasn't you, Luna," said Celestia. "It was Nightmare Moon's doing, because I know that you would never hurt anypony. You must stop living in the past, and focus on the future."

"For me to forget such an unforgivable act is nearly impossible, my sister," said Luna. "It's impossible to forget."

Celestia decided to change the subject, in an attempt to cheer her sister up. "Just know this. Despite all that has happened in our past, I will always care for you, because you are my sister. The day I had to banish you to the moon for a thousand years was the hardest day of my life, and is a day I wish to never relive for as long as I exist."

Celestia had started to shed some tears, but Luna wiped them away, following a hug.

"Thank you, sister," said Luna. "I never realized how much of a burden you had to carry as well. Now I know that you and I have something in common."

Celestia looked at Luna with a smile. "As long as you stay with Discord, until the eclipse passes, we won't have to worry about any past events repeating themselves."

Luna nodded her head, then hugged Celestia one last time, before preparing to travel to Discord's dimensional home.

Celestia led Luna to the throne room, where they met up with Twilight who had been called to Canterlot to assist, just in case anything did go wrong.

"Greetings, Princess Twilight," said Luna. "I'm sorry that you had to be called away from Ponyville, because of me once more."

"Don't blame yourself, Princess Luna," replied Twilight. "I'm willing to help in any way possible."

Luna smiled, as Celestia spoke up.

"It's almost time for Luna to depart, so I need the Royal Guard to be on alert for the eclipse," said Celestia. "Twilight and I will be ready, just in case anything strange happens."

Celestia looked at Luna. "Whatever happens, sister, you must remain with Discord, and do not come back until the eclipse is over," commanded Celestia.

"Understood," agreed Luna.

"Very well," concluded Celestia. "Twilight, would you transport Discord here?"

"Yes, Princess Celestia," replied Twilight, charging up a spell to transport Discord to their position.

Within seconds, Discord appeared before everypony in a sitting position, wearing reading glasses.

"What the?" said Discord. "Oh. It's just my dearest friends, Princess Twilight, Princess Luna, and Princess Celestia. To what do I owe the honour of being summoned to Canterlot at such a chaotic hour?"

"A solar eclipse is on it's way, Discord," spoke Celestia. "I need you to tend to Princess Luna, until the eclipse passes."

"Hmm... This sounds challenging," claimed Discord. "What do I get as a reward, once this is over? Hmmmm?"

"For your efforts, I'll throw you a celebration of any type, Discord."

"Oh my. That sounds like fun," said Discord. "As long as all of my very best friends are invited too."

"Consider it done," agreed Celestia.

"YIPPIE!" yelled Discord, catching himself in the act. "I-I mean, I accept your task, Celestia."

"Good, now proceed with your task," commanded Celestia.

Discord agreed, approaching Luna. "Come along, Luna. We have much to discuss in this time of chaos," said Discord, as he transported Luna to his home in another dimension.

Celestia exhaled a sigh of relief. "Everypony to your positions. We must be ready at all times," commanded Celestia, as the Royal Guard rushed to their positions. Twilight remained with Celestia, awaiting what ever was to come in this dark hour.