• Published 16th Mar 2016
  • 224 Views, 4 Comments

Cyber Equestria: Shadow's Adventures - nihilis3

Imagine an Equestria where robots and cyborgs wander the streets as normally as any pony. Then imagine irresponsible nobles causing crime to rocket out of control. This is Shadow's world, and the young lunar pegasus will now stem the tides of evil.

  • ...

The Mark Party

The little lavender Unicorn filly was the happiest she had ever been. She still felt the buzz of getting her cutiemark the day before, or maybe it was her cute-ceñera cake. Currently her living room was decorated with the trappings of celebration. Streamers dangled from the ceiling and confetti litered the ground. Every on was enjoying the atmosphere of levity. Even Princess Celestia was causally sipping punch from a red plastic cup. Twilight once again looked at her cutiemark a pink six pointed star with five white sparkles, and giggled her hand slid through her dark hare with a multicolored streak push stray hairs out of her eyes. One of her guest went and offered her another slice of cake from the buffet table on the left side of the room.

Twilight heard knocking at her front door. She looked around confused everypony she knew was already present. Her mother Twilight Velvet moved to answer the door Twi wanted to see who was at the door but her big brother a white Unicorn with blue mane and tale, stopped her with a his hand on her shoulder. Twilight looked up at shining armor and smiled as he was holding a book he had bought for her. Several minutes later her mother cam back into the room with three other ponies. Every pony dropped what they were doing. The three visiters stood out far more than any lord or noble. Velvet's face wore an expression of joy and nervousness.

"Twilight come over and say hello." Velvet said motioning twilight over to her. "This is General Iron Blood of the southern lunar rookery." She said motioning to a large bat pony stallion his armor gleaming purplish armor shone in the lights. He extended his large black leather wings as he did a brisk bow. "And this is his lovely wife Crimson Blood my older sister." Velvet said motioning to an equally black coated unicorn mare who had a single red streak in her main and tail, and a horn that was in a single curved piece like a carved obsidean blade. "Finally we have Shadow he's only a few days older then you." Velvet said happily motioning for said colt to step foward. As he did both Twilight and Celestia, who was paying close attention to the new guests, gasped in surprise. Shadow was striking, he had mercury silver hair, ethereal blue eyes, and a black coat that was tiger striped by a deep violet. Show stepped forward after doing a bow similar to his father's, in his hands he carried a small package.

"What I hear its customary to give gifts at a cute-ceñera." Shadow stated handing over the planely wrapped box.

"General Blood its a pleasure to meet you." Celestia said walking up to the small group.every one else was giving them a wide berth but the party was still picking up after the brief pause.

"Evening princess I'm surprised to see you at my niece's party." Iron said bowing to her as well.

"Oh no need to be so formal General you can call me Celestia, and as for my presence here, Twilight is myn new personal protege." Celestia said smiling down as Twilight was opening her gift.

"Oh, opening it already." Crimson laughed patting Twilight's head. "I must admit I'm curious what Shadow made this time." She continued nonchalantly.

Twilight was more excited the ever to see what was in the box. She had heard that Lunar Pegasai were simple in everything aside from war. 'Maybe he got me a sword!' She thought tearing into the packaging. To her surprise inside the box was a book, what looked like a smaller metal box, and a belt with a built in harness for her new book. Twilight opened the book whose cover was blank. Inside she found a screen on the inside cover, a quilltip pen, and plenty of blank pages.

"It uses nanotech ink so the pen doesn't need refills. Also they can use predownloaded books and the words will show on the pages. That's what the interface on the inside cover is for. Its the digital interface for the personal server." Shadow said pointing to the different features the digital book could perform. He had also included real time camera communication.

Celestia was quite interested in how this young colt had managed to make such an extravagant gift. Though she had to admit she was more interested in the colt then the device. She had met many a bat pony in her long life and never had Celestia seen one with his coloration, nor his more distinctive long ears and fangs. Something was definitely off. Shadow was unique and unique was not seen often enough by her standards. Still the look on Twilight's face made her reframe from asking to many questions.

"So what powers those little inventions?" Celestia asked walking over and kneeling so She could see a little better view.

"Ah...uhm...I used a thaumaturgic battery your Highness." Shadow said nervously knowing what the next statement would be.

"But thaumaturgic batteries are still in the theoretical stage." Twilight said confusion spreading across her muzzle. "And I thought they couldn't be made without a unicorn?" She continued tapping her hoof on the floor while she rubbed a finger on her chin.

"Oh uhmm...I know someone." Shadow said pretending to be distracted by the buffet table. Celestia couldn't help but giggle at the secretive little colt before her.

Twilight was still confused but also intrigued Shadow had already uploaded several of his mother's spell books. In her opinion he had given her the best gift today. Yet he was so nervous he was nearly hiding in his wings. 'I thought Lunar Pegasie are supposed to fierce of countenance.' She thought looking up to Shadow's father. 'He certainly looks the part.' She almost laughed.

"Oh, I almost forgot." Shadow said perking up. He motioned Twilight to hand him back the book. She reluctantly passed it back to Shadow curious what he had planned. He closed the cover and fiddled with the book's spine. He looked back to Twilight and held out his hand asking for Twilight's. She just stared at his hand confused. "Oh, I'm just activating the encryption matrix and synchronizing it to your signature." Shadow explained as Twilight gave her hand. Shadow gently placed her hand palm down on the front cover of the book and waited for a moment. Then Twilight felt a sudden sensation it started in her horn and traveled down her arm to the hand that was placed on the book. She felt something between a tickle and a pinch. While the soft purple glow of her magic engulfed her arm then her hand and book. Finally in a bright flash of light Twilights star splash cutiemark appeared on the cover. Shadow just smiled as he hand back her book.

"So what kind of encryption software was that?" Celestia asked looking at the sparkle in Twilight's eyes. Shadow tried to look distracted which wasn't too hard considering there was this delicious looking cake on the buffet table. This time he wasn't going to give up his secrets so easily. "So your not talking ehh." Celestia teased with sly grin. "Excuse miss blood would it be alright if I talk to this little one alone?" Celestia asked turning to Crimson.

"Oh, of coarse your Highness." Crimson hurriedly exclaimed with a bow.

"Just don't give my son a lunar vacation." Iron said enjoying the hurt look on Celestia's face just a little. Celestia turned back to Shadow and ushered him across the livinging room toward the Sparkle's kitchen. Once inside Celestia locked the door and cast a noise dempening field.

Shadow had followed The Princess with worried apprehension. 'What is she going to do.' He thought looking around the room noting where the microwave and stove were. He also noted where the windows and doors were, ready to flee. The Princess simply walked over to the dinner table and sat down smiling broadly. 'I'm going to end up on the moon aren't I.' Shadow thought unmoving.

"Come on now take a seat." Celestia said in her most motherly tone. She watched as Shadow walked slowly over acting almost as if he was dealing with a dangerous animal. "Now now if we keep as this pace you'll miss out on the cake its quite delicious." Celestia said as Shadow took his seat across from her. "Now little colt tell me what did you put in Twilights book."

"I built a thaumametric security matrix." Shadow said looking down at his hooves. Celestia stared at him for several dumbfounded seconds. It was impossible not only are her scientists having trouble getting simple batteries working but here was a child who had appearantly managed to create a magic security system.

"So who helped you create this Thaumametric matrix?" Celestia asked still convinced that he needed atleast somepony to help with the magic side of things.

"Help? What help?" Shadow asked both confused and a little upset. 'She doesn't believe I built it my self.' He thought his inherited sense of pride overriding his more subtle fears. "I built and programmed Twilight's gift from the ground up." He retorted angrily. Celestia crossed her arms thinking. It was obvious that Shadow was fully invested in the fact that he had no help. Her right hand went to her chin as she was thinking of a way to get the information she needed. There were quite a few ways that the technology Shadow was playing with could be a major issue with Equestria's national security.

"Show me." Celestia said a sly grin on her face. It was the perfect plan and one that hopefully wouldn't cause Shadow too much embarrassment.

"As you wish Princess." Shadow said accepting her challenge. He flared his wing just a tad as a large metal spider he had hidden under his wings crawled out across his chest. The spider drone was just small enough to be hidden by his wing and realistic enough to make Celestia's blood run cold. The spider lept from Shadow onto the table. "Don't even think about blasting him." Shadow warned protectively. Celestia let out a nervouse laugh as the large spider crawled toward her.

Without warning the spider stopped moving and turned to face Shadow. It then dropped to its belly, the abdomen and thorax split right down the center. Celestia watched mesmerized as the spider produced an entire alchemy set miniature sized. She couldn't believe it Shadow had everything he needed for over a hundred different potions and compounds. Celestia also noted several chambers she didn't recognize from her own alchemical studies.

"Now to begin your highness." Shadow said standing from his chair. "The main problem I've noticed with your scientists research, no two unicorns can produce the same amount of etheric energy. This means that either each battery would have to not only be customized but you wouldn't be able to let other species use them." As Shadow spoke he brought up several holographic simulations showing several different variations to the batteries she was having researched. It also showed why each would fail. Some couldn't hold a charge, others overloaded releasing the stored magic violently. Celestia nodded so far she was keeping up with his explanation. "So I scrapped that design." Shadow nonchalantly said walking over to the counter behind him where the Sparkles kept their cookware.

Celestia watched in confusion as Shadow selected as small pot and moved to the sink to fill it with water. "This is for something special." He said placing the pot to boil. After he set up what he was going need Shadow took his seat once more. "Now first part of any good invention is the processor. Since this processor will be thaumaturgic in nature we'll need something both programmable and magically conductive." Opening one of his drones chambers Shadow revealed gem shards. "See gems and crystals can both hold etheric energy and be digitally programmed." Shadow reached forward grabbing the crystal and placing it on the table infront of himself next to the spider's mouth.

Author's Note:

Third chapter so feel free to leave a comment and tell me what you think:pinkiehappy:

P.s. no shadow is not an alicorn yet I will explain more on how his mutation works next chapter.