• Published 9th Oct 2015
  • 184 Views, 3 Comments

Melodious Secrets - Sapphire Shadow

Azure Harmony loves to sing. But she sings in a way no other pony does. Her sister is the only pony who has heard and loved to hear her sing. And, Harmony's singing skills could be the only key to her sister's rescue.

  • ...

The Stranger and the Guard

Harmony smiled as she trotted along the road to PonyVille. She had talked to her sister yesterday, and told her about her recent song. She read it and loved it, but said she still liked “So I Pause At The Gates” better simply because it was written for her.

Oh Spice.

Harmony had a way of loving songs in different ways, not liking one better than the other. It was strange to some, but Spice understood, even if she elbowed Harmony in the ribs teasingly once and a while.

Harmony got back to the present and smiled as she saw PonyVille in the distance. She usually didn't go in so often, but she had been invited to a singing festival with Twilight and Fluttershy, and had to meet them in the quaint town.

She walked past the creek and stopped, spying Spice's favorite kind of flower. A tiger lily. Then, she spotted another, and another. There was tons of them!

“Oh Spice will love these! I have to pick some and ask some pony if he or she will deliver them for me since it's too far to walk or even fly back on my own. Besides, I'd be late.” she picked several and went along her way, flying now, so she could cradle them in her forelegs.

When she got to PonyVille, she landed gracefully and stood on her hind legs, searching the crowd for some pony who might be willing.

She spotted Pinkie Pie by the cupcake stands. Hmm. No. She might bounce too much and the petals were delicate.

She really could not see any pony that might help.

Then, her thoughts stopped as she spotted a strange looking pony on the other side of the market.

This must be the pony Pinkie and Rainbow were talking about. He was exactly as Pinkie described him, with a black cape that, yes, had a hood. His head was bowed in an unnatural way, and he walked with a limp. A slight limp, but a limp.

Suddenly he raised his head and locked eyes with hers. They were dark brown eyes, and Harmony blushed, looking away, her heart racing. In that one small moment, she'd felt the strange pony could see right through her.

She spotted Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy over by Pinkie's bakery. She made her way there, making sure to very widely avert the stranger, and just before they caught sight of her, she stopped, feeling she was being followed.

“Hallo, miss.” she jumped to the side and nearly crushed her flowers. The stranger was standing right beside her. His cape darkened him so much she couldn't tell what color he was, and was able to see just a small part of what looked to be a shaggy mane.

“Um, uh, hello...” she said, trying to be friendly, even though this pony was scaring her. He-she could tell by the voice-was taller than her, and had such dark, piercing eyes, she didn't know what to think.

“I saw you looking around in the marketplace. Are you looking for someone? Perhaps I can help.” He said. His voice was slightly raspy.

“Um, I was just looking for someone to take these flowers to my sister...” she said cautiously.

“Oh! By Luna's moon, I'll take them for you, Madam.” he said.

Now she was scared.

“That's okay. I'll find someone. You don't have to.”

“Please, miss. I've been tortured all my life with harsh looks, scared ponies, and frightened colts and fillies, I must do something kind to show them I'm not the scary pony they think I am.” he pleaded. She caught site of a ragged scar down his cheek.

He sounded pitiful enough. Besides, Spice was strong. She could fight her way out if need be.

“Okay, but just lay them on the front porch, knock, and then leave, and don't trouble yourself no further. Thank you. The house is just down the road. The first one. You won't miss it.”

And with that, she shoved the flowers into his hooves, but he picked them up with a blue aura. Ah, he must have a horn hidden under that large hood.

“Thank ya, miss, thank ya!” and she heard him limp away. She sighed. If something went wrong she could always pick more flowers on the way back.

Now it was time to meet with Twilight and Fluttershy.

She tucked a few stray strands of mane behind her ear and walked up to them, her wings neatly folded on her sides.

“Hello, Harmony. Nice to see you. Are you ready to go to the singing festival?” Twilight greeted her. She grinned.

“So ready. Hey, Fluttershy.” she looked at the pale yellow pony.

Fluttershy smiled.

“Hi, Harmony.”

“Follow me, girls.” and she took off flying. Harmony smiled. Twilight looked so regal in her new wings, and so beautiful, too.

Fluttershy smiled at Harmony, and together they took off after Twilight, flying to the train station.

When they landed on the hard, wooden platform, they went up to where a blue ticket master with a black mane stood.

“Three tickets to Fillydelphia, please.” Twilight said, calm and collected as ever. Harmony envied her grace and smoothness.

“Yes, ma'am.” the ticket master handed her three, and tipped his hat to us. We smiled our thanks and went to wait on a bench for the train to arrive. We were a few minutes early.

The train arrived soon, and we went in and sat on our plush seats. Fillydelphia wasn't far, so I took in the scenery as we went, biting my lip in anticipation of the show. Even if I wouldn't join, hearing singing was almost as good as doing the singing.


They arrived shortly, and went to the building where a black stallion with glasses and a gray tuxedo stood at the front to greet them.

If you could call it 'greeting.'

“Names, please.” he pulled out a long paper wound into a scroll.

Twilight smiled at her friends and stepped up.

“I'm Twilight Sparkle, this is Fluttershy, and that is Azure Harmony.” she said coolly.

The guard looked up quickly, probably aghast at her beautiful voice.

“Uh, yes, here is your names, go right ahead, Miss Sparkle, you and your friends.” he said a little shakily. Harmony fought to keep back a laugh.

Guards usually were NOT like this! The guard didn't even look in Harmony or Fluttershy's directions, but watched Twilight till she disappeared.

Deciding to be nice, Harmony stopped before going in.

“What is your name, sir?” she asked. He didn't move, but kept his dark eyes fixed on the doorway. “Sir?”

He jerked his gaze back. “What? Uh, yes, sorry. N-name?” Harmony tried not to giggle.

“No, I'm with the pony you were just staring at. What is your name?” she asked.

She was almost sure she could see his cheeks redden the slightest bit.

“I'm-uh, Knightly Charging, but every pony just calls me Knight.” he answered clumsily.

“Well, Knight, I will tell Twilight Sparkle that, and who knows, maybe we'll see you around.” and with another dazzling smile, Harmony dashed in after her friends.

Giggling, she caught up to a very puzzled Twilight and a very confused Fluttershy. She took her place on a red velvet seat between them, still giggling.

“What did you do?” Twilight asked.

“I just had a little chat with the guard.” Harmony said, smiling at Twilight.

“What-do you mean you talked to him?”

“Yes, after I pulled his gaze away from YOU!” Harmony exclaimed, nudging her friend. Twilight went beet red.

“Oh, Harmony, you didn't!” she covered her mouth with a hoof. “what did you say?”

Harmony could hear Fluttershy softly giggling.

“Just asked him what his name was, told him I'd tell you, and told him maybe we'll see him around.” she smiled innocently. “that's all.”

Twilight put her face in her hooves.

“Oh Harmony!” she said. I bumped her with a hoof.

Come on, don't you think a tall, dark stallion with the name “Knightly Charging” is at all a romantic deal? Come on, you'll probably like him!” Harmony sank into her seat, fully realizing it's softness.

Twilight sighed. “Okay, you're right, maybe I will. I just don't understand why you did it in the first place!”

“Well, you're a beautiful, intelligent alicorn, now, and so you deserve to have someone to share your life with.” Harmony explained.

“I'm not lonely! I have Spike....” she trailed off, then smiled as the thought occurred to her, “of course, I have always wanted a partner, and he was kinda good looking....”

“Well, 'maybe we'll see him around.'” Harmony said, and with one last round of giggling, they finally fell silent as the red curtains drew and the singing show began.

That evening, the mares headed toward the train station. Harmony was eager to get back and see what Spice thought of the flowers (if that blasted pony ever brought them) and to tell her about the singing and the guard fiasco.

The guard fiasco! It had continued as they walked out the door. Twilight smiled at him brightly, to which he smiled back, but not in a bold way, and Harmony had quietly sidled up to him and said, “I'll see what I can do.”

To which he replied, “thank you, miss Harmony.” and she had flashed another smile at him.

When they arrived back in Ponyville, Twilight and Harmony said goodbye to Fluttershy, then got to talking before they separated.

“So, you seen the stranger yet?” Harmony said, only half-joking.

“Stranger? No...” she peered at Harmony and studied her face.

“You haven't? Yes, there is this new pony in town wears a dark cape, walks with a slight limp, and has a weird accent. His head always seems bent, yet when he looks at you it feels like he can look right through you. Oh, and he has a jagged scar on his cheek.” she looked up at Twilight, expecting her friend to be amused.

What she saw startled her.

Twilight was pale, her eyes wide. Her horn lighted up and Harmony kicked the air as she was brought nose-to-nose with Twilight.

“What color was he?” she asked in a low tone of voice.

“I don't know...I couldn't tell.”

“Have you spoke with him?”

“Yes-he offered to take my flowers to Spice.”

At this, Twilight gasped, dropped Harmony, purely by accident, then pushed her up again, forgetting to use magic.

“Come, we must go, now! Your sister is in grave danger! Quick! Come!” and she started to fly at top speed towards Harmony and Spice's cottage.

What was going on? Did Twilight know something about this stranger?

“Twilight! What is it? What's wrong?” Harmony called out as she struggled to keep up with Twilight's furious flapping.

“This stranger is dangerous! He will do something horrible! No time to explain! We must get your sister if it's not too late already!” Twilight shouted and that was enough explanation for Harmony, though she was still curious.

Still Harmony struggled to keep up, the cool, night air stung her face as she flew through it at such unnatural pace, and she occasionally felt the slap of tree branches across her face and chest.

Finally they saw the cottage. Harmony saw the flowers laying on the porch and sped up, hoping, hoping, hoping.

Twilight stopped so suddenly, Harmony went flying over her, trying to stop herself, and crashed into a bush.

“Oof! Ow! Who put a bush here?!” she grumbled as she fought to untangle herself from the prickly branches.

“Harmony!” Twilight cried out, and with like an arrow to her heart, Harmony realized it was a frantic, sad call.

She ripped the branches off herself as she half flew-half hopped over to the house. The door was wide open and Twilight was thrown over a chair, sobbing.

“Twilight! What-what-” Harmony stopped as she realized the horrible truth.

The house was perfectly in order. The flowers untouched. Everything the way she left it.

But Spice was no where to be seen.

Author's Note:

Ah! Don't you just love it when you fall in love with your OCs? I plan to make Knightly Charging a part of the story, as I at first intended to make him just a funny Twilight-smitten guard, but I think he has potential to play a larger part. Open to any criticism!