• Published 14th Oct 2015
  • 459 Views, 0 Comments

Centaur Dale's Games - Ponyess

Centaur Dale is a merry place where Centaurs roam freely and happily. Guests are welcome, if they accept the local traditions and differences, naturally. Yet, do not stray towards biased unfriendly tropes.

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Santa Pink is coming to Town: 2

I had just entered the throne room in the Royal castle of Friendship in Ponyville. I noted that Twilight Sparkle already is in the room, sitting in her very own thrown with Spike by her side, they are already looking at our crystalline map in the centre of the room.

“I noticed that you were also summoned!” she exclaimed as I entered the room, her mark making the common signal for being summoned.

“For once, it seems as if you are requested here, Twilight!” I responded with a fervent giggle.

“I can clearly see our marks on the map. Only once you entered the room, they are moving towards a position on the map I have never been to or even read about in my books before. How strange!” she responded.

“Most of us think you have read about every place and every thing by now. Considering how much time you spend in your library. No wonder you are growing board with it. On that note, you do have a steady influx of new books from all over the place. Books from far and wide!” I pondered.

“But, where are we going now? I have managed to realize that the name of the place is Centaur Dale, a village not all that different from our very own, aside from the detail about them being Centaurs. Besides, they have apparently never seen an actual Alicorn in the village either!” she pointed out.

“Something makes me think you need a spell similar to the one you used when we went with the Breezies, but for centaurs, this time!” I put forth with a sly grin.

“If you have the book explaining the spell, I guess we could be on our way?” she suggested.

“As a matter of fact!” I merely exclaimed, pulling the book out of my mane, hurtling it towards Twilight the Alicorn.

“Ah, thank you Pinkie Pie. You always have the upper hoof and go ahead. Even if we think you go the wrong way, or stumble too far ahead on occasion!” she responded.

“Oh, you are quite welcome. Are you by chance hinting towards the incident with the Parasprites?” I muttered.

“That is one obvious occasion, as much as we may regret it!” she responded.

Of course she had managed to catch the book, well before it had the chance to even get close to her. I guess magic of an Alicorn does have its advantages. On that note, I have a few tricks not even she has a clue about. The pages that never made it into her book.

I guess I am one of a kind in a way too many. I have been flying in more ways than Twilly care to count. Including the time I went ballistic after I had managed to reunite Cranky Doodle Donkey with his long lost love, the Donkey Matilda. Or one of the later occasion as I hopped off of her back in Canterlot and I flew off with my tail.

“We can as well be on the way, get the spell flash!” I incited in glee.

I could see her flap to the indicated page and read through the entire page of the description. A moment after she had read the page, the tip of her horn lit up as she started to gather the required magic and focused herself on the spell in actual terms.

Her horn grew brighter as the magic gathered in a ball of light growing and brightening. Before I knew it, the light is blinding and thus forced us to squint and finally close our eyes. The light is excruciatingly painful.

Once the magic had gathered enough strength, it shot out and hit the two of us, enveloping us in a chrysalis of brightness and magic. From there it kept growing until the changes had been completed.

The first detail to be seen is the rubbery sheen to the body. The most obvious is the additional upper abdomen and pair of arms with hands and fingers already fully formed.

On closer examination, I do look like my human counterpart from the waist up, even if ignoring the rubbery sheen and all the effects that cover, while the lower end is basically unchanged, aside from how my hooves had grown considerably more pronounced and become actual suction cups.

As I open my eyes, I could see the same changes to Twilight Sparkle. The Alicorn wings still on her Equine body, where they had always been since the ascension; that is.

As opposed to the spell that had turned us into Breezies, this one translated us into the specific Centaurs. In Twilight Sparkles case, it was little true difference. In my case, it apparently interpreted my persona and means or methods of interacting with and channelling magic in my very personal and highly unpredictable manner. I ended up with a pair of clear pink wings glowing slightly in the darkness surrounding me. My tail and mane did take up hints of Alicorn characteristics, but never really going far enough to be picked up in even this weak light. I soon realized in shock, how I had sprouted a horn, small as it is, but clearly matching the general shape and functionality of the common Unicorn of the village.

“Pinkie?” Twilight exclaimed, with her hands up and exclaiming herself, while my form had never managed to flow out of her field of view.

“Yes, Twilly. That is what they look like. On that note, I guess you have problems to reconcile my changes?” I added.

“I can see enough of your wings to know that they are there, Pinkie. I have some problems with what I feel as well. The visible traits and magical properties are all over the place. As if you couldn’t make up your mind when you draw an image of yourself!” she concluded.

“I know I was born as an Earth Pony, but that doesn’t limit me as a Pony, the way it does to most other Earth Ponies. I know you and our friends have seen me doing all manner of things no regular Earth Pony could possibly try!” I pointed out.

“Earth Ponies doesn’t fly, we all know that, Pinkie Pie. Just as Earth Ponies doesn’t perform arcane magic, but that never stopped you either!” she recognized.

“Guess we had better be off, we have a rather long flight ahead of us. I know the Ponies in Ponyville recognize me, just as I know the Centaurs were we are going; have no previous experience of either of us. They will just see us as we are upon our arrival, Twilight!” I prompted.

The castle is already well behind us, and the round firmly below us. I guess this will be a fun experiences and adventure for just the two of us.

“What a shock, the sun is up and shining today. Just a slight breeze, just as they promised!” I pointed out.

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Author's Note:

Pinkie Pie's POV

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