• Member Since 16th Sep, 2015
  • offline last seen March 26th

Cosmic Flare

New to it all but love it all hope to do something to give back you all have giving me.

Comments ( 6 )

smells to clean

There's a difference between "to" and "too".

striped down to a chair

I'm guessing you mean "strapped".

horse like beaning

Is this supposed to be "being"?

well trying

I suspect this is supposed to be "while".

I guess I'll Try

The word "try" should not be capitalized here.

Just based on your story description, I'm going to suggest you join a group called "Looking for Editors" and ask for help.

Umm, I feel like you need an editor. I can be your editor if you want, but you need one.

6564930 Ok thank you for the points to change and fix:twilightsmile:
But where is this that needs fixing

well trying

I suspect this is supposed to be "while".

please put more of the sentence in so I can find it faster. Thank you for the new group to join it will help.

6564947 Ok I will be happy to have you as an editor. How do I get you setup as one?

6569921 Hmm... That's actually a good question. I'd love to be an editor, but I don't know how... But there is a group where you can look for editors, I think. They might actually tell you how to do it too.

6570029 Yea I will looking in to it have fun with other things I will get back you soon.