• Published 1st Jun 2012
  • 1,681 Views, 58 Comments

My Little Pony: Rise of the Heartless - Flarinite

Two unicorn twins are destined to wield the Keyblade against the Heartless threatening Equestria.

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Goodbye Canterlot...

Lucky Luster opened her eyes. Sunlight streamed in through the large window on the wall. She sat up; her brother Fortune Flicker was snoring soundly in the bed on the opposite side of the room. She huffed, blowing her blonde mane out of her eyes, and her pillow floated into the air, surrounded by the dark purple aura of her magic. It shot like a bullet at Fortune, who yelped in shock as the pillow hit him in the face. Lucky laughed.

“Hey, what was that for?” he asked, narrowing his eyes at his sister.

“You just looked so peaceful,” she giggled, eyes closed. Fortune grinned devilishly, and his own pillow rocketed at Lucky, surrounded by his silver aura. It knocked her off the bed.

“That’s what you get for messing with the pillow fight champion,” he laughed, pointing at her. She growled at him before grabbing her pillow in her hooves and jumping at him. He grabbed his own pillow, and they buffeted each other with downy blows.

“What are you doing?” The twins looked up. Their mother, Sugar Heart, stood in the doorway, staring down at them.

“Uh, we were just getting up,” Lucky said sheepishly. Fortune tapped her with his pillow.

“Well, go get ready for the day,” their mother said. “You’re almost fourteen, for goodness sakes,” she muttered as she walked down the hall.

Half an hour later, both ponies were sitting in the dining hall. Princess Celestia sat between them, at the head of the table. She bit at a piece of toast floating in front of her.

“So what are we doing today, Princess?” Fortune asked excitedly, looking up at her.

Celestia finished chewing her toast and swallowed. “Well, my little ponies, some things are going to change.”

“Are we in trouble?” Lucky asked, her face falling.

Celestia giggled. “Not at all. Do you remember my student Twilight Sparkle?”

Lucky rolled her eyes. “You mean the biggest know-it-all in Canterlot? How could I forget?”

“Hey, Twilight was great!” Fortune said. “She was one of the nicest ponies I’ve ever met!”

“Anyway, children,” Celestia said. “Your mother and I have been talking, and we both agreed that it would be best for your education if the two of you moved to Ponyville to continue your studies under Twilight.”

Lucky’s jaw dropped in shock as Fortune’s lips pulled back in a wide grin.

“Awesome!” he cheered as Lucky groaned.

“I knew it! You are punishing us!"

“It’s important for you to broaden your horizons,” Celestia said. “And it’s also a great opportunity for Twilight gain experience teaching. Try to keep an open mind, okay?”

There was a flash of light, and a Keyblade appeared in the air in front of Lucky. The handle was shaped like a heart, and the blade resembled stylized solar flares.

“But what does Twilight know about Keyblades and the Heartless?”

“She knows everything about them that I do,” Celestia said. “Which, admittedly, is not as much as I’d like. I’ve been sending her my notes on the subject ever since I decided that I would eventually send the two of you to her. Besides, she’s not going to be teaching you about your Keyblades or the Heartless. She’s going to be helping you refine your magic.”

“But she doesn’t have a Keyblade,” Fortune said, summoning his in a flash of light. The handle was shaped identically to that of his sister’s, but the blade resembled a crescent moon with a large spike protruding outward from the center.

“No, she doesn’t,” Celestia said. “But Twilight Sparkle’s special magical talent is magic. That includes the different types of elemental magic that your Keyblade allows you to perform.”

“Wow, really?”

Celestia chuckled. “And believe me, you two could use some work on your magic.” Lucky grumbled and crossed her arms.

“I still don’t see why you can’t just teach us. After all, you’re the most powerful pony in existence.”

“And that’s why you’re going to listen to me without complaining, right?” Celestia said, winking at her.

“You still didn’t answer my question,” Fortune said. “What are we doing today?”

“Today, I’m sending you to Ponyville.”

“What? Just like that?”

“Just. Like. That.” Celestia chuckled. “Your mom will stay here in the castle with me, and we’ll come by and visit when we can.”

“Awesome!” Fortune exclaimed. “I’m so excited!”

“Yeah. Woohoo.”

“Come on, Lucky,” Fortune said. “Just keep an open mind, like the princess said.”

“Yeah, yeah.”

An hour later, both children were sitting in a chariot, two pegasus guards ready to take them to Ponyville. Celestia and Sugar Heart stood by.

“Don’t forget to write to me!” Sugar Heart said, tearing up.

“We won’t, mom!” Fortune said.

“Study hard! But don’t forget to experience new things and make new friends!”

“Bye mom! Bye Princess!” The guards took off into the air, pulling the children along behind them as the mountainside capital city vanished into the distance.