• Published 24th Oct 2015
  • 269 Views, 9 Comments

The Time Before - LegitTheKid

Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash come across a mysterious figure who sends all three of them on a wild ride far into the past, where they meet a familiar face, and a threat that could pull Equestria into ruin.

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Time travel...it's always been interesting to me.

Very interesting.

I've studied it for years. How the time paradox works, concepts of time itself, and of course, how to travel through it. Past or future, regardless of how many years into the past.

I've read quite a few theories on the subject, and it's shocking to see how few have ever even attempted to find ways to travel through time. Maybe it's just one of the things that sound so far-fetched that nopony wants to experiment with it. But not me. For I believe I have created a working spell that can send me to any time in history at will.

All I need to do now is test it.

With this being said, I realize there are countless ways this could go wrong. I could be sent to an alternate universe. I could be trapped between the fabric of time and space. I could even age backwards or forwards too quickly, depending on if I travel forwards or backwards of course. The risk is high, but the reward will most certainly be worth it.

In my eyes at least.

I have lived in Canterlot my whole life, and I've traveled to other cities in Equestria for study purposes. This includes Ponyville, Manehattan, and Phillydalphia. I've learned quite a lot during my ventures to those cities, and they were also quite nice just to visit. But in my opinion, Canterlot is much prettier than any of the cities I listed. But on the other hand, it is quite dull around here. In the other cities, something of interesting is almost always happening. Especially in Ponyville. But here in Canterlot, it's much more peaceful than other places in Equestria. In fact, the most exciting thing I can remember is the time when changelings flooded the streets and towns like a river of black oil. I remember it like it was yesterday...the monsters were everywhere. Tearing down signposts, chasing others, and even disguising as other ponies to confuse. It was like nothing I had ever seen. Thankfully, I had been inside the whole time. And if it were just a few changelings, I would have had no problem taking them down all by myself, for I've studied more than just time travel. I also know quite a few spells to defend, attack, and confuse. It would be foolish to limit my knowledge of magic to just one subject. Besides, my time travel theory and spell was just getting to halfway complete at the time.

Seeing that there were hundreds of changelings, I closed the curtains to my window, hoping none would see me. I did get a glance of one cangeling staring straight at me as I closed the blinds. Its eyes glowed bright green just like all the rest of them, but this particular one frightened me because it was looking at me. Directly into my eyes. So I ran and hid under the table out of instinct, as I figured it would try to break down my door and get me. Again, I would have had no problem taking down just that one. In fact, it would have been good spell practice. But I was afraid that if others saw one trying to bust down a door, others would join in. Then if an army of changelings got into my house, I wouldn't have had much chance. Immediately after retreating under the table, I knew it was a stupid idea. I should have run to the closet or bathroom or anywhere that would make myself hard to find. But I was frozen with fear. I stayed there, waiting for it to break down my door, but it didn't. I could swear that five minutes passed by with me cowering under my table, thinking about how I would handle the situation of changelings flooding my house. My heart pounded as I felt a drop of sweat slide down my face. But nothing ever hit the door. Sure, maybe a bump here and there, but besides the noise of thousands of wings beating outside, I heard nothing. No bang on the door, or even a knock. I guess it didn't care enough to go after me. But whatever the reason, nothing tried to infiltrate my house.

I later heard the full story, and that it was a plan by Queen Chrysalis to take control of Canterlot by taking magic from Shining Armor at his wedding day with Princess Cadence or some craziness like that. I know it sounds like I was complaining that such a crazy event happened in my own town, but I honestly wasn't. Though I'll admit, I was scared out of my wits, the thrill of it all was amazing. Nothing like that had ever happened, but it was nice to feel a huge surge of adrenaline like that.

This time however, I'm creating the adventure.

I put away my book that I had been reading. It was an old spellbook, with information on unsuual spells, such as a spell that can change one's emotions, send them to different dimensions, and even change genders, strange as they all sound. It wasn't well known either, oh no. In fact, it's so far from well known, that mine is the only copy on the face of Equestria. It's a book that was written by one of my ancestors from centuries ago. It's been passed down, generation by generation, and eventually made it to me. Therefore, only my direct ancestors know that this book exists, as well as half the spells in the book. I read this book more than any other when I'm looking for information on spells. In fact, I've had it for 16 years and I still have not fully read it all. There are two reasons for this.

The first reason being that it has 800 years of spell information in all its pages, so it would the pure amount of information written is overwhelming. The second reason is that there's a particular subject in the book that I tend to study more than all the others.

Can you guess what it is?

If you thought time travel, then congratulations. You're correct.

I've read many books that mention time travel, but none like this book. Other books do mention time and time travel every once in a while, but all they give is small talk about how time works, occasionally tells stories about other ponies who have attempted time travel but failed and gave up, and the very basics of time travel in general. My book, however, shows experiments, stories, theories, and so many more informative subjects about time travel. Almost all my information came from this book, and it surprises me that I'm the first in my family to experiment with it.

As far as I know, anyway.

After I set my book on my shelf, I grabbed my black coat and shopping bag and stepped outside. It was late Autumn, my favorite time of year. The air has a certain freshness to it, and the sky looks completely different from the Summer, Spring, or even Winter sky. In a good way, of course. I've also always loved cold weather more than warm or hot weather. My opinion on the seasons is unpopular, as almost everyone in Canterlot prefers Summer more than any other season. Spring is the second most favored season, with Autumn being third. That obviously leaves Winter last, which I can't understand. Winter is my second favorite season. I guess I'm unique.

Anyway, where was I? Oh yes, leaving my house. I still needed a few materials from around town to complete my spell. What's difficult about my time travel potion is that it requires a potion. A paradox brew, to be exact. I must drink it while performing the spell, or else it won't work. I don't know why, but I have nopony to ask, so I'm just going to go with it. Like the time travel information and spell itself, the paradox brew is unknown, almost unheard-of. To my knowledge, I'm the only living being who knows the formula exists. But what's amazing is that a paradox potion requires shockingly simple items. I wrote down a list of ingredients, and it includes the following: 1 dragon scale, 2 phoenix feathers, 5 Everfree Forest tree leaves, 1 ounce of gold, and a medium glass of raw mystic water. The dragon scale, forest leaves, and ounce of gold will be simple. Dragon scales and Everfree Forest leaves are somewhat common in stores, as well as somewhat cheap, strange as it sounds. This is because these materials are quite common in potions, therefore it's not unusual to see them at markets and being sold by other means. And the ounce of gold will be even easier. Four bits weigh exactly one ounce, so all I really need to do is gather four bits, which I have. And since I already have three phoenix feathers within my home as leftovers from previous potions, that leaves me with mystic water.

Mystic water will be a bit of a problem. This liquid is found in the Everfree Forest, and rarely anywhere else. It's not even water, contradicting the name. It's called 'water' because it's clear and glassy like water, as well as being just as thick as water. It even has a similar texture. What makes it different is that it has the slightest purple-pink tint, it sparkles, and it's extremely powerful. It's a magical substance, and a dangerous one at that. Even the creatures of the forest refuse to drink it. This is because it soaks into the mind and soul of anypony who drinks it. It is only used in potions, and only in a specific way. Unless you prepare it by adding other materials to it, it will turn you into a monster. A dangerous, cold-blooded, heartless monster, as it not only soaks into your soul. It absorbs it. It changes your reasons for living into thoughts of pure evil. And that's not all, oh no. This part only effects unicorns, but it turns them into power-hungry demon. Not literally, but almost. Words literally cannot describe how evil it makes a unicorn. It boosts their magic capabilities, as well as making their mental state even more evil. The last pony who drank raw mystic water attempted to overthrow Princess Celestia herself, and almost succeeded. It was about 1,087 years ago, two years after Celestia became our ruler. A unicorn whose name is unknown drank raw mystic water for unknown reasons. He became an indescribable monster, as I have mentioned the effects before, and caused chaos. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were able to defeat him, but just barely. If the story is correct, it was actually Luna who dealt the final blow with a powerful spell that penetrated the unicorn's shield spell after he took out Celestia. I have no idea what spell Luna used, and I also have no idea if the unicorn knocked Celestia unconscious. It's all an old pony's tale, and some believe different outcomes than others. The two princesses have never told what really happened to this day, and probably never will. I will never know, nor do I care to know. One thing however, is for sure. The evil, tainted soul of the unicorn was drained from its body and sealed in a container made of enchanted obsidian glass. Nothing can escape something made of enchanted obsidian glass, as some contain entire dimensions. I will not go on to explain what enchanted obsidian glass is, as there is no point.

As I left my house to buy the few materials I needed, I pondered the reason for using raw mystic water. That would be extremely risky, and unless the recipe is an automatic purifier for mystic water as well as making my time travel possible. You probably have guessed that I'm a unicorn by now, and with that being said, this spell and potion will be the most dangerous act I will ever attempt. But I'm willing to take that risk.

I stepped outside and smelled the fresh Autumn air, as a cold breeze brushed across my face. I felt it travel through the sleeves of my coat. I started to walk down the street. I looked around at the other ponies walking down the street as well. Nobody seemed to pay any mind to me, for I was just a normal pony walking down the sidewalk minding his own business just as anyone else. But for some reason I always felt like they did. I felt like I was always being watched. Even when I was inside. I knew it was just paranoia, but I didn't know why, and I had given up trying to figure out what it was that I always felt years ago. So I went to the marketplace in Canterlot, just a few blocks away from my house. I had 241 bits in my pocket, which was just over enough money for the ingredients. The dragon scales and leaves I imagined would cost me 26 bits total at most, and a somewhat expensive price for raw mystic water. Probably ending up costing me 200 bits for a medium glass. And then just four bits to put in the mixture, plain and simple.

After purchasing dragon scales and Everfree Forest leaves, I looked around for a much fancier stand that sold raw mystic water. I actually would have been surprised if I had found that material in the marketplace. I would most likely have to go to a fancier store and then I would still be lucky at best, but much luckier than a normal, everyday tent.

I looked around the entire marketplace for a stand that sold raw mystic water. I even asked some ponies if there was a stand. A few of them gave me peculiar looks, as if I had just randomly asked them to follow me to my house. The reason why I preferred the marketplace over an indoor shop was because potion ingredients were typically cheaper at the marketplace than in higher quality shops and stores. The last pony I asked replied with, "What do you need it for, sir?"

"I'm making a potion." I didn't describe anything, I wanted to keep my intentions secret.

"Oh," She said. She looked somewhat young, probably no older than fifteen years of age. She was a light blue pegasus, quite tall and lanky, and was wearing a navy blue jacket, similar to mine in size, shape, and design, and a black scarf. "Well, I doubt there's a stand that sells something that powerful over here."

"Okay." I replied. "Thanks anyway..."

"Wait." She said before I could walk away. "Depending on what you're working on, I'll bet I could still help."


"Yeah. There's a stand over there that sells purified mystic water." She looked back and pointed to a stand with a dark green tent, and a table with a black tablecloth, as well as about 7 open boxes full of an array of different items. Including bottles full of liquid. Liquid that looked like purified mystic water.

I thought about it for a moment. The recipe specifically called for raw mystic water, not purified. But there were also countless dangers to using the raw substance. Dangers that I was fully aware of. I began to think, it's obvious that raw mystic water has dangerous effects, while purified mystic water cancels them out. Besides, it's a base material. I figured that there would be no harm in using the safe material instead of the hazardous material.

"Sure," I said. "I can use that. Thanks for the help, ma'am."

"Ah, anytime!" She replied with a smile. She then continued shopping, and I walked to the stand. I felt my heart beating in excitement. After all these years, I was finally going to get the final material I needed for making my dream come true. When I got to the stand, I saw the salespony. He was an elderly unicorn, with dark gray hair and dark blue skin. Almost exactly like the young mare I met earlier, except a darker coat of the exact same color. When he saw me, he smiled and said, "Welcome to my shop, my friend. Is there anything you would like to buy?" His voice was deep and kind of raspy.

"Yes sir," I said. "Do you have any purified mystic water?" I already knew the answer, but I asked anyway.

"Certainly." He replied. "How much do you want, my friend?" For some reason, when he said 'my friend' I felt uncomfortable. It was probably just the social awkwardness I've always had. It was still strange, though.

"A four ounce glass." I knew the book said 'a medium glass' but I also knew that the size didn't matter too much, unless it was insanely huge or insanely small.

"Yes, of course." He picked up a four ounce glass of bottle using unicorn telekinesis, just like I requested. "That'll be ninety bits."

Ninety bits? I was expecting to bring only 30 bits back home at most, assuming the price of raw mystic water would cost me up to 220 bits, but only ninety? That was certainly much more convenient than I hoped. I must have smiled when I heard him say that, because his smile slightly widened after looking back up at me. I grabbed ninety bits out of my pocket and set them on his table. He took the bits and gave me the bottle. I put it in my bag.

"It was nice doing business with you, my friend." He said, still creeping me out with the two words, 'my friend' for some reason. "Have a nice day." He waved goodbye as I nodded my head and left. I walked back home without haste, for I was more than ready to start time travel.

When I got back home, I set my bag on my table, being careful not to spill my ingredients everywhere or break the bottle and have my purified mystic water spill everywhere. I grabbed my book back off the shelf and went back to the page showing me how to create the potion. After the ingredients, it showed how to actually make it.

Step 1: Start a fire. I blinked at reading how simple starting it would be. But I wasted no time. I walked to my fireplace and pushed some coal inside. I started a spark using magic, and directed it toward the coals. Within seconds, a steady fire ignited, and I had completed the simple start to my potion.

Step 2: Add all solid ingredients to the raw mystic water, then shake the mixture. For some reason, my heart sank when it said 'raw mystic water' again. I knew that at this point it meant raw mystic water, and specifically raw mystic water. I stood there for a second, but then convinced myself that I was doing the smarter thing by using a safe material rather than an extremely dangerous one. I grabbed my bottle out of the bag and set it on the table. I opened the cap and it let out a soft fizzing sound, though it didn't bubble. Purified mystic water is visibly purple-pink instead of raw mystic water, which only has the tint. I took the dragon scales and Everfree leaves out of my bag and set them next to the bottle. I then grabbed four bits from my coat pocket and then took two phoenix feathers from the box on the shelf and set them all on the table with all the other ingredients. I then proceeded to add the solid ingredients into the liquid. After everything was added, the ingredients started dissolving, and the liquid turned purple. I assumed I was doing things right, as it also started to slightly glow.

Step 3: Pour mixture into a small metal pot and place it over the fire. Let it stay there until it turns orange. Orange? The mix was already purple, and orange seems to have quite a contrast from purple. No matter, it was too late to turn back. Besides, I didn't want to stop. I wanted to at least see where this would go. I looked in my cabinets for a small metal pot that I could pour the mixture into. It didn't take me too long at all to find one, so I immediately poured the liquid into the pot and set it over the fire. I waited for the potion to turn orange, the excitement was almost overwhelming. After a moment, it started to smell strange. It smelled like fresh fruit, which was surprising, but of course, the smell of fresh fruit is great, so I took a big whiff of it in enjoyment. Not too long after, there was a cloud of purple smoke over the pot and fireplace, and the fire went out. I was quite shocked by how sudden it was, so I felt the pot. It wasn't hot nor cold, and the smell was even stronger. I looked in the pot and the liquid was now yellow-orange. I expected it to be just orange, but this was close enough to me. I levitated the pot carefully back to the table, and still using magic, I poured the potion back into its bottle. I went to the book to see what else it said.

Step 4: Drink the paradox brew. Please note that this potion will have severe negative effects if used without the time travel spell. The ony reason why it even exists is to make the time travel spell work. Otherwise it's poison. Immediately after drinking, wait between 30 seconds to a minute and then use the spell. If you know how to use the spell, you will know what to do next.

My heart pounded faster than it had in a very long time. Probably not like this since the time changelings attacked our town, as I told you before. This time in excitement, not fear. I instantly started thinking where in time I could visit when the spell works. Maybe I could go back in time and watch Princess Celestia be crowned ruler of Equestria, or maybe I could go into the future and see what wonders await me there. I hesitated no longer, and used levitation to lift the bottle to my mouth to drink it.

This is it, the moment of truth, and words can't describe how excited I am right now. I will fulfill my lifelong fantasy, and do something nopony else has ever done. I, Shadow Star, will be the first pony to travel through time.

Shadow Star instantly drank the potion, and started to wait out the thirty seconds before performing the spell itself. He felt accomplished, as if nothing could make him lose spirit at this point. He would complete a great achievement when the spell works and he visits any time in history.

Five seconds had passed since Shadow Star chugged the entire brew, and his stomach started to feel funny. He thought nothing of it, and just figured it was supposed to happen. But as every second passed, he felt more and more queasy. Once ten seconds had passed, he fell to the floor, as he felt too sick to stand any longer. He knew something was wrong. Seconds passed by and he decided not to perform the spell, as he knew he messed up on the potion. He then realized something. The purified mystic water. Of course! Maybe if he hadn't cowered over an 800-year-old spell book being incorrect, he wouldn't be in this agony, and who knows what else next.

A whole minute passed, and Shadow Star felt worse than he had ever felt in his life. He started feeling sleepy, but too nauseous to sleep. Two minutes passed, then three, then four. The longest five minutes of his life passed by, and he still lied on the floor, feeling like death. Finally, he felt something different. The sickly feel didn't fade away, it instantly jumped to something else. He felt powerful. He felt like he could do anything. He dared to stand up, and he did without collapsing. Although he felt all this power, his emotions were different. He no longer felt excitement. He no longer felt fear, or regret, or sadness. All he could feel was a burning passion, but couldn't tell what passion it was. He went to the mirror by his door to look at himself. When he did, he was shocked. His naturally green eyes were now bright red, and glowing too. The room was somewhat dark, but his eyes were like lights. But there was one thing that stood out. He felt many times stronger. Shadow Star instantly knew something had happened to him, but he liked it. He liked it a lot.

He went to the fireplace again to create another spark. But instead of creating a small spark, he created a flame on the very tip of his horn. He accidentally let the flame loose, and it fell on the wooden floor and immediately started spreading. He felt the heat of the fire and stepped back. Thinking fast, he decided to create a burst of air with magic to blow the fire out. He meant to create a small gust because the flame wasn't very big yet, but instead he made a large wind right inside his house. It set the fire out, but also knocked down some furniture, made his bookshelf fall, and even made a few glasses from top shelves fall and break on the floor. His house was now a mess. Tables and chairs turned over, part of the floor was burnt from the fire, and there was broken glass all over the floor from the bottles that fell. Shadow Star grinned, as he knew his power had increased dramatically. He slowly trotted back to his door, and picked up his jacket that had fallen on the floor in the incident, and not losing speed at all, walked to the door through the shards of broken glass. He didn't feel the glass sinking into the bottom of his hooves, nor did he even feel any pain. He stepped outside once again, this time with a devilish grin on his face. His normal deams of going to the past and meeting a great accomplishment no longer meant anything to him. His whole life had been behind him, as a new goal filled his mind, for at that moment he knew what he wanted to do. He knew what his new passion was.

He was going to overthrow Princess Celestia. But first, he needed another paradox brew...

Author's Note:

Hi there. Looks like you actually read the prologue, so thanks I guess.

So, just a little background on the author. I'm 13 years old and I'm in my freshman year. (I skipped 2nd grade because I'm 'gifted' apparently ᕦ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕤ) This is also my first fan fiction. Hell, it's my first written story ever to be published. Not in book form, but in internet archive story thingy form. Still counts, right?

So far, I'm pretty excited about how this will turn out. Time travel was only used once in the entirety of MLP:FiM, but it was very inaccurate.

Now there's just a little thing I want to make clear. This will be a somewhat long story, and I don't have too much free time on my hands, still being in school and all. When I get home from school, I finish my insane load of homework, then study for the rest of the day, rarely getting any time on my computer. But that's fine with me. I have big plans for my future...

Welp, if you enjoyed the story, let me know. Support always motivates me to move on. Thanks for reading, have a nice day! :)