• Published 4th Oct 2015
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Lightning Bolt of Rome - CrackedInkWell

One of the Solar Guards, Captain Thunder Bolt, is transported to the heart of the Roman Empire and is mistaken as the god Jupiter.

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Chapter XXI: Birth of the Legio I Deorum.

Since the House of the Senate was one of the many buildings that were burned down, Caesar Titus invited all of the Senators to his palace while the repairs were underway. Many of them agreed to meet there, so the largest room in the Imperial Palace was converted into the Senate’s meeting place so that they could keep the Empire running.

In the great banquet hall, the two stallions stood in front of the most accurate map that the Empire had produced. They were surrounded by the men in white and red robes while the Emperor watched from the sides. Senator Cato, who had stood at the front of the group, bore a confused look. “Come again?”

Spear Head cleared his throat. “We are asking the people of Rome to supply us with an expedition force into this region.” The unicorn levitated a stick towards a section of the map that caused the Senators to worry.

“But… Germania?” Titus questioned. “Why there of all places?”

“Well, as far as, uh… Mars has told me,” Lightning Bolt explained, “the very cloud that we arrived in is a floating gateway, bridging the lands of the Gods and Mortals. This gateway tends to float around in the sky, but as he has pointed it, it follows a certain pattern.”

The unicorn nodded. “I have studied this gateway for some time. I began to notice that it followed a certain path laid in the direction of the winds. This cloud tends to spend most of its cycle over the sea, but every few years, it will come back to land. It just so happens that Rome is in that path. However, since we wish to return as soon as possible, and judging from where I ended up when I traveled through it, we’ll only have about a month to catch the cloud here,” he tapped Germania again, “before it flies back to the seas. I know that we are asking a lot from you all, especially considering the events that have happened during my father’s stay, but we need an escort through this land to ensure our return.”

“Lord Mars, I understand your plight perfectly,” Senator Cato began, “but you must understand what exactly we are dealing with. The last time Rome sent any sort of military force into that region, we were utterly humiliated. Three whole legions were sent into those forests and none returned. When another legion was sent up there, they found that thousands of rotting bodies and broken equipment scattered amongst the forest by those Germanic barbarians of the north. It took months to find them all for a decent burial. Even if we agreed to send but one legion with you, we cannot guarantee any success on our part.” The Senate murmured in agreement.

“Going there alone is practically suicide,” one said.

“It sounds too risky to attempt,” whispered another.

“Just out of curiosity,” the pegasus said, “does anypony here know what these Germanic people are like?”

Caesar Titus laughed. “Don’t you know? Their land is full of warring nomadic tribes. It has been a thorn in the Empire’s side for a long time. Their warriors are ruthless and attack without reason. They wait in the shadows of the forests and ambush anyone who isn’t on their guard. Not only that, but their warriors do not fear death.”

In the midst of all this talk about the impossible, Lightning Bolt spread his wings. “Is this not the city that has performed its own miracles? Am I not in the capital of the nation that boasts to be the largest Empire on the planet, whose people have built aqueducts stretching miles upon miles to bring tons of fresh, clean water to their very doorstep? You claim us to be gods, but I have seen firsthoof that you Romans will perform impossible tasks to overcome any problem, no matter how enormous. None of you should dare think that you cannot overcome something because of one bad experience. You must learn from your past mistakes to prevent future disasters. If anyone of you could do that, then your achievements would be as worthy as the deeds of the gods. With the God of War and the very King of the Gods himself at your side, who do you have to fear?”

There was a moment of silence when the Captain of the Guard finished his speech. Many simple stood there, taking it all in. One Senator finally broke the silence. “Did… did Jupiter just acknowledge his divinity?”

“No,” Bolt deadpanned, “I was trying to make a point.”

“Even if we agreed to this,” a Senator told him, “we would require some kind of plan if this expedition is to work.”

“Agreed,” Titus nodded. “Besides, Jupiter does present a point about learning from past mistakes. If I recall correctly, those legions that went into Germania were unprepared and over-confident. Perhaps…” The Emperor’s eye lit up as he snapped his fingers. “Senators, may I propose a plan?”

“What is your plan, exactly?” Senator Cato inquired.

“A new kind of legion,” the Caesar explained. “One that is not only skilled in battle, but experienced in the art of war. They shall be an army that will present themselves as brave and demonstrate their fearlessness. A legion of wise soldiers that would spot the signs of danger before the barbarians had a chance to act. A legion that would be worthy enough to be led by the gods themselves, who would follow their leader’s commands without doubt or question, even if it meant risking their own lives. Fellow Senators, I propose that we organize the First Legion of the Gods, led by Jupiter and Mars themselves, for this expedition.”

“If we agree to this,” a Senator suggested, “perhaps we should send a fellow Senator to be this new legion’s general.”

“What about Cato Felix?” another asked. “After all, he has experience in the field.”

The men around the two stallions discussed amongst themselves. “Very well,” Cato spoke. “If the Senate agrees to the Emperor’s proposition, I will lead the expedition as my duty to the citizens of Rome.”

Titus nodded and stood up. “Those in favor say ‘Aye’.”

Many cried out.

“Those opposed?”

There were a few who objected, but the majority ruled in favor of the Emperor. Titus turned to Cato. “As of this time forth, you shall organize this legion on behalf of the Gods and for the glory of Rome.”

“Yes, Caesar.” Cato saluted the Emperor, placing a fist over his heart. “I shall do everything in my power to succeed.”

“In that case,” Spear Head piped up, “we would like to speak with you before this army is organized.”

“Of course, my Lords.”

The unicorn looked over to his Captain with a grin on his face. ‘Equestria, here we come.’

Author's Note:

At this moment in time, I'm currently studying the structure of the Roman Legion and how it worked. So please, if anyone out there has any information about them at all, please tell me in the comments below so I can have a more clear understanding about what I'm going to write next.