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Chapter 1

this is a Xover with the action sci fi TV Show Heroes (basically where people from around the world discover they now have superpowers and they may a lot of bad decisions and even the so called heroes can act like villains). The first part is from the season 1 finale How to Stop An Exploding Man. It is about everyones favourite power stealing bad guy Sylar and I am not sure about the pairing yet though maybe Cheerilee or Twilight! Also the the bit in italics is the ending narration of the episode (also don't ask what it means as I am unable to understand most of the opening narrations from the episodes).

In Kirby Plaza in New York Gabriel Gray aka the psycho power stealing serial killer Sylar was fighting Peter Petreli at night. He was bleeding and on the ground when Peter’s hands started glowing with radiation.

Sylar grinned at this while he got up and peter shouted “No!”

“Turns out your the villain Peter” Sylar said thinking of the irony of him the apparent villain now having to kill Peter the hero to save New York before he explodes “I’m the hero!”

Then behind him appearing was Hiro Nakamura the nerdy Japanese clerk with glasses and holding a kodachi sword and the possessed the ability of time manipulation.

Sylar turned around and said “YOU!”

Hiro shouts out “YATTA!” and then charges and impales Sylar with the kodachi sword. He then falls to the door bleeding and dying as he got flashes of his previous victims.

He then saw Peter telling Hiro to kill him to save everyone. Trying to have at least some victory he uses his telekinetic ability to throw Hiro to the other way of the Plaza.

Ignoring everything else around him Sylar manages to crawl his way to a manhole which he managed to open and then fell through and landed hard on his back with a large thud.

We dream of hope, we dream of change, of fire, of love, of death. And then it happens; the dream becomes real, and the answer to this quest, this need to solve life's mysteries finally shows itself like the glowing light of the new dawn. So much struggle for meaning, for purpose. And in the end, we find it only in each other. Our shared experience of the fantastic and the mundane. The simple human need to find a kindred. To connect. And to know in our hearts... that we are not alone.

As Sylar laid in the sewer he saw a bright light. It looks like he was really dying.

“Gabriel Gray” a deep female sounding voice said.

“I prefer Sylar” Sylar responded.

“Whatever you like to call yourself” the voice said “do you want to know why I am here?”

“To drag me to hell?” shrugged Sylar.

“No Sylar” the voice said “the powers be have decided you deserve a chance at redemption!”

“Redemption?” asked Sylar.

“We will be sending you to another world with your powers and memories intacted and a few of your personal possessions” said the voice “it’s a special world where we believe in it you may be able to find yourself a chance of redeeming yourself!”

Then Sylar felt dizzy as he felt himself spinning around.

When he awoke he was still on his back and looked up to see the hole in his body had disappeared-and that he had black fur. He got up and saw he had became a horse!

He stared in horror as he examined himself. He now had silver hooves; his fur was completely black except for his brown coloured mane and tail. He also saw there was a picture of a watch on his posterior.

He also saw he was on some sort of road and a few feet from him was a sigh which said “Welcome to Ponyville”

Angrily he got up on his feet (or rather hooves) and facing up to the clouds he shouted “IS THIS YOUR IDEA OF A JOKE POWERS THAT BE! I BET YOU ARE HAVING A LAUGH RIGHT NOW!”

He was then pushed out of the way by some pink maned pony with pink fur and balloons as a tattoo as some sort of suitcase fell from the sky.

“Are you alright?” asked the pony “my Pinkie Sense told me something was going to fall?”

“Who are you?” asked Sylar getting up.

“My name’s Pinkie Pie” said the pony “What’s yours?”

“Sylar” he responded as he went to the suitcase and opened it up showing some black coats, his broken Sylar watch and his copy of Chandra Suresh’s Activating Evolution. He then closed it.

“Are you moving into Ponyville?” asked Pinkie and Sylar nodded.

“OH, OH, OH I like your Cutie Mark” said Pinkie.

“Cutie Mark?” questioned Sylar.

“You know that mark which shows your special talent” said Pinkie “mine is laughter and I guess yours shows that your good with time!”

“I guess you can say that” said Sylar “and what of this Pinkie Sense you were referring to?”

“I get various twitches and I can predict what’s gonna happen” said Pinkie.

Sylar smirked and said “interesting, I am afraid I will have to take that ability away from you Ms Pie!”

“You can’t do that silly” laughed Pinkie.

Sylar responded by laughing evilly and asked “oh no?”

He then lifted up his hoove and pointed it at Pinkie’s forehead. It started bleeding as it was opened as Sylar managed to steal the ability. The voice was right, his powers still worked.

Sylar smiled as he felt the power join his other powers. He then saw a second later Pinkie was now up as her forehead apparently was healed.

“That was kind of a mean thing to do, hurting me like that but I forgive you” Pinkie said.

Sylar looked confused and said “what.....but.........how are you still alive?”

“What do you mean?” asked Pinkie confused.

Sylar sighed and said “forget it!”

Pinkie then took his suitcase and said “let me help you! You are going to love it in Ponyville!”

“I bet I will” muttered Sylar sarcastically as he followed Pinkie into Ponyville attempting to walk on two legs.

What do you think?