• Published 26th Sep 2015
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Celestia - The last unicorn - BlazeGriff1n

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Chapter 1 - a new life

"I am sorry, I have done you evil and I cannot undo It.", said Schmendrick.

„No. Unicorns are in the world again. No sorrow will live in me as long as that joy - save one, and I thank you for that part too. Farewell, good magician. I will try to go home”.

Schmendrick nodded as the Unicorn bright galloped the horizon. It galloped about all meadows, fields and roads until it arrived again in the forest.

"Now I'm back at home. At least that's what I can call home. "But it is not important where you are when you meet friends you have now around and watching each other."

And when the Unicorn had said just this sentence, the other unicorns also returned to the forest and are quickly becoming aware of the "last" Unicorn.

"Hello. You're the one who has saved us?"

"You saved yourselves, thanks is not required. You have lived for years in this sea as narwhals. Fortunately this time is over."

It passed some time, until the unicorns met themselves. At the first glance, they looked almost all the same, but there are differences. They had magical differences. The one had such a very strong magic, with which they could manipulate things. For some Unicorns, the magic was so strong that they could create things. For example they could give themselves wings, so they could move more easily. For this they had to change only their horns to wings. But that was no problem for them. They could use magic without the Horn, and this magic even allowed them to move on clouds. The other unicorns were especially trained and strong. Thanks to their magic, they could kick with so much simplicity against a tree that the leaves fell down. As well for them, the horn was not necessary for their magic, so their horns regressed with time. Then the ‘last’ unicorn remembered: It was soon winter. So the unicorns had to find a shelter. It should accommodate all of them, so no one should freeze. They had so long hardships behind them and need to relax for the first time. Exhausted, the herd lays down under the tree canopy of the forest to sleep. First of all, that was enough excitement for one day. Tomorrow, they could begin a new life. Together….After all this time…

The next morning the unicorns awoke in the glow of the Sun. She was already high in the sky. It warmed a bit, but the cold autumn wind was immediately blowing under each Unicorn’s mane.

“Why is it so cold? Usually here’s spring every time!” One of the unicorns asked worried.

Then Amalthea remembered the words the hunters previously had said to her.

“Stay where you are, poor beast! This is no world for you. Stay in your forest and keep your trees green and your friends protected. And good luck to you, for you are the last.” he said.

Then, Amalthea understood the sentence.

“I left the forest to search for you. I had to leave it, so I could keep the trees no longer green. Forgive me; I probably let the winter enter this forest.” Amalthea apologied.

"It’s not your fault, Amalthea. We need to find a suitable shelter where we can outlast the frosty days." said the other unicorn.

"But where are we going? “, one of the other unicorns asked, 'we're here safe in the Woods. Here we are forever free."

And already the first dispute broke out. The flying unicorns quarreled with the strong ones. The very magical unicorns wanted also to stay.

"At the time, where we have lived in the sea, we could learn so much about magic. It sounds weird though, but we want back there."

We are not speaking about going back to the kingdom 'Haggard'?

"No. When do you think of that? We are looking for another way."

The 'last' Unicorn took over the conversation.

"Sisters…Brothers….We came together just a day ago and a winter month should separate us so soon?"

"You're not from the past, or?" asked one of the magical unicorns.

'Sorry, I’m not. Why? Should it be important?"

"Earlier we all have lived somewhere else. We were captured by King Haggard. So we all ended up back here. No offense, but we must go back to our homeland."

Homeland….That’s what the 'last' Unicorn wish to have. But if not here, where should she gos otherwise? Who would follow her?

"You've saved us. I'm with you." a little foal said between the unicorns.
This Unicorn...It was different from the others. This Unicorn coat had a dark blue color. It hadn’t so far joined any group. It went right to the 'the last Unicorn' and sat down next to her. Her blue-green eyes looked directly in the pink eyes of the 'last' Unicorn.

"I respect your decision. You can come with me, if you want. Do you have a mother?"
One of the flying unicorns stepped forward.

"Her parents...they didn’t survived the captivity in the sea. Could you look after her? You've proven so much strength and courage when you're kicked against the Red Bull for us. Please…be like a good sister to her."

"That’s great. I have a sister. What's your name?"

"For a time I was known under the name "Amalthea". What's your name?"


The last Unicorn, known now under the name "Amalthea", had tried to hold the unicorns together. But they got separated from each other. The flying unicorns disappeared in the North. They went to an area, which they called "Cloudsdale". Soon they disappeared behind forests and meadows. The particularly strong unicorns went in the other direction. She moved south to their old home called "Apple Loosa". But the particularly magical unicorns stay with Amalthea and Luna.

"We are grown on this land, too. So we can live anywhere, where you should bring us. For us, it’s only important that we find a new home. And It should be soon." one of the unicorns hoped.

"I know a place. A place that could potentially offer us protection. "But I should warn you: It’s in the kingdom 'Haggard'."
As the unicorn said this name all unicorns got goosebumps.

"Are you sure? What if the King still exists?"

"He's no longer alive. I saw it with my own eyes, how he dropped into the sea and not showed up after that."
So the unicorns were back to the former Kingdom of King Haggard. Now Amalthea had responsibility, to take the herd to safety before the cold winter months began. She could not get back to Schmendrick and Molly. She had to begin this new life for herself…And with all those who followed her.

Later they passed Mommy Fortunas old curiosity circus, where Amalthea recalled her first meeting with the Harpy called Celaeno. This cold creature what spread more fear than it feels. Reluctantly, Amalthea doesn’t like to remember it. In the distance she could recognize the mortal remains of Mommy Fortuna and her worker of Rukh, but at least that what Celaeno left had left by them.

"What is this place? You know it?” asked one of the unicorns.

"Yes. I have started my journey here earlier on my search for you and found the wizard you saw earlier. Since then he has accompanied me. And now you accompanied me. Again on a search But not it's somehow different..."

"I wanted to travel to other places. But Mommy and Daddy wanted to remain in safety in the forest. I like that you're with me, Amalthea."

"Thanks Luna, your words encourage me truly in my vision to find a new home for you."

A short time later they arrived in 'Hagsgate'. An old abandoned fortress of King Haggard, which he then used as a second Palace. The unicorns were afraid to meet the King and he would banish them into the sea using the Red Bull, again. Without hesitation, Amalthea entered the Castle 'Hagsgate' with the rest of the herd. The wooden gates squeaked hard as the unicorns opened the entrance. It was very dark inside. But soon they saw self-portraits of the former ruler of the kingdom, which left hanging everywhere on the walls. The blood in the veins of each Unicorn froze immediately. On the picture the unicorns saw this cold, emotionless look that graced his face.

„Have we to stay here? It’s pretty uncomfortable."

"First we must ensure that it’s safe for us here. Search the castle for accommodation and food. Luna? You come with me."

The unicorns were distributed in the castle to explore it. Old memorabilia of King Haggard were everywhere and somehow Amalthea had the feeling that the King was still present, although this could not be. She saw him plunge into the sea. However, the fact that objects were here partly that she recognizes from his big fortress at the sea, made her feel uneasy. She surveyed the throne and the painting, everything seemed so new.

Suddenly, they heard a noise from the ground. Luna startled and held herself tight on Amalthea’s foreleg. It sounded like a ringing. No, it sounded like chimes. Only a bit distorted. Amalthea knew that chimes sounds familiar. Was someone around down there? Could it be that 'Haggard' has survived the drowning, swam to the beach and got back to this shelter after his castle broke into the sea?"

Carefully, the unicorns went a floor deeper into the Castle. Their horns smothering the room in a slightly bluish light. When they arrived in the basement, the noise became louder. It still sounded distorted and skewed, but somehow rhythmically….like a mechanism. 6 yellow eyes were looking at the unicorns, which fixed them and lit up brighter, the closer the unicorns approached the noisy object. Then the outline of the object was visible in the blue light of the unicorns. It was a large object. Almost 5 meter high. The unicorns kept calm, because they had confidence in Amalthea, which boldly approaches the object. Then, the complete object was visible. It was a large clock. The six yellow eyes belonged to 3 stone gargoyles who sat up on the clock. One seemed to bite into the dial of the clock. Amalthea immediately recognized the clock. She stood in King Haggards fortress! But it was destroyed by Haggard in his fight with Schmendrick. So, how could it be here now? And was still working? Amalthea not dared to go closer to the clock or even tried to go through the broken glass of the clock, to see whether the portal still worked.

"What is Amalthea? You seem worried. Tell us. ", noted one of the unicorns.

Amalthea recognized the sword strikes by King Haggard on the clock body, where he fought against Schmendrick, and tried to destroy the clock. Immediately her blood froze in her veins. too. This is not a replica. This is the genuine clock.

"This clock…It shouldn't be here. At least not since... ", Amalthea stopped.

"Since…when? Amalthea, is it safe here? “, asked the other Unicorn.

"I...I do not know, but we should stay here anyway for the first time." Because if a risk is to recognize, I'll put everything that nothing will happen to us."

Amalthea thought, if the clock is still here, it could be that Haggard has also survived? This is indeed not a safe place, but she found a shelter, which for the first time over the winter. The unicorns left the clock back in the darkness of the Castle.

The day did come to an end. They all had been gone very long on the way. Before they could make something to get more comfortable here all should rest first. Amalthea and the other located in the largest room lay down to sleep, a floor over the grand hall with the clock in it. King Haggard's old throne room. In the Hall, they'd get no sleep because of the crazy clock ticking. And also here, everything the unicorns knew from the fortress was still there…The murals and antiques. Should Amalthea have mistaken? Should she have taken everyone in danger? Amalthea was hoping to find answers to all these questions the next day.

"Ah, I see you've returned.", Amalthea heard the voice of an old man.

"You are here. They are all here. And whether they mean my doom or not, I will look at them for a while. I will look every one of them. Especially the blue colored one."

Amalthea startled. She woke up and found herself alone in the throne room. Where were the other unicorns? They were gone without a trace, also did Luna. Then this voice came up again behind her.

"You may come and go as you please. My secrets guard themselves. Will yours do the same?"

Then, Amalthea realized the figure that sat on the throne. It was King Haggard. But how could that be? How could he be here? Panicked, she ran down the stairs into the grand hall.

"Why are you trying from here to flee? Why are you trying to escape from me? It no longer matters. I can wait. The end is the same. I can wait."

The King was standing right behind her. He slowly pulled his sword out of the Holster and started to push Amalthea in the direction of the clock. As Amalthea panic-fueled looked around for a way to escape, she noticed that the clock began to glow. It shone in a red glow. And suddenly, her ears heard a sound that had made her almost rigid with fear: the roar of the Red Bull. The whole room turned reddish ever closer Amalthea was pushed to the clock. She had to get out of here. This can’t be real. It must be a dream. And before her tail touched the clock...she awoke soaked in sweat. She had a nightmare. She looked around, all unicorns slept quietly. Only Luna has become awake and was worried about Amalthea.

"Is everything all right, big sister?"

"I don't know. I had never a nightmare before. Not even as a Unicorn. And yet, I feel that I'm wearing this property is still in me. I never wanted to be a human. Sometimes I wish that humans had never existed. So nothing of the past would have happened."

"But you've met also other people. You’ve met friendly people?"

"That's right, Luna." Amalthea agreed to the dark blue foal. “But I am afraid, that I will never see them again. Have some sleep again. We have to do much tomorrow."

Then Amalthea and Luna lay down again to sleep.

The next morning began. The shining of the sun brought a bit of light through the stained-glass windows. They have become slightly dusty. The light broke through every smallest place in the whole dilapidated building. All unicorns slowly woke up and began to make them useful. The one cleaned away the dust from the Windows and walls, the others began to fix vulnerabilities so that it is not only warm in the Castle, but the castle is also sure for the winter. Their magic was a big advantage. So they could levitate large and heavy materials through the air without problems, to replace or repair parts of the castle.

Amalthea and Luna began to look in the forest near the castle for food and water. They managed to find a few buckets in the Castle to bring the water to their place. There were not very many words between the two sisters on the way to the nearby lake. It was easy to find it; it was right in front of one of the biggest mountains of the Kingdom. Luna looked amazed at the height of the mountain.

"Were you ever on the top of this large mountain, Amalthea?"

"Unfortunately I haven’t, Little Sister." "But I promise you if we got all right for the first time here, I make a trip there if you want, ok?"

Luna was very pleased with the promise of Amalthea. As both Unicorns arrived at the lake Luna noticed a strange being on the other side of the lake what also was there to drank water. It had wings, the head of a lion and a tail of a Scorpion. The creature mentioned the two unicorns on the other side. Then it just drank from the Lake, again.

"What a strange creature is it?"

"This is a Manticore. Don’t worry, he won't hurt us. He is only dangerous for people."