• Published 17th Nov 2011
  • 1,989 Views, 10 Comments

Luna Sets the record straight - Paradise Oasis

In a series of evening speeches across Equestria, the Princess of the night wants to clarify a few t

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chapter 3

(Note to selves: Sky Runner believieth that in the upcoming speech in Stalliongrad, we should taketh the publicity disasters we have had since our return, and 'spin' them into positive triumphs for PR purposes. We truly hope that our Chamberlain's judgement is sound in this matter.)

Ponies of Vanhoover! We are most grateful that thou hast brave this most bitterest of colds, in order to hear our magnificent oration! We are eternally grateful that you, our dear subjects, have turned out in your long coats and woolen hats to hear the words of your beloved Princess! Let the warmth of our words envelop your hearts, enlightening your minds with our message of goodwill, to all of the ponies present!

There hath been questions beyond counting, as to my whereabouts this year past... ever since the time the Unicorn Twilight Sparkle and her friends did free us. Since then, we hath taken part in varied activities and events, in order to build trust and goodwill with our subjects. A mere few months after our return, we did attend the running of the leaves in Phillydelphia- who customarily holdeth their version of the event as a night run by torchlight, after the sun hath set. We did greatly impress our subjects with the mighty swarm of bats we summoned to fly through the trees, assisting the ponies in bringing the leaves down. The beauty and grace of our presence there was so great, the ponies of Phillydelphia were simply stunned into silence!

Also during that same year, did we attend and assist with the evening Winter Wrap Up that took place in Trottingham. It was our great pleasure to oversee all of the teams on their tasks... especially since magic can be used there, as Trottingham has not the 'no-magic' tradition of Earth Pony towns. We were even able to assist the animal team with their task of awakening the animals, as our magic called forth an entire horde of spiders, centipedes, and the other crawling creatures of the earth we so adore from their slumber beneath the soil. Again the ponies showed their gratitude, as their tears of joy were reward enough for this devoted princess!

It was also at this time, that we did attempt to spread our benevolent image to our subjects, though the modern miracle of the media. Sky Runner imparted to us, the suggestion that we should appear in books and magazines to make ourselves more visible to our subjects. We received a very rude refusal from fashion photographer Photo Finish, whom with we did inquire about the possibility of appearing in magazine photos for publicity purposes. She angrily insisted that an article about "Nightmare Moon" would actually drive sales down.

A visit from our Nightwatch guards, however, did change Miss Finish's mind, as they can be most convincing in bringing other Ponies around to our way of thinking. We did then soon appear within the pages of Equestria's greatest fashion magazines, several photos were taken, and an exclusive royal interview was conducted. Although our articles were usually shoved into the back of the publication, and barely received any notice on the magazine covers. Clearly, this was due to our magnificence being saved for the reader to actually having to buy the magazine to read our article... making our piece an even stronger selling point.

Another triumph for the foreign relations of Equestria, was our diplomatic visit to the Buffalo Herds of the great West. Chief Thunderhooves did greet us and our entourage warmly, and were treated as the most honored of guests. We were able to work out an agreement with the Buffalo tribe, setting a boundary for Equestria's western borders, that doth prevent any further Pony Settlement from spreading unto the Buffalo lands most sacred. We have since heard that the Ponies of Apploosa are unhappy that we did make this agreement, as there were many who were planning to move still further west and Settle. Of course, this clearly must be untrue, for why would anypony want to steal another creature's land?

But perhaps our greatest Triumph of this year past was our grand Galloping Gala. For on the very same night our royal sister Celestia did hold her Gala for the rich and spoiled aristocrats, we did holdeth ours in the other end of the Canterlot complex, for the common Pony. Wheras Celestia did invite the highest in society to be by her side on the greatest night ever in all of Equestria, we did invite the lowest to stand by ours. Instead of a stuffy and soul-less gathering, we danced and sang in a most joyful manner, and our subjects were entertained by the vocalist sytlings of Sapphire Shores.

Thousands of Ponies did come to our night of revelry and merrymaking, and savored the delights of the most delicious feast we provided for our sister's gala, which did endeth up a disaster most total, our feast ended up bringing smiles to those Ponies that had nothing. The finest moment at the event did come when I revealed myself to the gathered parygoers, for at Sky Runner's suggeastion, I had gone to the party in disguise. When I made my presence known, a great cry of joy went up from my subjects, who then raced from the hall to enjoy the beauty of my section of the royal canterlot gardens. What a tumlotious ending to a glorious night, it was!

We are most pleased with the progress we hath made in the year past, since our most triumphant return. We are grateful to be back amongst our subjects, and looking forward to the chance to serve you, our subjects, as your most merciful princess of the night! Know that us and our court work all though the night, tirelessly slaving away to make Equestria a better place for all of ponykind! And now, good citizens of Vanhoover, I biddeth you a good night!