• Published 29th May 2012
  • 1,289 Views, 9 Comments

She's Just a Friend For Me - FelixDawn

Applejack and Rainbow Dash find themselves the subject of gossip.

  • ...

We're Just Friends

"Going out with Applejack again?"

Rainbow Dash was froze at Airheart's word. She was in the restroom from female pegasus that she shared with her fellow pegasus friends team, Rainbow Dash after a long day of work was getting ready to meet up with Applejack. "What did you say?" She asked getting annoying.

"Your mare girlfriend Applejack. Don't play dumb Rainbow, everypony knows you two are together now." Airheart walk where Rainbow Dash is sitting in her locket chair.

"We are so not a couple!" Rainbow exclaimed before lowering her voice. She closed the door of her locket and walk at way but Airheart follow her, "What on earth gave you that idea Airheart?" she ask. She hated that everypony talk about her behind her back.

Airheart held up her hoof. "Hey, don't get so defensive... I think it's cute that you two want to keep your romance private, rather than showing to us!"

"Romance?" Rainbow Dash try her best to not lost control and punch Airheart pretty face. "Listen well and clear Airheart me and Applejack we are not a couple got it?" She asked the other pegasus on her side with a demanding and seriously tone of voice.

"But everypony believe me." Airheart still looked skeptical on Rainbow Dash words.

"Listen, I am dead serious when I say we're just friends I am really... meant it!" Rainbow said.

"Whatever you want to call it." Airheart shrugged and prepare her wings to fly, "But you will have to convince more than you were saying is true."

Rainbow stared to her, "You mean other ponies are talking about me and Applejack we are together?" She couldn't even believe what she was saying.

"Everypony," Airheart said with a nod.

Rainbow Dash get annoying. "There must be something I can do to prove they are wrong." She said as a blush was scratching her cheek. All this silly gossipy nonsense makes her embarrassed so much that she stop speaking to her farm friend.

Rainbow Dash flung her mane back, "I don't care what anypony else thinks... okay Airheart? I'm going to go hang out with Applejack as a friend, because we have a strong friendship and we like to talk to each other and that is all. So goodbye and good day!" She flew out.

Their ponies in the cloud city, Rainbow Dash noticed as she is flying that two younger twin sisters pegasus giggled and whispered to each other as they are speaking very softly while looking at Rainbow Dash.

She keep flying when a willowy pegasus girl with a French accent passed her, "You and Applejack are pretty cute together, even if your both are mare!"

Rainbow didn't take offense since she was proud of the fact that she and Applejack are only friends.

On the farm Applejack She began to trot down the path to her barn to retrieve an apple cart to begin working in the orchard. She was expecting somepony to come soon and help her as well so she checked her mane with a tilt of her neck and the corner of her eye to make sure the tie in her hair hadn't come undone. After she saw that her mane was fine she chuckled lightly to herself.

Applejack wish that everypony think that her and Rainbow Dash are a couple she always see Rainbow Dash as a sister and close friend ever they fight for nonsense. Applejack hooked herself up to the apple cart and was exiting the barn, in the distance she saw a blue pegasus flying towards her.

Rainbow Dash slowed and landed front of Applejack, "Alright AJ I'm here."

"Hey Rainbow!" She greeted her, walk with her to inside of the barn. She opened the barn door and trotted inside to get the second apple car, and looked at her pegasus friend, "Hey are you alright sugar?"

"Horrible!" Dash grumbled, she almost went into a rage, but when she promise her farm friend to not cause trouble she then calm down and decided to drop the bomb and see how she would react, "Everypony think that I dating you!"

Applejack was not surprises Rainbow Dash start to have trouble with some pony since the day everypony think they are a couple.

Rainbow expected to her to say something but Applejack say nothing only sigh. Applejack only trotted to one of her car to carry apples and trotted with that outside.

"Come on let get to work!" Rainbow Dash and Applejack start to work on the farm and taking the apples on the barn, as Applejack bucking and carrying the apples to the car, Rainbow Dash using her speed to drop as many apples she can in the baskets and deliver them into the barn.

Rainbow Dash had always admired her farm friend strength, but Rainbow wanted to truly test out her own strength. Her looked at the tree next in line to be bucked as Applejack loaded the apples that fell into her cart.

After completing the applebucking, Applejack and Rainbow Dash were lying down on the grass resting after the all hard work. The orange mare and the blue pegasus were close to each other as they looked up to the cloudy sky. A gently breeze was slowly pushing the clouds across the blue atmosphere, causing the two ponies to relax.

"You know that every pony think we are a couple?" The blue pegasus Rainbow Dash speak. But Applejack no respond. Rainbow gave her a little hoofs shrug, trying to act casual, "You heard me AJ!" She said.

"Who cares what they think? I mean, it's not like the rumors are true right?" The farm pony Applejack said with her relaxing pose with her hoof in the back of her head.

"Right because we are not a couple!" Rainbow lay down with her hoof in the back of her head.

Rainbow liked her as a friend, they were both like sisters, "I mean yeah, we hang out all the time but you know, because we are best friends and all, but if you care whether or not those ponies are gossiping about us."

Applejack was silent still looking to the blue cloudy sky.

Rainbow look over Applejack who keep her silence, "So you don't care what the other ponies think? Should I assume that that means you don't care about me either?" She was very nearly shouting.

"Wait w.. wait slow down sugar!" Applejack broke her silence and sit down. Rainbow tried to take control of her anger, "Is not that I not care what the others said about us is that... well... You so ignore them because if you keep paying attention to them, they thought that we are couples and they continue to bothering you sugar!"

Rainbow Dash was looking at her with an expression between hurt and annoyance, "So you said... If I ignore them they stop bother me?"

Applejack the farm pony nod, "Yes sugar!"

Rainbow Dash smile and get up so she can sit down, "I think you have a point I try my best to ignore them!"

Applejack smile, "That good to hear sugar!"

Applejack had unhooked her apple cart in the barn, and saw that Rainbow had jumped down from the loft, "Tha's all th' work fer today... Thanks fer yer help Rainbow, ah really appreciate it." She trotted over to Dash, grinning with appreciation.

"No problem AJ, I'm always happy to help!" Rainbow Dash looked down, shy at the next words she said, "Especially for you my best friend, anytime you need me, I'll be there!"

Applejack with one of her hoof, hug her friend Rainbow Dash, "Oh you are a smooth talk sugar!" she placed her hoof on Rainbow head, roughing her head. They walk out of the barn, Rainbow Dash walk with Applejack to get applepie with her friend family.

Suddenly the clear blue sky was filled with dark, stormy clouds, and lightning struck as thunder boomed loudly, winds blowing harshly. Applejack and Rainbow Dash jumped as lightning struck behind them as they see a black cloud moving over them. Applejack and Rainbow Dash ran in just in time, before being zapped by the heavy rain.