• Published 29th May 2012
  • 656 Views, 18 Comments

To Look in a Mirror - Materious17

Boulder travels to Ponyville from Manehatten for a geological examination of Ghastly Gorge.

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Chapter 4

Day 2, Completed our hike down to the bottom of the gorge, I'd imagine for a flyer our long, bending trail we took seemed unnecessary. The sides of the gorge appear to be a fine grained extrusive granite. Hand samples would suggest mostly a plagioclase matrix with numerous biotite clasts for that signature grey color. It's volcanic origins could be tied to the formation of Equestria but we still don't have evidence of the volcano, or any volcanism today for that matter for comparison. Can't get an absolute date on these rocks due to the nature of volcanism and lack of fossil evidence.
Having a flyer has been indispensable, plus she looks really cute using a rock hammer. The fact that this gorge is already almost a mile deep and the rocks show no clear sign of layering suggests this was one hell of a volcanic event that piled over 4000 feet thick lava flows. Was this just a singular event during the formation of Equestria or could it be a repeat offense? Not enough evidence to begin speculation like that but the thought still haunts my mind.
The dry heat of summer is relentless as I've already lost one crew member to dehydration, had another one take him back up to the camp site to rest and drink. The canyon trends W-E so the hot sun is constantly visible, no ounce of shade except for the few large boulders that have broken from the cliff side. The river, which will now be known as the Ghastly Bottom River, that flows here provides the only sustenance for the local wildlife. Working on a current hypothesis of the gorge's formation, tomorrow we will examine the erosional capacity of the river as well as the susceptibility of the rocks to give us an idea of how long it may have taken if it was truly carved out in this fashion.

"What are you doing Boulder?" the innocent voice rang in my ears. If it wasn't for my position as the expedition leader I probably wouldn't even look at my fellow crew members in the eyes, but on the other hand this beautiful maiden wouldn't even be here let alone look to me for answers.

"I keep a journal log for each day, I write down absolutely everything that occurs and even have a separate notebook for numerical data points, as well as geologic maps I'm constructing for the area. I need to stay organized so that other geologists can read my entries and potentially criticize my methods, or affirm my results. It's all part of the scientific process."

I didn't want to depress her but another very real reason for the logs was in case of an accident that killed me, someone could continue my work from where I left off at. It's a scary reality but science sees no reason to stop and mourn for losses.

"Oh, that's a good idea. I know it seems personal, but you said you are going to publish your notes right? I don't know a lot about what the rocks tell you but I hope that I'm helping with the high up chores you sent me on today. But I'd be happy if you wanted to talk to me about them. You've looked troubled since you started writing tonight." Should have known she would be as empathetic as she was timid, I mean we are practically the same pony. My intelligence has made me bitter while her ever growing kindness kept me on track.

"There are a lot of volcanic rocks in this gorge, but nothing to suggest a volcano anywhere within hundreds of miles. On the other hand this gorge is 4000 feet deep and the same volcanic rocks from head to toe, which would suggest a massive singular event of volcanism that either created Equestria, or buried the previous layer so deep we can't observe it. My concern is whether it could potentially happen again."

Eh, who needs to depress a soft gentle pegasus when you can just depress yourself with never ending worry.

"So like, another eruption in the future? How large are we talking about? What's going to happen to Ponyville?" Her voice was getting panicked and frantic as my prophecy spooked her as well as myself.

"Don't worry so much, I haven't discovered any concrete evidence of something like that occurring, or when it could occur. For all we know there was a catastrophic eruption what seems like a very long time ago in the past we no indications of it repeating itself."

I can't have her in a panicked state like that, makes her look less cute. If I can just concentrate all of the worry my team has onto myself they can do their jobs while I crumble into a mess of doubt and hesitation. Everybody wins.

"Hey Fluttershy, do you drink? Wondering if you wanted to pop open a cold one with me and watch the starry night sky." Great benefit of being a geologist is the amount of booze I can pack for the trip, especially when the nights get cool and quiet like this one.

"Oh no, I mean only sometimes, well when I'm with my friends we've had cider parties but I always let my friend Rainbow Dash finish my drinks." Of course she doesn't drink Boulder, she's much to soft and innocent for one of my beers.

"Suit yourself, I always just like stargazing, helps clear my head of worries and gives me my sense of curiosity back. Maybe another time then. G'nite Fluttershy." I had no intention of going to sleep so soon, but she just rejected my pseudo-date invitation so I needed a reason to dismiss her back to her tent. I should focus on my work anyways and not my crazy fantasies of happiness.