• Published 1st Sep 2015
  • 221 Views, 0 Comments

Ode of Silver - Twilight Genesis

Silver Rain seeks out a way to break a curse and thwart evil across Equestria.

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Prelude: Fall of the Guardian

He could sense it, the fading power of chaos as it was overwhelmed by a surge of harmonic energy. Order had been restored to the world, but it was too little too late. Lazily his eye opened and he directed his slit pupil towards the sky. A swirling dark cloud formed against the bright flash that sealed the defeat of chaotic forces. The clouds would go unnoticed by most, vanishing as quickly as they had appeared. He knew even more dangerous beings had just escaped into this world, drawn by the dark powers that had attempted to seize control over it in the past many months. Hopefully he would be able to find them all before they caused any havoc. He couldn't allow his past failure to repeat itself.

"I best get to work then," he yawned as he lifted himself off the ground. He stretched his back, small spines peeling up to reveal their razor edges, as his long, sleek tail rolled and curled at various angles to relax the muscles. He started to focus his magic, channelling it outward into the world like a giant radar. Each pulse pushed the reach of the one before it, seeking out energy signatures that were not of this dimension. It wasn't long before he started getting readings. He closed his grey eyes to further clear his mind as he attempted to determine how many signals he was picking up. "Five? No six, seven... Damn, nine of them got through? It must have taken a great amount of power to push through that many in such a short opening. But where could they-"


The sound of branches snapping underfoot jolted his attention back to his surroundings. He spun around quickly, his tail brushing rocks and leaves off the cliff edge. There was no way any of the equine creatures could have climbed up the steep mountainside to his secluded ledge. Not even a pegasus could reach it due to the harsh winds that blew around it. Not that any of the ponies that populated this world would even dare tread this deep into the Everfree Forest. That left few options and he hoped it was just another dragon seeking an empty cave.

"Well now, you're getting pretty lax aren't you?" The statement mockingly lingered in the air, its source unknown.. He growled, baring his fangs, as he watched a strange looking creature step out from the shadow of a boulder. It walked upon its hind legs with ease, making visual gestures as it spoke with it's hands and fingers. It stood at least seven feet tall, yet it was lacking any form of stabilisation, such as a tail. Its pale skin was clearly visible in areas beneath a fine layer of hair, yet most of its body was clad in what appeared to be armour constructed out of a strange metal. Its head was flat, featuring raised cheek bows and a narrow jaw line. Dark antler like horns sprouting from a thick mess of black hair which adorned the top of his scalp.

"Who are you? Are you one of the ones that came in through the portal? Tell me now!"
"So demanding, but yes I did come through that portal just now. As to who I am, well I'm just hurt that you haven't heard of me! I've heard all about you skyborn, your comrades seem to hold you in high esteem."
"My comrades? Just who are you?"
"Oh you really shouldn't care, you won't be around long enough for it to matter anyway."

The creatures crimson eyes flickered with wicked knowledge. The Skyborn's ears twitched as he felt a sudden surge of magical energy converge on a local point as a glyph flashed into life beneath him. An explosion rocked the mountain, blasting part of the ledge into oblivion, sending pieces of debris crumbling down the cliff.

"I see, so it will take more than a few underhanded tricks to get rid of you. I'm so glad that you other guardians spoke the truth about you. However, you must die," the creature laughed with genuine amusement at his quarry. The Skyborn lay crumpled in the devastation left by the blast. He growled as he dragged himself back onto all fours, cursing himself for allowing the creature to strike a dirty blow.

"You dare threaten me? You will soon learn your mistake!" the Skyborn barked as he lunged at his attacker, claws extended and ready to rip flesh from bone. Sadly the creature was lithe, arming itself with a sword in an instant, bring the broadside up to meet his adversary. There was the sound of metal scratching against scales as the blade hit it's mark, batting the Skyborn aside. A loud thump resonated as the Skyborn's body slammed into a nearby boulder, the force of the impact splitting the large rock.

"My, my, my, you ARE a persistent bastard aren't you? But enough playing around foolish creature. This ends now!" the Skyborn didn't have time to react before the creature plunged his sword deep into his side, "and with your death none shall challenge me and my rule. This world will learn to fear my name. For I am Jarknal. The Dark Lord of Nethermere!"

"Guess again," the Skyborn spat weakly, rearing his head so as to stare Jarknal in the eye. He smiled slightly at the invaders expression as he focused as much power as he could muster. Jarknal roared in anger as an emerald green glyph glowed brightly on his foes forehead. The Skyborn opened his jaws, unleashing a swath of emerald flames. Jarknal screamed in pain, stumbling back as he relinquished his grip on the sword. His flesh burned and his armour grew red from the intense heat of the flames that wrapped around him. He glared at the Skyborn, immense hatred in his eyes.

"If I cannot kill you, then I can at least reduce you to nothing! Then when others come this world will crumble!" Jarknal cackled over the roar of the flames. As he spoke red glyphs began to illuminate the sword that was still lodged in the Skyborn's side. The Skyborn cursed as his tail snapped around the enchanted weapon, yanking it out. Unfortunately he wasn't fast enough. The glyphs slowly began to encase his body as though it were living glass. He bellowed in protest, throwing himself into the now withering Jarknal. The pair sailed over the edge, as Jarknal continued to cackle like a madman. The Skyborn's flames consumed the vile fiends' body, turning it to naught but ashes.

"I do hope you'll enjoy your new life Skyborn. That is, assuming you survive the fall!"

The Skyborn snapped his jaws in anger and slashed at his enemies face, leaving deep grooves in the ashes as it faded away. He struggled to move as he felt the glyph encase him, spreading faster and faster. He cried out in defiance one last time before plummeting into the trees below.

Author's Note:

Prelude edited/proofread by BAU member 'Greysion'.