• Published 2nd Jun 2012
  • 6,003 Views, 360 Comments

Entangled Pathways - Storm butt

It's been a long year since Soarin and Braeburn went their separate ways, and somehow every opportunity for the two to meet up was canned in one way or another. While they keep in touch through their letters, until one day Braeburn's stop arriving.

  • ...

To Fix A Shattered Puzzle

Disclaimer: I do not own My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. It belongs to Hasbro, Studio B, and Lauren Faust. I do not own any of these characters in any way or how, nor do I claim ownership to the pony franchise. These characters are simply my toys.

“I can fit back the pieces, they just might not be the same.”

Entangled Pathways
Chapter 4: To Fix A Shattered Puzzle

"Are you insane?!"

Soarin found himself visibly wincing as Spitfire's voice screamed at him. He could imagine her irritated voice loud and clear as he read the words aloud off of the sheet of paper in his hooves. The scribbled writing wasn't one to marvel at, in fact it looked like it could kill Soarin if it tried. Spitfire's sharp tongue sliced at him, even over a thousand miles apart.

"Ah guess she's mad..." Braeburn mumbled. His tired eyes glanced at the pegasus who was sitting next to his bed in an uncomfortable looking chair. Soarin glanced in his direction, feeling a pang of guilt as the other's green orbs held a twinge of pain. "Ah'm sorry Soar... if ya get in trouble 'cause er me..." He looked down, his only free hoof currently being held tightly by a pale blue one.

Soarin moved his hoof from Braeburn's and stroked the other's mane gently "Don't worry 'bout it buddy." He mumbled before linking his hoof directly with the earth pony's once more. It wasn't much, but it was a small connection between them that warmed Soarin's heart, and by the way his lover was gripping it, most likely reassurance that somepony loved him and was willing to show it with ease. "Spitty ain't mad at you, just dumb old me." He grumbled out, rolling his eyes as he shifted his own green orbs directly back to the violent mouthwriting.

"I can't believe that you're being such a featherbrained airhead..." Soarin mumbled the direct insults at himself "I have half a mind to break your bones and drag you back myself..." He started chuckling, moving the hoof holding the letter over his mouth "She's treating me like a foal!" he giggled out. The pegasus was obviously enjoying himself way more than should be expected, beginning to squirm in childish delight.

"Soarin..." Braeburn mumbled, his voice sounding sore as if he hadn't been using it very often. "You know you have shows... and responsibilities. I'm just a little old earth pony who nopony cares about, you should just go back."

Soarin growled gently as he glared at the earth pony, who shrunk in fear. "Don't say nopony cares about you..." He grumbled out, his emerald eyes not hating the earth pony, but whatever part of him had been wired in him to think nopony loved him. He quickly calmed down his emotions as he saw the frightened look on Braeburn's face, but he still felt a tad angry. "Sorry Brae... just tired..." He made up the excuse, gently stroking his hoof against the other's gently to tell him he wasn't angry.

Braeburn mumbled something that Soarin couldn't hear. He glanced down at the reply to his previous letter that he had written the previous week. It seemed Spitfire had the normal reaction to him staying a few extra weeks. He could even end up staying longer if Braeburn was still too unstable to travel by his planned time.

Soarin blinked several times as he looked at Braeburn's injured body. He wanted more than anything right now to throw himself at the other, to kiss him with the passion he truly felt and not the half-assed kissing he had been giving these past few days. Braeburn was the type of pony who needed to be shown, not told, he was truly loved. Soarin could only hope that the little things such as linking hooves or stroking the other's mane until he fell asleep were showing Braeburn he didn't need to keep his guard up at all times anymore.

"I'm not angry." Soarin assured, giving a small smile "I'm not staying because I want to, I'm staying because you need me more than anything."

"So..." Braeburn mumbled "It is my fault..." He let out a sigh and grumbled something, wincing in pain as he shifted.

Shit. That was the wrong choice of words again, wasn't it? Soarin quickly sighed and reached up his hoof to stroke Braeburn's cheek, which soon turned pink at the warm touch. Soarin smirked at the easy way the other would become embarrassed, or too caught up in the moment and get lost in the pegasi's eyes. He got to his hooves and leaned forward, kissing the earth pony's blushing cheek, ignoring the wince he received from Braeburn's instincts telling him to be afraid at any kind of touch. It hurt Soarin to watch Braeburn act like this, but he refused to act like anything was wrong.

Braeburn wouldn't want Soarin to act like he needed special attention or care because of it.

The pegasus gently slung his upper leg around Braeburn's neck and brought the other's body closer to his. "Everything's gonna be all right now buddy, leave everything to me and focus on getting better, alright? These pieces'll fit together if it's the last thing I do." He stated. Braeburn blushed deeper and slowly nodded. Soarin kissed his cheek once more, for even if Braeburn didn't need special attention, he still deserved something for being way cuter than he had any bucking right being.

Soarin yawned loudly as he carefully set Braeburn back down after one quick nuzzle "I'll be back in a while buddy, gotta talk to the doc. Don't force yourself to stay up, it might be a while." He groaned out as he stretched his wings.

"Can you ask the doctor to bright pain killers?" Braeburn asked, wincing slightly as he was set down. "I'm starting to feel the pain in my legs again..." He mumbled, gritting his teeth every few moments to hide just how much pain he truly was in. "No rush or anything."

That meant get the drugs instantly...

"Alright buddy, I'll mention it." Soarin mumbled. He could tell that Braeburn was trying his best to be stronger in front of Soarin, just to show he had indeed grown up quite a bit in their time apart. Soarin could however only still see the pony who he needed to protect with his life. He had no issues with this what so ever, and he had a feeling Braeburn felt the same.

"Be back soon." Soarin said, smirking at the other as his hoof hit the doorknob and he trotted out of the room, in the back of his mind counting the seconds until he could see Braeburn once more.

Things were going to work out... no matter what.

"You have to understand," Doctor Sabot said as his horn glowed, lifting a clipboard in front of his own face "You are asking me and my staff to fit both rehabilitation and any necessary tweaks of surgery into the span of two weeks. We may be trained and I myself one of the highest doctors in the south, but you can't ask us for miracles, healing takes time."

Soarin found himself growling. He felt like a foal, one who was being talked down to because he was stupid and didn't understand anything. He currently gripped the cowpony hat Braeburn had given him tight in his hooves, part of Braeburn was still with him... that was the important part right now. "I don't care." He mumbled "I'll pay anything you want, just get him well enough for me to take him away from this damn place..." He grumbled out, eyes glaring at the doctor staring back at him with a blank expression plastered onto his face.

Doctor Sabot gave the pale blue pegasus a nasty look "You do have to understand something," He said in the calmest voice Soarin had ever heard in his life. "Even if my some miracle he does get better on time, the rehabilitation happening so quickly might mentally scar him even worse than before, not to mention put unnecessary stress on his mind and body, which in the long run could hurt him more than help him."

Soarin began to gnaw on him lip. He tugged on the cowpony hat in either direction with his hooves. Braeburn was the most important thing to him, and he wouldn't want anything to hurt him... but was staying in his hospital so close to a town he was terrified of really the best option? "I just want Brae to feel safe..." He mumbled out.

The doctor began to grumble something under his breath as he let out a sigh "Mister Soarin, I honestly think you don't know the first thing about just how badly this will effect him either way. Him being with you these past few days has helped him beyond belief, he would hardly say a word before other than asking for food or water." Sabot said "I don't honestly think he cares just how long it takes to fix him up as long as you're there supporting him."

The pale blue pegasus ran a hoof through his wind-blown mane in slight frustration. "I can take care of him myself if I have to, but I'm taking him from here in two weeks if I have to steal him."

"I'm sorry to say this, but it isn't that difficult for the police to locate a celebrity." Sabot grumbled out, rolling his eyes as if he knew Soarin's threats were emptier than a balloon. "Honestly, think of the effect this will have on Mr. Apple."

Soarin bit his lip harder. He knew damn well how this would effect Braeburn, especially in the current state he was in. He closed his eyes to hold back his tears of frustration. The earth pony didn't deserve this, he deserved to be happy and with Soarin far away from this place, someplace where he would be allowed to have fun once more, and wouldn't be ridiculed each and every turn. "What do you suggest I do?" He spat out, his hooves shaking.

"It may be hard to buy Soarin, but some things don't always need to be rushed through." The doctor said "Let Braeburn work at his own pace... he can start rehabilitation at any time now that he's started to sleep and eat normally." The unicorn's horn stopped glowing as he set down the clipboard "But there are some things everypony needs to do at their own pace and their pace alone."

Soarin's lower leg was shaking with impatience, and the pegasus cursed himself as he realized this. Braeburn wasn't like him, Braeburn was the type of pony who liked to take things slowly, which is why he hated the first time Soarin kissed him, it happened right out of the blue and too suddenly and his heart hadn't been stolen fully and he became afraid. Braeburn wouldn't push himself unless Soarin asked him too. Soarin might end up hurting him if he forced him too far... that would kill him, it would truly kill him if he ended up hurting the earth pony. There was no way in Equestria Braeburn would feel safe if he was only being hurt.

The pegasus lifted a hoof up to his eye and began to rub it. He was so damn tired. He was always tired. Ever since everything came crashing down he felt like he hadn't slept a single wink.

"I'm not telling you what to do." Sabot mumbled, a cocky grin on his face, for he knew he was right. "I'm just telling you what you should do... if you really care for this Apple pony, I mean."

Soarin glanced up at him, not even having enough energy to give a proper glare.

So tired.

"Doctor Sabot... I think you know damn well how I feel about him, don't play the damn feelings card on me." He growled out. He only wanted Braeburn to feel safe, to feel like he was surrounded by ponies like his squad, ones who would be his friends for no reason other than he was a good pony with a big and kind heart. If he came with Soarin, even if they hardly saw each other, he would be safe... but of the other hand, he knew just how important it was to take things at certain speeds.

"Thanks, Doc." Soarin mumbled, truly meaning it.

There had to be a middle ground. Between recovery and patience... there had to be somewhere to settle at.

Soarin was mid-sigh when he found his own hoof turning the door knob to the room where Braeburn was kept. The things on his mind wouldn't settle nor calm, muc h like waves at an ocean, or a thunderstorm cloud that rippled lightning through the sky. He kept wondering on just how far he could push Braeburn each day so he wouldn't go past his breaking point. When he heard a tiny squeak of fear, he decided that it wasn't very far.

"W-What's that?" Braeburn asked, his voice frantic.

"That's just your friend honey." The pink coated nurse answered as Soarin caught Braeburn's eye. He was still overly jumpy to the touch, his legs shaking as the mare injected a needle into one of the IV's connected to his upper leg. Soarin hoped it was a painkiller, at least then he wouldn't have to see his friend in pain.

"Oh... right..." Braeburn asked, his cheeks blushing likely from feeling pretty darn stupid Soarin couldn't hold back the sly grin breaking through on his face as he walked in. The nurse glanced at Soarin. "Well, I better go, there's a patient in forty six who needs me as well." She said as she trotted out the door right past the pale blue pegasus, who turned around to stare at her a moment as she closed the door behind her.

"Ah look ugly... don't ah?" Braeburn suddenly said, taking the pegasus off his guard. Soarin whipped his head back to the earth pony quickly, cocking up a brow in question, about to open his mouth to protest. His mouth went dry when he took a closer look at the yellow pony, who was currently stroking a hoof over his bare chest. The bandages were gone... and at least a dozen large, deep scars were clearly visible in Soarin's eyes.

Soarin watched as Braeburn wrapped an arm over his chest, his other arm free from the sling., A pitiful attempt at hiding all of the horrible scars on his body was what he was trying to do. "Nurse... said I don't need those bandages anymore... or the sling" He gently mumbled, only half talking to Soarin. "What do ya think?" He avoided eye contact with the pegasus, eyes watering slightly.

Those scars were never going to leave him... he would always be reminded of that night until he died...

Soarin quickly opened his mouth, making sure it wasn't dry before letting the words spill out of his mouth. "Well, to be honest they aren't exactly flattering." He trotted over to the bed, staring into Braeburn's eyes which refused to meet him. He could see the pang of hurt in his lovers eyes before he lifted a hoof and stroked over one of the deepest scars, forcing the other to jump, his eyes glanced down to the others hoof. "But... really, they make you look a little less like a colt and more like a stallion." He mumbled.

"Wh-What?" Braeburn asked, his cheeks flushing a shade of pink.

"They really make you look like a ruffian." Soarin gently teased "I think I like it... besides, nothing could make me any less attracted to that body of yours." He licked his lips, enjoying the red growing on the earth pony's face. "'Sides, even if I ignored all that, your accents enough of a killer to make me stay, got a real thing for country stallions if you know what I mean." He said.

"A-Ah ain't got no ack-scent!" Braeburn's cheeks suddenly blushed as he realized just how different he sounded from Soarin. "A-Ah mean... ah ain't..."

Soarin smirked as his hoof over the scars could feel the thumping of Braeburn's heart increase. "Ain't you just a little cutie when you blush? He teased, patting the earth pony's now red cheek before backing off his torturous teasing. It was a good thing to see Braeburn blush, that meant he was slowly coming back to his old self.

Braeburn was silent for several moments "Thank ya kindly Soar." He mumbled, shifting comfortably as Soarin's hoof continued to pet his chest in rhythmic strokes. He was silent for several moments, Soarin looking deeply into his lovers for once calm and comfortable eyes.

"Say Brae... the doc told me something when I went to see him." Soarin mumbled.

"Hmm?" Braeburn asked, his eyes closed with a small smile on his face. Perhaps he secretly enjoyed the teasing given to him, or perhaps he simply enjoying being close to Soarin. The pegasus liked to think it was a little bit of both.

"He said we should try and get you to walk soon," Soarin mumbled, watching Braeburn's eyebrows give a cocked up expression as his eyelids slowly. "Like... in the next few days or something."

"This soon?" Braeburn asked. "Ah don't know Soar... isn't it a little... too soon?" He asked. The worry in his voice was clear, and it made the pegasus simply want to cuddle his coltfirend closely. Braeburn had a way of acting like that without realizing it. "Ah mean, I ain't sayin' the doc is wrong or anythin', but I don't know if I'm... ready for it..."

Soarin let out a sigh. "I know you're nervous buddy... but trust me, I've wiped out and had to go through it plenty of times... you'll be fine. Try flying after breaking each wing in five places!"

Braeburn was silent for a few moments. The pegasus could feel the thumping of Braeburn's heart increase once more. Soarin had to convince himself it was for Braeburn's own good, and that he would leave the place he hated sooner. "So?" He asked, placing his hoof over the other's chest roughly. "You ready?"

Braeburn trembled. Once. Just once, but it was enough for Soarin to feel a pang of guilt. "Might... might as well get it over with now, right?" He asked, smiling nervously.

Soarin stroked his lover's face a few times. "R-Right." He mumbled.

It was as Braeburn began gasping for air with his eyes squeezed shut clinging to Soarin like his entire life depended on it did Soarin really feel the guilt begin to sink in. Braeburn clung to Soarin as he bit down hard on his lip, keeping back the horrible choking sounds no doubt building deep in his throat. The upper legs wrapping tightly around him for balance weren't helping in the slightest.

"Mister Apple, can you please lean on this?" The nurse asked, bringing around a walker as they stood in the large room, with a padded floor. Soarin found himself gently setting the other down on the walker. He proceeded to grip it with his life as well, holding his tongue with the pain he was building up in his hind legs.

Soarin glanced down to his lovers hind legs that were standing in front of the wheelchair. According to Doctor Sabot, the casts around his leg wouldn't be coming off until right before he left. He could still practice walking with them beforehand as long as he was careful. The walker acted as a crutch at the very least. Soarin felt a little better for that, at last it would help him.

"Now Braeburn, I'm asking you to please take a few steps forward." The nurse asked. Braeburn glanced over at Soarin, who gave a small nod of encouragement.

Soarin watched as Braeburn took in a deep gasp of air. He saw the earth pony drag his right back leg slowly. He bit his lip harder and winced in pain. "Soar... Ah... ah don't know if ah can..." He whimpered out, his eyes watering as he glanced at the pegasus, putting most of his weight on the walker. He looked like he was about to break already. Soarin felt a pang of guilt once more.

"Brae," Soarin said, getting down to meet eye contact with the other "Talk to me, just move at your own pace and talk to me." He said, reaching out a hoof and stroking his cheek. He glanced up, seeing the nurse had no complaints to this.

"Talk.... 'bout what?" Braeburn whimpered out, his back legs trembling like jelly.

"I don't know... tell me about how life's been since I left, let it off your chest, I know it hasn't been pleasant." Soarin begged, continuing to stroke his lovers cheek. He watched Braeburn tremble once more before forcing his head up, his back legs moving slowly as he let out a tiny, almost silent whimper.

"W-W-Well... Afta ya left... ah tired ta be strong." Braeburn whispered out so only Soarin would hear. "Ah tried, ah ignored all of dem insults and the s-same." He whimpered out, moving about an inch a second. Even if he was slow, Soarin still moved at the same pace with him. "But after a while.. it starts to get ta ya, ya know?" He asked.

"Yeah buddy, go on." Soarin mumbled, dragging his hooves as he kept pace with the other.

"Ah mean... I ain't complainin' or nothin', but it starts ta get old after a while. And the more ah tried ta ignore them, the angrier some of them got 'bout it. T-Throwin' things and such... a few times ah was afraid ta walk home because they waited for me a lot. Sometimes Ah got away in time, but other times it turned out like... back then." Braeburn mumbled. His legs continued shaking as he pressed on, hardly making a dent in the distance. The nurse was at his side, slowly guiding him to make sure he didn't tire out too soon. "Soar, t-t-this is really hurtin'." He whimpered out, eyes watering more, ready to spill out.

"Keep going," Soarin mumbled "And just keep talking to me."

"Ah... Ah... Ah mean... sometimes ah got angry with ya, for goin' away.... then ah got mad at myself because it was my fault fer not goin' with ya out to see the world... Ah still don't know who ah... ah should be angry with." Braeburn suddenly stopped "I don't know if I can do this..." He whimpered out.

"Braeburn, you have too." Soarin mumbled "C'mon, man, you can do this."

"B-But Soarin... ah... it... hurts. It hurts so much Soar." He whimpered out, legs shaking and lower jaw wobbling. "Please... make it stop..."

"Mister Soarin, I think your friend has had enoug-" The nurse was cut off as Braeburn suddenly fell against the padded floor. She attempted to made a move until Soarin lifted his hoof. He gave a pleading expression to her. She seemed to understand his meaning, for he only needed a minute. She backed away as Soarin got on the ground next to Braeburn, laying down next to the earth pony who was currently suppressing sobs with his hooves as tears streaked from his eyes.

"Brae... hey, can you hear me?" Soarin asked. The earth pony glanced at him out of the corner of his eye, nodding slowly as his chest heaved, only causing him more pain and more sobs. The pegasus uncurled one of his wings and draped it over the other, offering some comfort. "You don't have to talk, just listen to me."

"W-Why do ah even have ta do this?" He cried out "Ah can't apple buck no more, my life is ruined from here on out, I'm a complete lost cause, why do ah need ta walk?"

"Because you have a life to live." Soarin spat out at him "I told you before, life's too short to act like you're dying!"

When Braeburn didn't respond with anything other than one of his ears twitching, Soarin decided to continue. "I know I haven't been there... but you can't blame me, I tried to make you come." He mumbled "But... it was also bad on my end for making you empty promises of when I'd be back. But none of that matters now, do you want to know why?"

"W-W-Why?" Braeburn asked, his voice clearly still sobbing.

"Because I'm not going to go anywhere else without you anymore... you're going to come with me out of this damn place, and you'll meet all of my squad, and they'll love you because you are the most kind, sexiest, and loving earth pony I've ever met." Soarin mumbled "But if you want to stay right here on this floor, I'll stay with you as long as you want. I'll wait as long as you need, because whatever happens to us, we're going to get through this together. You don't have to put up with it anymore, you can lean on me when you need too." Soarin said, leaning over and kissing the earth pony's ear, wrapping his upper leg around Braeburn's. "We can stay here, or keep going and get on a new life."

Braeburn didn't respond, only let his tears roll down his cheeks as he bit his lip to hold back sobs, tightening his hold on the other's hoof. He was in so much pain right now, and Soarin couldn't even tell if his talk was helping in the slightest. "B-But... ah'm scared... of what'll happen... even if ah can walk 'gain."

"I know you are." Soarin said. "But we can get up and go the rest of the way if you want." Soarin mumbled "We can take until tomorrow if you need too. You can fall a million times but I won't abandon you any of them, I'll always help you back up. I want you to still be strong for me, but just know that I'll be right here at your side the entire time from now on, alright?"

Braeburn sniffled gently. "Soar... it... it still hurts." He whimpered, his legs still trembling, however his sobs were slowly calming down.

"I know it does, it hurts like hell, but I won't get up until you do." Soarin said, reaching out his other hoof and rubbing the earth pony's back in circles, ignoring the scars. The earth pony looked at him with red, puffy, and teary eyes. He reached out a shaky hoof and stroked one of Soarin's cheeks.

"Together?" He asked. "Like caramel on a candy apple?"

"Yeah buddy." Soarin said "If you fall, I fall, if you walk, I walk." He mumbled "Together."

Braeburn's watery eyes shimmered. He closed them and sniffled loudly, likely cursing under his breath. "Can... can we try one more time?" He whimpered out.

Soarin gave a smirk of satisfaction before leaning in and kissing the yellow pony's forehead, nuzzling for several moments before wrapping his arms around the other as he sat up with Braeburn in his arms, to which the earth pony bit his lip and whimpered in pain once more. Soarin quickly rubbed the other's belly for comfort as the nurse helped him up. He didn't once let go of Braeburn's hoof.

When the earth pony got back onto his walker, he breathed in and out heavily. He glanced to Soarin, his mane sleek with sweat and sticking to his neck. "T...T-T-Tog..." He couldn't get the rest out.

"Yeah, buddy," Soarin mumbled "Together."

Braeburn gulped loudly, and began to take his first step.

He didn't let go of Soarin's hoof. Not for a single second.