• Published 28th May 2012
  • 709 Views, 7 Comments

The Forgotten King - Ghost Writer

Eclipse journeys to find who he is and what's happening to him.

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Eclipse was now taking his first real look at Cloudsdale, the city appeared to be made entirely of clouds and all of the ponies in it were pegasi. Eclipse looked down to see Rainbow Dash land in a small open space of clouds and immediately take a seat. Eclipse didn't think twice, he was already gliding down below to meet her. Even gliding seemed incredibly heavy on his wings.

Eclipse noticed that three pegasi walked up to Rainbow and he wondered what they were doing. As he flew in closer he heard bits of what they were saying and made out a few words like "Rainbow crash" and "flunky". As he glided down he landed about twenty feet behind the three pegasi who obviously didn't notice him. He could now clearly make out what the three pegasi were saying, and he didn’t like it.

"Aww looks like lil Crashy has worn herself out flying to Cloudsdale hahahaha." laughed the biggest of the three pegasi.

Instantly Eclipse became angry at the three bullies for berating Rainbow dash but
decided not to do anything, yet. The three pegasi laughed at Rainbow and one with a dumbbell mark on his flank, the biggest one, pushed her over as she tried to respond to defend herself.
The three of them laughed at Rainbow, who due to the race was too tired to make any comeback. The sight of what the bullies were doing made Eclipse furious. Rainbow was obviously superior to them; they merely had numbers on their side. Eclipse remembered how when he was walking throughout Ponyville some of the ponies seemed to fear him, so he decided to use his scariness to try and drive off the bullies. Eclipse walked up behind the three pegasi and stomped his foot on the ground as hard as he could. The three pegasi jolted their heads back to have their gazes met by the not so friendly scowl of an alicorn with cold blue eyes. Two of the pegasi instantly shrank back in fear but the third one, the one with a dumbbell mark, stood his ground. "And who are you supposed to be, surely you're not friends with someone as lame as Crashy over there" said the pegasus with a sting to his words.

"Actually I am, and you would be wise to back off." Eclipse said as he held his stance in front of the pegasus.

"Seems to me like you’re looking for a fight “said the pegasus “And you're choosing the wrong pony to pick a fight with. Ya see, hanging around with someone like Crashy makes you a loser, and I beat losers down."

"You've got quite some nerve" said Eclipse as leapt into the air.

"As does a loser like you" said the pegasus as he did likewise. The two ponies hovered in the air about twenty feet apart. After a moment of exchanging hateful glances the two ponies charged at each other at top speed. At the last moment Eclipse turned slightly and gave the pegasus a painful shoulder to the chest. The impact jarred Eclipse's arm painfully, but he judged that it did more damage to the other pony. The two circled and turned towards each other again and right before they collided the pegasus keeled up and got a cheap hoof slam right to Eclipses head. Eclipse wavered for a second, the impact to his head had made him dizzy but he managed to keep his balance. He turned around again and was charging at the pegasus once more. Eclipse picked up the pace and stuck his arm out right before he collided with the pegasus. He clothes-lined the pegasus and managed to get him in a headlock.

The two fell out of the air in what seemed to be a confused struggle, but the truth was Eclipse was in control with the pegasus headlocked. As the two neared the ground Eclipse positioned himself behind the pegasus and tucked his wings in to gain speed right before he threw the pegasus into the ground. The two slammed into the ground with bone shattering force. The pegasus, being on the bottom and in a headlock, took almost all the blow of the landing. Even with the soft cloud ground the force of impact was incredible and the pegasus’ wing snapped like a twig under the impact.

As Eclipse heard the pegasus' wing break his rage subsided, he realized what a horrible thing he had done. Eclipse had never meant to crush the pegasus so badly, he had only wanted to beat the pegasus in a fight and stand up for his new friend. Still standing over the figure of the beaten pegasus Eclipse was in total shock at what he had done.

Without thinking he took a giant leap into the air. He realized he had made a bad mistake and wanted to get away as fast as he could. He wanted to fly away and forget that he had hurt the pegasus so badly. He had already had a somewhat hard time fitting in, being so different from everypony else, but now everyone would see him as a monster for what he had done and no one would ever accept him. There was no way Rainbow would still like him after seeing what he did. He doubted even Pinkie would like him anymore after she heard about what he had done.

Eclipse decided that the only place left he could go was Twilight’s house, it was the only other pony he knew, or at least heard of, that could maybe help. He changed his wing angles and took a sharp turn to adjust his position. He was now heading for Twilight’s house. He flew fast; not as fast as he had flown when he raced Rainbow, but still quite fast.

Flying through the open air brought with it an amazing sense of freedom. Eclipses worries, although all too real, seemed to fade from his thoughts as he enjoyed the air rushing over his wings. After a few minutes of flying through the cool air Twilight’s house came into view and Eclipse started his descent. As he drifted down to the house all his worries came back to him and he was once again anxious and hoped that Twilight could help him learn magic so that he might be able to heal the pegasus and redeem himself.

As Eclipse came down onto the tree he landed on the balcony a bit harder than he had intentioned. There was no light coming from inside, but then again the sun was only about half way to the horizon so there was quite a bit of light left in the day.

“Hey! Twilight, are you here?” Eclipse called out, “I need your help learning to use magic.” He waited for a response but none came and after a minute or so of silence he tried again. “Hello? Is anypony in there? I need to talk to Twilight about magic.” Again there was no answer so Eclipse tested the balcony door and found it to be open.

The inside of Twilights house was surprisingly neat and orderly, bookshelves lined most of the wall. It was quiet, it smelled of book paper, and the air was warm; it was the kind of place Eclipse liked to be in. He wanted to go and check the bookshelves to see if there were any book on magic, and he was sure there were. But to go and read somepony else’s books without permission seemed a bit rude. There didn’t seem to be anyone home so Eclipse decided to wait until Twilight came home.

Eclipse waited around for almost an hour and eventually decided to pass the time by taking a look at a few books on the shelf that caught his interest. As long as he put the books back where they belonged it didn’t seem too rude. He managed to read up on the history of Equestria and learned that there were two other alicorns in Equestria, two princesses named Luna and Celestia. Celestia is the one who brings forth day and Luna brings forth night. The two of them rule over Equestria, but everypony knew that and now Eclipse knew too.

Another hour passed and no one came home, Eclipse was sick of waiting and was thinking about going home to get some sleep when there was a knock at the door.