• Published 20th Oct 2015
  • 4,356 Views, 145 Comments

Mother Fluffer - TheVClaw

Twilight's friends notice Gilda in town during Twilight's Castle Induction. However, while the Gryphon's presence was surprising enough, they REALLY didn't expect her to be making out with Twilight's Mom.

  • ...

Chapter Five: Clearing the Air (Part 1)

By the time Twilight Sparkle made her way into the kitchen, Rainbow Dash was already up the stairs to the second floor of Velvet and Night Light’s house. The Pegasus was planning to just check which of the rooms Gilda may have stormed off to, but her attention quickly went towards the large rope that hung in the middle of the hallway first. Looking up to the ceiling, Dash was able to see that the rope was connected to the attic door, which prompted her to huff and speak upwards. “Hey, Gilda! Are you up there?”

The Gryphon shouted from the closed attic door,“Get lost!”

Since she couldn’t blame Gilda for responding like that, Rainbow sighed in slight guilt before saying, “Listen, I…” Her head turned away as she paused and bit her lip in contemplation. Despite knowing that she needed to say it, the Pegasus hated that she needed to apologize towards Gilda for something first. Nevertheless, she merely sighed before biting the bullet. “I’m sorry about what I said, alright? That was a dumb thing to assume, and I didn’t mean it.”

Only silence came from the ceiling. After waiting a long moment a anything, Dash huffed and added, “Gilda, come on! I’m being honest here!”

Keeping her eyes on the attic door, the Pegasus sat herself on the floor so she could wait more comfortably. That was when the door finally opened a little, and Gilda’s pissed-off glare could be seen peeking through the gap. Rainbow kept a sincere expression on her face as she looked up at the Gryphon. “Seriously, I really am sorry. That was a stupid thing to say, and I’d be just as mad as you if it was the other way around. I just… I was surprised to find out you had a girlfriend, that’s all.”

Gilda’s golden eyes narrowed on the mare for a moment, obviously looking for any signs of dishonesty from her. Fortunately, the Gryphon sighed before responding, “Well, I suppose I can accept that. Now if you don’t mind buzzing off--”

She then began to close the attic door, which prompted Dash to shoot up from the floor to try and keep the gap open with her hooves. “Hey, wait a minute!”

The Gryphon struggled to close the door, and groaned in frustration when Rainbow refused to be shut out. “Urgh, what do you want?! You already said you’re sorry, and right now I just want to be by myself!”

Rainbow struggled with the door, not wanting to let this go despite understanding the Gryphon’s point. “Well, can’t we at least talk about this a bit?”

“Talk about what a bit?!” asked Gilda more angrily. “Seriously, what’s there to talk about?”

With her hooves still holding the door open, Dash rolled her eyes and said sarcastically, “Oh, I don’t know. Maybe the fact that you’re banging my best friend’s Mom?!”

Gilda’s eyes shot open in stronger disdain, and she tried to pull up the attic door with one hard thrust. Luckily, Dash was able to counteract the Gryphon’s pull by putting all of her weight on the door before adding, “Okay, okay, that wasn’t a good way to say it. But I do want to talk with you about this!”

Another irritated growl escaped Gilda’s beak. “Well, I think you overstayed your welcome the LAST time you tried to talk to me! Why are you so friggin’ insistent on talking with me about this anyway?!”

“Because despite what happened before, you still used to be a really good friend to me! And maybe I want to try to understand, so maybe you and I can be on good terms again!”

Gilda paused as she looked down at Dash in silence. Her brows were raised in legitimate surprise at the mare’s answer. After a quick moment, Rainbow made sure that Gilda wasn’t going to interrupt her before adding, “Besides, when Twilight found out that her Mom was dating you, she got legitimately upset JUST because she remembered how you were back at that party! And I don’t want her to keep acting that way, so maybe learning about this can help me get her on better terms with you.”

The Gryphon didn’t say anything, but the way that her closed beak was skewing was enough evidence that she was at least thinking about Dash’s claim. Even though she still seemed upset, Gilda took a moment before making a tired sigh. “Oh, fine…”

Gilda grumbled as she walked away from the entrance to the attic, leaving the door open for Rainbow Dash to follow. After going up into the space and closing the door behind her, Dash’s eyes widened when she looked around the attic for the first time. “Whoa…”

Since she expected the place to just be a standard attic, with bare wood or fiberglass along the ceiling and old boxes everywhere, Rainbow was fairly surprised to see that it was basically a nice apartment above the house. Along with the ceiling being fully insulated and finished, there was a stylish purple carpet along the floor, and all the amenities needed for the Gryphon to stay up here independently. A large bed was at the corner of the space, along with a couch, a large refrigerator, a record player with an impressive music collection beside it, several posters of metal bands on the walls (and a large Gryphon Kingdom flag hanging from the slanted ceiling above her bed), and even a separate room at the other end of the attic which Dash assumed was the bathroom. Of course, what surprised the Pegasus even more was how clean the room was, with the only sign of trash being from the several empty cans of cream cheese frosting sticking out from the small wastebin.

“Man,” uttered the mare in an impressed tone as she looked around, barely noticing Gilda grabbing something from the fridge “Twilight’s parents know how to treat a guest.”

“Well, I’m more of a tenant than a guest,” responded Gilda while using a talon to swipe the cap off the beer bottle in her claw. “I’ve been living here for a few months now. I still pay rent and stuff, but it’s way cheaper than any other place in Canterlot.”

“Wait, really?” asked Dash in surprise. Even though she figured the Gryphon might be sleeping here from time to time due to her relationship with Velvet, she didn’t think she was a legitimate houseguest.

“Yeah. When I first met Vel, some guys were messing with her after she left some bar I was vending nearby.” Gilda took a swig from her bottle before continuing. “I didn’t want that crap near my business, so I tried to make them buzz off. I ended up having to get my claws dirty after they tried to pester me, and she offered a room for rent after taking me out to lunch.”

Rainbow made a small huff with a smirk. “Heh heh… Just like Flight Camp, huh?”

Gilda was able to make a small snicker in response before finishing her bottle. “Yeah, I suppose...“ Of course, after tossing her bottle into the wastebasket with ease, the Gryphon grew a more irritated scowl which pointed towards Dash. “Of course, I didn’t do it to sleep with her or anything. Just like I didn’t do that for you.”

Rainbow’s ears slumped down as she sighed in guilt. “Y-yeah… I really am sorry.”

Gilda rolled her eyes as she slumped onto her bed. “Whatever. I’m just saying that I didn’t really expect any of this to happen either. It just sorta… did.”

Catching the shrug that Gilda made during that last part, one of Rainbow’s brows raised in confusion. “Ummm… how?”

“I don’t know!” blurted the Gryphon as she looked up at her with her claws raised. “It’s not like I ever thought I’d be with a mare or anything! I mean, one day we were hanging out a lot, and the next day we were...” Thinking it over, Gilda seemed even more bewildered as she looked down at the floor with a huff. “Man… Granda Gruff would flip if he knew about this.”

Rainbow rubbed the back of her technicolor mane with a hoof as she nodded with a smirk. “Yeah, I guess so…” After a few seconds, the mare bit her lip before adding with a sigh, “But… yeah, I shouldn’t have thought what I did.”

“No, you shouldn’t have,” stated Gilda with a stronger tone of anger in her voice. Before Rainbow could say anything else, the Gryphon leaned forward on her bed and asked her, “Like, was seeing me with Vel the ONLY reason why you thought that?! Because I figured we were good enough friends before that to make any idea like that seem stupid!”

“I know, I know,” said Dash sincerely as she shook her head with a wince, “and that was a stupid thing to think. I just didn’t expect you with someone like Velvet.” After thinking about it for another brief moment, the mare made a stronger frown before adding, “Just like I didn’t expect you to act the way you did at Pinkie’s party.”

“Oh, COME ON!” shouted Gilda with another roll of her eyes. “Are you SERIOUSLY still getting at me about that!? I already told you why I was upset!”

“But that doesn’t excuse how you acted!” retorted Dash with an angry tone of her own. “Seriously, you can’t act like you were the victim after pulling all that stuff during AND before that party!”

“So what?! I can’t say that someone was annoying the crap out of me when I just wanted to spend time with you!?” Gilda got off of her bed so she could be standing at a height taller than Rainbow’s. “All I wanted to do was catch up with you, and she couldn’t take the friggin’ hint!”

“Then why didn’t you just SAY something about it?!” asked Dash, her eyes pointing up at the Gryphon with an irritated glare. “It wasn’t like you said to me ‘Hey Dash, could you ask Pinkie to leave?’ or something! You just kept pushing her away when I was out of sight! You even messed with her flying machine thing when she was using it! How far up in the air was she when you did that, huh?!”

Gilda’s beak stayed shut, despite how upset she was getting. She took a few seconds before looking away with a low growl. “Okay, so I overreacted a bit, but--”

“A BIT?!” yelled Dash with her brows raised. “Did you even think that doing that could’ve killed her?!?”

“Alright!” shouted Gilda back at her. “Alright, I get it! That was a dumb thing to do while I was angry!” But before Dash could say anything else, the Gryphon pointed a talon at her and added nastily. “But that still doesn’t mean I should’ve gotten humiliated during that party!”

“It was all coincidence! We weren’t trying to humiliate you!”

Gilda narrowed her eyes and replied in a colder tone, “No, but making me leave alone still hurt, Dash.”

Even though she knew that Gilda was trying to make her feel bad, Rainbow merely paused for a second with her upset expression unchanged. “You were the one who left, Gilda. You weren’t able to take a joke, and you tried to use me as an ultimatum. It doesn’t matter how upset you were, doing that sort of thing isn’t cool!”

“Well, neither is being the town’s punching bag! I never asked to have any big party or celebration! All I wanted to do was hang out with you! Is that too damn much to ask?!”

“And you thought that making me ditch my friends was a good solution!?”

With the way that the Gryphon’s face soured up, Rainbow was secretly grateful that the attic might have been more soundproof due to the insulation installed. But before Gilda could raise her voice and get even angrier at her, the Pegasus pointed a hoof at her to say, “The reason I threw that party for you was because you were my friend, Gilda! You were always there for me, so I wanted to help Pinkie with that party so I could show that to you! And I put all those pranks around the place because that was what you and I did all the time back at Flight Camp! We always pranked other ponies, so I thought that would be a fun thing to add!”

The pony’s tone then got angrier when she added, “But even after all the trouble you caused with my friends and ponies around town, the biggest problem I had was that you were willing to just ditch me after all I did for you! I tried to be a good friend, and you threw away every chance I gave you when you decided to just flake out! Even if you just wanted to spend time with me, you could’ve done it without treating my friends like garbage! Because unlike you, I don’t ditch my friends for my own selfish needs!”

With the way Gilda was glaring at her, Dash almost expected a clenched claw to be barreling straight towards her face. Nevertheless, instead of Gilda going into a furious tirade, or even raising a claw against the Pegasus, she merely took a second before her brows raised a little. Like something just clicked to make her glare at Dash strongly.

“Oh.” The Gryphon narrowed her eyes on Rainbow, but surprisingly didn’t raise her voice when she asked quizzically, “So you’re telling me that you never ditched a friend, huh?”

Even though she was slightly confused at Gilda’s uncharacteristic response, Rainbow kept her voice firm with her answer. “Yeah, I’m telling you that! Just because I didn’t leave with you at Sugar Cube Corner doesn’t mean that I ditched you, Gild--”

“Oh, no, no, no,” When she interrupted Dash, Gilda shook her head with her eyes giving the most condescending stare towards the Pegasus. “I wasn’t going to talk about that, Dash…”

Rainbow narrowed her eyes back at Gilda, now growing more puzzled. The Gryphon then asked with a small tilt of her head, “But I was just wanting to clarify that little statement. So you never ditched any of your pony friends?” Her brows raised as she added, “You sure about that?”

Now looking at Gilda with a mix of confusion and slight concern, Rainbow didn’t hesitate to answer sternly, “Yes. I’m sure. And I don’t know what you’re implying with that tone, but this doesn’t change how you acted!”

“Oh, no. Of course not...” Gilda then walked away from the pony to head back to her fridge, still speaking in a sarcastically callus tone. “If you say that you never acted as bad as I did, then why should I deny that? After all, you never did anything as bad as me.”

As Gilda got out another beer, Rainbow’s patience was starting to grow thin. “Okay, what are you getting at? YOU were the one who left!”

“Yeah, and you said that you never did that yourself.” After turning back around to face Dash, Gilda’s tail swooped up to close the fridge door shut. With her eyes pinned on Rainbow like a lion tracking its prey, Gilda swiped the cap off her bottle without even looking. “I have a quick question, though…”

Gilda then took a hearty swig from her drink, her eyes never looking away from the Pegasus when she finally pulled the bottle from her beak. “Correct me if I’m wrong, but weren’t you one of the bridesmaids at Shining Armor’s wedding?”

Rainbow Dash pulled her head back a little with a baffled look on her face, not understanding why the Gryphon asked that. “Ummm… yeah. I was. But I don’t see why--”

Her magenta eyes instantly shot wide open, realizing in a millisecond why Gilda was staring at her with such a dark smirk on her beak. While Rainbow stood in a frozen state, Gilda replied with her brows fully raised.

“Oh, really? Huh. That’s interesting, Dash. Because I’ve talked a LOT with Velvet in the past few months, and she told quite a story about something that happened before that wedding!”

The mare took a step back from her, her expression beginning to grow a hint of worry from the way she kept her muzzle pinned shut. Unable to say anything to stop her, Dash could only listen as the Gryphon continued condescendingly. “Because apparently, a lot of ponies were told about an invasion coming from her daughter, but no one seemed to listen. You happen to know anything about that, Dash? Because I think a few of the bridesmaids were told about it before they left her."

Rainbow Dash averted her eyes from the Gryphon as her muzzle scrunched in, only able to say in a bitter mumble, “Sh-shut up…”

“Oh, but nooooo…” Gilda moved in closer, her voice becoming more sarcastic and bitter as she kept egging her on. “You said that you never ditched a friend, right? So obviously you weren’t there, were you? Oh, of course not, because that would imply that you did something bad, like abandoning someone after they got disowned by their brother!”

With the way she clenched her teeth and looked up at Gilda with a menacing snarl, Rainbow almost looked like she was going to kill her at the spot. “Shut… up…”

“Oh, of course, of course.” Gilda turned away for a moment to pace around the room slowly, but continued to keep going without looking back at the furious mare. “Because according to you, I’M the bad one here! Because, yeah, leaving a party and hurting a few feelings is FAR WORSE than leaving your best friend alone with a Changeling Queen, am I right?”

“Shut up!” shouted Rainbow, as her tone of tone of voice became more raw than before.

“I mean, Twilight could’ve easily been killed the instant she was left alone, and all those bridesmaids wouldn’t have even known if she had. No, they would’ve just gone on with her brother’s wedding, like she didn’t even matter to them--”


“Oh, but why?” asked Gilda with a disdainful tone as she looked back at her. “Because you just said that you never ditched a friend, right? So obviously you weren’t one of the mares who left Velvet’s daughter to DIE, were you?!”

Dash turned away from the Gryphon, leaving Gilda to keep going while yelling at Dash’s back. “Of course, even if you WERE one of the bridesmaids who left her like a total BITCH, I would STILL be the bad guy here, right?! Because it doesn’t matter that you abandoned your ‘best friend’ to rot in a dungeon so you could wear a dress, I’M apparently WAY worse because I walked out of a party!!”

Rainbow Dash screamed with her back turned to Gilda, “SHUT!! UP!!”

“But no, keep going, Dash! Tell me how I’M the bad one for leaving you!! Because apparently, the Element of Loyalty knows more about how to be a good friend than I do!!”

In a flash of blinding fury, Rainbow couldn’t take anymore as she turned around to lunge at the Gryphon, getting in her face as she screamed at the top of her lungs,


For the first time, Gilda reeled back a little in surprise from how the Pegasus reacted. Of course, it wasn’t from how loud the mare got, or even how furious she looked while doing it.

It was because of the tears that were trailing down Rainbow Dash’s cheeks.

The Gryphon only saw them for a moment before Dash turned back around, quickly wiping her face with a hoof so Gilda couldn’t see how she looked. But after a pregnant bout of silence, the only sound that came from Rainbow were a couple of light sniffs before she stated faintly. “You… you made your point, okay? Just… just shut up…”

After blinking a few times, Gilda looked down at the floor with a small slump of her shoulders. Even though she knew exactly what she was doing, the Gryphon wasn’t expecting a reaction like that from her former friend. Despite what Velvet mentioned to her, Gilda didn’t realize how much a moment like that could’ve hurt the ponies involved with that Changeling Invasion occurring.

Meanwhile, Rainbow desperately tried to keep herself from tearing up any more than she already had. While she couldn’t blame Twilight’s parents for being upset at her or the others for that Wedding Rehearsal, she couldn’t believe that Gilda was told about that moment. Not wanting to even look at the Gryphon, Dash just kept her eyes shut as she took several deep breaths, hoping to Celestia that Gilda wasn’t going to continue berating her for the worst decision she ever made in her life.

As the seconds passed, Gilda’s shame began to grow when she saw just how hurt Rainbow looked. Thinking back to how close the two were back in Flight Camp, the last thing that Gilda ever thought she would do was make one of her few friends actually cry. Of course, even though she knew she went too far, Gilda also couldn’t just let what she said slide without a reason. So, after a deep sigh, the Gryphon spoke towards Rainbow in a less intense, but still firm tone. “I’m just saying, Dash. You can’t act like I’m the only one who ever made a mistake! I may have messed up once or twice, but don’t be acting like you’re Little Miss Perfect!”

The only response that Gilda got was a venomous glare when Dash looked back at her, which only emphasized the slightly matted fur underneath her eyes.

Gilda looked away from the sight as she groaned in realization, “Okay, this… this isn’t going well.”

Dash replied in a nasty tone “Oh, you think?!”

“But! But…” After rubbing her temple with her talons, Gilda exhaled as she tried to rectify the conversation. “I… I will admit that I… may have messed up back in Ponyville…”


“You know what I mean!” snapped the Gryphon before pausing. After taking another breath, Gilda regained her composure enough to continue. “But yeah, I made some mistakes, alright? And even though I don’t feel like I was completely in the wrong, I… I can kinda understand if I did more stuff wrong than anyone else that day.”

Rainbow Dash just gave her a deadpan stare. “Are you seriously that bucking stubborn?”

“Hey, I’m trying here!” While she didn’t want to start yelling at the Pegasus again, Gilda knew she had to stand her ground as best as she could. “Even though I didn’t act my best, I still feel like the circumstances were a little against me back then! I don’t know about you, but I don’t know that many ponies who would take being humiliated in front of the entire friggin’ town!”

Before Dash could roll her eyes, Gilda added with a talon pointed at her, “And before you bring up that Pinkie again, I just wanna point out that she was pretty damn annoying!”

The cyan mare only gave Gilda a stronger glare with her lips pursed shut. In response, the Gryphon put up her claw as she added, “Oh, come on! Are you seriously going to tell me that when you first met her, that you didn’t find her to be at least a little bit annoying?”

Rainbow put out her hoof to make a statement, but turned silent when she opened her mouth. Even though she wanted to point out how Gilda was wrong, any statement that she could muster was paused when she actually tried to think it over. In actuality, she couldn’t deny that despite the Gryphon’s attitude, she wasn’t necessarily wrong; in fact, it wasn’t until just shortly before Gilda arrived at her house that Rainbow thought that Pinkie was pretty annoying as well. Of course, after another moment of thought, the mare shook her head as she finally answered, “Well… okay, she might be a bit tricky to get used to, but that does NOT excuse nearly killing her the way you did!”

Fortunately, Gilda was able to put her claws up in acceptance. “Alright, alright. I agree with you there.” After putting her claws back down, Gilda made a reluctant sigh and she looked down to the carpet in guilt. “It’s just that… when things don’t really go your way, then… it can be kinda hard to accept when you mess up. I mean… it can be hard to accept you failed a test if it’s in a subject you didn’t study for, right?”

Dash’s brows raised as she blinked a couple times, not expecting the Gryphon to say something like that in such a subdued tone. Meanwhile. Gilda sighed again as she kept speaking with her gaze pointed away from the pony. “I just… I just felt like I had a lot put against me, and… and that may have been a big part in how I felt about the whole thing. But… I do know that things could’ve gone a lot better on my part. I just… I had a hard time accepting that…”

Even with her beak being skewed in unease, the Gryphon looked back at Dash as she tried to speak from her heart. “Listen, I… I know I mess up a lot, and… I still have a lot do when it comes to being more acquainted with ponies other than you, but…”

With a slight blush appearing on her face, Gilda looked down at her claws as her tone turned more timid. “But I have to admit that… despite how weird it is to be with someone like Velvet, she really is a nice mare. I mean, she’s smart, and clever and stuff. Plus, she knows where to get sushi, which is really cool. And…”

Gilda’s beak grew a meager smile as her blush deepened, and she looked back up at the surprised Dash to finish her statement. “And… I kinda like her. Like, I don’t know if it’s gonna be serious or anything, but… she is a good friend to me. And… and I don’t want that to be messed up because I’m too damn arrogant to know when I made a mistake or two.”

When her smile dropped a little, Gilda closed her eyes to take a breath. “What I’m saying is…” She then reopened her golden eyes, looking at Dash with pure honesty. “I’ll admit it, alright? I screwed up, and I acted worse than anyone else. And… even though I don’t expect you to take me back as a friend, I just want to say… I’m sorry.”

Rainbow Dash only blinked in stunned silence, looking at Gilda like she just got replaced by a Changeling. After another long moment, Gilda huffed and added sympathetically, “Seriously, I… I don’t expect you to take me back or anything. But… I’m not lying about what I said.”

“Yeah, yeah…” Dash nodded weakly in understanding clearly knowing that the Gryphon was being honest despite her own shock. “I get that, it’s just… it’s kinda jarring to hear that, you know?”

“Yeah, I get it.” With her beak clenched shut in discomfort, Gilda looked back to the attic door as she realized what had to be done. “But, how about this?” She turned back to the Pegasus and asked, “If I’m willing to go down and apologize for what happened, do you… think things will be better?”

Rainbow looked down to her own hooves in thought, and waited a few seconds before answering honestly, “Well, I think they’ll be a little skeptical, but…” She then made a small exhale, and shrugged her shoulders when she looked back up at Gilda. “But to be fair, we kinda took Discord back, so I doubt believing you would be that hard.”

Gilda made a small chuckle (which was more like a hiccuped sigh) in agreement, and nodded in acceptance. “Yeah, that… probably does make sense. But… thanks.”

Dash nodded in return, despite her expression being fairly neutral in comparison. “Yeah… no problem…”

With that, the mare began to head back to the attic door, wanting to get back to her friends with Gilda in tow. However, before she could open the door, Gilda put out a claw to rest on her shoulder. “Wait, ummmm…”

When she looked back up to the Gryphon, Rainbow saw that she carried a fairly guilty look on her face. With her eyes pointed away from the mare, Gilda rubbed the feathers on the back of her head before opening her beak. “Before we go down, I… I just want to say that I’m… really sorry about that wedding stuff I said. I mean, I know I was trying to make you mad, but I didn’t mean to--”

Dash pressed her hoof against Gilda’s beak to shut her up. When the Gryphon looked back towards her, Rainbow had an especially strong glare on her when she said firmly, “All you did was make me mad, Gilda. That was it. Nothing else happened. Got it?

Hearing the intensity in the Pegasus’s tone, Gilda was quick to nod in understanding. “Y-yeah. Exactly…”

After nodding back to her, Rainbow turned away to go towards the door again. But before she could reach for it, the mare sighed painfully with a shake of her head as she muttered under her breath, “Ugh… I should’ve known Velvet still hated us for that…”

“What?” asked Gilda in slight surprise, and quickly shook her head and tried to grab Dash’s attention. “Oh, come on! No she doesn’t!”

When the mare gave a skeptical stare back at her Gilda, she huffed before adding, “What, you think I wouldn’t know that? She told me a lot about that day, but she also mentioned how Twilight already forgave you guys, so she and Night Light have as well.”

Dash blinked a few times in disbelief with her brows raised. “Wait, really?”

Gilda shrugged her shoulders. “Well, yeah. I mean, they used to be pissed, and I don’t blame them, but they also know you all had her back ever since then. It’s kinda hard to be mad at someone after they redeemed themselves several times over.”

Seeing the sincerity in Gilda’s face, Rainbow smiled with a shrug before going back to the door. “Well, thanks for telling me about that. It’s good to know they still don’t want to hit me or anything.”

With that choice of words, Gilda couldn’t help giggling with a smirk by the time Dash opened the attic door. “Well, it also helps that their daughter mentioned how you all tried to apologize to her.”

Before she could go down the stairs, Dash whipped her head back at Gilda while wide-eyed. “What?”

“What? Vel was drunk when she told me!” Even with her blush deepening, Dash quickly went back down the attic steps while Gilda spoke up. “So, is it true that you begged Twilight to punch you in the face?”

“WHAT?! N… no!” By the time Gilda went down the steps, she gave a waiting glance towards Rainbow while she waited by the stairs. With a shameful blush on her face to compliment her pout, the mare kept her head pointed away when she went down first. Of course, that wasn’t before muttering under her breath, “I didn’t beg for it.”

Nevertheless, the Gryphon still chuckled as she followed her, saying just loud enough for her to hear, “That means you totally did…”