• Published 2nd Feb 2016
  • 1,394 Views, 8 Comments

Strange mutation - Dark Nightshade

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How did this happen?

The boat that Fluttershy had rented was speeding towards an island that supposedly had some rare animals on it. Fortunately, she didn't live to far from the beach, because it was almost night, and the island wasn't too far away from the beach. Of course she had told her friends were she was going. It wasn't very likely that she would get lost; after all, she knew the island like the back of her hand. It made a great home for rare animals because of the volcano that was on it. As she got closer to the island, she could see some movement in the bushes. Oh, the motor must be scaring it, she thought. She turned the motor down, partly because she didn't want to scare any more animals, partly because she was getting into shallow waters. When she couldn't go any further, she turned the motor off and jumped out and ran (sort of) to shore. The bushes next to her started rustling, making her jump a little.

"Oh, is someone there?" she asked. There was some more rustling, and she started walking towards it.

"Hello? You don't have to worry, I'm not going to hurt you," Fluttershy said. Something black streaked out of the bushes and headed to the volcano. Oh my, I think it's going to jump in! Fluttershy thought, alarmed. She started running after it, but it then disappeared into a hole that she had not noticed before. She started climbing and when she got to the hole, she relised that it was big enough for her to crawl though. So that's what she did.

"Where are you? I'm not going to hurt you!" Fluttershy called into the back of the hole. There was some hissing, and then the section of rock she was collapsed. She started screaming, but she stopped when she fell into what she thought might have been a small lake. She resurfaced and gasped for air. Fortunately, there was some moonlight coming in. It's already night? Wow, I'm going to need to get home! Wait, is there even an exit around here? she wondered. However, as she thought that, she started to feel strange. The water started to glow, and her legs started to feel weird.

"Oh god, what's happening?!" Fluttershy yelled. There was a flash of light, and when Fluttershy's eyes finally adjusted, she looked down and screamed. She had a green tail with pink fins and light blue shells as some kind of bra.

"Why do I have a mermaid tail!?!?" she yelled.

"It's the water! It's always the water!" someone yelled. Fluttershy jumped.

"I-is someone there?" she asked.

"Wait, you can understand me?" the voice asked.

"Yes! Who and where are you?" Fluttershy asked.

"I'm down here!" it called. Fluttershy looked down.

"Where?" she asked.

"Ok, kind of to your left!" it called. She turned her head and a couple of seconds later she saw a crab.

"Your a crab? How are you talking?" asked Fluttershy.

"I've always been able to talk. You just haven't been able to understand me," it said.

"Wait, so what happened? How did I turn into a mermaid?" Fluttershy asked.

"I'm not fully sure, but the light of the full moon does something to this water. And it only affects humans," the crab said.

"Ok, that is definitely wired. Wait, what do I call you?" Fluttershy asked.

"My name is Bert. You killed my father. Prepare to die!" Bert said, then chuckled. "I'm sorry, I've always wanted to say that."

"It's ok. Is this permanent?" Fluttershy asked.

"I'm don't know. However, I can take you to someone that knows more about this than me. She might be able to tell you," Bert said.

A while later, Fluttershy was swimming with Bert on her back. She was following his directions to the person who could possible help Fluttershy figure out why she turned into a mermaid.

"Ok, stop! See that reef right there? That's where she lives," Bert said.

"Ok, thank you," Fluttershy said. She swam up to it.

"Um, hello?" she called.

"Yes?" someone with a Jamaican accent said.

"Um, I was told you had some information about the volcano on the nearby island?" she called.

"Yes. What do you want to know?" the animal said as she came out. She was a jellyfish.

"Oh, you want to know how you transformed, don't you?" she asked.

"Yes, and anything else you might be able to tell me," Fluttershy said.

"Ok. By the way, my name is Tia," she said.

"Ok, my name is Fluttershy," said Fluttershy.

"So there's no way to reverse it?" Fluttershy asked.

"Not that I know of," Tia said.

"But I am able to transform into a human," Fluttershy said.

"Yes. However, ten seconds after you touch water of any kind, you turn back into this," Tia said.

"Ok, how long does it take to transform back to human?" Fluttershy asked.

"About a minute or two, so not too long," said Tia.

"And will I be able to understand sea animals when I'm human again?" Fluttershy asked.

"Yes, you will always understand us," Tia said.

"Well that's good," Fluttershy said. She looked at the sky."Um, I should probably start heading back home. The people that I rented this boat from will want it back at morning."

"Ok, you can go. But come back. You might need more information about your new abilities. Take Bert with you so you can find your way back, ok? I don't want you to be getting lost," Tia said.

"Ok. Bert, are you ready to go?" Fluttershy asked.

"Sure!" said Bert as he got on Fluttershy's back and she started swimming away. Tia watched them and sighed.

"I wonder how long this ones going to last."

Author's Note:

Not my best start, I will admit, but it will start getting better.