• Published 11th Aug 2015
  • 341 Views, 0 Comments

Detective - Mr Wolf

A Detective and his team arrive in Equestria... No not Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson

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Chapter One. We're not in London any more.

As I was unconscious, I dreamt the most peculiar of dreams where a dark cloud stood over London like a giant. Waiting to stomp on the city and flatten it. Then came down drops of blood and the clouds formed 'The Five Hands' cult symbol.

Then a white flash of light appeared and I awoke in a room that looks the same as the hospital in London yet different somehow. A brief look around tells me that wherever I'm at, the people here are very industrious, judging by the main use of gears. In the corner sat a most odd looking lady. I can tell it's a lady by the dress she is wearing, but she was a butterscotch yellow with a muzzle, a horn on her head and wings on her back. She even had pink hair. Her eyes were an ocean blue and they were looking at me with fear and curiosity. We stared at each other for a minute, before I made a move.

"Hello." I said trying to sound friendly.

"He-hello." She responded. By her voice I could tell that she was afraid of me.

"Where am I?"

She answered my query. "You're in a recovery room in Ponyville."

I was... a least to say... confused. I had never heard of a town called Ponyville. "I'm sorry but I thought was in London."

"London? That's a strange name for a city Mr..."

"I'm sorry. My name is James Gillon, and I'm a detective. What is your name?" I asked her.

"Princess Fluttershy." A princess! One that I haven't heard of before. 'The Five Hands' must have had something to do with where I am. "It seems you are fine. Would you like to accompany me to the castle. You don't seem like a man who would harm me."

I agreed. I needed answers to where I was, and accompanying her might allow me to find my compatriots. As me and Fluttershy made our way out of the building. I notice more of her people with muzzles. Some with wings or horns. Some without. All of them different colours. But it didn't matter, I was getting stares from all those we passed by. We then entered a carriage, one of those fancy engine ones, and we took off. On the trip I learned so many fascinating things, like the town of Ponyville is the capitol city of the land of Equestria, and that Princess Fluttershy had seven older siblings. They all lived in a palace here in the city, which is not surprising.

When we arrived at the palace I was amazed at the beauty of it. It might not be as great as Big Ben but still. I followed Fluttershy in as the guards bowed to her presence, and through the corridors. After a few minutes of walking and chatting we got to two sets of golden doors. The guards swung the doors opened to reveal a throne room with eight thrones, seven were occupied. "Hey Flutters where ya been?" A cyan princess with a rainbow mane (Fluttershy explained that they were half pony) asked. "And who's this fellah."

"I'm James Gillon, and I am a detective."

Introductions were made all around. Rainbow Dash was the cyan one. Pinkie pie was the pink one. Rarity and Celestia the white ones. Twilight the purple one. Applejack the orange one and Luna, the dark blue one. They explained to me that in this world, there is mainly earth ponies, pegasi, unicorns and Alicorns, which they were. There was other creatures but before they could tell me a guard walked through the door. "Your Highnesses. We found some people trespassing on the palace grounds. We brought... Them..." he trailed off as he looked at me. for a moment he did nothing. Then he lowered his spear towards me and yelled "Halt Intruder!"

"Ahem. This man is not an intruder, he is our guest. Please, bring the trespassers and return to your post. " Rarity spoke up for me.

The Guard growled but followed the order and left. shortly after a group of blindfolded but familiar looking prisoners came in. The guards removed the blindfolds and the moment they saw me they couldn't help but smile.

"James, Gut to see you." Exclaimed Arnold.

"James do you know them?" asked Fluttershy.

"Yes they are my friends." After another round of introductions, Donovan proposed we have dinner. It was getting rather late.