• Published 5th Jan 2016
  • 588 Views, 1 Comments

Moondancer's interdimesional encounter. - Timewarp321

This happens after the events of the episode Amending Fences. In the same universe as pinkies guardian angel.

  • ...

There Goes Reality....Right?

Author's Note:



Konnor was in a bar playing poker with a moose and squirrel. And he was losing, badly. The odds of his hand being the winning one were NOT in his favor. He had two twos and the cards on the table were a jack, ace, queen, King, and ten. He knew that this was his last hand with the chips he started with, so he went all in. Before the squirrel and moose showed their cards Konnor threw the table into their faces and dashed for a blue telephone booth and jumped inside yelling " Punch it Chewie!" and a man at the console said, "Damn it Jim I'm a doctor not a Wookie."

Then,.... all hell broke loose.

The colsole exploded in a shower of sparks as smoke poured out of the vents. The smoke enveloped the whole room. Konnor heard voices from all sides yelling things like, "EXTERMINATE!", "DELETE", "REBEL SCUM" , or "RESISTANCE IS FUTILE!"

He had only one option he pulled out a gun from his inside coat pocket and yelled at the top of his lungs.

"WUB A DUB DUB MUTHA BUCKAS!" He pulled the trigger sending a ray of ear splitting bass drops to the ares that he thought the voices originated from. Once he stopped firing he heard nothing, deeming it was safe he stood up and walked in front of him till the smoke cleared.

What he saw surprised him.

Konnor was standing in a open field within a dense forest.

"Well this is new." He said to himself.

He began to walk around and had a bad feeling about where he was, his nightmares didn't usually end up like this.

"This is a completely different ending than I'm used to." He commented looking around with a hint of apprehension.

"What do you mean by that?" A feminine voice asked, visibly scaring Konnor.

"Who said that? Show yourself!" Konnor said while looking around with a pissed off look holding his gun out in front of him.

"Calm down there is no need for violence here." The female voice said again. this time however when Konnor looked around he noticed that he wasn't alone. He saw a dark blue winged unicorn with a semi transparent mane that flowed in the non existent wind. He also noticed her mark looked like a crescent moon in a black feild.

"State your name rank and intention." Konnor said out of reflex.

"Princess Luna, Princess of all things of the night, to talk." Luna replied.

Konnor lowered the gun, he didn't know exactly why he did but he felt like he could trust her, for now.

"Ok what would you like to discuss Princess?" He asked.

"Your current location." She deadpanned.

"In the house of a mare?" He started looking at her for confirmation she nodded, "Mare named Moondancer." He finished. Luna was shocked.

"That's impossible! Shes secluded herself from the rest of the world and you manage to get into her house!? Unless......." Luna said not finishing her thought while she seemed distant.

"Unless what?" Konnor asked. this snapped Luna out of her train of thought for a few moments.

"Did you feel an unusual pull too Moondancer?" She asked

"Now that you mention it, yeah I think I did." Konnor replied.

"Then you might be a Guardian Angel for her." Luna said.

"Wait, have I?" Konnor began to ask.

"I don't think you have died in your world, and I really don't wish to find out right now, if you don't mind." Luna said.

"Sounds like you've been through this song and dance number before." Konnor commented.

"You have NO idea." Luna said in an exasperated tone.

"I'm sure I don't, so any tips for when I wake up?" Konnor asked in a serious tone.

"Yes, be careful what you say around her. She has been through a lot lately and shes seriously considered suicide." Luna said just as seriously. Konnors face was a mix of shock and horror.

"Oh my god, thats terrible! I can't let something like that happen to her at all, no matter what the cost may be!" Konnor declared

"Why not?" Luna asked picking her words carefully.

"I don't want to talk about it right now, ok? Maybe next time I'll tell you what I've been trough. Deal?" Konnor asked with his head hung low. Luna knew she hit a sore spot.

"Of course, whenever you're ready to talk, I'll listen." Luna replied, feeling the pain radiating off of him.

"Thank you." Konnor said as his mood grew serious again, "Now excuse me while I help my new, and first friend in this land, aside from you, of course."

"No offense taken." Luna said as he disappeared from his dreamscape. "Spoken like a true Guardian Angel. But there is so much to learn about him, maybe this one will require a bit more coaxing into telling me about him, when he is ready of course." Luna then walked over to Moondancers dreamscape door and sighed.

"She's happier with him, maybe while he's healing her, she'll heal him as well." Luna thought out loud while putting her hoof on the edge of the door as it disappeared, a sign that somepony has woken up.

"I wish them the best of luck. They're going to need it." She said as she walked to her own dream realm to finish her job on a high note, one involving her own Guardian Angel.