• Published 13th Aug 2015
  • 1,985 Views, 144 Comments

My Little Equestroid: Stompin' is Magic - ForeverChasingRainbows

Twilight Sparkle and her friends get more than they bargained for when they are sent to investigate traces of dark magic out in the Appleloosan Badlands. BraveStarr crossover.

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Chapter 2 - Twilight Falls

**Twilight Sparkle**

Once the group had extricated her from beneath the red and black plaid blanket - and pulled Pinkie free of the rock she'd ended up half embedded in - Twilight recognised the explosively delivered picnic for what it was. One of the baskets had a dent in it shaped very much like Pinkie Pie's head, but the contents seemed largely unaffected. Everypony had a chance to calm down and recharge as the group of friends ate and drank together.

"Ya feelin' a little better now, Twi?" said Applejack.

Twilight flushed and ducked her head briefly. "Yes. Sorry I was being all grouchy. Using all this dark magic is really messing with my head, but if we don't find the leak soon then it'll start affecting everypony in the area." She paused to glance at each of her friends, a small smile returning to her face. "I don't think I'd be able to do this if you girls hadn't come along, so... thank you."

"Yeah, we're pretty awesome that way," Rainbow Dash mumbled around a mouthful of apple fritter. She had produced a pair of sunglasses from somewhere, and was lying on her back with her wings spread out on the blanket.

"I wish there was more we could do to help with the actual investigating part beyond grubbing around aimlessly in the dirt. It doesn't really help that we don't know for certain what we're looking for," Rarity commented. "Not that I'm not eager to help of course, but it's a little frustrating. One would imagine that dark magic leaking into the world would be more, well, obvious."

Rainbow Dash nudged her shades up with a hoof and turned an eye towards Twilight. "Yeah, shouldn't there be like, a huge evil glowy thing we can just smash up or something?"

Twilight was about to launch into an explanation of the fascinating subtleties of magical field theory when Pinkie Pie cut in. "Bad guys can be really sneaky sometimes. That's one of the ways you can tell they're mean, besides the cackling. And the moustache-twirling."

Twilight's attempt to smash the memory of Pinkie's alternative explanation to bits before the stupid infected her brain were likewise interrupted, this time by Fluttershy. "Are you sure there's nothing more we can do to help, Twilight?"

Twilight sighed heavily. "No, I'm the only one who can use dark magic. The leak will react when I get close to it while channelling, and I know it's around here somewhere. We just have to keep our eyes open and sweep over the area until we find it."

Why do I always have to do everything anyway? What's the point of dragging these useless foals around if they can't even-

Twilight's brain came to a screeching halt. She felt her stomach twist as a chill ran down her spine.

"Y'okay Twilight?" Applejack said, her voice sounding oddly muffled.

Something's not right with... with something. Come on, think. I'm smart and strong enough to fix anything, not like the rest of these idiots. And I've got all of my best friends with me, and with that bunch of mewling sycophants and hangers-on following me about I can do anything.

No, that's not it at all. This isn't...

It was suddenly hard for Twilight to even think. It felt as if somepony had pulled her brain out, mashed it, and shoved it back in again. The annoying faint buzz that had been hovering at the edge of her hearing for the last hour rose to a droning roar. Then the world seemed to race away from her eyes, disappearing down a dark tunnel as Twilight tried to make sense of what was happening. Blind, deaf and confused, she instinctively reached for the comforting glow of her magic. There was a brief horrifying mental lurch, a feeling of falling and imbalance similar to missing a step on a staircase, and nothing happened.

This isn't right, what's going on? This isn't physically possible! This is not happening!

Oh, it's happening. And what use are you without it, little pony?

What do I do? What the hay am I supposed to do now? Twilight desperately reached out again and again, but that same feeling was all that awaited her - like probing the hole left by a lost tooth. A sudden void where something familiar once sat.

The Element of Magic, with no magic! No, no, I- we can still fix this. Calm and rational, we don't need another Smarty Pants incident. Back to the library, do some research. Send a letter to Celestia. My friends-

What use will they have for you now, powerless as you are? They associate with you because you are useful, and follow your lead because you are powerful. Without magic, you are neither.

-never have to know, if I can just find something left that will work. Just until I can figure out what this is.

Twilight's flailing mind skipped and rolled off the void where her magic should have been. Suddenly she bumped into something else. Another kind of magic. Oily and dark, and powerful. Dangerous.

That's it.

Perfectly formed. Useful. She'd played with it a couple of times, but Twilight knew she'd barely scratched the surface of what it could do. Always dipping a hoof in the edge, then running back to the familiarity of the safe, boring magic she normally used.

A little uncertainty crept in at the edges of the part of Twilight's mind that wasn't gibbering in panic. This doesn't feel right. Something is really wrong with me!

Of course something is wrong, you idiot. You're the Element of Magic, and you're not using your magic. What's wrong with you, just lose yourself in it and everything will be fine again.

Twilight caught something on the edge of her hearing, almost buried by the buzzing roar. Who... is somepony there? What is happening to me?! Help!

Look at it. Is it not beautiful? You are the magic, and it is you. Don't fight it.

She balanced on a knife edge. Behind her lay... something. Names. Hers, others, she didn't know. They might have been important, once. But in front of her was something truly wonderful. She didn't know what was holding her back. Some sort of connection, five thin tethers, to whatever was behind-

Embrace it.

She threw herself forward as the dark, pulsating mass reached out to engulf her. The five small points of pressure on her back strained, and one of them blazed red hot as it began to tear free.

Then, somepony popped her in the horn.

Twilight's world snapped back into focus for an instant, before exploding into a kaleidoscope of excruciating agony as she fell to the ground with her hooves feebly pawing at her abused appendage. She thought she might have been screaming, and she had almost certainly thrown up, but it was difficult to tell through the pain.

After what felt like several hours curled up around her horn, bits of the outside world started to filter back into Twilight's perception. She didn't feel up to opening her eyes just yet, but from the sounds of it there were several ponies nearby, and they were talking about something. Her, presumably. Twilight tried to focus on the conversation, and eventually tuned in to what sounded like a very stressed Rainbow Dash.

"Are you sure she's gonna be okay, like, really? I had to do something, but that scream-" Rainbow's voice choked off, then resumed in a more subdued tone. "Sweet Celestia, Twi, I am so sorry."

"Being hit in the horn while channelling is a very unpleasant experience, Rainbow Dash," Rarity said, her voice a little strained in empathy for Twilight's pain, "but I think I can say with some confidence that Twilight is significantly better off like this for a few minutes than she would have been had... whatever it was finished."

"You're really, totally sure?" Rainbow's voice was pleading, almost desperate. "Aww ponyfeathers, she's gonna hate me. I mean, look at her! I did that to her, and on purpose too!"

The pain in Twilight's head spiked a little as Pinkie Pie chimed in with her slightly too loud voice. "Don't be such a silly filly Dashie. She's gonna be a little grouchy for a while, sure, but you totally just saved her from going all meanie-pants on us!"

Twilight tried to ask a question, but raising her head proved to be too much too soon for the hot metal spike that had apparently replaced her horn. All that actually came out of her mouth was a strained "Ow." A pair of hooves gently forced her head back down, accompanied by Fluttershy's voice. "Twilight, don't move just yet. You need to rest for a while, okay?"

"Ohmygosh, Twilight!" Rainbow Dash's voice approached to the sound of rapid hoofsteps. "Twilight, I am so, so sorry-"

"Rainbow!" Fluttershy interrupted in a restrained yet firm tone. "Not now, and not so loud. She'll still be very sensitive."

Twilight decided to take a chance and cracked one eye open. She had to clench her teeth against the pain, and drew in a sharp involuntary breath, but managed to refrain from closing her eye again. She seemed to be lying on her belly, chin propped up on something soft, with Rarity and Fluttershy standing over her. Fluttershy was positioned between Twilight and a visibly distressed Rainbow Dash, who was just beginning to be moved away by Applejack.

"C'mon RD. Give 'em some space, Twi'll be just fine. Ain't nothin' to do now but give her time." Applejack said gently, one hoof on Rainbow's shoulder. Dash dropped her head, expression tormented, and allowed herself to be led away.

Twilight glanced up at Rarity, her attention drawn by the pale blue glow surrounding the unicorn's horn. Suddenly she remembered the terrible emptiness where her magic should have been, and without pausing to consider the consequences she reached for it again.

Rarity's eyes widened in horror, and she just had time to blurt out "Twilight, don't-" before the dull throbbing pain in Twilight's horn blazed back into life and speared down into her skull. Twilight screwed her eyes shut again and bit back a scream, then held still for a few moments while the pain receded. Once it had died down to a bearable level, Twilight relaxed a little and cracked a weak smile.

Right back where it's supposed to be.

The sounds of Fluttershy and Rarity fussing over her latest episode faded into the background as Twilight tried to piece the last few minutes back together in her mind. Worse than the mounting anxiety over some of the things she had been thinking was the memory of how she had felt while thinking them - like absolutely nothing was wrong. Only right at the end had she even felt like anything was amiss, and by then it was too late. She'd come perilously close to the edge. No, not even that. She'd gone all the way over it. The dark magic she had been using all day had been slowly influencing her, and she hadn't even noticed.

Twilight felt her stomach twist again as the memory played out before her mind's eye. What in the world was I thinking? A wave of revulsion and self-loathing rolled over her.

Rarity's voice drifted back into Twilight's perception, addressing Fluttershy in hushed tones. "...need an inhibitor ring. The amount she uses magic normally, I can't say for certain if she'll be able to avoid doing it purely on instinct every time she comes round. I'd suggest sending Rainbow Dash to fetch one, but I don't know if we'll be able to convince her to leave-"

"N-not necessary." Twilight ground out through clenched teeth. Her voice sounded strange to her own ears, and there was a tight scratchy sensation in her throat as she spoke. "I'll be fine. That one was... sort of intentional. Had to check something." Twilight forced her right eye open again to look up a plainly unconvinced Rarity.

"Twilight dear, you know better than I do that you can't afford to do that again. You could really hurt yourself. It'll be much easier to-"

"No!" Twilight flinched as her forceful exclamation shot another bolt of pain through her head, and moderated her tone. "Sorry. I just... I really don't want to be cut off from my magic right now. Even if I can't use it, I need to know it's there. Please? I'm feeling a lot better now."

Rarity huffed out a breath and glanced aside. "Well, I'm not going to force you darling. I just think it would be the best choice, that's all."

"I agree with Rarity," Fluttershy added hesitantly, "b-but if you don't want to then that's fine too."

Twilight felt a little swell of happiness at her friend's concern, and then briefly basked in the simple joy of feeling that rather than anger or frustration at their difference of opinion. Only now with the dark magic's influence gone did she notice all of the effects it ha been having on her.

"Thanks girls, but I'll be okay. I think I need to have a talk with Rainbow Dash, though," Twilight said, trying to keep the annoyance out of her voice, "Is she-"

There was a strangled noise from Twilight's left. Just catching herself in time, Twilight refrained from turning her head and instead opened her left eye. Rainbow Dash was standing a short distance away, her face twisted into a mask of guilt and apprehension. Dash opened her mouth to speak, then ducked her head with a whimper and stared at her hooves as Twilight's eye briefly met hers.


"I-I'm sorry Twilight. I shouldn't have... I-" The normally ebullient pegasus broke off with a sniffle. "I'll just go," she finished, voice cracking.

"Thank you."

Rainbow Dash flinched, then pulled her head back in confusion. "Huh?"

"I'm not going to lie about how much that hurt," Twilight went on as Rainbow cringed again, "but you just saved my life. Everypony did, but you especially. So thank you, and never do that again."

"Y-you don't..." Rainbow met Twilight's gaze again, hope growing in her eyes.

"I'm going to regret saying this," Twilight said, "but you should listen to Pinkie. This time. She's right about what almost happened."

Pinkie Pie appeared from somewhere behind Rainbow Dash, her head cocked to one side. "'Course I was, silly. When am I ever wrong?" Pinkie's eyes briefly turned skywards and she raised a hoof to her chin. "Oh, except for that one time with the oatmeal. And when I thought everypony hated me. And waaaait a second. Scratch that, I'm wrong a ton. Not about that though!" she said, lowering her raised forehoof before bouncing into the air happily. By the time she landed, her smile had given way to a confused pout. "Umm, just so we're all on the same page here, what was I right about again?"

Twilight closed her eyes again, so she didn't have to see the looks on their faces when she confessed. "That the dark magic I've been using has been steadily altering my behaviour over the course of the day, and that it would have succeeded in turning me completely if you all hadn't stepped in," she began.

That I've betrayed the trust Princess Celestia placed in me when she taught me to use this magic, and I was only a second away from being the next King Sombra or Nightmare Moon. That I failed you all.

"I don't-" Twilight's voice faltered as she tried to force the words out, "I don't think I can do this any more. I'm sorry girls, but I... I've failed."

Applejack's voice cut into Twilight's melancholy, surprising her with its mildly annoyed tone. "All right, I was gonna let this play out, but you just ain't talkin' sense no more."

Twilight opened her eyes in confusion to see all of her friends standing around her, Applejack in the center eyeing her with faint disapproval.

"So ya messed up. We all do that, and you've been there for all o' us before now. You think any of us is a failure 'cos we needed a helpin' hoof from a friend'r two? I've already learned that one the hard way; looks like it's your turn. Ya don't fail when ya mess somethin' up, Twi. Ya fail when ya give up. When ya stop tryin'. When ya don't get yerself the help ya need." Applejack looked to the ponies stood on either side of her. "And you're forgettin' we're all in this together, sugarcube. I ain't no quitter, and I know you ain't neither. We're gonna be right here with ya the whole way. Right?"


"Everypony needs a little help sometimes."


"I'm not leaving anypony hanging. And since when does Twilight Sparkle ever fail?"

Twilight's eyes flicked between her friends, still disbelieving. How could they still be standing there like nothing was wrong? She couldn't do this any more, she was done. Spent. There wasn't a backup plan or another way to search for the rift, if she couldn't do it then that was it. Task failed, everypony pack up and head for home. She'd ruined everything, let them all down. They wouldn't be able to rely on her again, not after this. She was a horrible pony. It must have shown on her face, because Applejack spoke up again.

"Darn it Twi, you're overthinkin' this ain't ya? It doesn't matter if you messed somethin' up. We're your friends, girl! We're still behind ya, and we're gonna fix this. Might not seem possible to you right now, but we're the ones givin' the help this time. Leave it to us, we'll find a way."

They still believed in her. Twilight didn't understand it, but she wasn't going to question it either. Not when it made her feel so much better, like each of her friends had built a little fire inside her to push back the encroaching darkness. Maybe they would find a way through this after all.

"Thanks girls. I really needed that." Twilight said quietly. Carefully, so as not to cause Twilight any more pain, the group closed in for a hug.

"Hey, Twilight, you want one of these?" Pinkie Pie asked quietly from the center of the huddle, worming a hoof free to offer a small throat sweet.

Restrained by the surrounding ponies, Twilight made an affirmative sound and stuck her tongue out. She knew what was coming next, and as much as it was going to make her cringe it also felt... normal. Comforting.

"Thanks Pinkie," she said, as she closed her mouth again and the soothing feeling spread down her throat.

Pinkie Pie nodded, a huge grin on her face. "No problem. I noticed you were a little hoarse."


Night fell on the surface as the six friends set up camp and got some much-needed rest - directly on top of the very rift they were searching for. Just below their hooves lay an extensive cave network, already saturated with dark magic. Resonating with the aftereffects of the huge amount of power Twilight Sparkle had almost unleashed, the small tear hanging in the still subterranean air began to shift.

The space around the breach pulsed and stretched like rubber as something pushed against it from the outside. In a few short hours, the small puncture widened into a pitch black hole more than large enough to swallow a pony whole. The undulating distortions expanding through the air around the rift passed through the rock of the cave walls as easily as they did through the air, but the rigid stone was much less capable of withstanding being warped along spatial dimensions through which it was never intended to move. Small cracks became fissures, and fissures became whole new tunnels as the ground split and shifted beneath the sleeping ponies.

A short distance away, in a direction that didn't have a name - through the gap between worlds - a nefarious scheme had suffered a setback.

Although the portal had been widened, it had not grown large enough. The failure to successfully create an agent on the far side of the portal would dramatically increase the difficulty of any further expansion of the rift. The plan could still go ahead, but the delay was... aggravating. It also increased the probability that a certain individual and his do-gooding lackeys would catch wind of the plan and create problems of their own on this side of the gateway. Defenses would need to be prepared.

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