• Published 9th Aug 2015
  • 754 Views, 4 Comments

To the One I Love - Lise

Rainbow Dash agrees to join Pinkie Pie and a pair of twins to a karaoke club. Next morning, both boy and girl twin start singing her serenades...

  • ...

To the One I Left Behind

"This one goes out to the one I love," the sound of singing came from the window.

With an annoyed grumble, Rainbow Dash closed it shut, then pulled the curtains. This was the worst! One silly compliment, and she had condemned herself to a life of endless serenades. She never should have admitted that she liked Pinkie's rap. Actually she never should have gone to that karaoke club, either!

"For you!" The volume outside increased.

"Argh!" Rainbow covered her ears. "One song! One stupid song!" she shouted.

In truth was a bit more to it... Like the drinks. To make it worse it had been her idea. Pinkie Pie had been pestering her to do karaoke for weeks. Each day Dash would come with an excuse, until finally she ran out. Demanding that they go to a place that served good cider was her final condition. The reasoning was simple - although she hated karaoke, she did like cider, so the evening wouldn't be totally wasted.

And then of course, there were the twins. Both of them were new, transferred to Canterlot High just recently. They weren't in Rainbow's circles, so she was utterly unaware of their existence. Leave it to Pinkie to want to make anything under the sun welcome!

"Could the new guys come?" Rainbow Dash asked annoyed, imitating Pinkie's voice. "No prob, Pinkie," she waved her hands in the air furious at her past self, "let the new kids join in. Not that it can get any worse."

How wrong could one get. As Rainbow walked around the room furious, she noticed the singing had stopped. That was a relief. Having to hide at school was among her least favourite thing. Cautiously she moved to the window and peaked from behind the curtain.

"An awesome girl, to occupy my time," the song boomed again, louder than before.

Rainbow jumped instantly out of view, her back to the wall. She was breathing heavily. Damn it! She had got herself caught by the oldest trick in the book! Now Morning would never leave. Talk about embarrassment. Rainbow's name wasn't directly mentioned in the song, but it might well have. 'Awesome girl' was more or less her trademark. No doubt she was going to get in trouble, probably another talk with the vice-principle. However, that was the least of her worries. Last night, when they had gone to the karaoke club, things had happened...

* * *

Initially the karaoke evening had started quite lame - select a booth, order some food and cider, choose a lame boring song. The twins were as quiet as Pinkie's alligator. Morning, the older of the two, had one of those annoying cheerleader smiles. One could bet she was the teacher pet type. Her brother, Evening, on the other hand was a goth, and by the looks of it as enthusiastic to be here as Rainbow herself. At least, I'm not the only one suffering, she thought as she started her cider.

"Anything you want in particular?" Pinkie Pie asked going through the song selection.

"Alternative," Morning said eagerly.

"Dark wave," her brother said simultaneously.

Rainbow blinked. She'd heard stories that twins finish their sentences, know what the other is thinking and all that, but had never seen it first hand. It was kind of freaky.

"How about... Rap!" Pinkie said oblivious and started Wonderbolt History. Not a bad choice, as far as rap went. "Who wants to go with me?"

Everyone looked at each other.

"Go ahead, Pinkie," Rainbow said, finishing her drink. It was quite nice, but the problem with cider was it always made her want more. "Can I have yours, Morny?" she asked the girl, pointing at her drink. "Next round is on me."

"Err... Sure," Morning replied. After all, it wasn't as if she had touched it.

* * *

The song was composed of one single verse repeated over and over. If Morning sucked things would have been much easier. No one would have taken her seriously. Thing was, Morning had a really nice voice, and quite the tenacity. Daring another look through a crack in the curtains, Rainbow could see Morning standing on a huge loudspeaker, mike in hand. She had even dressed for the occasion - rainbow motives all over her white shirt and jeans.

"It's always the quiet ones," Rainbow sighed. She definitely had to get out of here. Or break up. Or both.

This was ridiculous! How could one break up with someone after twelve hours? Was there anything to break up from? Rainbow certainly didn't think so. She wasn't at all prepared for what had happened this morning. Five posts and seventy private messages! That had to be some kind of record! Not to mention the adoring looks she was getting during class. And if that wasn't bad enough, not all of them came from Morning...

* * *

"You know Pinkie, that was quite cool," Rainbow Dash said finishing her second cider.

"Heh," Pinkie shrugged. "I try. Want to have a go?"

"Nah, I'm good," Dash slammed the empty glass on the table. "Why don't one of you guys go ahead? You're ok with singing, right?"

"Of definitely!" Morning nodded, her smile wondering a bit, it that was possible. "Is there anything by Synchronized Sleep?"

"One way to find out!" Pinkie started searching through the songs again. A moment later she was joined by Morning.

"So," Rainbow turned to the goth, as she played with her empty glass. "Do you guys finish your sentences?"

"That's identical twins," the boy said with a deep sigh. "We're just born on the same day."

"So no twin powers, mind reading and such?" Rainbow pushed on. She really was bored out of her mind. She was also thirsty again.

"No twin powers. We are different. She's the cheerful responsible one," Evening pointed at his sister. "I'm the one who picks up the pieces when there's a mess."

"Oh?" Rainbow arched a brow, mildly curious.

"Sis is good with people. She can fit in any group. Always finds a common subject, spends time with them and the like," he pointed discretely at Pinkie and Morning. The two had started a conversation about music bands. Looking at them, one would say they had been best friends for ages.

"It's all an act," Evening whispered. "She tries to be perfect, everyone's darling, but she never ever lets anyone get close. Then, one day she breaks down. I spend weeks getting her back to her feet, only to watch her do it again."

"That's sad," Rainbow said. The boy was probably exaggerating, of course. She couldn't imagine Morning, getting into such a state. She probably only got the blues now and then, but that was normal. "You're cool, though," Rainbow tapped him on the shoulder. "Never leave your friends hanging."

"Found it!" Morning beamed. "And the perfect song too!"

"Go ahead, girl!" Rainbow cheered. Did the story make her feel sympathy towards Morning. "Show us what you got!"

The song started. It was one of those popular alternative pieces. Catchy, although Rainbow couldn't say she was a fan of the band. Synchronized Sleep were a bit too mainstream for her taste. Oh habit, she lifted her glass, eager to get the last few remaining drops of cider.

"Hey," Evening said pushing his own drink towards her. "Have mine."

* *

"I really need to get home," she said moving away from the window again. Was that the solution, though? She had already put fuel in the fire by replying to part of the messages. It's not that there was anything dubious about them. Rainbow knew exactly what was implied, and to be honest the thought wasn't unappealing. For the first time in her life, however, things were going too fast. And then, there was Evening.

"Celestia, expel me now!" she groaned. So far she hadn't heard anything from him... But he had come with a synth to school. Not to mention he too had been giving her looks. Not as openly as Morning, but Rainbow could tell. She had even spotted a few colourful badges pinned to his black shirt. No doubt about it, he had fallen for her as well. Question was how hard. Unlike his sister he tended to keep more to himself. And that terrified Dash.

Taking out her phone, Rainbow quickly dialed Sunset Shimmer. Maybe there was a magical solution to this problem.

"Hello, Rainbow," Sunset said on the other end. "I take it you must be desperate by now?"

"Hello... What?" Rainbow blinked.

"I know everything."

"Everything?" Rainbow swallowed. There were parts of last night that she herself didn't remember. Unfortunately she remembered enough...

* * *

"Wow, that's some voice you have there, Morny!" Rainbow Dash clapped energetically. "You made the song sound good! And coming from an awesome girl like me, that means a lot!"

"I've just had a lot of practice," Morning replied. In this light it looked as if she blushed ever so slightly. "Haven't been serious about it for a while."

"We'll get back into it!" Rainbow stood up, then went to Morning and hugged her. It seemed like a good idea. Also the cider was starting to have an effect. "With that voice you'll drive people crazy!"

"Yeah!" Pinkie joined in hugging them both in her typical fashion. "Like the Dazzlings! But not like the Dazzlings because they were evil, and you are not evil."

"We should go, sis," Evening said from his seat. Of everyone, only he didn't seem to join in the cheer.

"Oh, lighten up!" a slightly tipsy Rainbow Dash replied. "Let the girl have some fun! She's earned it. And don't you think you're off the hook, mister! We're not leaving here until you've made a fool of yourself!"

Rainbow smiled at the confusion on his face. She knew his type - great at listening to music, but horrible performer. In truth she was like that once. Not that it showed, of course. Initially she was expecting him to come up with an excuse of some sort, or begrudgingly accept defeat, letting his sister remain a while longer. To her surprise he did neither. Standing up without a word, Evening went to the karaoke machine and started to go through the list of songs.

"I'll go get some more drinks," Morning said, delicately pulling away from Rainbow. "Cider for you?"

"Sweet!" Rainbow winked.

"Do you want anything, Pinkie?" Morning offered as she went to exit the booth.

"Oh, oh, some chocolate pie!" the pink haired girl said eagerly. "No! Apple cake! Argh! Can't decide! You know what? I'll come with you! That way I'll know exactly what to choose!"

As both of them left, Rainbow returned her attention to Evening. The goth had chosen a band and was now picking songs.

"Ponies of Mercy?!" she asked surprised. Talk about a blast from the past! Rainbow could associate years of her life with that band. Sure, they were old, and their music videos were laughable, but several of their songs had a soft spot in her heart. "Those guys are my favourite! I didn't know anyone listened to them anymore!"

"I do," Evening said then started the song.

* * *

"Pinkie told me what mess you got yourself into," Sunset said. Even through the phone, a Rainbow could feel her disapproving glare. "And even if she hadn't, it's pretty much impossible to miss what's going on outside!"

"Oh, so you've heard it..."

"Heard it? Half the school thinks we're going to have another battle of the bands! Principle Celestia even called me to ask if I had anything to do with it!"

"Look, I need a favour," Rainbow cut her off. "Is there a magic spell or such that could wipe memories?"

"What?! Are you crazy?"

"Maybe send me to pony land?" Rainbow asked quietly, making her way to the door. "For a few months or so?"

"Look, going to Equestria is serious business," came from the phone. Rainbow rolled her eyes. Regardless the circumstances, she didn't like being lectured. "You got yourself in this mess, you get yourself out of it! Running away isn't a solution."

"Well, can't you do anything? You're still single, right?"

"I'll pretend I didn't hear that!"

"Come on! Not that I can't take care of things, I just think it'll be faster," she grabbed the handle of the door.

"Nice try! If you don't like their music, just tell them to stop."

"Their music?" Rainbow opened the door. "I only saw Morning."

"You mean you haven't..." Sunset began, but instantly stopped. "Don't go out in the hallway!"

Too late. Before Rainbow could even ask the question, she saw him. Evening was standing there, less than ten steps away, holdings his synth patiently. The moment their eyes met, he nodded slightly.

Rainbow bit her lip. She had so much hoped he had been drunk and didn't remember last night...

* * *

Cheers filled the room as the song ended. Man, he was quite good as well! Very different from his sister. He had one of those gravelly voices that went really well with certain songs. Maybe it was the cider talking, but she really liked it.

"Awesome!" Rainbow said lifting her glass. "Music really runs in the family."

"I just like wasting my time," Evening said, going back to his seat.

"Don't listen to him," Morning said placing her hand round Rainbow's shoulder. The twin had a bit too much to drink as well, and obviously wasn't able to handle her liquor. "He loves it, I should know. Eve likes to pretend we're nothing in common, but we like the same things. The only reason he went goth was to piss off mom and dad!"

"I'm not goth," he grumbled, grabbing a glass of cider of his own.

"See? Told you karaoke was great!" Pinkie ran to the machine. "Now how about we do one together?"

"Pinkie, that's lame!" Rainbow laughed, trying to keep Morning from toppling over. "There are no cool songs for four people. Besides, we only have one mike, remember?"

That, of course, was no deterrent for Pinkie, who already had started searching. If Rainbow had to be honest with herself, she did feel like singing right now. Only not alone. Solo performances were for when sober. She was having far too much fun! Taking a seat to next to Eve she placed Morning beside her.

"So guys, what do you think of this place?" she asked. "Is it awesome or what?"

"The town..." Morning began.

"...or the karaoke place?" Evening finished.

"You really do finish your sentences!" Rainbow laughed placing an arm round the shoulders of each. "It's really freaky cool! Next thing you'll tell me you can read your thoughts as well!"

Before anyone could answer Pinkie joined them with the mike. The song she chose was quite well known, so she they didn't have to keep track of the screen that much. Besides, it wasn't like they were in condition to anyway. While they were singing, Rainbow felt a warm feeling bubble inside her. Not because of the cider. She definitely was a bit lightheaded, though far from drunk. She could tell it was different - an unnatural feeling of closeness to that person, so sudden, yet unmistakable. And it definitely gave her an idea...

* * *

Sound boomed in the corridor. Rainbow barely managed to barricade herself back in the room as the singing started.

"Sail on, cyan wings, through this storm," Rainbow could hear Eve sing outside. "What brought you, lovely wings, back to my heart again?"

Just great! she thought. He was singing about wings now. Which meant the twins must have seen them last night. Usually it would be a good thing when people didn't freak out at her sprouting wings during a performance. In this case, however, she wished they had.

This was ridiculous! Why was she hiding? The twins didn't have the strength or the friends to stand up to her. There was no reason for Rainbow not to tell them to get lost. There was nothing they would be able to do about it. They definitely didn't seem like the people to plot complicated revenge schemes. No, the reason she didn't want to face them was different... Entirely different...

* * *

"Want to have another go?" Pinkie asked breathing heavily. They had spent the last twenty minutes singing and resinging the song and each time it felt more and more fun. Only problem was, that everyone was starting to fall asleep.

"Nah, let's stop," Rainbow Dash said. After seven repeats she had started to get bored.

"Great, because I have to go go go!" Pinkie Pie said than rushed out, possibly for the toilet. That left Rainbow, Morning - who was still a bit too cheerful - and her half asleep brother.

Rainbow Dash smiled. This was perfect for what she had in mind.

"Guys, guys," she shoved them. "Have a question for you. If one of you gets drunk, does the other get drunk as well?"

"Wha?" Evening managed to ask.

"Are your senses linked?" Rainbow clarified.

"I told you before, we don't have any supernatural po..."

Before he could finish, Rainbow grabbed the back of his head with one hand, then pressed his face against hers in a kiss. It was much warmer than she expected. For a moment her entire face felt hot as her heart beat wildly. A sudden kiss, lacking style or sophistication, but full of raw emotion. Finishing, Rainbow gently pulled away. The experience had rendered Evening speechless, Rainbow too, for that matter, but this was her show and she had to look cool.

"Did you feel that?" She turned to Morning, who shook her head, a beautiful expression of surprise on her face. "Good," Rainbow winked mischievously and kissed her as well. This time it was gentle, prepared, sweet with a slight taste is cider. The warmth was still there, though, along with the sound of Rainbow's heart ringing in her ears. And then Pinkie returned...

* * *

Serenades under the window, serenades outside the door... this had quickly become one dream turned nightmare, and all because of that one compliment of that one stupid song! If Rainbow Dash could take things back she mostly would. Lacking a time traveling spell, however, that was impossible. And even if there was one, she wasn't sure she would use it. Sunset Shimmer was correct in that regard - Rainbow had gotten herself into this mess, and it was up to her to get herself out of it.

Going to the window she pulled the curtains aside and opened it.

"You!" she shouted to Morning. "Stop singing and come up here!" She didn't care if people would talk. What had to be done had to be done. Not bothering to wait for a response, Rainbow went into the hallway and dragged Eve, synth and all, into the room.

"Sit!" She pointed a desk. "We're going to have a talk!"

The plan was for the free of them to talk this over like reasonable people. The plan went to shreds, the instant Morning entered. Seeing her, Evening jumped to his feet.

"I've nothing to say that ain't been said before!" he shouted at his sister, half singing as he did so. "I've bled all I can I will bleed no more!"

"You're laying blame!" Morning countered in the same fashion. "Take this as no, no, no..."

Rainbow covered her face. This was way too much like battle of the bands, the difference being that she was the prize. Right now this somehow didn't feel in the least flattering. Ultimately, the twins were very similar. They couldn't read each other's minds, or link their senses, but they shared the same emotions towards her. Apparently they also were of similar opinion how to "win her". Maybe this was the reason everything seemed so fast, rushed almost? Had they spoken about it after they had gone home last night? Or did Rainbow's careless behaviour at the karaoke club affect them in the same way? To be honest she did send quite obvious signals. Though, why did they have to turn out so impressionable?!

"Guys!" she shouted. "Stop it! No more shouting, serenading, fighting and definitely no more singing! I want you to stay there and listen!"

The twins looked at each other suspiciously, but obeyed.

"Good!" Rainbow said. On the inside she was trembling. She had to keep appear strong, though. "Now, we all know what happened yesterday. I'll be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it, but it was all meant as casual fun!" She so hated herself for lying. "Yes, I know it moved beyond that, but I didn't think both of you would react the way you did! And I definitely didn't think you'd start song-fighting each other throughout the entire school! Do you have any idea what vice-principle Luna will do to you?"

Both shrugged simultaneously. School seemed to be their least worry at the moment.

"The thing is," now the hard part began. "I like you guys. You are cool, fun, and definitely not what you make out to be. Is there anything more?" Say no, say no, say no! "Yes!" How she hated herself for saying that. "However, I don't want to rush it! I can't believe I'm saying this, but I want it to develop slowly, gradually. Sorry, guys, but even with my awesomeness there's just enough for one..."

No one said a word. They were standing before Rainbow Dash like lambs to the slaughter, and she couldn't muster the strength to tell them directly!

"Listen," she said softly. "I'll go out now for a few moments. You guys talk. I don't want you to hate each other, and I want both of you to be my friends. Just one..." Damn it! "one might be something more," she went to the door. "I'll come back in a bit to... You know, just talk a bit, ok?"

Rainbow went out and slammed the door behind her. She felt as if something had torn her guts out. Why did she have to act so crazy last night? Right now she could very well lose a friend, as well as one she had feelings for, feelings she wanted to have! Part of her wished she had let them continue with their songs and messages. With enough determination, she could probably keep their hopes up for a month, possibly more. Would it have been worth it though? Probably not. For one thing she would never be able to live with herself after that.

Trembling, her hand wrapped itself round the handle. She was going to go inside and tell them the truth. Rainbow took a deep breath, closed her eyes, then opened the door.

"Here comes the tough part," she whispered, then walked in.

Comments ( 4 )

OOH! A choose your own ending!

6300470 Really? :) Well I guess what I know is just a version then... :P
Seriously, though, there is only one (and possibly a few hints to indicate :))

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed :D

Love it!!!!!:pinkiehappy:

6676689 Thank you :) Must find the time to edit it

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