• Published 17th Jan 2016
  • 1,953 Views, 112 Comments

The Company We Keep - Ice Star

After recent events, Cadance is pretty sure that she doesn't want to go another adventure for a while. Except that you don't have to leave your castle to have an adventure. Especially if said castle is haunted.

  • ...

Chapter 10: Little Pink Lie

These aren't helping me be stealthy. I yanked off my black boots and placed them on a nearby shelf, followed by a piece of jewelry. Even though it matched everything else still wasn't needed, no matter how much I liked it. With much regret I added two enormous silver hoop earrings which were really quite hazardous for almost any occasion that involved running about. Thank gods, I don't have a vivid imagination because I don't want to think about what would happen if something went wrong and I was wearing my earrings... yikes.

Assured that were my things were safe on a shelf, I took a few deep breaths, and adopted a nervous-looking demeanor before continuing through the crystal corridors.

If I was Opal Charm, where would I go out of all the rooms in this castle? Like me she is looking for Sapp'ra's eyes, so that would mean she should be seeking information.

Except she also said she was going to 'watch over the castle'. Where better to do that then from the throne?

I suppose the throne room is the best place to check, and then one of the less creepy libraries, and some of the studies and offices. Since she did say she was an armorsmith, it would also be wise to check the armories again.


It turned out my first choice was the correct one.

I was using one of the crystals jutting out of the wall to see if I could catch a glimpse of her in its bluish surface. There was a bit of red in reflection, along with distorted flashes of a gray cloak. Definitely her.

I still couldn't reveal that I knew who she was. In her unrecognizable state it might mean that I had learned it from somepony else - which I had - or done something of the sort that elevated my status to more of a threat in her eye.

Swallowing, I made sure my 'lost and confused' look was still intact. I hadn't figured out how to get the Ice Star out of my eye, which was a blessing as it made it harder to steal. Unless Opal was going to try and stab my eye out. Then I'm doomed.

Okay, here it goes. Charisma, please don't fail me now.


She was on the throne in all her horror, proudly puffing out what was left of her chest. Her gaze faltered when she saw me, and saw my eye.

"You have one...?" Her voice was soft, just as dangerous as an angry Sombra's, and just as crazy, perhaps even more so. It reminded me of a deranged snake who only spoke in whispers. I hope I don't laugh from thinking that.

Don't laugh.

She's looking at me again, stay calm. Seriously, don't laugh.

"I presume you had his help."

I didn't say anything.

"Of course you did."

I stayed cool.

"Which one is it? Which one did you find? Do you know what it does?"


"It's the Ice Star isn't it? The one that amplifies magic."


"I drained your magic! How did you get it?! There wasn't any way out of that room."

She's becoming too frantic. I wonder what kind of queen she was if she got freaked out so easily.

"I know where to find the Reflector Star," I said as evenly as possible, trying to look in her direction but not directly at her. I never liked having to meet the gaze of other ponies.

Opal Charm stared at my cheek. "Him and his spells... he hit you, didn't he, dear?"

I looked at the floor. Pretended it was intriguing. There were stars outside. I didn't have to look up to know she was staring.

"It's in a mountain," I said a clearly as possible, giving away no emotion.

"Which one?" Opal Charm asked suspiciously in that strange voice of hers.

I inhaled deeply and closed my eyes. The Ice Star kept showing me one medium-sized mountain that was neither steep nor easy to climb and its snow and stone had a rainbow gleam. However, next to it was a tall and jagged peak, with snowdrifts looking like they were tossed there by a blizzard.

I described this mountain to Opal Charm, she would have no way of knowing if I was lying.

"Mount Quartzite? Well then..."

She lifted herself off of the throne soundlessly walking over to where I stood and was twirling a hoof absentmindedly in the air as if at a loss for words.

Her hoof started glowing with a dull white light. Then she pressed her hoof to my throat. Her hoof was so cold that I couldn't help but shiver. I wanted to push her away but didn't, knowing that would give me away. The light from her hoof encircled my neck, floating there like dust motes before growing until there was a collar of smooth opal were my normal gold necklace was. It glowed with an enchantment I wasn't eager to discover.

"We best be going, Mi Amore Cadenza, oh and before I forget..."

She gave me her strange smile and almost pressed her face to mine. "...Don't think you can just walk away from this as easily as you ran away from the monster that hit you."

"Yes," I whispered.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

I said it, which seemed to make her less suspicious. Opal Charm was already proving herself as worthy of the title as Sombra was.

She turned and walked down the rug leading to the throne. Opal Charm was still waving her hoof, once again it was aglow with white light. When she seemed to get to a location that was satisfying she made three larges swipes in the air and a frame of gleaming opals emerged from nowhere, growing out of the floor like delicate vines.

But Opal Charm wasn't done yet she reached into herself and pulled a small stream of blue aura out of her and guided it into the frame, humming cheerfully as the magic expanded into a little glowing gate. It seems even crystal pony ghost magic thieves have ways of teleporting.

My magic... she still has it. Oh, thank Celestia I hadn't known what she had actually done with it. If only I knew how to get it back. Is it guarded?

Can you guard magic like that?

"Now let's get going, you little inconvenience. Power awaits me. My empire does as well."

I hung my head, following her to Mount Quartzite.

She's better then Seventeen, I kept thinking wondering how many lies I would tell myself today.