• Published 16th Nov 2011
  • 2,036 Views, 13 Comments

Every Half is a Whole - LCranston

Trixie teams up with a strange shadow to conquer Ponyville.

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Chapter 4 - Blindfolded No More

Two unicorns walked back into the entrance room of the hospital. The room hushed at the approach of the blue unicorn. The eyes of every foal stared in fear and panic. The eyes of every parent glared in open hostility.

Twilight led Trixie into the hallway and back into the examination room. The filly was asleep, but the parents were alert. Dr. Hooves was present, ever watchful of the blue unicorn.

The stallion commented under his breath, “I don’t know why I’m allowing this.”

Twilight replied out loud, “Because if this works, then we can put a stop to this. Even you want your daughter cured.”

The parents moved aside. Surely the Element of Magic would not allow some freak to harm their little filly.

The doctor mentioned, “She’s been getting worse. There are two new areas of infection since you’ve been gone, Twilight.”

Trixie looked at the filly and asked calmly, “What is wrong, exactly?”

The doctor started by saying, “It’s all too complicated for…”

Twilight interrupted him coldly, “She’s just as skilled in healing as I am, doctor.”

The stallion physician cleared his throat and started over, “Um, yes, well… There seems to be some kind of system-wide infection we cannot detect. Wherever the infection deposits, it causes a chain reaction of warped tissue to appear. This tissue is similar to the surrounding tissue but useless for the patient. It grows steadily, drawing more and more blood and nutrients from the patient. This appears to be some ancient disease from over ten centuries ago. No documented cases of the symptoms have ever been reported since. The mentioned medicines do not seem to have much effect other than slowing the infection.”

The blue unicorn charged her horn with energy and then bathed the filly with blue light.

The mare wailed, “Help! She’s killing my baby!”

The stallion tensed up, ready for an attack.

Twilight screamed, adding magic to make her voice carry to the entire hospital, “For the last time, will you ponies STAY OUT OF THE WAY?!?! Trixie is here on my authority, which is Princess Celestia’s authority, and she’s here to help! So help me, if you get in the way one more time, I’ll teleport you to the Everfree Forest!”

The parents shuddered at the outburst.

The doctor panicked, “No, no fighting in the hospital!”

Trixie smirked and said, “If you do find yourself out there, stay out of the quicksand pits in the south. The vines you would use to climb out are poisonous. You’d be better off sinking.”

Twilight asked testily, “Have you learned anything yet?”

The filly woke up from all the commotion. She stared up at Trixie with hope and trepidation.

Trixie reported, “I see why you think it’s a curse. The pattern doesn’t match any standard caster. This spell has been sealed.”

Twilight asked, intrigued, “Sealed? How could it be sealed? I tried unsealing it.”

The blue unicorn explained, “The sigil has been reversed. The caster used a simple trick to fake you out.”

The purple unicorn demanded, “How do you know this?”

The blue unicorn responded haughtily, “Because this is the exact incantation that links my…partner…and I. It sends me information via a link like this one. It’s very clever.”

Twilight proclaimed, “Then this proves that your partner is Discord! There is no being in Equestria that uses warped magic like this. It’s like using anti-magic or perversion-magic. The only function of this effect is to prevent the spell from being reversed.”

The doctor asked, “Are you saying that this…mare cast this spell?”

Quickly, Twilight stomped her hoof and declared, “NO! She did not. In fact, the entire fighting force of Ponyville can testify that she did not cast this spell. She was in the fields casting earthquakes and lightning. Trixie wasn’t anywhere near the foals when this happened.”

The blue unicorn seethed, getting angry. The parents backed up against the wall in fear.

She hissed, “It used me! It used me to start a needless fight and supply it with the free energy it needed to kill foals! That…that…that JERK! I’ll destroy it!”

A tiny voice asked, “Miss Trixie?”

The unicorn looked down, seeing the hopeful face of the filly. Uncomfortable just standing there in the gaze of the unafraid filly, Trixie calmed down as to not upset her.

Feeling dumb, she asked, “Uh, yes?”

Rainbow Sprinkles asked, “Are you the one who rescued my cousin from the back of the wagon to Stalliongrad?

The others looked to her inquisitively.

Sheepishly, Trixie pawed the floor and said, “Yes, that was I, the…”

Rainbow Sprinkles clapped her hooves over her head and finished, “The Great and Powerful Trixie! Yay!”

Trixie blushed furiously, unused to praise.

The filly gushed, “Thank you soooooo much! I thought I’d never see my cousin again! I love to watch her dance and I like to make ice cream! I kinda like to do both. Maybe I’ll make ice cream for Princess Celestia someday!”

The blue unicorn, feeling emotion well up from within. She fought it off as best as she could. Instead of crying, she just nodded.

The filly grew concerned, as if noticing something for the first time.

She asked, “What happened to your face? And your hoof?”

Trixie looked at her right foreleg with embarrassment. She tapped it against the right side of her face, hearing the metal-on-metal clink.

She lowered her head and said, “I got hurt.”

Rainbow Sprinkles said sympathetically, “I’m sorry. I think you’re the prettiest mare in Equestria!”

Trixie could not longer hold it in. She gushed with tears and sobbing. On impulse, she hugged the filly as tightly as she dared.

She sobbed, “You’re gonna grow up! I promise! I’m gonna…I’m gonna find the jerk that cast this spell and wring it out of him if it’s the last thing I ever do!”

Even the parents and the doctor were not immune to this display of emotion and remorse. They drained of all hatred.

Trixie kissed the filly on the forehead and then tipped her pointed hat. She charged up her horn and discharged a simple spell.

Suddenly, from the tip of the hat came a shower of colored roses, covering the filly in red, yellow, and pink. Rainbow Sprinkles giggled with glee at the display. Strangely, none of the roses had thorns.

The blue unicorn charged back into the hallway and into the entrance room. She called out, “Follow me!”

Twilight raced into the entrance room and called out, “Spike!”

Sitting on Applejack’s back, Spike opened the box holding the Elements of Harmony. He presented the valuable magic artifacts to Twilight.

The purple unicorn cast several quick incantations, moving each piece of enchanted jewelry to attach itself to its respective owner.

She declared, “Spike, send a letter to the Princess! We’re confronting Discord in the Everfree Forest! Elements of Harmony, mount up!”

The group of mares sped off westward, following the blue unicorn the whole way.

Spike ran back to the library to draft up a letter to Princess Celestia and send it.


Several minutes later, the group raced past the edge of the Everfree Forest and straight towards Trixie’s cave. Even though they had been at full gallop nonstop, none of them were tired.

As the entrance to the cave came closer, Twilight slowed a bit and said, “Let’s stop outside and make a plan.”

Trixie surged forward and yelled, “I’ve got a plan! I’m gonna kick his shadowy butt right back to the netherworld!”

Rainbow Dash formed up right behind her and agreed, “Yeah! Now you’re talkin’!!”

Pinkie Pie filed in behind her and said, “Save some for me!”

Applejack looked over to Twilight and said with a wicked grin, “Sounds like a plan to me!” She and Fluttershy formed in together behind the pink pony.

The purple unicorn just grunted in annoyance and brought up the rear.

As they twisted left and right through the cave, they suddenly emerged into a wide open chamber. Suddenly, a huge, sparkling bear with constellations for a body erupted from the floor. It reared up and roared at the group.

The Elements of Harmony skidded to a stop in a pile, nervously looking for the way out.

Trixie snarled, “Don’t insult me with your tricks. SHOW YOURSELF!” She charged right at the Ursa and charged her horn.

The blue unicorn leapt right up, stabbing the Ursa with her horn, discharging her Dispelling Incantation with force.

A loud shattering sound echoed from all over the cave. The image of the Ursa shattered into a thousand pieces, as did the walls and floor of the cave.

In its place was another cave identical to the one the mares had just seen, except there was a glowing crystal formation against the back wall. It was jagged and colored sickly green. It looked like a small bush of crystal grass, with a single spike protruding upwards. The single spike had a light coming deep from within the crystal.

Twilight focused on the crystal with her senses and became confused. The structure of the crystal was not like any she had seen.

She stated, “Be careful, everypony. The magic in here is not natural.”

Suddenly, a familiar voice echoes throughout the cave, “Oh, you think? I’m surprised your little brains could figure out what magic is much less what is ‘natural’.”

A shadow appeared on the wall next to the crystal growth. It was a shape of nearly a dozen animal parts all put together.

Applejack announced, “Discord! Ya done an’ went too far! Fix all them little fillies and colts or we’ll kick yer scrawny butt into the sun!”

Twilight threatened, “We know your plan and it won’t work! Everypony knows that Trixie isn’t to blame. We’re all ticked off at you now. Your deception is over!”

The shadow on the wall snarled and said, “Well, then I’ll have to console myself with just killing all of you.” It turned (as much as a shadow can turn) towards Trixie and pointed a claw at her.

He declared, “I expected more from you, partner. Did you decide to go back to licking Celestia’s hooves for a bowl of porridge? Or is that honor reserved just for her junior student?”

Trixie growled, “Spreading sickness was not part of the plan! We agreed to just make them cower. After what you did, they’d never bow to me or anyone!”

Rainbow Dash asked dangerously, “You wanted to do what to Ponyville?”

The blue unicorn decided to go for broke. She faced the others and confessed, “I admit it. I worked with this shadow. It was the ONLY creature to show me kindness after I was exiled. My life was threatened time after time by ponies who left Ponyville looking for the glory of ‘killing Trixie’. I was tired, starving, injured, and desperate. What did any of you do to help keep me alive?”

Fluttershy said confidently, “We should have been nicer to you, Trixie. We apologize, but you starting a fight to humiliate others did not help matters. You should have come to us for help. You know we would have helped you.”

The blue unicorn said shamefully, “I know that now. I didn’t think I had a friend in the world. I thought the only way to save my life way to conquer Ponyville and then spare everyone. Then they’d see I was no monster. Then…THIS…piece of…filth betrayed me and used my energy to spread an ancient disease! Let’s get him!”

Twilight stood up boldly and instructed confidently, “We’ll take him together, Trixie. You go in slow on the left and I’ll…”

Trixie started to charge while summoning energy into her horn.

She growled, “I’m killing him NOW!”

Twilight screamed, “No, Trixie, NO!”

The shadow raised its claws and pointed them at Trixie. Suddenly, Trixie’s eyes rolled into the back of her skull and she collapsed onto the cave floor.

Black smoke emanated from her body forcefully, causing convulsions. Her frame shriveled a little as the smoke left her and entered the shadow on the wall.

The shadow then peeled itself off the cave and stood upright on the floor. It frame filled out, giving itself a full three-dimensional shape.

There stood the shadow of Discord.

He taunted in a simpering voice, “Oh, poor little Trixie. Did you forget just where your powers came from? Your uneducated brain could never understand that if I could grant powers, I could also take them away. Maybe I’ll just take what’s left and leave your ghost in this cave for all eternity to ponder it over.”

A pair of rocks flew in from across the cave, striking Discord in the chest forcefully. Each rock’s impact caused a puff of black smoke to leave the body.

Applejack called out, “Pick on somepony your own size, Discord!” The orange earth pony bucked another pair of rocks off the floor right at the shadow.

The shadow dodged the rocks, backing up.

A shower of pebbles levitated under his feet. Discord’s feet slipped on the loose pebbles and he fell to the floor. A puff of black smoke left his body, causing his frame to shrink.

Rarity chuckled, “Do watch where you step, dear.”

Discord snarled and the green crystal glowed. A stream of sickly green energy traveled to merge with the shadow, filling in all of the damaged areas and making him grow back to normal size.

Twilight began to magically scan the crystal deeply, looking for weak points. She called out, “Keep it up!”

Discord announced, “Do you think you can really harm me when I’m composed of living shadow?”

Pinkie Pie suddenly appeared from behind Discord holding a pair of cupcakes, one with pink icing and the other with green icing.

She laughed and said, “Oh, is that what you are? I thought you were just stuck in here so long that you lost all your colors!”

She then used the cupcakes like markers, coloring Discord’s shadow with pink eyes and a green mouth.

She laughed, “Ha, ha! There you go, mister grumpy shadow! Now you’re smiling, hee, hee!”

Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy laughed at Discord appearance. Suddenly, the places where the icing touched burned the shadow away.

Fluttershy concentrated on her element and then spoke kindly, “Discord, I know you don’t really like hurting ponies. You’re just trying to do your job as the universe dictates. We understand and we won’t hold it against you.”

Butterfly-shaped energy bolts emanated from her necklace, pelting Discord and melting his shadowy flesh.

He raised his arms and the crystal glowed again. Another stream of sickly green energy filled him back up.

Twilight called out, “This crystal stole Trixie’s emotional energy! He’s using it like a power source, we’ve got to smash it or else we’ll never beat him!”

She charged up her horn and then discharged it into a simple, brutish lightning bolt. The bolt arced across the room and struck the green crystal. It scorched at the base of the center spike.

Discord immediately snapped his attention to the purple unicorn and growled, “That’s enough out of you!” He extended his left forepaw, expanding its size. He gripped twilight by the neck and lifted her off the floor, shaking her harshly.

Trixie blinked and stood up. She saw the full-sized shadow of Discord harming Twilight.

She yelled, “Let her go, you freak of nature! Fight me!”

Discord ceased shaking the purple unicorn and turned his head to face Trixie.

He taunted, “Don’t be silly. Why would I spend a single iota of energy on a home-schooled apprenticeship drop-out like you? Twilight is the true power of Ponyville. As soon as I kill her, there will be nopony to stop me!”

Trixie’s ego felt stung to the core. She growled as she considered how unfair it was for Twilight to be given all of the advantages while she had none.

The crystal glowed brightly and then increased in size. The center spike sharpened like a dagger.

Applejack said, “Whoa, look at that! The crystal got bigger!”

Fluttershy cringed and raced behind Applejack, saying, “Um, girls? I think we’re in trouble.”

Pinkie Pie began racing around, looking under rocks. She said, “Don’t worry! I can find ingredients and make more cupcakes!”

Rarity yelled, “Twilight! What do we do?”

Twilight tried to contemplate the problem, but the effects of being shook were very distracting. Suddenly, the answer came to her.

She called out, “Trixie! That crystal is your jealousy! Discord wants you to be jealous so he can get more power from you!”

Discord retracted his arm to stare the purple unicorn directly in the eye. With an evil grimace, he declared, “You, Twilight Sparkle, are just as big a nuisance as that teacher of yours!”

Reaching up with his other hand, he grabbed Twilight’s neck with both hands. A sudden twist caused a loud, sharp cracking sound to fill the cavern.

The shadow of Discord flung the limp mare across the room, head-first.

Rainbow Dash screamed and she flew to catch her friend, “TWILIGHT!” The blue pegasus awkwardly used her own body to cushion the injured mare’s impact. Unfortunately, she bounced her own head off the floor to prevent the purple unicorn’s injury from getting any worse.

The other Elements of Harmony all cried out in shock, “TWILIGHT!!!”

Trixie’s heart began to beat rapidly. The whole situation was overwhelming her. The walls seemed to get closer. The screams got louder. The shadow seemed taller. Her eyes leaked burning hot tears. What was she supposed to do? She never learned about this! Why didn’t somepony teach her what to do?

Suddenly, her vision focused on the sickly green crystal. This was the cause of everything wrong.

No, she was the cause. She knew what she had to do.

Trixie mumbled, but the acoustics of the cavern amplified her speech until every being inside could hear her.

“I didn’t do this, but I am responsible. It’s not my fault, but it is my fault.”

She charged her horn to overflowing with concentrated energy. She discharged it into a lance of lightning emanating from her own horn. She lowered her head to aim at the crystal and charged.

She cried out, “I’m so sorry, Twilight! I’ll fix this!”

Discord screamed in panic, “NOOOO!” He raised his hands and released a blast of shadowy energy in front of the mare. A sheet of thick ice formed in front of the crystal.

Trixie saw the hazard and tried to slow down, to no avail. Her hooves slipped and slid in every direction as she tried to maintain her balance.

She saw the direction the ice took her and she screamed in fear, “AAAAHHHH!!”

Her front hooves tripped on the base of the green crystal and stopped moving.

Her torso kept moving forward.

Her body fell down, no longer supported by her legs.

The sharp, sickly green crystal pierced her flesh and impaled her completely through the torso and her heart.

A tiny, yet audible cracking sound echoed through the cave. Suddenly, the crystal cracked and broke, flipping Trixie head over hoof onto the floor. There, she lay motionless.

Discord’s body grew hundreds of cracks into it. He screamed silently, flailing his arms uselessly.

Rainbow Dash gently slid out from under Twilight and stood up. She asked in confusion, “What happened?”

Fluttershy called out worriedly, “Trixie was impaled by the crystal and broke it!”

Twilight’s eyes opened wide and she said weakly, “No!”

Everypony looked at her with a big smile, happy that she was alive.

The purple unicorn declared, “Trixie must live.” With that, she summoned up every last ounce of energy she had and released it in a purple stream. The stream of energy absorbed into Trixie’s body. The entire green crystal dissolved into mist and disappeared.

Suddenly, the blue unicorn gasped weakly with new breath.

With a smile, Twilight closed her eyes and lost consciousness.

Discord screamed, “You ponies are the worst thing to happen to me since those two lousy sisters!!”

Applejack called out with authority, “Everypony! Concentrate your elements on Rainbow Dash, NOW!”

Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack all used every ounce of their friendship to give their energy to Rainbow Dash.

The blue pegasus seemed to grow several inches in height and began to glow a golden color. The pegasus smiled widely and confidently.

Her voice gave off a natural echo as she embraced the power of Harmony, “OH, YEAH!!!”

The hard-working farm pony pointed her hoof at the shadow and ordered, “Rainbow! Use your karate and smash that shadow!”

With a single flap of her wings, the pegasus soared into flight around Discord.

She screamed at the abomination, “YOU BASTARD!!!” Hooves flew at Discord from every possible direction over and over. Screams of battle cries punctuated every thrust, jab, sweep, and kick. Every strike shattered the shadow more and dissolved its shadow flesh.

Silently, the shadow crumbled into microscopic fragments and flowed like mist out of the cave. Racing along the terrain, it headed back for Canterlot.

It reached the garden of the Royal Palace. Heading straight for its statue, it flowed back into the whole from whence it escaped. A new plug appeared in the hole.

The gardener could have sworn that he heard an ethereal voice from somewhere in the statue area whimper, “That hurt.”