• Published 2nd Aug 2015
  • 248 Views, 0 Comments

Abandoned - VilkaTheWolf

A frightened colt is brought into the world from means he does not understand, can a certain orange pegasus filly show him how to really be pony?

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Cold, alone, and scared. The young colt opened his eyes and surveyed his surroundings for what seemed like the fifth time in a row. He tentatively started walking forward, not quite knowing where he was going.

Where am I? he asked himself as he walked through the dark foliage. What am I?

He kept pondering his existence as he walked, and as he walked he came to a puddle of water. The timid colt slowly approached the puddle to look what it was. Staring back at him was a green androgynous colt with a scared expression, a black and white mane accompanied this face, with a straight fringe and bangs hanging down. Whoa! They sure are cute. He mused to himself about the reflection. he raised his hoof cautiously to touch the reflection, only to notice that the reflection was doing the same. He opened his mouth, the reflection did the same. He did various other things as well and all the while the reflection continued to copy him. He eventually concluded that the reflection was him, or was just copying him, one or the other. The colt tried to turn around so he could see the rest of his mane, it looked choppy at the back.

He decided to leave the cute reflection and continue walking through the ominous underbrush, his ears picked up all sorts of sounds, near and far. He heard roars and screeches of distant creatures and his mind flashed back to memories, only minutes old, yet fuzzy and unclear. Like a dream.

Or nightmare.

Cogs turned. Gears grinded. Screeching metal.

He felt pain. He saw something; somepony. Blue. He felt recognition, connection.

Love. Longing.


Wait… why was she yelling?

“Why won’t you work!?”
Screaming; anger.
“I hate you! You’re a failure just like the rest of them!”

Why is she angry at me?

A force grabbing, lifting, throwing. Neck in pain.

A chute. Empty, cavernous. A void, gaping, terrifying.

Tumbling, turning, falling, bumping. Clanging, rolling, hurting.

A thud.

Land; wet and cold. Water, dripping, sloshing, soaking.

Cold. Alone.

Cold. Afraid.

These memories made the little green colt sad, he felt like crying, and he did.


Scootaloo was walking in the direction of the Everfree Forest. it was the only place where she could get some peace and quiet. She knew the dangers of the place though, so she didn’t go too far into the forest.

As she walked the outskirts of the forest her ears picked up the sound of somepony crying. She followed the sounds of the constant sobbing to what seemed to be a young green filly with a black and white mane and tail.

She approached the presumed filly with caution not wanting to spook them. When Scootaloo stepped on a stick the crying stopped. She looked up into their face, only to see fear.

“What are you?” they asked taking a step back.

Scootaloo thought this response was odd, surely she knows what I am...and also that didn’t sound like a filly’s voice...strange, maybe this isn’t a filly.

“I’m a pegasus,” Scootaloo answered, “like you.”

“Like me? You were abandoned too?” the filly looking colt said, looking up to Scootaloo.

“What?” Scootaloo answered, perplexed by his response. It seemed unnatural, devoid of emotion. What he said also brought back memories that Scootaloo would rather keep buried.

“My Mama abandoned me, did your Mama abandon you as well?” the colt continued, ignoring Scootaloo’s confused reaction.

“Ummm, my mum didn’t abandon me, she just...left…” Scootaloo replied a bit warily, “D-do you have a place to stay?” she continued a bit shakily.

“I have nowhere to stay.” the colt replied, Scootaloo found his reponse odd, a simple ‘No’ would of sufficed.

“Well I don’t really have a place to either...I sleep in the Cutie Mark Crusader’s Clubhouse, it keeps me warm enough,” she explained. “I forgot to ask for your name,” the colt stared at her, “So...what’s your name.”

“I was not given one,” he said unemotionally.

“You don’t have a name!?” Scootaloo asked, perhaps too loud.

The colt flinched at Scootaloo’s reaction. “No, I was not given one,” the colt reiterated.

“Do you mind if ummm...I give you a name?” she asked tentatively.

“No, a name would be...nice,” he responded.

Scootaloo thought for a moment at what a good name would be. “Ummm, how about Green for your first name?”

“My first name? Will you give me a second name?” he asked.

“Well yeah, then it can be the second part of your name, combined with your first name it’ll make your full name,” Scootaloo explained.

“Oh, okay.”

“Can you think of anything for your second name?” Scootaloo asked.

“Lightning,” he answered.

“Lightning?” she questioned.

“Yes, it is one of the only things I remember of where I came from,” He said matter-of-factly.

“Oh, cool. So Green Lightning, do you wanna stay with me?” she asked longingly, it had been too long since she had somepony to share the night with.

“Yes. I would like that,” Lightning said with a hint of smile.

The two of them walked towards Sweet Apple Acres where the clubhouse was situated. It was now obvious to Scootaloo that the newly named Green Lightning would need looking after and she would look after him. It sounded like he had been through a lot tonight, and she figured he should get some rest before they did anything else.

After a while they both reached the clubhouse, they both went inside and laid down on opposite ends of the room. After they both mumbled their ‘good nights’, they slept. Scootaloo tossed and turned for a bit, rolling over to face Lightning she realised he was laying on his back staring at the ceiling, unblinking. Scootaloo didn’t think much of it. Heaps of ponies sleep with their eyes open, what’s the big deal? When she was done gawking she rolled over again, closed her eyes, and drifted into the first peaceful sleep she’d had in a long time.

Author's Note:

Okay, so here it is! The completely new version of my previous story "Something New" which was very bad. Hopefully I can make this better than the one that preceded it.