• Published 11th Aug 2015
  • 340 Views, 2 Comments

Pinkie and the Party Killer - WishSeeker

Twilight's anniversary for becoming a princess is fast approaching and Pinkie's got a party to plan, but it seems somebody in Ponyville doesn't want this party to happen.

  • ...

Pinkie Pie P.I

"Oh, the horror! The horror!" A mare screamed from Ponyville's florist, Pinkie avoided a raspberry maned mare who came dashing out of the shop.

"Hey! Rose what's going on?" Rose continued to gallop away teary eyed and completely oblivious to Pinkie's question. Shrugging it off, Pinkie bounced into the shop.

"Who would do this?" A bright magenta pony was rolling on the floor of the shop, surrounded by destroyed flowers. Pinkie barely noticed the pony before tripping over her.

"Oh hey Daisy, what's wrong?"

Sniffing between words, Daisy replied, " All the beautiful flowers, for the Princess' anniversary, have been trampled, all of them!" Tears filled Daisy's eyes.

"But don't you have any other flowers for the party?" Pinkie questioned anxiously.

"No, we already prepared the best and now..." she waved her hoof towards the piles of petals and broken stems. Pinkie took a step back to process it.

"Who did this?" Pinkie glared at Daisy, her eyes both angry and confused.

"A terrible pony, Lily said she saw a pony creeping around the shop last night, but couldn't see who it was," Daisy stood up as she continued, "Lily is too upset to talk to anypony now, and you saw Rose, I'm sorry Pinkie but we won't be able to fill the order."

Shock struck Pinkie, she was paralyzed, her plan was in jeopardy. It took her several minutes of silence between the two mares before she spoke, "The party must happen, Daisy, please I'll pay any amount of bits, you have to have some flowers somewhere!"

"Well, I have a few very special and well grown Daisies I was saving, and I think I might be able to persuade Rose to give up some of her special stash," Daisy replied, "but it will cost you triple the original price."

"I'll pay! Anything for Twilight's special day."

"Ok Pinkie, I think we can make more food for the party, but it will cost more to get the ingredients ready." The yellow skinny stallion looked guilty over asking for more money over this.

"It's ok, I'll pay extra Mr. Cake." She pulled a large bag of bits from her mane and left it on the counter as she walked out. She couldn't keep doing this.

It was day four and the organising was going terrible; she lost the original plans leaving her with only the emergency copy, the flowers were destroyed so she had to persuade Daisy to help, the venue had to be changed from the town hall to sugar cube corner, Octavia was called to Manehattan for the audition of a lifetime leaving only Vinyl Scratch to 'DJ' the event, now all the food had disappeared and worst of all she was down a lot of bits.

Pinkie was almost sure somepony was setting these things up, somepony was trying to ruin the party and Pinkie Pie wasn't going to let that happen. That's why she called her friends to meet at Rarity's boutique, a discreet location for a discreet conversation.

As Pinkie trotted towards Rarity's place she spotted Applejack speaking with Rainbow. There was a second before the two would notice the bright pink pony, she jumped behind a wall, within earshot.

"don't understand why Pinkie would want us to meet at Rarity's, what do you think AJ."

"Ah don't know, but we'll find out when we get there. Just you do the talking if she asks about us."

"I sure hope she didn't see us, I do feel guilty about it." The two trotted off into the distance.

"I'm intrigued." Pinkie followed them discretely, her eyes narrowed on the silhouettes of the two ponyies ahead of her.

As the boutique rose upon the horizon Pinkie noticed Fluttershy, she seemed to be hovering behind the shop with what looked like a package. Pinkie approached Fluttershy very cautiously, she didn't want to startle her. Pinkie watched as her friend passed the package through a small window of the boutique while whispering something, a quiet voice replied through the hole but Pinkie was too far to hear.

Before Fluttershy was finished Pinkie slipped away to the front of the boutique, as to avoid detection. Something was fishy, and it would be fishier if they were underwater.

"You ok, sugarcube." Applejack's voice caused Pinky to jump.

"What's the matter Pinks," added rainbow, "you look like you walked into a brick wall."

Pinkie nervously replied to the other two ponies, "nothing, we should head in." At that moment Twilight appeared before the trio.

"How come you can do that Twi, but Princess Celestia still has to be pulled by chariot everywhere?" Rainbow imposed.

"Well, that's not true, as far as I know Princess Celestia is perfectly capable of teleportation magic, I suppose she chooses not to use it often." Twilight knocked on Rarity's door as Fluttershy discretely hovered from behind the back of the boutique.

The door opened to reveal a tired Rarity, her mane was a mess and her glasses hung awkwardly across her face.

"Sorry, I must look a mess, I was up all night designing dresses for the party, it seemed I misplaced the original wardrobe and I have no idea where it is." Rarity invited everyone in with a hoof, she gave a slight nod to Fluttershy that only they and Pinkie picked up on.

"So what was so urgent and private that you had to invite everypony to my boutique."

"As you all know, I have been having trouble in preparing Twilight's anniversary, well I think somepony has been interrupting the plans."

"who would want to ruin this party?" Rainbow asked.

"I don't know but I will find out, I am taking authority over the matter," Pinkie continued, " it could be anypony, even any of you." The ponies stared at each other confused but all thinking alike.

Applejack spoke first, "any of us, that's just crazy!"

Pinkie narrowed her eyes at Applejack, she began the questioning, "Is it really, then what were you and Rainbow talking about earlier?"

Rainbow jumped in before Applejack responded, "We don't have to say anything."

"So there is something to say, then if you want me to believe you weren't involved tell me the truth." Pinkie knew she was winning this battle and was prepared for the admission of their part in the whole thing.

Rainbow began to step forward but Applejack's hoof blocked her path, "Ah'll say it Rainbow, I kissed Rainbow, she wasn't as interested as me, that's it ok." Her cheeks could've given Big Mac a run for his bits.

Pinkie looked down in shame, she tried to apologise, "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to –"

Applejack butted in, "It's ok, just don't talk about it."

"Well then, If we are done Pinkie?" Rarity scorned at Pinkie, "Can I go to bed?"

"Ok so it wasn't Applejack or Rainbow Dash, what was Fluttershy handing you through the window?"

Fluttershy Squeaked in fear, Rarity spoke for her, "What Fluttershy does in her private time is her own business!"

"No, Rarity, I'm sorry. I ask Rarity for materials and then I help her make dresses," Fluttershy admitted, her eyes watering and her head low, "I don't want people to know it's my work. Could you imagine the amount of requests for dresses I would get."

"You should stop hiding your talents dear," Rarity tried to comfort Fluttershy, " you are extremely talented."

Pinkie was defeated, a coat of guilt and shame fell over her, what could she say. In two minutes she had upset and embarrassed two of her closest friends and most likely angered the rest.

"Look, Pinkie I know you're desperate, I shouldn't have asked you to do this, it's my fault." Twilight had picked up on how Pinkie felt and wasn't going to watch as she ruins her friendships. "Look can't we all just get along, I know Pinkie's sorry, but your secrets are safe. I don't think any of us would betray another's trust."

"Ah, guess so," An embarrassed Applejack replied, "so long as y'all keep this safe."

"I agree." Rarity spoke for Fluttershy as the yellow Pegasus was mute.

"Good, now since we have been honest, I have something to admit." Twilight stopped to catch her breath her eyes focused on Pinkie and her body shaking.

Pinkie looked back, she realised what was about to be said, anger rose into her face. Twilight finally spoke, "It was me."

Author's Note:

Just to be honest, I really don't like using 'ah' for Applejack. Ah (bad joke) see where it comes from but it just doesn't seem right to me. I used it anyway but I don't hear it that often. Overall chapter two was fun to write but also a pain to start.

Thank you readers.