• Published 25th Jul 2015
  • 717 Views, 14 Comments

No Easy Victory - Omare Bradley

In this alternate universe Tirek has triumphed and its up to Discord to rally the ponies of Equestria to fight a desperate war against tyranny.

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General Thunders Last Stand

Chapter Two

Tirek was in a jovial mood as he strode into the Equestrian militaries Canterlot headquarters. He had missed it in his initial run as it was deemed that subduing the now imprisoned Twilight was more important than taking on the Equestrian military. Tirek might have been killed by a particularly skilled soldier in his depowered state, as it was he was now stronger then Discord.

His thoughts darkened when he thought of Discord. The creature had somehow escaped Tartarus in a day and was now at large. He had come down to check the cages after he sensed a disturbance in the defensive spells that ringed that misbegotten place. The ponies and that dragon were still locked away, but Discord was gone.

The draconequus was still very much a threat and could cause much damage. If he were to build Equestria in his own image Discord would have to be dealt with sooner or later. But now he needed to gather his own army, his own following. He had decided the Canterlot headquarters of the Equestrian military was as good a place as any to start. There were plenty of soldiers who had disagreed with Celestia’s peaceful attitude. Perhaps he could lure some over to his side with promises of power and conquest. Tirek would also be sure to let his followers retain their magic. He wanted a competent fighting force and he had more than enough magic to throw around anyway.

The Canterlot base was imposing but Tirek smashed the gate with a wave of his hand. Tirek chuckled and thought overdramatic certainly but it is intimidating and if I can strike fear in these soldiers perhaps some will join me regardless of their hatred of me. Fear was good, and Tirek’s power made it so he wouldn’t have to worry about any disloyal subjects trying to kill him. The only reason he needed soldiers was so that he could enforce his laws, as it was, he only controlled the ground he stood upon.

Tirek let out a roar, “Soldiers of Equestria! I come seeking those among you who would join me. Your cause is doomed and I offer you a chance at power, a chance to be real soldiers who serve a true warrior. Join with me and keep your magic, resist and be drained and executed!”

Out of the rubble of what once was the gateway to the base emerged several soldiers who were a mixture of the three pony races. One stood taller and prouder then the rest and the look he gave Tirek was one of utter hatred. Unknown to Tirek, the pony’s name and title was General Thunder. He had fought against the griffins in the past and had proven himself to be a fearsome combatant. The General was a very talented duelist and even in his old age his ability to wield and enchant his weapon was legendary among the unicorn warriors who strove to master the art of blade casting. He was a commander who preferred to lead from the front, but as he rose up in rank he found it increasingly hard to do. He stood proud and defiant and looked directly in Tirek’s shining eyes before addressing him.

“My name is General Thunder and I am in command of this base. Since the overthrow of our nation’s leaders, I am now in command of the entirety of Equestria’s military as outlined in article XVI.” The general paused and then continued, “my soldiers and I would rather die than yield to a creature as evil as yourself.”

General Thunder had put on the mask of the heroic general who feared nothing in an effort to sooth his soldier’s fears. But inside he was very frightened, Tirek wasn’t something that could be conventionally fought and a fight with him would be horrifically one sided.

General Thunder drew his blade and quickly enchanted it with every war spell he knew, if he was going out he wanted to make sure this bastard knew he been in a fight with Equestria’s best. The royal guard was purely ceremonial; it was the Equestrian army that handled any real threats that the princesses needed taken care of.

General Thunder calmly addressed his troops, “I want everypony with a ranged weapon covering Tirek. Anypony with a melee weapon must be prepared to charge at my command.”

Before General Thunder could raise his weapon and attack another voice rang out, “Not all of us wish to die needlessly general.”

General Thunder looked around until his eyes landed upon the soldier who had spoken. The soldier looked back his eyes brimming with defiance. What’s his name, ahh yes it was Major Specter. General Thunder searched his brain for more information on the major, Major Specter was no coward in fact he went into battle without a trace of fear. I believe he was reprimanded once for leading his squad into needless danger.

Major Specter’s voice broke his thinking, “General, the time of the princesses is over, but now we have opportunity. Tirek will utilize this army properly. We can destroy our neighbors and make it so all of Equestria’s ponies can live in peace!”

General Thunder was shocked, peace you foolish pony we had it before, no nation would dare invade a land that was blessed by two goddesses; the only ones who would try were rogue fanatics that could be disposed of quickly.

Tirek was now observing the two soldiers with keen interest. He had chosen to remain silent. He was clearly curious to see the outcome.

General Thunder glared back at the major, “We had peace under the princesses you fool! If we were to abandon our nation to the whims of this mad creature it would be an act of evil! I know you are no coward, as I recall you were far too bloodthirsty my tastes. Do not try and delude yourself or me with talks of security and peace, the only reason you would side with Tirek is for power. You’re nothing but a traitor and I say the same to anypony who joins you!”

Now it was Tireks time to speak before Specter could issue a retort. “Major would you like to be the commander of the new Equestrian army?”

Major Specter looked towards Tirek and said unflinchingly, “I would be honored.”

Tirek looked at Major Specter who was a red unicorn with very short brown hair and said, “Very well kill your commanding officer and prove your loyalty.” Turning around Tirek then addressed General Thunder, “I will not interfere, this fight will be between you and the major, I would like to see if my new commander will be worthy of the power I am giving him.”

General Thunder nodded curtly and then looked wearily at Major Specter. Major Specter was much younger and also a very adept duelist. He sighed realizing that this was going to be his last battle. Better this then a slow death, besides you always used to complain that your new position didn’t give you enough action, let’s see what you’ve retained from your younger days.

General Thunder drew his sword and coolly addressed the traitorous major, “If you want my title, you’re going to have to take it from me.”

He shuddered inwardly as he looked at the major whose face was joyful as he drew his blade. At that point it was clear to him that Major Specter was a lunatic who loved to kill and fight. He would stop at nothing to satisfy his hunger for power. I do this for old Equestria and my family, he thought as drew his blade and prepared to battle to the death.

Major Specter was the first to move and he came in fast swinging his blade which gleamed red due to the majors magic. The majors sword met thin air however as General Thunder had anticipated the majors strike and had quickly rolled to the side. General Thunder rose up and swung his blade at the major. Too late the major realized that this was a feint and General Thunder quickly followed up with a hoof strike to the major’s face. Blinking the major raised his sword only to find that General Thunder had no intent of letting him recover.

General Thunder had enchanted his blade with a fire spell and the flames that the sword emitted gave General Thunder’s face a hellish glow, as he swung his blade again and again. Major Specter soon found himself fighting for his life and the heat from his opponent’s sword was making it uncomfortable for him. To make matters worse the General had used another spell to make it so the smoke emitted from his blade would blow right into his face blinding him.

But Major Specter was no fool; he reacted by firing of an explosion spell at the generals feet. In the same instant he quickly casted a shield spell. The Major emerged from the explosion unscathed with his blade held in front of him.

General Thunder had not fared as well; the amount of magic he had used initially had made him far too weak to cast his own shield spell. He sighed knowing that if he were younger he could have deflected the explosion but as it was he was far too old. Years of being behind a desk had left him much weaker then he cared to admit. He gasped in pain as he realized his front legs had been burned severely. He could see bone in one and in that moment he realized he had lost the fight.

Gripping his blade with his telekinesis, the General cast a painkiller spell on himself. Even with the spells reliving effects setting in the burns were making it very hard to be able to rise and meet his adversary. Amazingly he rose up and while he was grimacing at every step he continued to move forward bloodied but unbowed. My life for Equestria he thought grimly.

Gasping from the effort it took to talk the General snarled, “You want a piece of me come get me. You want to be a traitor then come on and fulfill your destiny!”

Major Specter strode forward and raised his blade noting with satisfaction that the Generals enchantments were fading while his own blade stilled burned strong with his magic. He swung again and again and amazingly the General met his blows. The generals orange magic and the majors red magic together was almost blinding for anyone watching. Major Specter quickly took the initiative and slammed the general’s blade so hard that the he lost connection with his blade, causing it to full to the floor with a loud clang.

But the general was smiling and the look in his eyes was feral. The major quickly noticed that General Thunder’s horn was glowing with a massive amount of energy. The major was shocked, he had not believed a mortal pony, especially one as old as General Thunder, could generate this much war magic. The Generals horn glowed and a sphere of pure energy that shone orange began to expand before it flew out in a straight line. The beam contained enough power to easily break Major Specters shield and incinerate him. Instead the beam flew over Major Specters head and hit Tirek right in the chest. It may have been Major Specter’s imagination, but for a second he saw both fear and pain in Tirek’s eyes. It was replaced in an instant with a look of rage, but every soldier there along with the general had seen the temporary look of agony in Tirek’s eyes.

The valiant old general now looked extremely feeble from his feat, but his face held a look of triumph all the same. As Major Specter swung his blade down to end the generals life, the general met his eyes and uttered his last words in a voice that was somewhat lacking in sanity, “Your new god feels pain.”

Major Specter lopped the generals head off making sure to enchant his blade to be extra sharp so that it cut through the generals neck cleanly. He whirled around and threw up a shield as he heard a crossbow fire. He realized the shield was unnecessary as Tirek had stopped the arrow leased and flung it back at the pegasus who had fired it. The pegasus died making a sickening gurgling sound as the arrow landed in her throat.

Several more pegasi fired off arrows and then flew away before Tirek or Major Specter could retaliate. Some of the pegasi were carrying earth ponies and unicorns as they flew away presumably to regroup and become rebels to Tirek’s new regime. A few of the unicorns and earth ponies that remained attempted to fight by throwing spells or loosing weapons at Tirek and Specter. One earth pony even attempted to rush Tirek. All this was futile in the face of Tirek’s full power. They were quickly drained of their magic for their efforts and then disintegrated before they could even fall to the ground.

There were still many soldiers who had stayed in the base; they were made up of all the pony races. They stood looking at Tirek with a variety of expressions. Some looked at him with fear and held faces of weary resignation. Others however looked up at Tirek with expressions of admiration and eagerness.

Tirek spoke breaking the silence; his loud voice reaching every pony present in the court yard, “You have seen were defiance gets you. Your old General was proud and foolish, he followed two cowardly princesses and their pathetic ideals. If you join me you will become part of the strong, you will not be prey, but predators and together we shall conquer any who wish to oppose us. I ask, do you wish for power and most importantly do you wish to prosper in my new Equestria?”

The reply was mixed some ponies chanting “Yes,” eagerly while others looked much unsure and seemed to reply out of fear.


This time the chanting reached a crescendo as the thousands of soldiers who remained at the base chanted Tirek’s name again and again.

Tirek laughed and laughed as he shrunk himself down so that he was about as tall as Celestia would have been. He turned to address Major Specter and still grinning triumphantly he put his arm around Specters neck and said, “Come my new general there is much work for us to do and so little time!”