• Published 19th Nov 2011
  • 6,395 Views, 249 Comments

Broken Wings - Lt_Voss

Human soldiers are sent to defeat an army of monsters. But what happens when one falls in love?

  • ...

New Beginnings

I sat on the bench quietly; I was waiting for someone. There was no one currently around me, save for the man at the desk who was constantly writing; he hadn't even welcomed me or even said a word to me since arriving. I had nothing to pass the time, not even the old magazines that they usually place in waiting rooms. Then again, seeing as how this was a waiting room no one wanted to be in, I can understand why. Just then, a man walked in from a door to my right, but he wasn't the one I was looking for. Regardless, he sat down next to me.

The man was tall, at least as tall as myself. He had black hair that came down to just below his ears, and it was straight yet lanky, as if he'd been through something tough. He had dark circles under his eyes, indicating he'd been working hard on little sleep. His skin matched mine, which wasn't a big surprise. I had a pretty common skin tone. He was wearing a white dress shirt, a blue tie, and a vertically striped blue sweater vest over it all. His pants were blue dress pants, and his top was tucked in. On his head he wore a fedora, an honest to god fedora. Draped over his left arm was a black trench coat. I knew who this man was, but meeting him for the first time, face to face, was rather freaky.

His tone of voice betrayed his apparel. "How're you holding up, Will?"

"I'm... okay, Bill. But that actually scares me."

"That's pretty understandable. You know where you are, right?"

"Yes. I do."

"Good. I'm doing my job." And he grinned. Despite the circumstances, I did as well. Then, a man entered from another entrance to my left. This man I was looking for. He wore a white dress shirt, a black tie, and a black suit over it all. He wore black dress pants, and even black dress shoes. "Huh," Bill said, not loudly but loud enough for the newcomer to hear. "Makes me feel under-dressed."

The new man smiled. His skin also matched mine, but his hair was brown and went down past his shoulders. He took a seat to my left. "Are you alright, Will?"

I was silent for a moment, thinking. "If you mean me, right here, speaking with you, yes. But if you mean me, somewhere else... I hope so."

"You know why you're here." It wasn't a question.

"Yes, I do. And, no offence, but I don't really want to be here."

The man laughed. "No one does, Will. But once they step inside, they love it."

"I'm sure I would too. But I'm only twenty four."

"True. Such a young age."

The three of us were silent for quite a while, which, as Bill would know, made me quite uncomfortable. So, he bailed me out. "So... what happens now?" No one answered, and another awkward silence crept in, but Bill hadn't given up. "Nice weather we've been having. Sunny."

"Hmm," was the only sound that came from the man to my left.

"Hey, I'm just trying to lighten the mood for Will." Bill said, semi-defensively.

"Ah, yes. Bill. The second personality belonging to self-proclaimed Will. What do you do?"

"Well, sir, I keep him up to speed with what goes on around him. You know, watch his back."

"You've done a good job of that."

Bill was quiet for a few moments. "I failed him..."

"There wasn't anything you could do."

"I failed him! I should have told him to go left or right, not go back!"

I cut in. "Hey, can we stop talking about me as if I weren't even here?" That stopped the flow of communication. I felt self conscious, so I shook my hair down to cover my eyes. "Sorry."

The man on my left laughed. "It's not a problem, Will. I'm sorry. But honestly, Bill. It was a very strenuous time. Will had nothing to defend himself, and because he was desperate and on the verge of panic, you were as well."

Bill huffed and folded his arms across his chest. "I still should have done better."

The man to my left gave him a wise saying. "There's always room for improvement."

Bill grunted. "Not if that one mistake gets you killed." That stopped everyone from talking, and even the desk man paused in his writing for a second, but he quickly resumed.

I asked a question to bring the topic away from the dark subject. "So, I think Bill had a good question: what happens now?"

The man sighed. "Now... now we wait."

I frowned. "Are they doing anything?"

"They're trying, Will. They are trying their best. But I think we should stop talking so much. I hate being interrupted when I am speaking."

"So do I, sir, but Will loves it." Bill joked.

"Now, listen here Bill-" I began, but Bill interrupted me, the bastard.

"I like trains. They are such a good mode of transportation; too bad aerial vehicles negated their use." I swung my arm at Bill, catching him in the ribs. "Hey!" He exclaimed. That was the last word I'd heard from him for a while. From where I was sitting, I could hear a loud... shocking noise, and I felt a pain in my chest.

The first thing I heard was someone yelling close to my face. "We've got him!" A chorus of sighs was the second thing I heard, the third being a beeping noise to my right. It was a steady but quick beeping. "We've-" I heard the first voice start, but he cut himself off. "We're losing him!" Then I heard the beeping noise get faster. "Will, stay with me now!" But his voice sounded distant. Then, I heard nothing more.

I found myself in the waiting room again, but this time I ended up on the floor. Bill was on his knees beside me. "Will!" He said. "Are you alright?" I coughed.

"My chest..." I said, but couldn't finish the thought. I cried out in pain, because another shock went through my chest.

"We've got him again! Will, stay with me! Stay with my voice!" I heard the voice I'd heard last time yell again. My head was hurting because of it; he was right above my head. The beeping noise to my right kept speeding up. "Will!" The man shouted, again, the voice sounding distant. "Will! Stay alive, man!"

I heard a new voice. "Will! It's Mason! Come on, your buddy, remember! Come on man, do what the doc says! Stay alive!"

"Will!" The first voice shouted, but it was too late. I'd slipped under again.

I opened my eyes, I was still on the floor. But Bill was different. There were tears in his eyes. "Will! Are you okay, man? Come on..." He turned to the man, who was still seated calmly on the bench. "Do something!" He shouted.

"I can't interfere." The man said calmly.

"What kind of bullshit answer is that?! Help him!" Bill yelled, and I could hear a note of desperateness in his voice.

"Bill..." I said. I coughed heavily. "Bill, calm down..." Then all went dark.

"Will, I swear, you are the most stubborn man I've ever met! Stay alive!"

I tried speaking. It worked... barely. I felt like I was imitating Fluttershy, only in a "I just died" tone. "I've had enough of this..." I coughed, which relieved me. I could breathe... I could speak... "Where's my-" I began, but I choked up, tasting a lot of metal in my throat. I literally felt my eyes bulge. I rushed my arms to my neck, choking and glurking for breath. That made me feel both good and bad: good because I could move my arms, but bad because I was going to suffocate. But I felt a hand turn my head to the side, which I realized was "face up." I choked and coughed, feeling a warm liquid come spewing out of my mouth. It became a little easier to breathe then, most of what I knew was blood out of my airway.

"Where's... my... mother..." I gasped out.

"Will!" I heard a feminine voice yell out. Only... it wasn't my mother's. It was the voice of someone else I truly cared about, one I'd spent more time with.

"Fluttershy..." I weakly said.

"Will!" Fluttershy hugged me tightly around my chest, to which I grunted with pain. It hurt a ton to be hugged by Fluttershy... what kind of hell was I in? Oh yeah, the real world where people who just came back from the dead have chest pains from being incredibly shocked there. "Oh! I'm so sorry, Will!"

I hoped my ignoring her apology would be taken as an acceptance... sue me, I just died... several times. "Where's... Luna?" I asked, through clenched teeth.

"Will!" I heard the distinctive voice of Luna sound out.

I tried making a joke, but I'm sure its effect would be much greater were I not holding back tears and in pain. "Will anyone be able to answer... my questions before someone else... shouts?!" I heard Fluttershy, Luna, and even the medics and others in the room laugh politely, but they all sounded hollow. Understandably so. 'You okay, Bill?' I'm better. But I should be the one asking you that question. How're you holding up? 'Glad to be alive.' So am I... god, we sound so corny, don't we? 'I don't care, if it means I get to see her face... her smile...' Well, if you want her that badly, quit talking to me and get to it! 'Okay, okay! Jesus...'

"Fluttershy... Luna..." But then, because dying makes you an incredibly stupid idiot, I realized something. "Wait... Luna... you're... undisguised... what about... Fluttershy?"

"Oh, Will," Luna replied. "I called Fluttershy over here when I arrived. I told her everything... about how you'd thought you'd killed your own parents... but then I told her about us, even our relationship. She wasn't mad, she was happy. She was happy that you had family, someone to talk to... when she found out that she and I both nearly lost you..." She got no further. I heard her crying. I couldn't exactly turn my head; I was still facing to my left, with Fluttershy in my view. She had tears in her eyes, but she was smiling. I did something incredible and fully smiled back.

Her smile grew wider, and she told me, "You're doing it again! You're smiling! He's okay, there's nothing wrong with him!" She'd said that in a joking manner. I took the joke easily. I loved it when she smiled, I was too lost in it to focus on what she'd said.

"I'm so sorry, Fluttershy... Luna..." I said.

"What for, Will?" Luna asked.

I chuckled, though it hurt my chest. "For dying on you guys..."

"Will," Luna said. "You're alive now, and that's all that matters."

Then I remembered my rifle. "Mason, did you get someone to pick up my rifle?"

Mason responded. "Yeah, but it's worthless now. It's broken."

Hearing "it's broken" reminded me of something more precious than my rifle. "My god! My blade!" I bolted upright, only to fall back down in pain. Apparently fatal wounds take time to stop hurting. Stupid fatal wounds. "My blade, did anyone get my sword?" A long silence followed, confirming my fears. I let out a long moan. "My blade! Why didn't anyone pick it up?! Why-"

"Will, calm down!" Mason yelled.

"Mason! Richard made it for me! Richard!" I saw that Mason was taken aback by this. Richard was one of the many, many people at Sangre del Toro who didn't make it out. I watched him get ripped apart... one of the worst days of my life. Everyone liked Richard Loring, especially me. We'd become such good friends, and when I told him I was trained as a swordsman but didn't have sword of my own, he'd forged one on his own time to gift it to me. I watched him get ripped apart... and with the blade he'd made for me I avenged him... avenged him one thousandfold.

"Will," Luna spoke. "I'm going to heal you completely. The doctors here wouldn't allow me, at first, but we, meaning you and I, have important things to do."

This made Mason start. "Wait, what? You can't do that, he's a soldier, and his duty at hand is with us!"

"Staff Sergeant Mason, I believe it is?" Mason nodded curtly. "I am Princess Luna, co-ruler of Equestria. And right now, I am taking my son to Canterlot, where we can give him both proper care and the assistance he needs. Final." She turned to face me again. "You'll feel itchy, Will." Her horn started glowing.

"Do you... think you could, at least, let me keep a scar?"

Luna smiled. "Oh, you already have a scar. I'm going to be messing with your innards. There are some things magic can do better than technology." She spat the last word, a clear disdain towards advanced tech. "I honestly don't know why Celestia agrees to the stuff." As she spoke, I felt her working on my torso. She was right; I was itchy, but the feeling passed quickly. When it did, Luna's horn stopped glowing. "All done," she ended. "Go ahead, Will. Get up. I haven't got all day." But she was smiling.

I slowly, experimentally, rose into a sitting position. I felt no pain. I swung my legs over the left edge of the bed, careful not to hit Fluttershy. I smiled at her, my crooked smile she loved so much... at least, I think she did. She certainly enjoyed it when I could smile on both ends of my mouth. I thrust out my arms, but Fluttershy didn't need further invitation. She rushed into my arms, while Luna stepped closer, but she hesitated when I wrapped both arms around Fluttershy. Noticing this, I lifted my right arm and beckoned her over. She came over and sat to my right, and I draped my arm around her shoulders pulling her tight.

"I love you two." I murmured, lost in the pleasure of being part of a family, something I'd never truly been able to do.

"Oh, I love you, Will." Fluttershy whispered.

"And I love you as well, Will." Luna said.

Mason huffed. "As much as I love family reunions, if you're going to be off, then be off. This mushy lovey gooey stuff irritates me."

I snorted. "You don't have to be here Mason." I paused. "Though, you do have a point."

"Always do." Hey! He sounds just like me! 'Don't get any ideas.' What? I didn't do anything, I'm innocent! 'Sure. Whatever.'

"Mason is right Will. We must be off; there's so much to do and so little time with which to do it!" Luna spoke. She got up and headed for the exit, but I stopped her to ask a question.

"Is... is Fluttershy allowed to come?" I asked nervously.

"But of course, Will! Nothing's stopping her, unless she has any prior plans?" She asked Fluttershy.

"Oh, I don't have anything planned." She whispered.

I cut in. "Now, love, I believe you, but don't tell you don't if you do. We won't like you any less for saying yes. Remember," I placed my hand under her chin and raised her head so she could look me in the eye. 'Be honest.' That's what I said."

"I'm sorry-" she began, but I interrupted her.

I'd caught my mistake. I'd been rude. "No, I'm sorry. That was rude. Forget it, Fluttershy, I believe you. Come on, we'll be leaving soon." I walked outside with Luna, and told her, "I've gotta pick a few things up from my case. I'll be right back." I ran to Echo's tent. Locating my case wasn't tough, my name was stenciled in large letters across the top of it. I opened it up and removed a large case from it. It was a black, waterproof case. I went back out to Luna, who, during my foray, had been joined by Fluttershy. "Hello there, love. Are you coming?"

"Yes, Will. I haven't been to Canterlot in a long time, and I thought I might visit it again... with... you..." She said, trailing off in the end.

I laughed. "Love, you don't have to be nervous or bashful, I don't care who knows at this point. We are together, might as well stop trying to hide it."

"Oh... okay... if that's... what you want..."

"Quite the contrary, Fluttershy. I'd only do something if you wanted to. Would you like to come with me to Canterlot?" I held out my hand facing upwards, as if asking her to dance. Which, if I'd heard true about Canterlot and its large upper-class society, I probably would.

She took it. "I would love to, thank you, Will." She smiled at me, and I returned it with a grin.

Holding the case by the handle, I turned to Luna, still holding Fluttershy's hoof in my other hand. "Luna, we're ready. Let's head out. Canterlot's what? Thirty? Forty miles? We should get there in what? Fifteen minutes?"

Luna nodded. "That sounds about right. And since you've forgotten, don't worry about spare clothing. I'll get you outfitted when we get there."

That paused me. "Wait, I'm going to be there for several days?"

"Yes, Will. I'm removing you from your service from the Space Army, at least for a while. I need you in Canterlot, Will. If it makes the militant in you feel any better, some things we'll be doing there involve planning to end this whole war."

"Oh, I don't have a problem, Luna. I've been in eight years. I've grown tired of it, but I can't leave until my term is finished. Which reminds me," I pulled out my log and checked the date. Still Christmas. I turned to Fluttershy. Nervously, I knelt down beside her and gave her a quick peck on the cheek, my own reddening beyond all repair. "Merry Christmas," I whispered to her, then covered my face with my hair. "Sorry."

I saw Fluttershy's cheeks redden madly. Will, what the hell have you done? You've ruined this, by doing that, you know she isn't an open pony! 'I don't know what came over me, Bill.' Don't apologize to me, you didn't kiss me. "Fluttershy," I began, hesitantly. "I'm sorry, so very, very sorry. Please forgive me, I don't know what came over me... please, I'm so sorry..."

"Shh, Will." Fluttershy told me, which surprised me. "It's okay. I'm more embarrassed than mad, Will."

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that..."

"Will, don't worry about it. But... could you tell me one thing?"

I was silent for a moment. I didn't know what she wanted me to tell her, but it probably wouldn't be anything good. I was a little worried when I voiced out, "What?"

"What's... 'Christmas?'" She asked, and when she did I breathed a heavy sigh of relief. That, I could answer.

"Christmas... well, Christmas is a human holiday. It takes place in winter, on the human date of December twenty fifth. It was created to celebrate the birth of someone important in history, but today it's about being nice and giving others gifts and stuff. Well... today's Christmas, by my log, and... I thought dying was a pretty bad gift... so I... did, what I did just now to... kind of... make up, for it... I'm sorry..."

"Will." I looked at her. "That has to be the most thoughtful thing I've seen anypony do for me in a long time. I don't mind now that it was very embarrassing for the both of us. It was the nicest thing anypony's done for me in a long while, and for that, I thank you." She hugged me then, to "seal the deal" of her apology. After a moment of surprise, I returned it.

I looked at my watch then, and found that if we wanted to be in Canterlot before the sun goes supernova, we should be leaving. "Well, guys, we're all going to the same place. We can talk more on the way. Go on ahead, Fluttershy. Luna and I'll catch up in a short bit." She flew up, and I turned to look at Luna. "Mother... you take off next."

She smiled at me. "Are you getting nervous? Don't remember how to fly? Do I need to hold your hand?" She laughed.

I did as well. "If only it made that much sense. But no. You've been flying for much longer than I have. And... well, I couldn't see when you took off for camp earlier. Could I... see how you take off? My technique so far is to just flap as hard as I can to get into the air..."

"Well. That certainly is bad. This is how you do it, son." She flapped her wings moderately, as if she were hovering in the air. Then she jumped into the air right when she came to a down flap, and she was in the air like that. So little energy expended, and she rose up to Fluttershy quickly. I stood there dumbfounded. Why did she have to be so good and make me look so bad? You don't need help to make yourself look bad. 'Shut up.'

I did the same thing as Luna had done. I followed every move she had made, but when I jumped, I lurched to the left. I righted myself quickly, but it was still a problem. Rising to meet two of the three most important females in my life, I said to Luna, "Why did I stall?"

She smiled. "Will, you said so yourself. I've been flying for so much longer. About two and a half millennia, to be precise. All it takes is practise. You just have to know how your wings are beating. From here, even I saw that your right wing was flapping harder than your left, which is what made you lean. Just practise it, Will." All three of us, Fluttershy, Luna, and I, began flying to Canterlot.

Oh, you got served by your own mother. That has to hurt. 'Bill, I've got some drugs to mess with my brain.' No, no, it was wrong to say that. I'm sorry. 'I don't really have anything, Bill. Got you there. Point for me!' Damn, I hate you, Will. 'You know you love me.' Bill didn't say anything for a while, then said, I do. 'Marry me, Bill.' My love for you is brotherly, man, not romantic. 'Admit it, you want to have my love-children.' Will, is there something wrong with you? Do I need to get Luna to examine your head? 'You wouldn't!'

Bill didn't answer. When I next heard a voice, it wasn't Bill's. Will? Your voice said I needed to check out your mind.

I mentally stopped for a moment, dumbfounded. "Bill, you brought her here?! Are you mad?!"

Bill didn't get to answer before Luna asked, What's the problem? Will's acting strange! Just now, he asked me to marry him, and soon after he said I wanted to have his babies! Luna, I don't know what's gotten into him, please, help! Hmm... I felt Luna wander around in my mind. I didn't obstruct anything from her view, I didn't think I had anything to hide. After a few minutes, I heard Luna say, The only thing I can see wrong with him is that most of his thoughts are of Fluttershy. None of them are inappropriate, but they are all of loving her. I suspect these are influencing his actions. So... I'm stuck having to listen to him prattle about love and all that? Sadly so, Bill. Can I come live with you, Luna? I promise I'll be good! Luna mentally laughed. I'm sorry, but I only have room for one voice, and Helen wouldn't like moving out. Aw...

I felt Luna withdraw her presence, and Bill said to me, I got to peek into her mind when I asked her to come. 'And?' She's so... professional. Everything is organised, and all her thoughts are proper. I even met her voice, Helen. 'And what was she like?' Well, at first, she was pretty violent. She almost kicked me out before Luna told her to stop. 'Wait, you mean she took actual action?' Yeah. I'm as amazed as you are. I don't think even I could do something like that. 'Wait, you said at first?' Yeah. In my defence, I said I was with you. 'And?' Then she calmed down. Pretty freaky, really. I mean, she's never even met you and as soon as I say I'm yours, she gets all nice. 'Now, that's strange. Did she show any emotion?' Fear. No doubt. 'Now, why would she be afraid of you or me?' Maybe it's because we're related to Luna. 'Sure. Let's just chalk it up and leave it at that. I don't want to think right now.'

But my wish didn't come true, because Fluttershy said something. "Will," she started. "Why are you so quiet all the time?"

I felt my blood run cold. Woah, there man. Keep it cool. I remembered asking something similar to her... about her constant apologies. That's what had gotten us into the desperate times, and I never wanted to relive that ever again. Slow, Will. Take it slow and steady. "Well... I... think... a lot about things..." I hoped that answer would suffice.

It didn't. "What kind of things?" She had no idea what she was asking of me.

"Are you sure you want to know? My mind isn't the nicest of places..."

"I want to know, Will. I mean, sometimes, when you, uh, 'think,' I see your face get sad or mad, and I just want to help."

'I don't know what to do, Bill.' Tell her. 'About?' Me. 'Are you sure? So far, only Mason and Luna know. Are you sure I should tell Fluttershy? No offence, but you aren't someone I'd leave alone around kids, if you were physical.' I'm hurt, Will. Seriously. I'm just... laid back, is all. But yes, you should tell her. 'Why?' She'll trust you. Better practise what you preach, Will, and be honest. 'But what if she trusts me less, for holding back on her?' Will, this is one of the many times in your life you should just trust me on this one. I know what I'm doing. 'There's a surprise.' Tell her. 'Alright, if you say so.' I do.

"Fluttershy... I have something to tell you." I flew up beside her, looking at her. She looked back at me, expectantly. "I... My mind... it's very confusing."

"That's for sure," Luna interjected.

I ignored her. "There's something in my head that I've only told two people about. It's a voice, inside my head, that tells me things."

"What kind of things?"

"Well, his main job is to tell me about what goes on around me, you know, keep me safe." I heard Fluttershy say something under her breath, but I didn't inquire, instead moving on. "He also helps me out with everything in life. Things like teaching me stuff, or helping me with... relationships..."

"You mean he's been telling you how to be with me?"

"No, I wouldn't say that. That's been mostly me. But when things get tough... like what happened to you... he keeps me under control. I was ready follow you through the void, Fluttershy. But Bill, my voice, made me see sense, see that there was still something I could do to help." Canterlot, being built into a mountain, came into view over the horizon, the sun getting ready to set behind it. I could see the beginnings of red creep into the horizon, the sun just now starting to set.

"So... he tries to do what's right for you?"

"He tries. And most times, he succeeds."


"I'm stubborn sometimes. Those are the times I don't listen to him and I usually get into trouble because of it."

"So... when you... kissed me-" she started to ask, but I cut her off.

"That was all me. He didn't even know what I was doing. Frankly, neither did I. I just... did it. I can't describe it."

"Oh... okay... um, what's that in your hands?"

"Oh, this? You'll have to see later on... that is, if I have the chance."

"Why won't you tell me?"

"For that matter, why won't you tell me?" I heard Luna ask, and when I glanced at her, I saw that she had once again donned her disguise of an alicorn.

"Because, it's a surprise. Luna, is there a celebration or party or talent show or something going on in Canterlot?"

"Well, there is a music festival, why?"

Hoping that my answer would throw them off, I responded, "It'll have to do. That's all I'll say on the matter." We were all silent for several minutes, but we were at Canterlot before any of us could say anything. We landed in a courtyard, and almost immediately I saw a couple white pegasi garbed in golden ceremonial armor run up to escort Luna inside, while another two stood in front Fluttershy and me menacingly.

"Guards, these ponies are with me. Do not detain them." Luna spoke in a commanding tone, her friendly and motherly tone expertly dropped, adapting to the new situation.

"Are you sure, Princess Luna?" The brown pegasus in front of me asked gruffly.

Luna didn't get to answer before the doors they had come through, which had closed on their own, were flung open, revealing a white pegasus with a horn. A familiar tiara of gold sat atop her head, held up by the long, sharp horn. From where I was standing, I could see a large orange sun emblazoned on her rear hip.

Seeing the guards and Fluttershy bow, I followed suit, bending at the waist, holding my right arm across my waist, with my left arm extended behind me, in what I thought was a good old fashioned bow for humans. Don't quote me on it, though. "Arise, everyone." I straightened, and found that the guard hadn't taken his eyes off me. "Luna, it is good to see you again. Did everything go well?"

"For the most part, sister. But I would like to speak with you about it, with Will present. In private."

Probably a serious breach in protocol, I asked, "Is my companion allowed in on this conversation that I've been volunteered for?"

The brown guard raised a hoof to poke me in the chest. "You will only speak when-" But Celestia had cut him off.

"Of course, Will. That is, if she's cleared for what Luna has to speak about?" She looked at Luna expectantly.

She thought about it for a moment. "I don't see why not. She knows it all now, and before you object," Luna hastily added. "The circumstances kind of required it. And those circumstances will also be discussed."

Celestia nodded. "Very well." She turned to the guards. "I've got it from here. You may take the rest of the night off." She turned apologetically to Luna. "I'm sorry, but in your absence I had taken the liberty of raising the moon. Forgive me."

Luna waved a hoof at her. "There's no harm done. Do not trouble yourself over it."

The guards entered the palace-like building that Celestia had exited. That was when I asked, "Am I going to be disliked by all the guards in a similar fashion?"

Luna and Celestia laughed, and Fluttershy leaned into me. I don't know why. All I knew is that it was either out of sympathy or just an impulsive action of love. Sue me, I'm inexperienced in love. Nothing makes sense... some people make it look easy, and I'm not one of them. "Oh, Will. Believe me when I say that it was nothing personal; you just aren't a pony."

Cracking a joke, I said, "That's racist!" Luna and Celestia smiled, but Fluttershy looked me confusedly. "Sorry, Fluttershy, it's a human joke."

Celestia spoke now, saying, "Which reminds me," and she spoke to Fluttershy. "How are Twilight and the others?"

"Oh, they're, um, doing fine..."

"And how are you?"

"I'm... okay..."

Celestia turned to me now. She seemed used to Fluttershy's shyness. "And how are you, Will?"

I thought about what to say for moment. "Celestia... I just learned that I was royalty last night-" But Luna cut me off.

"He's fine, now. Will, save the rest of your story for after the festival."

"Oh!" I exclaimed. "That reminds me! Celestia, is it too late for me to join the music festival?" She shook her head, to which I sighed a big relieved breath. "Thank you, Celestia."

"Might I inquire why you wish to join the festival?"

"Well, I heard that music was popular here. Well, I heard that music that was loud and obnoxious was frowned upon while actual music was smiled upon, and I thought it my chance play the music I liked, music from the human culture. The songs I like are old songs, over one thousand years old. Nothing bad. Most of them were love songs or sad songs."

"Well, then, I look forward to seeing you perform." Celestia said.

"And I too," said Luna.

"Oh... and, um, me too..." Fluttershy whispered.

"You will. I only hope that our tastes are similar enough so that you'll like it. By the way, do you perchance have a grand piano?"

Celestia laughed. "You heard classics were well liked here, and you don't know if we have a piano?! Of course we do, silly nephew!"

"How many pieces are we allowed to perform?"

"Well, since you are a special case, and because you'd be going last, you can perform as many as you'd like. Though, I'd like you to keep it under ten. Sharing the fact that your cultures aren't all bad is very important, but many of these ponies have jobs to go to tomorrow. As for any help you need, you'll find Octavia to be a very good cellist, and Vinyl Scratch can help with synthesis. Also, two ambassadors were sent here, naturally, and you may find help from them. I suggest you find them before the festival starts, though. They'll be in the royal suite. If you need directions, ask one of the guards. Luna and I need to be elsewhere. Good luck, Will."

"See you later, family." I said. Not tiring of it yet? 'Never.' I didn't think so. "Come on, Fluttershy. Let's go find my friends... at least, I hope they're friends. Unless... you wanted to do something?"

"No, it's okay."

"Well, if it's what you want..." I said, unconvinced.

"I said it's okay, Will. I don't mind." Fluttershy said more assertively, and I was proud of her, and smiled my crooked smile.

"Okay, then. Come on, let's go find them." We walked for a while, but after ending up in the same courtyard again, I asked one of the guards at the door. "Could you tell me how to get to the royal suite?"

"Why would you want to know? Who are you, and what is your business here?"

"Where to start..." I started dramatically. "I'm here as a guest of Princess Luna, Princess Celestia approved my request at performing in the music festival tonight, and I need to speak to the human ambassadors that were sent here."

"Very funny. You're not getting past us."

"Please, sir," Fluttershy whispered. "He's telling the truth. Could you please show us where the royal suite is?"

The guard, for a moment, lost his determined face, but quickly reclaimed it. "We aren't supposed to."

But we were saved. Or, more accurately, the guards were saved. My patience was growing very thin. Two humans in business suits walked out of the door behind the guards, in the middle of a conversation. "-night is very beautiful, and those who say it isn't hasn't seen it." The one on the right said.

"I agree, there's just something about the night here that separates it from the rest-" The second began, but he looked ahead and saw me. "Woah, Angel? What are you doing here?"

The guards were obviously put off by this. "You know this man?"

"Why, yes we do, sirs. This here is Angel, the most talented soldier one could ever have. He's trained in combat, medicine, music, art, swordsmanship, anything under the sun! What are you doing here?" The first explained. Then I recognised them.

"Johnathan? Nolan? Sorry, I couldn't see you in the low-light. I'm here for the music festival!"

"Really? Are you here to watch or here to perform?" Nolan, the one on the left asked.

"Perform. I asked Princess Celestia, about ten minutes ago. I'm the last one in. I was wondering if you guys could help me out?"

Fluttershy asked, "These humans can play music?"

Johnathan, the one on the right, said, "Oh, sorry, miss. I didn't see you there. To answer your question, yes, Nolan and I can play. I play electric guitar, Nolan plays drums."

"Electra... drums... what are those, Will?" Fluttershy's confusion was obvious. I saved her.

"They're human instruments, Fluttershy. Drums are instruments that humans hit to make different sounds. The electric guitar is a guitar that you electrify to make a different sound than regular guitars."

"Speaking of guitars, Angel," Nolan asked. "Is that yours?" He pointed to the case in my hand.

I sighed. "It was supposed to be a surprise for Fluttershy, but yes, it is. So... can you guys help out? I plan on doing songs from the twentieth and twenty first century, to show that humans know things other than war."

Johnathan pished. "Sure, we can help." He turned to one of the guards. "When is the festival to start?"

"In fifty minutes, give or take."

"Alright, that's more than enough time to set up. Just give us the songs you want us to help you with. I suggest making us have to come on last, because I'm sure there are some other songs that don't have electric or drums in them. Hit up Octavia or Vinyl Scratch for those, and make them come up first."

"Will do, thanks Nolan, John." I nodded to both of them. "Point me out?"

"Through the doors, to the right. Big studio room, on the left. Can't miss it. Both of them should be in there, prepping. Catch both at the same time and it saves having to repeat what you said before. But, can I ask a question, Angel?" Nolan said.


"Why did Miss Fluttershy call you 'Will?'"

"Oh. Well, um, I was on a recon mission a few days ago, and they asked me what my name was. Thing is, Fluttershy has a pet bunny named 'Angel,' so I said my name was 'Will' and it stuck. Angel's still my team name, though."

"Fair enough. Well, let us help set up, then we'll be down with our gear."

"Thanks again, guys." They left, walking past us to a prior engagement.

But Fluttershy also had a question about my name. "Why did they call you 'Angel?'"

I sighed. I seemed to be doing that a lot. "In human culture, Fluttershy, there are divine beings who serve God, the human deity. These divine beings are commonly accepted as looking like normal humans with wings. See the connection?"

"Oh..." She said, glumly. I honestly didn't know why.

"Don't feel bad about it, Fluttershy. You couldn't have known. Now," I said, squatting next to her. "Would you like to find a seat in the hall, or would you rather come with me to the studio?" I paused a moment, and spoke again before Fluttershy could answer. "I'm asking a stupid question, aren't I?"

Fluttershy smiled and nodded, pulling me into a hug. That almost unbalanced me, and I ran the risk of crushing her by falling over. Luckily, it didn't come to that, and I kept squatting. "I don't want to leave you, Will. I'd almost lost you once, I don't want to lose you again."

I chuckled. "I'd only be in the studio, Fluttershy, not dueling a manticore or something!" But I wanted her to stay. I loved her presence. I loved her. Wanna say it again? I know you're itching to; I see it in your mind! 'Will it irritate you if I do, or if I don't?' Yes. 'I hate you.' Say it aloud at least. Tick off the guards, watch their reactions when Fluttershy says it back. 'Oh, you're a devious little bastard.' Before Bill could respond, I said to him, 'I'll do it.' "I love you, Fluttershy."

I noticed a look on the guards' faces that could be described with "what the hell," before Fluttershy answered with, "I love you too, Will." Then I saw that their faces became horrified, as if a human, or Paracorn, in the "black" community would know, being with a pegasus was a revolting idea. I didn't care if it was; I'd found my soul mate. I know that sounds cheesy as hell, but it's true, is it not? Asking yourself questions is a sign of insanity. 'Aren't I?' Bill was silent, then answered, Point.

We walked hoof in hand through the doors and past the guards, as Fluttershy had started flapping her wings so she could still move and hold my hand at the same time. We took a right at the first chance, and it seemed Nolan was right: I couldn't and didn't miss the studio doors. I opened them slowly, peeking my head inside so I could see if I could come in. Seeing no one in my view, I opened the door, calling out, "Hello?"

I heard a female voice call out in response, "I'll be there in a minute!" I heard some scrabbling in another room, possibly a dressing room, before a grey pony with a black mane walked out. "How may I help you?"

"I was told I could find an Octavia and a Vinyl Scratch in here?"

"Well, I'm Octavia. Vinyl should be out in a moment. Who wants to know?"

"Sorry, I haven't introduced myself, have I?"

Before I could continue, though, a white pony with a blue, "punk rock" style mane walked out of another room. What unsettled me the most were her red eyes. Most ponies had blue, green, or brown eyes. I mean, Twilight and Rainbow Dash had shades of purple. But red? That was new. "Who are you?" She asked me in an arrogant tone.

I bit back a retort before saying, "My name is Will. I was told I could find Octavia and a Vinyl Scratch here?"

"That's us," Vinyl said. "What do you need us for?"

"Well, I was told I could go to you two if I needed help with instrumentation. I'm the last performance in the festival."

Octavia spoke now, cutting off something Vinyl was about to say. "I'm a cellist."

I nodded. "I could use a cellist. Do you play violin as well?" She nodded. "Good, good." I turned to Vinyl. "I was told you were a DJ and that you could also help with synthesizing?"

"Yep, I can do that." This pony earned a moniker from me: the Rainbow Dash of Music. Arrogant, but could, I hoped, live up to it.

"Thanks. Do you want me to give out what I have planned first?"

"Sure," Octavia said. "Now's better than when hundreds of ponies are watching."

"True," I concurred. "Well, I definitely need Octavia for my first piece. Hand me a blank staff sheet and I'll scribble what you need." She gave me a few, and I immediately used chicken scratch. Had no time for making everything neat. I handed the completed sheet to her. "Can you read this? Sorry, but my handwriting, or my doodle skills, for that matter, aren't the best."

"Sure, I can read it."

I turned to Vinyl, already scribbling down more notes. "This will be for the next piece. You can do it?"

She gave me a pony salute. "Sure thing, Will."

"Thanks, guys. Now, I'm sorry, Octavia, but I don't have any more pieces planned that need cellos or other orchestral strings."

She shook her head. "Not a problem, Will. Just happy to play."

"Glad you understand, sorry." I wrote down another score for the song to be played after the second. "Now, Vinyl. I'm afraid for this piece you'll have to play with other humans, not just me. You know the two ambassadors that were sent here?"

"Johnathan and Nolan? Yeah, they play too! We got to swap our music smarts. Electric guitars... now those are cool, man!" I love her lingo. 'Hands off.' You claiming her? 'She's her own pony. I won't have you influence anything.' Killjoy...

"You comfortable with 'em?"

"Sure, we played a bit earlier this week. They're cool."

"Okay, then it isn't a problem." I huffed in preparedness. "So, I have a sad love song first, another sad song, a victory spirited song, and a slow, sad piano piece... I need another..." I spoke up. "Do you have a trombone?"

Octavia laughed. "This is Canterlot. We have every instrument ever made!"

I smirked at her. "You sure about that?"

She snorted. "Well, every instrument a pony's ever made!"

I grinned. "Much better. Could I borrow it?"

"Well... let's say we don't have multiple instruments of every kind..."

"You mean, it's yours?"


"Care to help?"


"You'll be playing with humans."

"I can manage, as long as I'm playing."

"Also have a trumpet? That's for me?"

"Those we have. Sure, I'll lend you one for tonight."

"Thanks, Octavia." I gave her a casual civilian salute. "That rounds it all out. Nolan can make his drums play marching bass and all that stuff. Thanks for your help, ladies, but I'll take my leave now and let you two finish preparing."

Before they could answer, I heard a familiar voice call out, "Will? You here?" It was Johnathan. "Nolan and I are here, we're wondering if you'd like to come give a few practise bars before the show. We ourselves aren't actually performing, so we can miss some of it."

Bowing slightly to the two musical aficionados, I said, "See you there."

"Nice talking to you, Will."

I called back to John. "I'm coming, John!" Walking next to Fluttershy, I walked with them to the practise area. Soundproof rooms... humans had traded more than I'd thought. We stepped inside, Fluttershy as well, and set up. There was already a set of drums and lots of instruments to choose from, including a piano. "Okay, guys, here's the playlist." I told them in order what songs were going to be done and who and when I'd do them.

"Sounds like a plan, Will." Nolan said.

"Fluttershy, could you step outside while we practise? It's not that I don't want you in here, love. But I want to keep these a surprise."

"Oh... okay, Will. Whatever you say." When she walked out, I nodded to the others and we began playing.