• Published 14th Sep 2015
  • 875 Views, 24 Comments

Mare Do Well: Assault on Aurora - Nova Arc

Mare Do Well has her mission; the Suicide Force has theirs. What happens when the two missions are intertwined?

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Assemble, Suicide Force

Downtown Manehattan

Two masked men sat in a black car outside Manehattan Central Bank, waiting for their partner, who was actually in a jewelry store directly opposite. "So why did we park here, again?" asked one.

"Because, she doesn't want the cops to find her easily," replied the second. "The time it'll take for them to come out after realizing she isn't there is enough time for her to get out with to gems."

"I see. So that's why she still had to attack the bank. They would send the alert first and she could easily hit the jewelry store while everyone was distracted."


Meanwhile, inside, Rarity Belle, AKA, Crystal Cold, was helping herself to a box of diamonds while her crystallized victims could all but stare at the beautiful young Ice Queen dressed in a white leotard with purple hemming and accents that exposed her legs and arms with three blue diamonds on the right hip and back and a big one on the chest, as well as three at the elbow of her white, fur-hemmed detached sleeves and one on the back of her fingerless gloves. Her curly purple hair was elegant with a white streak that appeared after she got her powers and her matching boots, all tied up with her to-die-for curves, made her look more like a model than a homocidal, metahuman criminal. She emptied the last box of rubies into her bag and headed out, waving at her victims encased in purple crystals as she past them by. Soon, she heard the alarm. "That's my cue. Tata! A lady knows when to make her exit!"

However, as she stepped outside, she saw her getaway car drive off. "Dammit! Worthless cowards!" She looked in the opposite direction and saw a cluster of police cars barricading the street, all officers aiming their guns at her. "Fine. Looks like I'll have to get my hands dirty. And I just got this pedicure!" She walked onto the road to face the police. A cold, blue aura surrounded her hands.

"You're cut off with nowhere to go," one officer shouted through a megaphone. "Surrenders, now! Drop the bag and put your hands in the air!"

Crystal sighed. "Fine." She dropped the bag and said, "But we never agreed to the terms of my surrender. Peaceful... Or lethal?" She raised her hands as police fired on her and engaged the officers.


Rodeo Motel, 7 Miles south of Baltimare

The swat team made their way up the stairs of the motel and lined up on both sides of the door. Snipers laid on the rooftops of the other end of the building and aimed at the door and windows. "Vision check, you are clear to enter." With that, one kicked down the door. All reared back and the sight and smell of dead bodies and rotting flesh. The floor was covered in a thick layer of blood that made the wish it was a water leakage and the pipe were carrying Rosé. On the bed of the room was a pile of gems, most of which had what looked like large bites had been taken out of them.

"Damn," said an officer. "This guy really is insane."

"What did you expect," said another. "He's not even 100% human!" Then, they heard gurgling and sloshing. They turned to face the bathroom, which also had its white tiled floor stained with red. From behind the shower curtain of the tub, they saw a massive figure, at least 8 or so feet tall with a massive tail swinging behind it. It had a spikey Mohawk, thick muscles, and it was drenched in blood to the point where they couldn't even see what color it actually was.

"Oh shit."

Outside, the snipers heard nothing. They began to relax, but focused again when several officers came crashing out of the walls of the room, followed closely by the terror they new as Spike Drake, AKA, Spikezilla, the Dragon King.


Neighcourt Highrise, New Colt City

Jet Set got away with most everything. He was rich, up to speed on everything, and had an army of lawyers who knew how to find loopholes in the law (and the cost of judges and juries). He was sitting in his apartment in his cream-colored bath robe reading a newspaper and smiling at the headline: "MOB BOSS IS RELEASED ON B1,000,000,000 BAIL!"

"Hehe. These idiots are good for business. Maybe I'll keep them around a while." He set down his paper and walked into the connected kitchen to grab a glass of Rosé. As he poured the wine, though, he heard what sounded like breaking glass. He looked behind him, only to see the wonderful view of the lively, lit city his many drug deals had bought him. He smiled. "Old boy," he said to himself, "You're getting paranoid. Nothing in this city can touch you!"

"That's what you think." Jet Set turned sharply. In front of him was a masked individual hanging upside down in front of him. It's mask was black with a purple breather-like mouth with three holes and yellow eyes. The rest of its suit was also purple with black and yellow highlights and accents, most of which had a lightning-bolt-like design. The boots were black with purple lightning bolts and the gloves were purple with black on top side of the lower arm and fingers and metal plates on top of the hands.

Jet Set only had time to gasp as Shadowbolt slit his throat. He collapsed, glass still in hand, and the blood gushing from his throat mixed with the wine as they spread across the carpet. Shadowbolt took a moment to examine her work and make sure he was dead, then darted for the window. She crashed through and clung to the glass using her nano-tech gloves. As she climed, however, a light was shone on her from a group of patrol helicopters. She looked up and saw a line of soldiers aiming at her from the rooftop. She looked down and saw an armada of police cars. She was screwed.

As she was shoved into the police car, her mask was removed, revealing the yellow-haired, golden-eyed young woman known as Lightning Dust underneath. "Well, at least I completed the job," she said with a grin as she was driven off to her new home... In a cell in Manegate Prison.


Manegate Prison

Rainbow Dash was both famous and infamous amongst her fellow inmates. Everyone wanted to be on her team, but just as many wanted her dead. Why? A number of reasons: she had screwed them over, inside and out of prison, she had robbed them, she had helped a rival fan beat another gang, and many, MANY, more reasons. She was as good and ally as she was an enemy. She was cunning, she was adaptive, and, her pride, she was fast as hell.

"So, you gonna watch the game tonight?" one inmate asked her as they made their way through the courtyard for recreation.

"Maybe," she replied, swinging her rainbow hair back and forth as she walked, maintaining its rough, unkempt look. She was also watching her surroundings and noticed that three other inmates were tailing her. "Y'know, there could be trouble, Saorin. Sure you wanna stick around?"

"I won't get involved," he replied. "But who else is gonna talk to the warden to not extend your penalty?"

"Then duck." He obeyed and a knife whizzed over his head. The arm holding it was caught and Rainbow flipped the inmate, twisted his arm, and punched his lights out. Another came from behind holding a metal bar and aimed a swing at her head. She ducked and kicked him away as another arrived with a chain. She caught the chain and pulled his face down to her knee, knocking him out. She looked up and saw the last one running. She picked up the metal bar he dropped and threw it. It spun in the air, took a bounce off the wall next to him, the wall by the entrance to the prison hall, and knocked him on the head, knocking him out, after which it landed in a bucket of baseball bats. That was her other pride; the skill that earned her the name, Ricochette.


Unknown Location

Starlight Glimmer was an extremist who served her country with such a burning passion that her dedication alone made her name, Star Crisher, feared. She was, at the moment, preparing for her next one. As she got on her motorcycle, her objectives ran through her head: "Get inside, blow up base, get out."

The light in the plane turned green and the hatch opened. She drove out and plummeted down to the ground below, preparing to be met by heavy resistance. She released parachute and was immediately saluted with gunfire. Once she was a safe distance, she cut the parachute and hit the gas. Once she landed, she shot off. As bullets wiphizzed passed her, she remained unfazed. She. Tapped a button on her bike and jumped off. The bike broke apart and rockets appeared to propel it towards the gate. The bike-turned-rocket blew up the security stations and quite a few cameras. She charged at the gate, armed with a wrist-mounted cannon that appeared like a tuning fork with a pale green glow and electricity arcing through it. She fired and gunned down several enemy assailants and blew up several bunkers and towers and generally trashed the military base.

However, she was effortlessly overpowered when a rocket went off behind her and knocked her into a car. She turned and was surrounded, but stil, insisted on shooting a few more before she was finally disarmed by a bullet to her cannon. She surrendered, happy that she had trashed the base, but furious that she had been captured in the first place.


Psychiatric Ward, Canterlot General Hospital

When Pinkamena Pieper wasn't helping her "boyfriend" or torturing victims, or making cupcakes, she was pretty much like any over young woman her age. Sure, she loved cartoons, but then again, who doesn't? She sat in the waiting lounge, awaiting her turn to be called into the doctor's office for her weekly checkup. Soon, she got bored and pulled out a tablet from her poofy pink hair and opened an episode of My Little Pony, which she found funny, not only due to the antics, but also to how similar the names in the show were to those of people she had actually met.

She laughed as a pink pony used a rather big cannon to decorate an entire room in a single shot! Then, the screen left her view. She looked up to see the red-haired nurse holding her tablet. "You know the rules," she said. "No electronics without supervision." Pinkamena didn't like that. Only one person got to boss her around and even he didn't have that right anymore. She got mad.

A few seconds later, the nurse ran out of the room, holding the side of her head. Meanwhile, Pinkamena spat out the chunk of hair, which had a dripping patch of bleeding skin, in her mouth. Apparently, that nurse was new or oblivious or she would have never messed with Pinkie Pie.


Terminus Island Penitentiary

Jacqueline "Applejack" Apple, commonly known as Buckshot, laid in her cell, reading an old book she had received as a gift called, "Sister, Missing". She had already read the prequel and received this as a gift. It helped remind her of how much she missed her sister. It also helped quell the boredom. But so did the clanging of the big metal door leading to her prison hall. "Well, it's time," she said to herself. She sat up and brushed a mop of blonde hair out of her green eyes, reached under hair brown Stetson hat, and pulled out a picture of her and her little sister, Applebloom.

"It's time, Apple."

Soon, she was being escorted by a doctor and a pair of soldiers in fairly tough armor and masks that made them look like they had three eyes, with one on their forehead, to who-knows-where. The thing is, she didn't plan on sticking around to find out where they were taking her. She sneezed, or so they thought, and pulled a paperclip from her mouth. She lowered her hands and worked on the cuffs and in a few seconds, her patience had paid off.

She swung her hand at one of the guards, knocking him against the wall. The other aimed to hit her, but she kicked him back and hammered the other's head into the wall with an earth-shattering punch to the face. The second pulled out his pistol as she turned. She tapped the side, causing the cartridge to fall out and pulled the slide out, popping the one in the chamber and rendering the gun useless. She caught the bullet and flung the slide at the other guard, who was trying to get up, with so much force, it broke through the lense guarding his left eye. As he slumped, dead, Applejack finished the other with a jab to his neck and a drop-kick into the opposite wall. She looked up and grinned at the frightened doctor, who backed away.

She walked away, staring at the picture of her and her sister, but was soon stopped in her tracks as she felt a pinching sensation in her back. She turned around to see that now the doctor was grinning. She pulled the syringe from her back, but collapsed to the floor soon after, staring as the picture she treasured floated to the ground in front of her. She couldn't move. Soon, she couldn't see.

Author's Note:

Now, you've met the Suicide Force! Things are about to go down! Hope your enjoying reading this as much as I am writing it so far, 'cause there's more to come!

Now, as I mentioned in a recent blog post, I'm gonna be doing special riddles that'll give you chances to earn prizes (invisible snacks, imaginary gifts, and even a chance to add your own spark to one of my stories!). Also know that I'll be mixing it up; some may be from the riddler, but quite a few will be off the top of my head, so don't go relying on Goolge to solve your problems like Waller did. She got lucky. So, first one:

There are three men on a boat with four cigarettes and no matches. How do they smoke? (Prize: imaginary double chocolate chip cookies!)

For the answer, stay tuned, stay awesome, and remember: Reality is an illusion. The universe is a hologram. Buy gold! BYE!:pinkiecrazy:

Also, where did all these downvotes come from?:rainbowhuh: Seriously, there weren't there until the second night of publishing. Literally! Why? Seriously, I'd like to know what I did wrong so if I can fix it, I will.