• Published 23rd May 2012
  • 939 Views, 2 Comments

Get a Clue - S. K. RyDer

Six ponies. Six rooms. Six weapons. Six suspicious deaths...

  • ...

Shadow Manor

A lone figure in a sodden black cloak made his way to the mansion in the hill, pausing only to restrain the dog, Cerebus, so as not to allow disfigurement or death upon his master’s guests.

“Sit boy.” He ordered, tossing the three heads a yellow ball encompassed in a pale yellow aura. Sighing with relief, Smiles let himself in the door. He levitated the cloak onto the rack, revealing a pony with stark-white fur and electric black mane kept in massive spiky chaos, tidied only around the curved horn protruding from his forehead. His eyes, a decadent blood red, were hidden behind massive grey goggles that seemed to block all light out. He trotted down the hallway, following the tell-tale sounds of metal being sharpened.

“Good evening miss--” his greeting was cut off with a small snarl, a flash of silver, and a small yelp of terror.

“Good evening Mister Smiles.” The Cyan Pegasus held the knife at the white pony’s throat. “Dinner will be ready in ten minutes.”

The butler pony nodded, slowly backing out the door.

As he started back towards a darkened room, the bell above the door rang out.

“And so it begins.” He muttered, pulling a small lavender bowtie on. He opened the door, giving a smile to the occupant trapped in the rain. “Good evening. I assume you are Violet Scholar?”

The lavender unicorn took a step back, her wet dark blue mane going over her eyes, “No, my name is--” she started to give her name, but found the butler’s hoof held to her mouth.

“No offense, Miss Violet,” he said, withdrawing his hoof embarrassed, “But under no circumstance are you to reveal your true name unless asked by your host. Those are the instructions.” He gave another smile before continuing, “But do come in before you catch your death in this ghastly weather.”

Violet trotted through the door, finding her flank to suddenly rise as the weight was lifted. She turned back, seeing her saddlebags held still in the Butler’s magical aura.
“Thank You.” She said, giving the butler a sly wink. “They were beginning to become a real pain in the--”

What she said was drowned out from the bell ringing again, but a small hiss escaped her lips as she trotted towards the room with the fireplace.

Smiles smiled again, opening the door to another guest. “Good evening, Lord Chestnut.”

A bright brown stallion smiled back, “I assume this is--”

A bolt of lightning caused the stallion to bolt right inside, leaving the butler to pick up the dark red fez that fell off the other’s head.

He cursed the stallion under his breath, placing the small hat on the rack with the other accessories.

Smiles sighed again, trotting to where the violet unicorn headed off to. “Caddy?” he called to the winged unicorn just inside the doorway, “Everything alright in--”

“Clap your hooves and do a little shake!” The two finished their typical greeting, falling into fits of uncontrollable laughter.

“Princess Mi Amore Cadenza!” the butler called out in shock, “I beg to ask you of what you are doing!”

The Princess of Love stood, still giggling a bit. “I’m sorry Smiles, but I babysat young Twi--”

“Excuse me.” The butler took off again, opening the consistently chiming door.

“Good eve--” he hardly said anything before he was flat on his back, vision clouded by a white mane and purple cloak.

“Ohthankyouthankyouthankyou.” The owner of the mane was shivering as if she trekked all the way to the Northern Territories and back.

“I assume you are Miss Navy Model?” Smiles picked both him and the pneumonia-bound show mare off the floor.

“At-at-at-atleas-s-s-s-st-t-t-t-t” she stuttered, “th-th-th-that-t-t-t-sssss what-t-t-t-t th-th-th-the n-n-n-ot-t-tee sssssaid-d-d-d.”

The butler nodded, “Come into the living room where we can get you warmed up. Gilda!” he called to a creature that trotted towards the room where the chestnut stallion retreated to. “Can you please get a blanket for Miss Navy here?”

“Got it Smiles.” She called back, immediately turning and trotting back up the stairs.

“Don’t worry, we’ll not have you freeze or get sick this evening.” He pulled the mare closer, sharing some body heat with her. “Let’s get something in you, you’re positively freezing.”

Navy Model stuttered her thanks and allowed herself to be led into a room with what seemed to be hundreds of glass bottles lining the walls.

When she was wrapped in a blanket and sipping from a mug containing a yellow-amber liquid, the stallion trotted back out the room into the hall.

As if on cue, the little bell rang again, causing Smiles to nearly trip over himself as he turned around and went back to the front door.

“Good evening.” He donned his smile again, “Forgive me, but I don’t recall sending an invitation to a couple.”

The two ponies sharing the same cloak immediately broke apart, their faces turning red almost as fast as a Zap Apple.

“We’re not a couple.” The stallion said, “Ah just gave her a bit of protectin’ from the rain is all.”

Smiles nodded, “Do come in. Won’t you two?”

“Gee, thanks mister!” the Pegasus few in, crashing right into the suit of armor.

“Miss Grey Cloud!” Smiles stared horrified at the pile of metal. It will take him AGES to fix that suit. “Do control yourself indoors!”

The grey Pegasus smiled, trying to force her wall-eyes into an apologetic look. She trotted clumsily into the Living room, sitting next to Navy Model.

Smiles chuckled, ticking the ponies off in his head.

“Violet Scholar, Lord Chestnut, Navy Model, Grey Cloud and Scarlet Worker. Which leaves…?”

Whoosh! CRASH!

“Mustard Fire.” He grimaced, looking towards the now-broken skylight, already starting to flood due to the storm.

“Hey.” The Pegasus shook her fire-red mane off, as well as tossing her flight goggles onto the coat rack. “What’s up? Miss anything?”

Smiles took a deep breath, “Yes, Missus Mustard. You missed the door.”

She laughed, tossing her head back towards the hole in the ceiling. “Yeah, I figured as much. I’ll pay for it.”

The butler shook his head, “I’ll be Tartarus’ new guard if your host finds out you have been spoiling his house.” His yellow aura formed around the pieces of glass, forming the massive pane into its original location.

“Ah, come on. I was only having a bit of fun.” She started to burrow into her flight suit.

“Ah, yes, I understand, Mustard.” The butler tried to remain cool, “but as you see, we have--”

He suddenly found his vision obscured by a medium blue fabric. “Well, since we are all here, Miss Mustard, would you be as kind as to wait for us in the Dining Room?”

The yellow mare nodded, “Yeah, I’m so hungry I could eat an entire Apple Orchard.”

Smiles shook his head, magicked the flight suit in as best of a fold job as he could, and set it at the feet of the coat rack.

“Dinner’s ready!” the cook started ringing her bell, “Come and get—HOLY SWEET CELESTIA!”

Smiles teleported into the dining room, seeing his cook gawking over Mustard Fire, “Yes, we have a Wonderbolt with us tonight. Pull yourself together and start serving.”

The Pegasus took a breath, “Yes, Mister Smiles.”

When the butler turned around, he was met with six pairs of eyes. He sat down in the chair next to Mustard Fire.

The Cyan Pegasus and the Griffon came out of the kitchen door, setting plates down in front of each of the guests.

For a while, the only sounds were silverware clicking, and the crunching of the crisp lettuce leaves.

“You know,” Navy Model said after a moment, “someone's got to break the ice, and it might as well be me. I mean, I'm used to being a talker, its part of my work. And it's always difficult when a group of new friends meet together for the first time, to get acquainted. So I'm perfectly prepared to start the ball rolling. I mean, I, I have absolutely no idea what we're doing here. Or what I'm doing here, or what this place is about, but I am determined to enjoy myself. And I'm very intrigued, and, oh my, this soup's delicious, isn't it?”

What they couldn’t understand was how long she had been in the talking business, because she didn’t seem to take a breath when she started, she chipped in her two bits, then dove into her soup, drinking it without halting for breath.

After an awkward pause, “So, who is that chair for? Our host?”

Smiles, well, smiled at Lord Chestnut. “That is for our seventh guest. FoxTrot.”

“Ah though FoxTrot WAS our host.” Scarlet Worker leaned in to make eye contact with the white butler. “If’n he’s not our host, then who’re talkin’ to later?”

Smiles gave a halfway-sadistic grin, “Now you’ll just have to find out, now won’t you?”

“GAAAAAAAASSSSP!” Navy Model seemed to finally take in a breath, causing the other five to start.

After another moment of awkward silence, there was a rapping on the main door. Smiles darted up.

“Excuse me for a moment.” There was a black-and-white flash, then two voiced carried through to the guests in the dining room.

“What are you doing?”

“Locking you all in sir.”

“Why? You know I can just take the key from you, Smiles.”

“Over my dead body sir.”

Smiles entered, his yellow glow vanishing from a small object now hiding in his vest pocket.

“Fillies and Gentlecolts.” He said, standing to the side of the doorway, “I present to you your host, Prince FoxTrot of the Shadows.”

A stallion stood in the doorway, his black coat splotched with small bits of blue. His dark blue mane fell to his shoulders, circling around a broken horn. His hooves were sand blue in color, and unshorn in quality. His eyes are what made the six guests gasp. One was as black as night with a dark green ring where the iris was. The other was blood red and orange, moving in a fashion of its own.

The newcomer sat down at the head of the table, shook his wet mane from his eyes, then started into his dinner with full force.

“Ahem.” Violet Scholar cleared her throat, “What are we doing here Fox-”

“Shall we go into the living room?” Smiles interrupted, “When you’re finished, by all means sir.”

“Nah.” Foxtrot wiped his mouth with the back of his hoof, “I’m done anyway.”

Smiles nodded, “In that case, follow me.”

Scarlet Worker was sitting on the Ottoman between Lord Chestnut and Grey Cloud. Smiles was standing next to the chair containing FoxTrot, who was staring intently at navy Model and Violet Scholar sitting side-by-side. Mustard Fire was sitting in a recliner, sitting as still as if she were merely asleep.

Princess Cadenza held a tray full of mugs with the same amber-yellow liquid that Navy Model was sipping before.

“So.” Mustard started when Smiles spoke, “You each have no idea of why you are here, right?”

Each of the six ponies nodded, confused, “You don’t know it, but each of you have some sort of connection to each other.”

“I know my connection with at least one pony here.” Navy Model raised her hoof, “I visited Violet’s village a few months ago during my trip to Las Pegasus.”

Violet nodded, “And I met Lord Chestnut a few times. He and I both live in Ponyville.”

Scarlet worker cleared his throat, “Ah live in Sweet Apple Acres with mah sisters and grandmother. So of course I know Chestnut and Scholar.”

Mustard Fire sat up, “I’ve meet Grey Cloud a time or two at different shows. And I kind of know Violet Scholar.” She took a mug of Cider from the princess, “One of her friends competed in a Youngest Flyer’s Competition a year ago. It must take a lot of skill to get two Unicorns and Earth Ponies to walk on clouds.”

Violet blushed, “It wasn’t that hard.”

Grey Cloud smacked her lips, “I don’t know anypony here. Not by name, at least.”

Smiles nodded, but FoxTrot was silent.

“You know each other, but not what kind of connection do the six of you have.

“Mustard Fire trained Grey Cloud, but had to stop when the strabismus kicked in; you were forced to stop, where she went to Ponyville, meeting Violet and Chestnut.

“And please, for the sake of names, call each other by their color only. It will make the game far easier.” FoxTrot gave a sly grin, showing yellowed teeth in a black mouth. Another shudder from the group.

As if commanded, Violet stood, “Okay, before FoxTrot or Smiles gives me out, I am Princess Celestia’s favored student. I grew up in Canterlot, and I am married to—“

“Miss Mustard Fire.” FoxTrot turned to the Wonderbolt, “Care to talk?”

She nodded, “I am a Wonderbolt, yes, and I have been a Wonderbolt since I got my Cutie Mark.” She turned, showing off the flaming lightning bolt on her flank.

Lord Chestnut stood, “Okay, fine. I’ve been around Equestria for about five years. I took residence in Ponyville, because that is where I landed.”

“THAT’S HOW I KNOW YOU!” Grey Cloud pointed an excited hoof at the Time Lord, “You’re that silly pony who lives in that tiny blue house!”

“Yes, the tiny blue house is my TARDIS.” Chestnut sighed, “It is the device I use to teleport around Time and Space.”

All were amazed, but then somepony else took the stage, “I already told you. I am a show mare, and I went through Ponyville on my way to Las Pegasus. That’s all you need to know.”

Scarlet nodded, “And Ah gave mah two bits.”

Smiles nodded, “But you all have a deep connection. FoxTrot?”

The black pony started pulling different sizes of boxes from the chest at his feet. “Each of you will take one and open it. In it lies the key to your problems.”

Each opened their gift, gazing at the assorted items inside.

Navy held a metal pipe with a three-way socket at the very top.

Mustard pulled a smaller pipe from hers, with an accompanying pistol.

Violet pulled a dark green electric guitar with the initials of TK printed in dripping white letters.

Grey pulled an intricate knife from her box. It seemed to whisper “heads” as she balanced it in her shaking hooves.

Chestnut pulled a purple satin coil of rope from his box. He looked towards the curtain, missing its own.

Scarlet tossed his box down, a beautiful silver Candlestick tumbled to the floor and rolled to a stop against FoxTrot’s hoof.

“No way.” Fear fell from his words. Cold, raw fear. “No way. Ah played a game with a friend of mahn one time. Scarlet in the Living room with the Candlestick. Ah see whach yer doin’. Yer tryin’ ta frame me.”

Smiles held his front hooves level with his shoulders “Mister Scarlet. I assure you; no harm will come to you during the course of the evening. Physical or social.”

The workhorse shook his head, and then bolted out the door.

“The front doors are locked!” Smiles called after him. Scarlet, even for his size, managed to turn around and dash into a room filled with plants.

He looked around frantically, eyes resting on the far glass wall.

“You can’t go out!” FoxTrot taunted, “She won’t let you.”

“Ah, buck your wife!” Scarlet heard the stallion mutter something about intentions, but when he turned, there “she” was.

Her coat was bubblegum pink. Her flank was adorned with two yellow balloons and one blue. Her mane was both blood red and night black, but it was her eyes that caused him to fall backwards.

Her right eye had a curved scar both above and below. But both eyes were pure black with red stars. He could see the blood pumping in them.

And they were on fire.

He turned back around, fleeing for his life now.

FoxTrot looked at the pony, “Thanks Pinks.”

She dropped the knife into its sheath; giving FoxTrot a wink, then vanished again.

He trotted back to the living room where Scarlet was breathing heavily. He didn’t blame him. Not too many people will smile back when Pinks gives you the “I want to rip your heart out through your throat” smile. Especially at night when her eyes’ fire was more pronounced, illuminating her facial features with that eerie red glow.

“Now that we are all calmed down.” Smiles said, “Here’s how it works. Each one of you has some sort of everyday device. But, for the wrong reason, can become a lethal weapon. In the right hooves, anyway.”

“Now wait a moment.” Mustard Fire held her rope up, “What are we going to do with these?”

Smiles gave his characteristic facial feature before continuing, “Simple. Kill FoxTrot. You never said it out loud, but you all know it’s true. There is some sort of secret that he knows, and you are paying something for him to keep it away from that charming Gabby Gums mare, right?”

They all nodded, each of their cheeks turning red for their own, private reasons.

“I have sent a letter of to Princess Celestia,” Smiles nodded towards the fireplace, “Her Royal guard will be here in an hour.”

FoxTrot’s cracked horn suddenly sparked to life. The butler was caught in mid air, trapped in a t-pose.

“Now, THIS is how it will go down.” The black stallion walked backwards to the light switch. “One of you will kill this stallion. Then it will be just the seven of us with the knowledge, right?”

The ponies nodded, taking their weapons up.

“But wait,” Smiles said, “If they kill me, then you’ll still be blackmailing them!”

FoxTrot grinned, “Too bad. For them anyway.”

The place went black. There was a scream. A gunshot. Shuffling. A sound of flesh and metal. Another scream. Thunder.