• Published 5th Jul 2015
  • 1,559 Views, 15 Comments

Punch Out! Before The Ring - RaritySimper44

Mac is troubled kid, he fights a lot and and has been doing so his whole life, he is so troubled though that his mom sends him away, he goes to a new school and things are a little rough on day one, can he make friends and change himself around?

  • ...

Bad First Day

The Mario machine pulled up to the front of Canterlot high, Mac got out. Luigi handed Mac a greasy doggy bag.

"I packed you a lunch Mac! Have a good day at school and don't talk to strangers – wait it's school, you're supposed to do that." He murmured to himself. "Be sure to talk to lots of strangers at school today Mac!"

Mario elbowed Luigi. "Luigi shut up before you hurt yourself. Mac have a good day at school. We'll be here to pick you up at exactly two fifteen sharp.”

“I think I’ll walk home.”

“Why’s that?” Luigi asked, confused.

Mac sighed as he rubbed the back of his neck, well… no offense, but I’m embarrassed to be around you two.”

“Yeah we love you too Mac”, Mario said sarcastically, have a good day and don't get into any trouble today!" Mario yelled then sped down the road, a loud crash rang out along with a loud yowl from a cat. Mac cringed at this as he watched it all.

“And that's another reason I’d rather walk.” He said to himself bluntly, and turned walking up the campus. He didn't really want to be here, but he had to admit the campus was pretty nice. Or to be more specific, the girls the campus had to offer were pretty nice. Groups upon groups of them in miniskirts, yet still leaving much to the imagination. Well at least one thing is good about Canterlot County. He walked into the school and immediately a pink girl stepped in his way, and got right in his face, he almost took a step back, at this. Almost. a big goofy smile on her face.

"Hi welcome to Canterlot high!"

"Um, hi?" He said with an unsure smile. Mac looked her over, she wasn’t ugly, quite the opposite actually, with a beautiful face, pretty blue eyes, good looking pearly whites and a strong looking body to top it off, she was anything but that. What was a bit off putting to him was the fact she was in his face and had a giant creepy smile on her face that refused to waver, it was not natural behavior. Not where he came from at least.

"It's so good to see you!" she said enthusiastically to him, she acted as if they were good friends that hadn’t seen each other in years.

“Do...do I know you?” Mac asked, looking at her awkwardly.

“Nope! But that's just it, I don’t know you either and I know everyone! What's your name? I’m Pinkie Pie!”

Mac looked at her suspiciously, “Why are you being so friendly, what do you want from me?”

“I wanna get to know you and be your friend silly! Who are you and where ya from? I’ve never seen you around Canterlot County forget Canterlot high!”

“I’m not from Canterlot County, I’m from Manehattan, I just moved here yesterday. Just call me Mac or little Mac.

“Why little Mac?”

He looked down at himself, and back to her blankly, do I really have to spell it out? “I’m short, skinny, and my name's Mac.”

“Oh come on you’re not that short, you’re the same height as me!”

“I’m shorter than most guys, so they call me little Mac.”

“Well well that's not very nice! Anyway it's nice to meet you Mac! She said then she gave him an abrasive handshake, which surprised him, he wasn't expecting such abrasiveness from a girl that looked like the hubba bubba mascot.

Geeze girl you’re stronger than you look! “You’re uh, pretty strong for a girl that looks like bubble gum.” He said with a smile.

Pinkie laughed at this, “I get that a lot from people, you should meet my friend Applejack, well the strong part at least. She’s probably the strongest person in this school.”

“Pretty sure that's an overstatement, it's been nice talking with you Pinkie but I need to go I have to find my first class.”

“I could help you, we can have more time to talk and get to know each other!” She said happily.

Mac stared at her unsure, what could it possibly hurt? “Sure”, he took out his schedule and gave it to Pinkie, “do you know where this math class is?”

Pinkie took the paper and looked it over, “I sure do! Come on!” She grabbed his wrist in a grip of steel and speed walked down the hall, was almost swept off his feet, barely able to even keep up. “So Mac you said you’re from Manehatten?”

“Yeah I did, what’s it to ya?” He asked, sounding a little harsher than he meant to.

The two of them took a sharp right at the end of the hall and started down a new one, “my friend Rarity would love to meet you!”

“Is that so?” Mac inquired nonchalantly.

“Yuparooni! She loves Manehattan with a passion, you’d be right up her alley I bet.” She stopped suddenly in front of a classroom door, “well here we are!”

“Thanks for helping me out… Pinkie, right?”

“Uh-huh, thats my name! See you later I need to get to class myself”, and with that she ran off down the hall full speed.

Mac turned to the door and walked in and sat down in the first row of the classroom, he dug through his bag and realized he didn’t have a text book— any text books for that matter. Shit, whatever I’ll have the teacher if I can get one. he saw the teacher sitting at his desk, going through some notes, “excuse teacher, I don’t have a text book could I go to the library and get one?”

The teacher looked up and eye’d him a moment with distaste before lighting up. “Oh wait, you're a new face, are you new here or something, kid?”

“I am and I need a textbook so if I could just—”

“Share a textbook with someone else and take care of this on your own time.”

Mac looked around the room, well this is awkward. He looked around the room, a pretty Pink haired girl met his gaze a moment before quickly averting eye contact and hiding in her hair. Okay well she’s out of the question. Hm who to go with, this would be easier if I actually kne—

“Fluttershy share your textbook with the new guy.”

Mac heard an ‘eep’ and looked around the classroom for her and saw a beautiful pink haired girl hiding behind her hair. Please don’t tell me that’s her.

“Fluttershy get up and move closer to the new kid and let him share your book with him. Now.” She mumbled something that no one could really hear and hid in her hair even more.

Wow she’s got a lot of hair, I call hair extensions. “Listen why don’t I go back to her? It’ d be easier on all of us”, the teacher shrugged and Mac got out of his seat and moved to the back of the room closer to Fluttershy and moved the desk closer and sat down. “Sorry” he whispered to her as he sat down. He thought she might have glanced at him but if she did he couldn't tell, it just happened so fast. Either way he began working the problems from her book in silence, he was good with math and so the problems were easy to solve. He heard something from the window and he looked up in shock to the window. He found Fluttershy opening the window and letting in a blue jay.

Suddenly she was very lively, her eyes bright and her full attention on the bird. “Abigail, what's going on? You flew into that window like a mad bird!” Her voice was beautiful and sweet, but full of concern.

Mac stared at her oddly as she had a conversation with the blue jay. This girl is weird, doesn't she realize it can't understand her?

“”What's that?” Fluttershy asked the bird as it chirped at her, she suddenly stiffened a bit before smiling, “let's not pay him any mind it's a long story.”

“No talking Fluttershy!” The teacher snapped at her.

“Oh, I'm sorry. But Abigail really needs my help!”

“I don’t care who needs your help, there is no talking in my class!”

“Okay..”, Fluttershy said sadly. “I’m sorry Abigail but I --” the bird chirped frantically, interrupting her in the process and pointed out the window with a wing. Fluttershy gasped at this bringing a hand to her mouth. ”Goodness why didn’t you say so to begin with,'' she sprung up and ran towards the front of the class.

“Fluttershy sit back down right now, you are not permitted to leave the classroom! :

“I’m sorry but I have to help Abigail’s hatchlings!” She was out the door before he could say anything else.

The teacher sighed with a hand to his head, “why does no one ever listen to me?!”

He continued complaining about his pathetic life circumstances but Mac stopped listening, shook his head and got back to work, the bell suddenly rang. Everyone packed their things and left for their next class. Mac packed his things and stood. He looked at Fluttershy's things thoughtfully, I shouldn't, but I will. He sighed and grabbed her bag and put it in the seat and quickly stuffed all her things into it as neatly as he could do quickly and zipped it up before walking out of the class, leaving her bag where it was. As he walked, he took out his schedule and looked it over. He smiled, Gym, is up next, maybe I'll be able to get some clothes and actually play some sports.

“Hey Mac!”

He looked up to see Pinkie Pie waving at him from down the hall, he smiled and waved back to her as he walked over to her. “What's up?”

“I came to check if you needed any help, so do you?”

“Show me to the gym, that’d help a lot.” He replied.

“Sure thing Mac just f-- hi Rarity!” She screamed, waving to her hand at someone, Mac followed her gaze to find a gorgeous white girl walking towards them.

“Hello pinkie darling, it's good to see you too”, a smile on her face as she embraced her.

“Oh! Oh! Rarity, this is Mac! He’s a new student at our school!”

Mac stared at Rarity in awe, she was one of the most gorgeous people he’d ever seen, he felt his face heat up at the sight of her. It was mostly the hair but her figure wasn’t that bad either, Mac shook his head in frustration, get your head out of the gutter you perve!

“Oh?” She said with interest in her voice as she looked him up and down, a finger to her chin. She smiled as she put a hand out to him, “hello there I’m Rarity nice to make your acquaintance.” He took her hand in his, her hand was soft and delicate, yet her grip was strong and assertive.

“Nice to meet you too, Rarity."

"So how are you feeling about Canterlot high so far?"

"I like it so far I guess."

"You guess?!" Pinkie exclaimed looking at him like he was crazy.

"Yeah, people seem really nice down here in Canterlot. It's almost surprising.

Rarity her head cocked in curiosity, "where did you come from exactly Mac? If you don't mind me asking."

Before he could answer Pinkie bumped in again, "he came from Manehattan! Isn't that right Mac?"

Rarity' s eyes lit up at this as a big ecstatic smile came to her face as she grabbed him by his shoulders rather roughly. “You're from Manehatten?!”

Mac stared at her surprised, he wasn’t expecting her to be like this, Pinkie really meant it when she said she likes Manehattan she really meant it. Mac grabbed her by her wrists and pulled her off his shoulders getting a surprised and slightly offended look from Rarity.Do me a favor, don’t go grabbing me like that, and yes I am from Manehattan, what's it to you?”

“Oh well forgive me for touching you Mac, I hope I didn’t offend you too much, it's just I’m so excited to meet someone of culture! I’ve always dreamed of living in Manehattan you know, it's where I truly belong.” She said in a dreamy like tone of voice and a gleam in her eyes.

Mac raised an eyebrow at this, Apparently I’m cultured now. “Riight. Well I should get to class Rarity nice meeting you.”

“Oh please the pleasures all mine darling I sincerely hope to talk with you again soon and hear all about Manehattan and your time there, tata!” With that she strode off to her class and Mac did the same.

“Bye Rarity!” Pinkie called to her as she walked beside Mac.

“So, about the gym?”

“It's not far I promise” she took him by his wrist and pulled him as she raced off. Mac stumbled as He tried to keep up, they soon came to a pair of locker rooms. "The gym is just outside the locker room, see you on the other side!” With that she went into the girls locker room.

Mac walked into the locker room and looked his schedule over to find his locker number, he found it and went to his locker and put his things into his locker and walked out into the gymnasium. He saw Pinkie waving to him excitedly; he noticed Fluttershy from math class beside her. She was looking to the ground shyly and standing behind Pinkie using her as a wall. Between herself and everyone else.

Well this will either end well or poorly….. he sighed as he walked over to the two of them. "Hey pinkie."

“Hey! Have you met Fluttershy yet?” Fluttershy shrank a little at her name and looked to Mac shyly.

He couldn't help but smile at her, well she's just adorable! “Yeah I guess you could say that Pinkie”, Fluttershy looked away and back to him and gave a cute little smile to him, a light blush on her cheeks as she did so. Suddenly a loud whistle blew, Mac jumped a little at this and felt his heartbeat sped up to twice its normal speed. Fluttershy nearly jumped out of her skin as it rang out through the gymnasium. She held onto Pinkie’s arm for dear life, legs shaking and eyes as big as dinner plates, she was pale and looked as though she’d seen her life flash before her eyes. Son of a gun nearly gave me a heart attack.

He looked to where the whistle had come from and saw a man as big as a bear full of muscle and blue skin, he was huge, he had a nose ring like a bull and wore a tie with a white polo shirt and khakis. So this is the gym coach, I take….

“Alright everyone, Iron Will has decided we’ll play dodge-ball!”

Mac smiled at this, great, I’ve been wanting to smash some faces in lately.

“Everyone not in uniform to the bleachers, the rest of you line up, Iron Will is going to sort you out into teams!”

Mac looked down to himself and sighed as he walked over to the bleachers, he sat down and put his chin into his hands. I’m getting everything I need today. He watched as Fluttershy sat next to him and pushed the creases out of her skirt as she looked away from him, her hands in her lap. Mac stared at her for a moment, looking her over, she’s gorgeous. “Hey”. He said to her with a friendly smile, hoping to start a conversation with her. She looked at him shyly and mumbled something to him, he raised an eyebrow at this, “excuse me?” She mumbled again retreating into her hair as she did so. Mac looked at her a moment , Be nice if she would speak up, whatever I’ll just leave her be. He then looked away, setting his attention on the court. Pinkie had been chosen as a captain and some boy he didn’t know. He watched as both teams got to their sides of the court and got ready to start.

“Um ... th-thank you for putting my books in my bag earlier for me…..”

Mac slowly turned to her surprised, did she just say something to me? “ Excuse me?” Mac asked her with more force than he had meant to, causing her to flinch back. Oops, gotta be a bit gentler with this one. “Sorry, did you say something?”

Fluttershy stared at him cautiously before nodding, yes. “I said thank you…. For um…. Putting my books into my bag for me, it was ….sweet of you.”

Mac raised an eyebrow and smiled, “how do you know it was me? It could have been anyone.”

“Mister Cranky told me you did it. Thank you.” She said brushing a lock of hair from her face.

“Your welcome, Fluttershy. So did you pick gym as an elective or were you forced to have it?”

"Gym is required for graduation, so I have to take it to graduate…" She said looking to the bottom of the bleachers where her feet sat. she quickly looked up at him again though. "I don't always just sit on the bleachers though, I usually am out playing sports- well, trying to at least. I'm not the best at sports, I'm sure you noticed that by now…"

Mac stared at her surprised, geeze I've never heard her talk so much before.

Fluttershy must have caught on because she looked down blushing intensely and rubbing her arm with her hand. “Oh, I'm sorry."

“For what?” Mac asked confused, cocking his head at her.

"I've been rambling on about myself so much, you must think I have such a big mouth…"

"Kind of.” She flushed a deeper red at this as she flinched. "But that's not always a bad thing." He said smiling amused with his own sarcastic antics.

She looked at him confused, "how is it not a bad thing? You dont think I'm annoying at all?"

"No, why would I think you're annoying? You're actually really pleasant to be around. I've got a question for you Fluttershy. Did you know what those birds were really saying? If you did how? How could you understand them?"

She stared at him surprised, a moment before answering. “Um….. well, I don't really know. All I know is that I can speak to animals, and they understand me as much as I understand them. She said smiling at him. She looked away shyly, “you…. You probably think I’m crazy don’t you?”

“Yeah kind of.” Fluttershy flinched at this as her face went red with embarrassment. Mac laughed, but stopped when he saw her look saddened by this, “whoa you were serious?”

“Y-yeah…don’t worry, I’m not mad, most people don’t believe me…. My…. my parents….” She forced a smile at him, “are simply lovely.”

“Um….” Mac looked at her confused, obviously that's not what she was about to say, I won’t push it. None of my business. “I see.” He turned to the court, the teams were ready and on either side of the court. They were about to start. Coach Ironwill had brought out a big bag of balls and poured them all over the middle of the court. “Alright everyone, when Iron Will blows the whistle you’ll start and go til the opposing team is completely knocked out!” With that he took his whistle in his mouth and blew it hard and everyone ran towards the balls frantically trying to get one.

Mac laughed at this, “look at them, running for the balls like animals. It's always fun to watch people freak out over getting a ball.” Wish I could be out there doing the same…..

"I hate dodgeball, it's so…. Painful….." she said with a shiver.

"Yeah you don't seem to be the kind of person to like dodgeball."

"I'm not." Many people had been taken out at this point, Pinkie's team was winning, though Flash was still in, as was Pinkie.

“So how did you meet Pinkie? “ Mac asked, turning back to Fluttershy.

“Oh we've known each other since middle school, we are apart of a small group, we're in-”

the whistle blew and Iron Will grabbed Pinkie by the hand and lifted her off the ground, "Iron Will declares Pinkie Pie's team the winner!! Everyone to the lockerrooms, gyms over!"

Fluttershy got up and smiled at Mac, “it was nice talking to you Mac, hopefully we can talk again.” With that she walked off.

Mac walked out of the locker room, he took out his schedule and looked it over and smiled, history is next, I love history.

“What class do you have next Mac?” He looked over to Pinkie and Fluttershy who was standing behind her smiling at Mac.

“I've got history next, what about you two? “

He noticed Fluttershy talking but everyone around her was too loud, he couldn't hear what she was saying. "Oh my gosh so do I!" She wrapped an arm around Fluttershy, “and Fluttershy does too!” Fluttershy nodded looking away. The forty-five second bell rang and Pinkie got excited and grabbed Mac by the wrist, “let's hurry up and get to class guys!” She ran off nearly dragging them on the ground in the process. They got into the classroom and Pinkie sat them all down together, rather forcefully mind you. in one, horizontal row just as the bell rang for class to start.

"Isn't this great?! Three friends all in one place, EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK!" She shrieked with her arms wrapped around their necks in a chokehold manner. She squeezed tightly making their faces turn blue, Mac tapped out and Fluttershy tried pulling her off, “hee hee that tickles Fluttershy!” Pinkie said as she let her go.

"Pinkie you and your friends need to move around, I can already tell you three are going to be trouble.” Fluttershy and Mac both got up and moved seats. Mac sat down and the blue haired kid from gym class waved to him. Mac waved back to him awkwardly. “Good, now then, take out your books and read, answer the questions, you know the drill kids." Then she took out the newspaper and read.

"Ma'am we have a new Stuuuuuuuuuuudent~!"

She looked up from his paper, "I noticed.” She looked directly at Mac and then brought the paper back to her face.

Pinkie went to work with a big smile on her face. She quickly turned around to Mac and gave him a goofy smile and a double thumbs up. Then officially got to work.

He nodded and looked at Fluttershy before starting, the blue haired kid tapped him lightly with the back of his hand, Mac looked at him mildly annoyed with a raised eyebrow, what do you want man, we're supposed to be doing our work right now.

“I'm Flash. FlashSentry.” He whispered to him. Mac stared at him a moment and nodded before going back to work. Class ended and Mac packed his things and got up. Flash was walking out the door when Mac smacked him on the arm, with the back of his hand quickly getting his attention, "hey."

He looked down at him and smiled. "Hey."

"I'm Mac." He put his hand out to shake.

Flash smiled and took it and they shook, "good make your acquaintance, Mac." They walked out of class together, "so where are you from, Mac?"

"Brooklyn Manehattan."

"Cool, you're from the big city, I know a girl that would love you."

"Is her name Rarity?"

“Yes, you've met her then?”

“Yeah I met her, she's-”

“Hi Flash!” Pinkie stated loudly while jumping and supporting herself on Mac's shoulders.

He stumbled and almost fell when she did this, “Pinkie, stop!” Mac griped angrily at her.

“Sorry”, she said sheepishly.

“Hey Pinkie”, Flash said with a grin on his face, chuckling at her antics. Fluttershy stood behind her, he smiled at her and she averted her gaze, fast. “Catch ya later Mac”, with that he walked off.

"Sorry, Mac, the teachers are always Debbie downers, the good news is that it's lunch time!" Pinkie said happily.

"Great I'm starving, you got the same lunch as us Fluttershy?"

"Yes, we all h-

“We all have lunch at the same time at this school Mac!” Pinkie rudely interrupted.

"Okay, enough talking, let's hit the lunch room!” Pinkie skipped off humming to herself, Fluttershy and Mac close behind her to the cafeteria. They all walked in, there was already a decent line and it was only getting bigger.

Well, I'm glad I have a packed lunch. He looked around the tables and found Rarity waving to him and ushering him over, a purple girl and a red headed girl were sitting at the table as well. He sat down at the table, and smiled at Rarity. "You called?"

“Yes, thank you for sitting with us Mac, these are my best friends, this is Twilight Sparkle, and Sunset Shimmer.”

“Hey Mac, so you're from Manehatten, that's cool, what's it like there?” Twilight asked curiously.

“Well, as a whole I love Manehattan, but I grew up in Br-” he stopped and turned around as something hit him in the back of his head. Three guys were laughing at a table right behind them and pointing at him, even waving and whistling at him. He glared at them and looked to the ground, a piece of chewed up food was on the ground. Mac felt anger course through him as he picked up the chewed up food and stood, these guys think they’re funny, I'll show them just how funny they actually are.

He could feel the girls watching him as he walked over to the three boys. The boys watched him with grins on their faces.

“What's up short stack?” A bulky guy with a barbell tattooed onto his arm said meeting his gaze.

“Don’t call me that please, it's disrespectful.” He unclenched his fist to show the chewed up food. “Did any of you throw a piece of chewed up fruit at me?”

The boy stood to his feet, he towered over him, he was a good six feet tall, he got in Mac’s face smirking, “yeah, I’m the one who threw it at you. What’re you gonna do about it, short stack?

Mac quickly gave a good right hook to his face, right in the nose, his nose exploded as he stumbled back and fell to the ground. The other two boys stood to help, Mac delivered a couple more punches to his spleen and throat then to his head again as he fell to the floor. He turned to the other two, moving his feet and fists up ready to go.

“THAT IS ENOUGH!” All three of the boys looked to see a blue woman striding towards them with a scowl on her face, the other two boys sat down immediately at the sight of her. She stopped right in front of Mac, hands on her hips as she glared at him. Mac noticed her name tag read Vice principal Luna. “Explain to me what is going on here.”

“He punched me in my face!” yelled the guy he had just pummeled, from the floor.

Mac looked at him with a blunt expression. His face was covered in blood from his broken nose and his split head. “Damn straight, you deserved it.” “Mac said to him calmly.

“Come with me to the principal's office right now young man."

“Kay.” Mac said as he followed her out of the cafeteria. My uncles are going to kill me.

They walked into the principal's office with another calmer woman sitting behind her desk. On the desk was a sign that read Principal Celestia. She smiled at them both as they walked in. Luna.

“Tia. Take a seat, young man.” Luna spat at him.

“This boy destroyed another boy's face”, she spat.

Mac nodded, “mhm. It's true I did.”

Luna glared at him, “Tia I demand you expel this hoodlem this instant!” She shouted, slamming her fist on the desk.

Celestia smiled and folded her hands, “Luna thank you for your input. Please leave the two of us alone for a bit so we can talk.”

Luna glared at her but stepped back. “Of course.” With that she walked out of the office, slamming the door behind her.

“You’ll have to forgive vice principal Luna, she is strict and is all about discipline. So, your name is Mac correct?”

“Yes it is ma’am.”

“Let me look through my files”, she opened her file cabinet and sifted through the files until suddenly pulling one out and putting it on the desk. “I believe this is you, I got it a few weeks ago when you were enrolled.” She opened the folder and took out a file, “Machiavelli Segale.” She looked up at Mac, “an interesting name, Named after Niccolò Machiavelli I presume. An amazing politician, and a good poet, I personally like his play The Mandrake.”

Mac yawned at this, “look if you could not call me Machiavelli, that’d be great I prefer Mac alright?”

“Of course, I will call you whatever you prefer. For the record however, you have a wonderful name.”

“Right. Um...thanks.” He said awkwardly as he scratched the back of his head, he felt his face heat up at this. “So about what I did to this guy's face, What are you going to do with me exactly?”

Celestia sighed, “Mac I don’t think you’re a bad kid. You seem very calm and respectful for the most, I understand you came from a different environment. You came from the Bronx correct?”

Mac nodded, “yeah. Yeah I did.”

“It’s a hard place to live, I have a couple of friends from there, you aren’t used to Canterlot high. I bring myself can’t to be as angered with you as Luna is despite what you did. What I’m saying is that I’m not expelling you, or suspending you.”

Mac smiled at this, “soooo… I’m off the hook then, right?”

Celstia burst out into laughter, “ohohoho! That’s a good one!” Suddenly she went serious, “of course not Mac. You assaulted another student on my campus, I can’t just let you off the hook. Even if I could I wouldn’t!”

“So what are you going to do? And I didn’t beat him that bad ya know. I could have done worse.”

“Mac there is no tolerance violence of any sort in my school. Besides you have a bit of blood on your hands. There's also no tolerance for arguing with me or any teacher in my school, I suggest you don’t push my patients, especially after what you did today.

Mac sighed, “Yes ma’am.”

“You have detention every Saturday and Sunday for the entirety of the first semester.”

Mac held in a groan at this but did clench his fists, Celstia raised an eyebrow at this. “Feeling a bit tense, are we Mac?”

“I’m sorry um, can I go now? I gotta get to my next class.”

The bell hasn’t rung yet. “But yes you may go and finish your lunch. Have a good day Mac.”

He smiled as he stood, “thank you Principal Celestia.” He said as he walked to the door and opened it.

“Oh and Mac?”

He turned to her, “yes principal Celestia?”

“No more fighting on my campus. We have a three-strikes policy here at Canterlot high, this is your first strike. She said with a stern look, “am I clear?”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

“Good then run along.”

Mac walked out and headed back to the lunchroom closing the door behind him. He got to the end of the hall and the bell suddenly rang. Damn it, it looks like I’m not having lunch then. He continued walking to the lunchroom so he could get his bags. He was nearing the lunchroom when Pinkie turned a corner with his stuff, she skipped over to him and handed his stuff to him.

“Here ya go!” She said cheerfully.

“Wow thanks, Pinkie, do you have my schedule? “

“Nope! You put it in your pocket.”

He dug into his pocket and found it was in there, “huh, I guess I forgot about it, well thank you again Pinkie.”

“Yeah, no problemo! What do you have next, come on, tell me I’m on the edge of my seat here!”

He looked at his schedule and read it, “I’ve got… science.”

“Oh, Twilight and Aj have that too! I don’t think you’ve met them yet have you?”

“I’ve met Twilight, but not AJ I guess I will soon though, where is it?”

“I’ll show you!” She grabbed him and ran about thirty feet to a classroom “here we are! Be sure to say hi to AJ and Twilight for me”, she said while nudging him with an elbow. “AJ so country she’s a stereotype, so you should know her when you see her.”

“Got it, look for the stereotype.”

“That's right!” With that, she raced off because the forty-five-second bell rang.

Mac walked into the classroom, everyone was staring at him like he was a school bully. Great, now everyone’s afraid of me. Twilight waved to him which made him smile as he waved back at her. Next to her was a stereotypical redneck girl. Oh well I found AJ. He sat down next to Twilight. he turned to her, “hey.”

“Hey, glad you didn’t get suspended.”

He nodded, “yeah so am I”, he replied as he went through his bag. He facepalmed, he didn't have his science textbook or any textbook for that matter. He turned to Twilight about to ask if he could share her book when he saw Aj beside her. “AJ?”

She looked at him and forced a smile, “Howdy?”

“Pinkie said hi.”

“Oh um, thank ya, kindly partner.”

“You too Twilight.”

The bell rang and class started. “She turned to him, sorry what was that?”

“Pinkie says hi, she would've done so herself but she had to get to class.”

“Oh um… Okay,... I'll be sure to uh…. talk to her later.” She said giving him a forced smile, then averted her gaze awhile, before looking back to him concerned, “is your hand okay?”

“Yeah, my knuckles are hard as stone, trust me.”

“Yeah I’m sure they are but you still hit that guy pretty h--”

“Twilight Sparkle, are you and your little boyfriend quite done?” The teacher asked with a stern look and raised an eyebrow.

Twilight blushed at this, “wh-what?! He’s not my boyfriend!” She shouted at the teacher, she glared at her, “Twilight quickly averted her eyes. I-I’m sorry ma’am….”

“Right, are you done with these outbursts Miss Sparkle?”

“Yes,” Twilight said with a guilty look on her face, staring down at her desk.

“Good, then I’ll begin. Class before you get into your books I want you to know you have a project. I will give you a subject, and you will have a display board talking about your given subject. I’ll pass out a paper at the end of class with more information on it. You may begin in your books on the next chapter”, she said, waving them off and working on some papers at her desk.

Mac turned to Twilight, “could you share your textbook with me? “

“Sure”, she moved her desk closer to him and put the book in the middle of them, then she got to work, as did he. They worked in silence until the bell rang and class ended. Everyone got up to leave but the teacher stopped them and put up a hand.

“Everyone sit back down, I am handing out the papers with the rest of the information.” Everyone groaned but did as she commanded them, she took a stack of papers and set them on a kids desk upfront. “Pass them to the people nearest you until there's no more to pass out.” The class passed out the papers, soon Mac had one, he passed the stack to Twilight and she passed it back to the person behind her. He turned to Twilight, “do you wanna be partners in this project?”

Oh! Um…. I was actually planning to be with Applejack….

Mac nodded, “it's cool, see you later”, he packed his bag and walked out of the classroom. He took his schedule out and looked it over, what's next? English huh. He quickly turned to look behind him when he felt a hand touching his shoulder, he found himself looking into the eyes of Twilight, she forced a smile and waved at him, he waved back as he sat down.

“Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you”, she said sheepishly.

“It's fine, what's up? “

“Well you didn’t let me finish, I was going to be partners with AJ but since you’re new and likely don’t know anyone, do you want to be my partner for the project?”

“What about AJ?”

“She’ll be fine, she knows people. This could be a great time to get to know you, make a new friend, you know? You don't have too many friends in Canterlot County yet do you?”

“No, I don’t.”

“Well then let's do it! She said with a smile.”

“Mac stared at her thoughtfully, is this girl pitying me? “Listen I appreciate the offer but I can handle a science project okay? Have a good day. Before she could respond he walked off to his next class, leaving her behind. He looked at the schedule again, okay let's try figuring this out on my own. He walked the halls looking at the numbers of the classroom. Soon he found the classroom and went inside, the forty-five-second bell rang as he walked into the classroom. He looked around and noticed Rarity sitting down at one of the desks, she smiled at him as they made eye contact. He smiled back as he took a seat next to her and unpacked his things.

“Well hello there, have we met before?” Rarity said with a sultry smile.

Mac looked at her a moment and shrugged, “never seen you before in my life.”

“Oh stop!” She said waving him off with an amused smile.

The bell rang and the teacher pointed to the board without a word.

Mac sighed, I hate doing this, “hey uh, Rarity, can I-”

“Yes, I will share my book with you Mac dear.”

He stared at her surprised, wow she's good, “thanks.” He moved his desk closer to her’s and she pushed it closer and they got to work. They worked in silence for a while as they read from their given text.

“So Mac, what do you do in your free time?” Rarity whispered to him, he looked at her a moment and she gave a smile.

“Well, I like s-”

“Young man”, Mac looked at the teacher, she nodded and pointed at him, “yes you. Shut up and work.” Mac glared at the teacher a moment before looking back to the textbook and read.

Rarity put her hand on his, he looked up at her annoyed, but expectantly. She mouthed sorry to him with a sheepish smile to him, he smiled back and went back to reading. Class ended and everyone turned in their work to the teacher as they walked out of the class.

“Mac I am so sorry I had no intention of getting you into trouble!” Rarity said from behind Mac.

“Don’t worry about it, Rarity it's all good.” He said in response as he walked off. Time to go and get my books, maybe try out for some sports if they have any.

Author's Note:

I will likely update this story once a month, so I can have time to write the chapters out and edit. So expect a new chapter at the end of next month.