• Published 29th May 2012
  • 1,492 Views, 12 Comments

Echoes of the Old World - Ultima75000

When legends of the past return to haunt Equestria, Princess Celestia and Luna call upon the Mane 6 and Elements of Harmonry. But are any them prepared for the return of the long forgotten "King of Equestria?"

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Invitations of Deception

Chapter 12: Invitations of Deception

"First act pleasant and merciful to lower their guard.
Second gain their respect, helps them to trust you.
Third prove yourself to them, eliminates any outstanding doubts.
Then finally when you got their backs; turn around and stab it!"

Princess Luna slept better than she had in days. She awoke with a short startle after noticing the bright rays of the sun gleaming through the windows. She was still in her sister’s bed chambers but Celestia was nowhere to be seen. All the letters and friendship reports had already been cleaned up and organized neatly in a pile atop the writing desk.

She stood up with the bed covers still wrapped up around her shoulders and took a gaze outside the bright window. Her sister had already rose the Sun for quite a while since it was already far above the sky. Towards the statue gardens a flock of birds had already perched themselves on the many stone figures that populated the area chirping dozens of musical notes. Luna stood there staring at the scene in awe; it was unimaginably peaceful and relaxing.

“Finally awake Luna?”
Luna turned her head towards her older sister who had recently entered the room.

“Good morning sister.” She said

“Good morning.” Luna replied turning her gaze back through the window.

“It’s a beautiful day isn’t it?” Celestia asked

“Yes, it is. I’m sorry that I slept in during my duties.” Luna apologized

“Don’t be silly. We both enjoyed last night together.” Celestia said putting a hoof over Luna’s blanketed shoulder. “Come on, you should eat something. I have big news.”

Luna took off the blankets covering her before following her sister to the castle’s banquet room. Celestia called for a pot of tea for the both of them as well as a piece of cake for Luna. The younger princess ate her slice piece by piece while Celestia sipped a couple cups of tea. Finishing the slice she wiped her mouth delicately with a napkin.

“So what’s the news?” Luna asked her

“The Grand Galloping Gala” Celestia said continuing to sip more tea.

“Oh my so soon? Time really does pass by quickly.” Luna said

“Indeed.” Celestia put down her cup

“That isn’t all of it is it?” Luna wondered

“Correct.” Celestia’s voice turned serious for a moment “I know that you we’re too nervous to attend last time. But I want you to be at my side this year.”

“We talked about this Celestia. It doesn’t feel right; the average pony is more afraid of me than anything else!” Luna said

“They didn’t get to know the real you. And you know now they don’t fear you, they don’t hate you. They love you, and Twilight and the others we’re so happy to see you on Nightmare Night. They’ll be overjoyed too see you at the Gala.” Celestia reasoned

“But the other ponies, the rest of subjects…” Luna began to whimper a little, nervous about the request.

“Believe me little sister you don’t have to fear anypony anymore. You’re home, and you’ll be with friends and me. You don’t have to worry so much.” Celestia said


“And what would Canterlot’s Grand Galloping Gala be without Princess Luna of Equestria, co-host of the gala?”
Luna smiled at her elder sibling. “Aww Celestia…”

“I’m serious!” Celestia cried almost beginning to laugh
“I know!” Luna said chuckling herself “But now that you said it how can I refuse such a sweet offer?”
“You answer ‘yes please sister, thank you!’” The two them laughed “But Luna I truly do want you right by my side. This year is going to have a very special event.”

“Special event?” Luna said “What’s bigger than the Grand Galloping Gala?”

“You will not believe this.” Celestia said trying to hide her smile with hooves. “In honor of the Crystal Empire’s return we are going to be holding the Equestria World Summit at the Grand Galloping Gala!”

Luna’s thought of going to gala vanished as surprise gripped her sensations. “The… the Equestria World Summit?” she mouthed. Celestia nodded her head with a beaming smile.

“Oh my goodness, oh my goodness!” Luna cried putting both hooves to her cheeks “Can this be true?”

“Yes Luna.” Celestia said trying to calm her down “The World Summit is being hosted in Canterlot to officially recognize the Crystal Empire.”

“Did you send the invitations already?” Luna asked

“Princess Cadence and Prince Shining Armor already know, they are the honored guests of the event.” Celestia said “But the announcement within the kingdom or outside has not be revealed yet.”

“When are you going to tell them?”

“I was hoping for today; I just need you to agree to be with me during the Summit.”
Princess Luna felt the strength in her legs grow weak.
“You want me to be with you during the World Summit?”

“Of course, you are co-ruler of Equestria alongside me.” Celestia said wondering why her sister asked such an odd question.

“But what if the others don’t recognize me as co-ruler? I’ve been gone for nearly a thousand years. What if I don’t make a good impression?” Luna panicked. Going to the Grand Galloping Gala for the first time was one thing but the World Summit too? The thought made her so nervous she felt as if her legs we’re going to turn to stone and crumble.

“Sister if they have any problems then they can take it up with me, Cadence and Shining Armor.” Celestia assured her.
Luna steadied herself, taking several deep breaths before sighing and said “Alright. I trust you.”

Far in Northern Equestria the blizzards that once plagued the recently returned Empire had long since disappeared. Though snow still fell along its borders the powers of the rejuvenated Crystal Heart was more than enough to warm the many now happy Crystal Ponies.

At the very edges of the Crystal Empire, footsteps in the layer of snow lead its path away from the glow of the Crystal Heart. Beyond the tip of the tracks a lone changeling walked further and further from the Empire’s sight until it could be barely seen over a frozen hilltop. Marching over the hill he came towards a small cavern; inside we’re a dozen more changelings including the ghostly visage of its former ruler.

“How I would love to simply crash in and smash that blasted heart into a million pieces!” King Sombra growled looking towards the glow of light being emitted from the Empire.

“Hush, King Sombra.” Draco said preparing a tiny handheld mirror, the blue pillar close by his side. “This is all part of the grand scheme of things.”

“Tell me… how did you find such a gem out here in the cold north?” Sombra asked gazing at the pillar hungrily.

“A stroke of luck…” Draco grunted “Although if you ate it you wouldn’t be here now would you?”

“Desperate times call for desperate measures. Being starved for a thousand year isn’t good for anypony’s diet.” Sombra
replied with a snort. “How did you find out about the World Summit?”

“Truth be told I didn’t” Draco said “Warp, the changeling who lead the mission to find Discord had to sneak by as one of Princess Celestia’s gardeners in Canterlot. The princess simply blurted it out to him when he asked why he was tending to the garden of statues.”

“Sir, are we to go in yet?” A changeling interrupted Draco

“Not yet Scalp. Be patient.” Draco said to the other changeling

“You’re not putting me in a sunflower suit again…” The changeling named Scalp replied eyeing him. Draco took his the hand mirror in his hoof and swung its back side at him. Luckily the mirror did not crack on impact.

“Be silent fool!” Draco mouthed angrily at the now downed Scalp. “Scratch, Warp, get this idiot away from me before I decide to hit him with something harder.”
Two other changelings pulled away Scalp on the snow floor. “Shouldn’t have pissed him off…” one said.

“He made you dress up as a bush Scratch.” Scalp muttered as he was dragged “At least Warp actually got a costume.

“Oh yeah, a bucket with leaves on it is a costume…” Warp said sarcasticly
As the three changelings moved away, Draco chanted several incantations and the handheld mirror lit up like a green torch.

“You have arrived at the borders?” Queen Chrysalis’s voice sounded out through cave, echoing down the long cavern.

“Yes my Queen.” Draco said nodding his head “We will begin the mission.”

“Excellent… I expect your report next call to be good Draco.” Chrysalis said as the flames died out from the mirror.

“Orders sir?” The changeling Warp asked

“Get yourselves ready…” Draco said with a grin on his face “We’re going in”
The changelings all activated their magic cloaking making themselves invisible. But despite the stealth their show’s still appeared behind their bodies and revealed their body frame. Draco did not turn invisible but instead turned into a crystal pony he had copied on his earlier mission; thought not powered into a crystalline form it would still do the trick.

King Sombra however melted his misty form before digging himself into Draco’s shadow, perfectly unseen and hidden.
The group entered the borders quietly and quickly with the majority of the invisible changelings hiding behind the outlying houses. Draco entered further into the city alone bringing King Sombra along with him.

As he trotted down the main street towards the castle, dozens of shining crystal ponies walked by enjoying their new lives.

Though Draco tried to be as inconspicuous as possible a couple noted his non crystal like sheen. He played off that he just recently woke up from a nap but that little lie wouldn’t last for long.

“I need to siphon some energy from the crystal ponies…” Draco muttered to King Sombra.
“I thought the plan was to steal the Crystal Heart?” King Sombra said to him from his shadow.

“There’s no way I would not be noticed without it. They’re already questioning me as is!”
“How can you suck the energy away from a crystal pony with so many of them outside?”

“We do it indoors then…” Draco said looking for a suitable place for such a crime. His eyes caught on the familiar sight of the Crystal Empire’s old librarian.


Acting perfectly calm he walked towards the old crystal pony and politely asked “Excuse me, but I would like to rent a book from the library.”

“I thought you we’re…” Draco quickly tapped his back hoof on top of the shadow silencing the dark king.

“Yes of course follow me.” The librarian said leading the way.

Draco followed trying to keep his smile as long as possible as he traveled to the Crystal Library.

As the librarian opened the door she asked “What book we’re you looking for?”

“Erm… uh… History of the Crystal Empire!” Draco said recalling what Twilight and others searched for.
“Oh! Interested on how that black king was defeated?” The librarian asked

“Yes… Yes! Yes indeed!” Draco replied forcing his smile even longer.
“You have got to be kidding-“Draco stomped his hoof again on his shadow to quiet King Sombra again.

“Shut up…!” he muttered under his breath

“I’ll see if it’s still on the shelf, there have been a lot of ponies interested in it lately, even the Prince and the Princess!” The librarian said before climbing up the ladder to look.

While she looked around Draco made a quick glare at King Sombra still hiding in his shadow. “Would you kindly not bother me…? I know what I’m doing…!”

“Why didn’t you just leap at her? She’s defenseless!”

“Quiet…” Draco responded slowly closing the library doors.

“I can’t seem to find it.” The librarian said slowly climbing down the ladder “Perhaps maybe somepony already-“

Draco lunged at her from behind, covering her mouth with his own hoof to prevent her from screaming. Beneath her muffled cries for help Draco slowly drained away her crystal magic. When he was finished he let her drop to the floor gasping for air.
Her crystalline sheen had vanished and instead the changeling’s disguise began to gleam like any other crystal ponies.

As the librarian continued coughing the ghastly form of King Sombra finally materialized itself out from Draco’s shadow. She barely got look into his evil green eyes before she screamed dropping her keys and her glasses. The sound never left the library as her entire body was imprisoned, frozen in place by dark crystals, her face still in the state of shock.

“One down…” Draco said picking up the library keys
“More to go…” King Sombra finished with a smile returning to his hiding place within Draco’s shadow.

“Where too next?” He asked the re energized changeling.
“We get the others here… This will be our home base.” Draco said before walking out of the library. Now unchallenged by the other crystal ponies Draco had an easy time sneaking in the remaining changelings into the library. As he locked the doors the changelings had already gather around the frozen librarian.

“Nice work…” Scalp said “So what’s the deal now?”

“Take forms of whatever crystal ponies you see outside the library windows.” Draco instructed “Then lead their friends inside here so I can drain their powers.”

“But we’re not powered up and glowing” Warp mentioned “We won’t exactly fit in…”

Draco’s eyes lit up for a moment before zapping his fellow changelings with bolts of light. Instantly their bodies lit up and skin began to gleam like mirrored glass.

“Now you will fit in… but that power up won’t last long, get moving!”

Up inside the Crystal Palace at the center of the throne room Princess Cadence herself was looking a very long list of duties she had to do.

“I didn’t think I’d be doing a job like my aunt’s” she said to herself looking down list over and over. “She wasn’t kidding when she said there was a lot to do.”


“Shining Armor dear?” Cadence put down her list for moment as her husband came through the doorway.

“How’s our Crystal Princess doing?” he asked

“Still got more and more things to do.” Cadence said showing off the length of the list. “What about the Prince? He’s doing his job?”

“Defending the castle? Keeping track of the guards and the people? Feels just like Canterlot.” Shining Armor chuckled

“That’s right. You remember we will be going back to Canterlot for the Grand Galloping Gala?” Cadence said looking at the bottom of the list.

“Of course, though I never thought I’d be actually enjoying the Gala as a guest of honor rather than head of security.” Shining Armor joked.

“You enjoyed it then too.” Cadence poked at her husband “Else wise you wouldn’t have asked me to dance.”
Shining Armor turned bright pink with embarrassment.

“But this is important. You know that also the World Summit is happening at the same time. We have to be ready for anything.”

Shining Armor walked up towards his wife before kissing her full on the lips. The surprise nearly made her drop the list she was holding. “It’ll be just fine Cadence.” Shining Armor said looking in her eyes “Beside’s Twiley will be there waiting for us!”

Cadence smiled back at him. “I thought you didn’t want your sister to save us again?”
“Maybe this time we’ll be going to save her?” Shining Armor said

Cadence laughed at the notion “In your dreams Shining Armor, your little sister doesn’t need saving. I know that.”

“Yet in my wildest dreams I never thought I’d fall in love with a pony like you.”
Cadence’s heart melted. “Now you’re just playing mean…” she said moving her head closer towards his.
“I can play nice.” Shining Armor responded nuzzling her.

“I just don’t want too at the moment…”
“Oh really?”

There was then a loud knock at the door. The two of them parted away from each other.

“Come in!” Shining Armor said

“Pardon me your majesties.” A guard came in through the door. “But the Crystal Heart has been reacting strangely…”

“Reacting…” Cadence said “To what?”

“I’m not sure, it started spinning and buzzing all by itself a few seconds ago!”

“Not good…” Shining Armor said “Come on!”
Both Princess Cadence and Shining Armor ran past the guard and out through the doors. But the guard behind stayed and smiled.

“I cannot believe that worked…” The form of King Sombra said as he reformed himself in the middle of throne room.

“Your presence made the Heart react in a very unfavorable way… luckily we we’re able to use that to our advantage.” The guard said. The disguised dropped revealing the changeling Draco. “We we’re lucky that Scratch had lured one of the guards into the library.”

“Yes…” Sombra said as he approached the large jewel encrusted over the throne. He conjured up a ray of sickly green light, covering the gem which redirected itself at the center of the floor. The secret passageway opened itself up before them as the dark magic stripped away the floor.

“Seal the way back, those two horn heads will be back soon.” Draco said as he hopped down the pit ignoring the stairs completely. King Sombra followed but not before closing up the passageway behind him. Draco hovered before hitting the ground, his gleaming aura from the absorbed crystal energy lighting near pitch black pit. He gazed at the only door at the bottom and opened it; its protective spell did not go off.

“Looks like my magic have been dispelled” King Sombra said passing underneath
The pair started their way up the tall spire, but this time Draco flew up to the top instead of walking with the ghost of King Sombra following close behind. Reaching the pinnacle where the Crystal Heart was once hidden, King Sombra took a view over the Crystal Empire.

“Look at them all… so unaware and so… so… ignorant!” he seethed “This power this place holds and yet they waste it on this…” he gazed upon the aurora in the sky “Lightshow!”

“Yes… it is this light show that will give us the edge we need…” Draco said

“What!” King Sombra turned towards the changeling “But the aurora is a product of the Crystal Heart. Its powers cancel out mine! It must be destroyed!”

“Destroy it? I don’t think so…” Draco said “We changelings feed on the emotions of others to give us strength. Love and Hope once allowed our Queen to overpower even the powerful Princess Celestia! With the Crystal Heart we’ll be unstoppable!”

“And what about me?” Sombra asked

“Fear and hatred are not exactly good for a changeling’s diet. Once we have the Heart this land and every else remaining here is yours.”

“If I can get my body back…” King Sombra said

“That can be arranged” Draco grinning causing the black king to turn to face him. Draco’s own horn shined a grim red as the many prisoners encased in shadow crystals began to rise around them. Alongside them we’re the dozens of disguised changelings now full of crystal energy. Without a gesture they began zapping the many crystal prisons causing them to become empowered with energy.

“What are you doing?” King Sombra asked gazing at the now glowing prisons

“Storing energy for the ritual… it’s too early to strike. We must wait for both Princess Cadence and Shining Armor to leave for the Gala. With the World Summit everypony will be too busy to notice our plan.”

“You’ve seemed to have planned this rather well…” King Sombra said to the mischievous changeling.

“All for my Queen and kind…” Draco said, the blue pillar under his wings glowing with blue light. “As for this… I intend to extract its secrets in time…”

“So what now then…” Scalp asked

“We remain here… for the second part of the plan…” Draco said

“Which is?” King Sombra asked

“For the invitations to be sent. An invitation to their very dooms.”

Author's Notes
I had enough time to actually get this chapter in due too my only class on Friday being canceled due to storm. I do realize its shorter than some of the previous ones (about 500-600 words) but I couldn't find anything to fit it without stretching it past 5000 words. From what I've seen in some comments in fanfiction websites of any kind is people either like really long chapters or can't stand them. I don't want to scare off readers because of that. Forcing them to read a giant ass chapter just to get a first impression is too me a bad thing.

My current and only proof reader is currently on break as he's for lack of a better way of explaining it without ruining his privacy: "Temporarily Incapacitated." I'm not going to explain anymore unless he allows it. I might think about getting another one but my erratic schedule almost forces me to exclusively have proofreaders that I know in real life.

Expect next chapter very soon after I watch 'Magic Duel'

Always wanted to re-include Trixie but I haven't gotten any more info on her since Season 1 and I hope the Season's 3 Episode of her provides valuable information and insight into her character. On a plus side possibly the ponies from 'Saddle Arabia' too since now I realized that I have to think about who's being invited too the Canterlot World Summit. (And commission a pic of it too :/ )