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In Style!

Time Turner and Dash waited at the train station. Both ponies looked exhausted with bags under their eyes, and slightly frazzled manes. Turner’s bowtie sat lopsided, while Dash yawned.

“I take everything I said back, this is a lot harder than it looks,” Dash grumbled, “Worst Six months of my life.”

“Well…It would be easier if you didn’t accidently tell my parents you put Pinkie in charge of the party,” Turner grumbled, “My father doesn’t particularly like her, and my mother isn’t too fond of her either.”

“It’s the whole Gala thing wasn’t it? That was six years ago.”

“Generally, ponies tend to remember getting cake all over their Venus dress. She’s notoriously hard to get a hold of and the dress was an anniversary present from my father.”

“…I guess that makes sense,” Dash shrugged as the train pulled into the station.

“Why did I have to come anyway?”

“She wants to meet you before the wedding,”

As soon as the train’s doors opened a crack, two blurs shot out. The blurs whizzed around several ponies in the crowd before smashing into Rainbow Dash, knocking her back. Turner whirled around to see two fillies snuggling Dash. Both of the fillies were pegasi: one of them had a sea green coat, as well as a grey mane, the other had a red coat and black mane with a single golden streak. The two tightened their grip on Dash.

“Hi Aunty!” the two beamed in unison as they continued to squeeze her.

“Hey kids,” Dash winced, “Good to see you both.”

“Moonracer! Windblade!” a mare’s voice barked out. An older pegasus mare with a purple coat and turquoise and black mane landed next to Turner.
“Get off your aunt.”

“We missed her though,” the green filly responded, squeezing Dash tighter.

“That’s no reason to make a ruckus,” the mare scolded, “Now off.”

“Awwwww….” The two released Dash, and sulked over to the other mare. Dash got back onto her hooves, and trotted over to the other mare.



After a moment the two mares embraced each other.

“Sandstorm couldn’t make it?” Dash asked.

“Unfortunately no. He’s off in Yakistan,” Slipstream broke the hug off and turned towards Time Turner. Without saying a word, she began to circle the stallion, looking over him.

“…Um…Hello?” A befuddled Turner trailed off as Slipstream stopped in front of him.

“So you’re the stallion Dashie fell in love with,” Slipstream paused before turning her head to look at Dash, “Bit scrawny, but he’s not bad.”

“…Thank you?” Turner frowned.

“I’m messin’ with you,” Slipstream grinned, “Anyway, these two are gonna be the ones throwing flowers at everyone at the wedding.” Slipstream patted her daughters on the back, “Kids, introduce yourselves to him.”

“I’m Moonracer!” the green filly beamed at him.

“Windblade,” the other filly looked back at Rainbow Dash, “Can I meet Scootaloo? I heard that she’s a really awesome flier.”

“Well…you’re gonna meet her sooner or later,” Dash half-heartedly shrugged, “She’s gonna be my junior bridesmaid,”

“…So that’s seven now?” Turner muttered, “Isn’t that a bit much?”

“It’s everyone that’s important to me,” Dash countered.

“Seven’s fine. I had like, what, ten at my wedding?” Slipstream interrupted, “Anyway, why don’t you let Turner show us around town? Maybe we’ll run into Scootaloo.”

“…Seriously?” Dash frowned, “You came all the way here to…”

“We’ll have time to talk later,” Slipstream interrupted her, “Anyway, you said you let Cloudchaser plan your bachelorette party right?”


“Gotta talk to her later,” a devilish grin lit up her face, “I have plans.”

“…Yeah, that’s not helping your case.”

Slipstream’s response was cut off as Moonracer tugged on her mother’s tail, “What is it sweetie?”

“Are we gonna see Princess Twilight’s castle?”

“Later sweetie, Right now let’s just get settled in.”

“It’s alright Dash, I’ll do it.” Turner shrugged, “Besides, I think she wants to have a word with me over things.”

“…Fine. Gonna go check on the others then.”

With that Dash shot up, leaving a rainbow trail behind her. Slipstream beamed at Time Turner.

“So then Mr. Turner, shall you guide us to the hotel?”

“Right this way.”

The four started into town. Turner watched as Slipstream vainly tried to keep her daughters from zipping around, observing the various going-ons in the town. Finally the mare gave up, rolling her eyes.

“Alright if the two of you are going to misbehave we’re not going to Sugarcube Corner,” Slipstream barked. She flashed a grin as Turner, “Kids. You’ll know what it’s like once you two have the flying hellions.”

“She doesn’t want kids,”

“Neither did I at first,” Slipstream frowned as Windblade fluttered back to her mother’s side with an armful of apples, “Put them back.”

“She said I could hav’m.”

“Well I’m saying you can’t. Put them back.”

“Applejack is one of Dash’s friends, she won’t mind.” Turner responded.

“Well I do. You can buy two apples, one for you and your sister. Take the rest of them back.”


The dejected filly sulked back towards the apple cart as Slipstream glanced around.

“Where’s Moonracer?”


The other filly returned carrying a bunch of carrots, happily munching away at one of them.

“…Put them back.”

“I bought’m.”

“…Share them with your sister.”

“…Do I gotta? She doesn’t even like carrots,” Moonracer sulked.

“Sisters are supposed to share.”

“…Fine.” Moondancer sulked off, leaving the two alone.

“Dad didn’t have any kids after I was born, so Dash is the closest thing I have to a sister,” Slipstream trailed off, “She’s closer to Shy now, but that doesn’t change how I see us.”

“…Is this going to be one of those ‘take care of her or you’ll regret it’ speeches? Firefly already gave me one.” Time Turner grumbled.

“It’s not. She’s not stupid,” Slipstream paused, “She’s bull-headed, cocky, dense, selfish, and doesn’t always think things through, but she’s not stupid. I guess what I’m saying is…Well, I guess I am saying take care of her.”

“She’s mellowed out a lot. Joining the Wonderbolt reserves does that.”

“So does getting a coltfriend,” Slipstream chuckles, “I used to be scrappy. That’s how I met Sandstorm. Bar brawl. He was the one trying to keep me from bleeding out after I punched out a buffalo.”

“…I’m hoping I’ll never see her that drunk,” Time Turner muttered.

“She mentioned you guys sing Thunderball songs when you get hammered,” Slipstream chuckled, “Wanna see who does the better rendition of “Give a Little Love”.”

“If you ask Berry, it’s me.”

“Pfft.” Slipstream glanced over at Windblade and Moonracer, only to find the two fillies struggling to push an enormous pumpkin.
“Put it back.”

“We won it,” Windblade flittered upwards and sat on the pumpkin, while Moonracer continued to struggle with it.

“…Who gives out pumpkins for prizes?”

“Mammoth Gold likes to hold a raffle every now and then. Gives the biggest ones to the winner.”

“Well, what the heck are we gonna do with a pumpkin?”

“You could take it to Sugarcube Corner. The Cakes are still abit busy, but they should be able to do something with it.” Turner paused, “Or Pinkie might.”

Slipstream paused, watching her daughters struggle with the giant gourd, “Good idea. Kids, we’re going to the bakery.”

“Tell Windy to get off the pumpkin and help me push.”

“I won it, You have to push it.” Windblade argued.

“Give me that,” Slipstream wrapped her forehooves around the Pumpkin and lifted off the ground. She glanced over at Time Turner, “Which way?”

“This way.”


Dash paused at the door, turning to look back. Scootaloo and an older mare smiled back.

“Anyway, like I said, Thanks for letting her do this, Dizzy.”

“It’s not a problem,” the older mare, Dizzy, responded, “…Who did you say you put in charge of the bachelorette party?”

“Cloudchaser,” Dash paused, “Although my cousin might pitch in.”

“…As long as it’s not illegal.”

“I don’t think it is. Anyway, I gotta check with Rarity about my dress.”

Dash closed the door, leaving the mother and daughter silent.

“…So if it’s illegal, do I have to come home?” Scootaloo asked.

“…If it involves alcohol, you do,” her mother responded, “But I’m sure it won’t come to that.”


Dash stood in front of the Carousel Boutique, staring at the “closed” sign in confusion.

“She told me Four…and I’m…” She paused to glance at the clock tower, “Only half an hour late.”

She pressed a hoof against the door and pushed, only for it to give under the pressure and creak slightly open.


Dash pushed the door completely open, setting off the bell. Still, no one reacted to the noise. Dash paused again, and deliberately kicked the door shuts, slamming it into the frame.

“One moment please,” Rarity called out from another room. “Terribly sorry, but it appears I have a customer,” she apologized to someone unseen before entering the main area of her shop.
“Ah, Rainbow Dash,” Rarity glanced at the clock on her wall, “Late as usual I see.”

“Why’s the sign say closed?”

“I, ah…had an unexpected gu-”

“Rarity?” A much older mare’s voice with a trace of an accent called out, “Is something the matter?”

“No, no. It’s…one of my clientele,”

“Well invite her here. I would love to see what they have to say.”

“I’m…” Rarity glanced back at Dash, “Not entirely sure that would be a good idea, she’s not one of my usual clients…”

“So it’s someone who specifically selected you? Even better.”

“…Alright,” Rarity glared at Dash, “Don’t screw this up, this is a major break for my career.”

“You got it, Rares.”

The two friends entered the next room. An elderly earth mare sat at the table, glasses perched on her muzzle, cup to coffee in her hooves. The mare’s blue coat was faded with age, her mane a mix of fading and graying tones of green, yellow, pink and orange and her tail and equally fading mix of pink, blue and purple. Her cutie mark was a simple rainbow between two clouds. The older mare finished a sip and looked over Dash as she entered.

“Well now… who is this?” the older mare smiled.

“Ah, this I-”

“Aunty, you know who I am,” Dash snorted.

Rarity froze midsentence as the other mare shook her head.

“Rainbow, darling, you’ve ruined my fun,” the older mare sighed in displeasure.

“I thought you were coming tomorrow,” Dash continued on, ignoring her statement.

“Well, my appointment that was suppose to be today was canceled, so I booked an earlier trip. Besides darling, Slipstream and her daughters were supposed to come in today weren’t they? I was certain that you would be busier with them. You know how Windblade and Moonracer can be in a new place. Where are they anyway?”

“Turner’s giving them a tour around the town,” Dash grumbled as she took a seat at the table and poured out a cup of coffee.

“…I still need to meet the young man,” she sighed, “Fill my cup up as well.”
The elder mare looked over at Rarity, still frozen in place by shock.
“Darling? Close your mouth, you look most uncouth.”

Rarity’s jaw snapped shut. The stunned mare quietly took her seat at the table. She shot up abruptly, knocking over her chair and slammed her hooves on the table.

“AUNT?” the fashionista screamed, “Venus, the most defining mare in the entire fashion industry is your Aunt?”

“…Well, she retired before I was born.,” Dash muttered.

“Not retired. Just not as active,” her aunt, Venus, corrected, “I retired after your first birthday.”

“And you never thought of telling me this before?”

“I didn’t think it was a big deal,” Dash shrugged, “She’s just Great-Aunt Rainy to me.”


“Oh that,” Venus laughed, “I needed to have a suitable alias for my time in the industry.”

“Alias?” Rarity’s voice cracked.

“Of course, darling. My catch phrase would have never worked otherwise,” Venus chuckled as she set her cup down.
“ Do you have any idea how ridiculous I would have seemed if it was ‘Rainbow Dash always dresses in style’?”