• Published 21st May 2012
  • 1,212 Views, 17 Comments

My Little Facebook Ponies: Duck Lips are Magic - Milesosborn

Twilight Sparkle is an annoying stuck up be-otch and so are her friends

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Chapter 1

My Little Facebook pony: Duck lips are magic

Omg, we're starting?! Like lol! Ok, so like, I'm like, Twilight Sparkle, I'm a unicorn, and like, these are my tales of friendship and like stuff, so like, anywho, I was walking through the woods when I went to Zecora's house and was all like, "hay Zecora, like, I need your help with my profile pic on Facebook, I like can't get the camera to catch the light.

Then like Zecora said,"lol, I now that feel, so let me help, but first, this banana I must peel."

"Oh, that's like totally fine
So like then we like both did like the kissy face and like, everyone would like love it.

So like then I like went to Rarity's place and was like, "Rar! I need you to like make me a dress that will like get somepony to 143 me!"

"ROTFL TWILIGHT!!! I was totally lamfo! Of course I'll make you a dress! No prob! Lol!

"Like, do you honestly think someone will think somepony will love me Rarity?"

"But like, of course darling! You are a very pretty pony, but just in case a stallion doesn't find you pretty, let me put on like five freaking pounds of make up, that will totally get a stallion to like you." Rarity said.

"Oh, ok, that makes so much sense! Because makeup makes you look pretty. And the more makeup
You put on, the prettier you'll be!!"* I like said.

*No, just no, quite a few women need to know that this is not true!!

Please note, I am not sexist and I really hope that I will not come across that way, I just get sick of annoying people on FB, not just women, but lets face it, there are more annoying FB girls than guys, we all dislike them, and if you don'tdislike them you're probably one of them.

I hope you all hate this fic as much as I do. Enjoy