• Published 19th Jun 2015
  • 276 Views, 2 Comments

The More Things Change - The Crane

Five new ponies have come to Ponyville. Their arrival isn't voluntery and they all seek to regroup.

  • ...

The Light

Sometimes, the hardest thing to do is wake up. There are many of us who often don't want to face the world in the morning. We have difficulties with what is expected of us. Some of us are just plain lazy. And some of us are tired of the BS from our jobs.

I for one wake up everyday with "I don't wanna..."

Others can't face reality. There may be a traumatic situation in play that plagues the person's soul. Waking up means living with that trauma in difficult ways. It may be the loss of a loved one or it may be the loss of a loved limb.

Still others live without such an ability. There are those that are comatose and sleep for painfully long times. Loved ones gather around and wait for the day that the poor soul awakens from such a dreadful time.

And then there is this one....


"What... happened?" The female voice gargles out a few words as her eyes flutter open.

"Oh!" a female voice replies. This one sounds sweet and concerned. "You're awake!"

"Where am I? I can't see..."

"You're in the hospital. I'll run get the doctor." There is a sound of hustle as the owner of the voice runs out.

The poor awakened soul can only look up from her position. She cannot see the ceiling itself, only a dark fog. She doesn't imagine what it may look like. She doesn't really care. She quietly stretches her limbs. Her legs. Her arms. She cracks her neck around. But, something doesn't feel quite right. She raises herself up by pushing her arms down, but can't feel her fingers at the ends. From what she can determine, her arms are bandaged up to her elbows. In addition, her hands are completely balled up and bandaged.

"Well, hello!" a new, male voice announces. "I see that you're awake. My nurse says that you can't see, though."

"Yeah. My eyesight's all twisted, dark and blurry."

"I see. What else can you tell me? Can you hear me all right?"

"Yeah. I can hear you. I don't know how I got here. I don't even know where I am. And what happened here?!" she growls as she raises her arms.

"Now, now... Don't get out of shape." He takes the arms and gently pushes them down. "They were badly injured. We'll take care of you until you're healed and you get your eyesight back."

There is a dull light that shines in her eyes. She sees it like the Moon behind a thick cloud bank. As it floats to either side of her field of vision, her eyeballs instinctively track it. "Yeah. Okay. Will it come back?"

"We'll do some tests. It could very well be temporary. Can you tell me your name?"

"My name's Bobbi. Some people call me Celestia."

"I wouldn't." There is a distinct sharpness to that comment. "And, for your sake, I hope you never use that name again."

"I'm... sorry. I didn't mean to offend you."

"Don't worry!" he says with a newly chipper voice. "Delirium and delusions might be related to your eye problems!"

"Right. I won't use that name, then."

"Is there anyone I can get for you? Friends? Family?"

"I don't know if my friends are near."

"Well, then, I'll return later. I'll have the nurse make you comfortable."

"Thank you."


When night came, she found herself unable to sleep. Too much had happened. Her loss of sight. Her injuries. Her 'delirium.' She doesn't remember how she got here, wherever 'here' is. She's been to a few strange places before, so a strange world won't be a shock to her.

She flops over to her other side. While she's been worried about her own situation, there are a few others that she starts to worry about. "Girls.... I hope you're all okay."

While she attempts to sleep, she finds the hospital pretty quiet. While she believes a PA system is in place, she hasn't heard anything over it. She has the occasional nurse check on her, but mostly is left in peace.

Of all that's happened in recent times, she hopes that this turns out to be a lesser evil. Whatever adventure she's thrown into this time, she's determined to land on her feet.


Daylight comes for the lost Warrior. She looks about with a certain glee as her vision has returned. She can see the window and the sunlight it offers. She can see drab curtains hanging from either side. She can see a hospital room as she scans from one side to the other.

She looks down at herself and raises up her arms. She raises an eyebrow as she looks at her skin color with peculiarity. Instead of a normal fleshtone, she finds it a muted gold. "What the--?" As expected, the ends of her arms are bandaged to keep her fingers from stretching. A green hospital gown covers her as normal.

"Oh!" a nurse's voice gasps. "You're awake!" But, before she can be seen, the nurse disappears again back into the hallway.

She quickly yanks the blanket off of her and jumps to the floor. While she stays standing for a moment, she eventually drops to put her her hands on the floor as well. "What's... wrong with me?!"

She looks back at her body and finds the most horrific revelation yet: Her body isn't what it used to be, but rather changed into a four-legged beast. In fact, her new frame greatly resembles an equestrian type. While she's looking back, she clearly sees a unique mark on her flank--a four point star with a smaller circle as a background. A lighter blonde tail hangs off her rump.


"What's wrong?!" a voice calls out.

"I'm a friggin' pony!!!"

"Um.... yeah..." She finally looks at the owner of the voice and sees that her doctor is yet another horse with a white labcoat and stethoscope around his neck. His nurse seems to be female, yet not much different. "What were you expecting?"

Bobbi dashes into the bathroom and finds a mirror adorned to the wall. She looks at herself for the first time since awakening in this weird place. Her overall coat is gold while her mane is a lighter blonde. She looks at her blue eyes closely, but her attention turns towards an equally golden horn sticking out of her forehead.

She slowly walks out into the main room again with a confused expression on her face. "What happened to me?"

"You were found unconscious outside of town. It looked like you crash landed there, from the looks of the area. Where are you from?"

"Not from here," Bobbi notes with a nervous giggle."

Bobbi walks over to the window and looks out with a certain curiosity. The immediate area has trees surrounding the building, but there is a town not far from there. She looks at the architecture that she can see and notes a certain familiarity. She assumes that everyone that lives there runs on four legs.

"That out there is Ponyville," the doctor remarks. "You'll find plenty of friends there."

She turns towards him with something of a smile. "I only need four."