• Published 20th Jun 2015
  • 1,768 Views, 56 Comments

Octavia Crashes a Party and Wins a Roomate - ChaseTheChangeling

What would you do if your favorite musician was in town and throwing a party? You would go right? But what if you had no money? What would you do then?

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Like an Episode of Stablez, But Without the Rappers

"One hundred-fifty bits?!" Octavia shouted as she paced her floor. There was nothing to use there! She still had to pay her rent, and a flurry of bills, and she hardly had enough to cover that! Octavia stopped her pacing and sighed as she heard a loud banging at her door. The dark haired mare huffed a forced sigh as she trotted over to the door, swinging it open and trotting back to her spot on the couch without checking, already knowing it would only be one of three ponies, Harpo, Beauty, or Fredric.

In the doorway stood three ponies, and it was exactly who she expected. Fredric Horseopin, a tall and straight faced tan stallion with a platinum blonde mane, Harpo Parish Nattermane, his even blue coat blending with a very dark blue short cut mane, and Beauty Brass, a small pale blue mare with a long and slightly wavy brown mane. The trio sauntered into the home, plopping down onto the couch, Harpo had closed and locked the door as he was the last pony in. He climbed onto the comfortable couch and sighed as he sunk back with a smile. It was quiet, the three could see in Octavia's shifting eyes she was panicking over something, but she would talk about it soon enough. Beauty knew this better than the boys, if you asked too early, she would shout and get angry, but if you waited, she would grow impatient and just pour it out.

"It was a very nice walk over-" Harpo began to say before begin cut of by a flurry of tumbling words dropped by the young cellist he sat beside.

"This is terrible! DJ P0N-3 and Sapphire Shores are coming to town for a party but I can't get in because I'm broke and I don't know anypony in the party, but I really want to go and meet the DJ!" Octavia slapped her hooves over her mouth as the words slipped out. Now she had done it. They didn't know about her obsession with techno, but now they would, they would all freak out and ask her why she would listen to such rubbish and ask why she would want to meet that DJ, and call her a ruffian no doubt.

But that didn't happen.

What did happen, was a small silence as the other three sat mostly unfazed. Beauty nodded and smiled.

"Yes, I heard about that." Beauty reached over to the glass top table and plucked a candy from the jar and began to eat it as if she were talking about the most recent sheet music. "Freddy, have you been keeping up with it?"

"Eeh, well, I'm not much of a Sapphire Shores fan, but I know of her work. I much prefer BABBA, you know that group from Sweets Land?" Fredric scratched at his chin and smiled, "It would be nice if they went on tour... what about you Harpo? Do you know anything about the party?" Harpo looked up from his hooves, he had been reclined back with the fetlocks of his fore-hooves resting on his belly. He gave a small knowing smile.

"I was planning on crashing it tonight."

Octavia's jaw dropped. Was he serious? Crashing the party? Octavia closed her mouth and tried to concentrate. "Harpo, what do you mean by crash the party?"

"Well, we get in without paying, or invitations, and then we enjoy it, eating food, drinking the beer, and then we wreck it somehow and run off like rebels!" Harpo clapped his hooves together with a silly grin. "I've always wanted to crash a party, seems like something my parents would never let me do!" Fredric smiled as well and shrugged.

"Well, it isn't Broncway, and it isn't BABBA, but crashing a party does sound rather daring doesn't it?" Fredric let out a little squee as he thought of the possibilities.

"Well, it sounds unanimous!" Beauty shouted with a wide smile, "We're crashing the celebrity party!" Octavia tried to shake her head, tried to think. Well it wouldn't be too bad, she could just break in, and enjoy the party, and leave early before her friends decided to do something crazy.

'Of all the friends I could have made in school, I had to make friends with the craziest group of musicians!' Octavia put her face into her hooves before feeling her body being pulled in the direction of her stairs.

"Octavia," Harpo whispered as he pulled her closer, "you'll need to look nice for the party, go get fancy and we'll be back around ten to get you." Octavia said nothing, this was all happening too quickly. She should have known; although they had been friends for years, she was never sure what ridiculous stunt they would pull if they had the chance. It was a severe downfall after being pampered and raised by strict parents. You wanted to do all the things you couldn't at that age, like eating pop rocks with cola and staying up all night, playing hooky (with work of course as they were too old for school now), exploring dark caves in the woods, and drinking until you passed out. It made Octavia feel like she was hanging with foals, even though she would often partake in the madness.

"Alright," Octavia sighed, and she trotted up stairs, her friends moving towards the door and leaving. This wasn't absolutely horrible, she would still be able to attend the party. But what had possessed her become friends with this group of ponies? They were really weird, even for her. Octavia chalked it all up to just her being a filly and wanting friends no matter what. They just seemed to be the nicest and most excepting of the school ponies.


Vinyl bit her lip, the party was that night and the ponies would be pouring in by the pairs to meet her and Sapphire. Vinyl wasn't a fan of getting into crowds on a personal level, being above them in a club, that was fine, no need to remember how to be social in that situation, but having to speak to them, and agree with them. It was dumb, it was fake, and above all, it was BORING! What Vinyl wouldn't do for the party to be livened up a bit with some faster music choices and better drinks. Something sweet, unlike the bourbon and whisky crap they had on the bar.

Ponies rushed around, pulling together the party, putting up lights, polishing instruments, and putting the food out for the guests. The waiters and maids dressed up in new clothes, for that party in particular, sure to discard of the clothing after, as it wouldn't match anything else. The lakeside home the party was meant to be in was like something out of Cottage Magazine, that fancy magazine with all the best homes on display, like Stablez, but without the rappers, and it wasn't a TV show.

The outside was a large, two story building with white sides, the roofs made of straw and hay, but it looked as if it were built to look vintage. It was all fake building materials, plaster and such, but behind the plaster would be concrete, metal and wood holding it together. The Front of the home had a large window for the first floor, showing off the large lavish living room, and to the side was a grand archway that lead to a large ballroom (at least that is what Vinyl had been told it was) the ballroom wide and went on a length that seemed much too far for any normal party to be held in. The back of the living room had a large sliding door taking up most of the wall that lead to the back yard. A backyard that had a large swimming pool, a hot tub, and a grill and patio. The backyard was almost as large as the ball room.

Vinyl rolled her eyes at the excess and continued to wander, taking note of the extra beds, the bathrooms, the master bedroom, and a few closets. Vinyl let a grin slip over her muzzle as she thought of how nice it would be if she could use one of those guest rooms to entertain any guest she found more interesting than others, but she knew she had to be civil. A loud thud was heard as Vinyl stomped her hoof on the ground. What kind of a party would make it so that ponies as awesome as herself couldn't get laid? She would be drunk, and surely, if anypony knew about Vinyl when she was drunk, she was also fun. Vinyl thought about all the times her adventurous self had gotten drunk and gotten with somepony. She'd like to think she was a magnet of universal attraction and pleasure, but in reality, she was shy until she hit the bottle, and the times she did get jiggy with the drinks and her company, that company was Spitfire. The only mare that would put up with her silence, and her sudden need to seem cool as a DJ. Vinyl wasn't fake, but she played up the cool DJ thing as her agent said it would be for the best.

"You alright?" the sound of a posh voice came cascading down the hallway of the large lakeside home. As Vinyl turned around, she noticed it was the owner of said home that had called her, the famed Fancy Pants. Vinyl simply nodded and approached, reaching out a hoof to shake. The white stallion gladly shook hooves with Vinyl and gave a warming smile that complemented his well quaffed mustache. "I do hope you will be enjoying the party tonight, I have wanted to throw one with you and your partner for quite some time." Vinyl smiled and nodded again. This was an easy conversation, just talk at her, no difficult questions, and the whole thing would blow over ideally. "Well, your friend miss Spitfire says you are a big fan of strong but fruity sweet drinks, so I made sure to add those to the bar tonight. Please be sure to make yourself at home, and should you need a guest room, feel free to take one." Fancy Pants smiled and tapped his chin, "It would be for sleeping more than likely, but if somepony should strike your fancy, you'll find all you could need in the nightstand and dresser." Vinyl gave Fancy a slightly surprised look, her mouth in an almost "ooh" shape. "Haha, yes, I was young too you know! I know how you DJ's and young punk rockers get, you see somepony nice and you must seize the chance before it slips! So rambunctious, such a high labido, wish I still had it!"

Vinyl's eyes widened as she heard the unicorn continue, it was much more than she wanted to hear. The stallion trotted off, seemingly humming some sort of tune. Vinyl shrugged and went on to look for the kitchen.


Octavia was feeling pretty good right now. She had picked a lazy set up, but it was better than going in just her bow tie. Her man was brushed, still down, but better than what it was, and she wore a black rave shirt with a few band and DJ names and signatures, if she was lucky, Octavia could snag P0N-3's as well, and a pink highlight in her mane. Octavia fiddled with the small necklace she had put on, it had a piece of sapphire, unpolished, wrapped with a small gold wire, and attached to a little woolen string. It looked garish to most ponies, but it was an expensive collector's item, a part of a pair, the other was a ruby, also unpolished, wrapped and tied exactly the same.

A knock at the door. It was nine fifty, and Octavia stood in her living room looking over herself once more before going to the door and greeting her pose of less than proper friends. Harpo trotted in first, his mane still combed back, but he had a leather coat, and a few glow sticks over his hooves, a leather spiked collar on his neck, and a few fake piercings in his ears. Octavia laughed as he trotted in snout in the air, boasting such a crazy outfit. Fredric came in next, he was sporting a white beater and a long, super thick, fake golden chain, a black beanie that sat at the far back of his head, a large gold watch, and a band aid on his snout. His mane was brushed forward so that the ruffled white tufts of mane came out from under the hat. Beauty sauntered in next, a short black skirt, laced with white frills, and a black and purple corset, a pair of skull earrings, and a her mane was brushed back and curled, a black headband over her mane.

"You guys look like parents attending a concert," Octavia snickered. The three looked around and noticed they did look a bit goofy.

"Well.. you look..." Harpo covered his mouth with a hoof and scrunched his face, "really good actually, I can't insult that..." Octavia smiled, a small blush on her muzzle.

"Well, we should get going, there's no need for us to be hanging around here when there is a party to attend!" Beauty shouted. She rushed off out the door, the others following behind in a steady pace.

It was time to wreak some havoc!