• Published 8th Aug 2015
  • 426 Views, 2 Comments

Midnight Warfare - Aeon-Reaper

War has started between Equestria and the Gryphons. But beyond the edges of the conflict, a group of ponies hunt for the one pony responsible for this insanity. Welcome to Midnight Warfare

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Chpt. 1: So it Begins

Chpt. 1 So it Begins

4 Years later

Celestia paced back and forth in her throne room, in deep thought. A look of focused concern and uncertainty plastered on her muzzle. There had been another attack by Dark Storm, this time it was the bombing of a park in Central Manehatten, resulting in the deaths of several ponies and many others injured.

Celestia sighed and stopped pacing and just gazed out of the window with a solemn look as the sun was about to set. The princess then looked up at the clock and noticed that it was 4 minutes to 5 in the evening, she had a meeting to attend with the High Command to discus and approve their plan to put an end to Dark Storm’s reign of terror.

In the past 4 years since he had left the Equestrian Army to avoid trial, Dark Storm had gone on a massive killing spree, his death toll now stood at almost a thousand, and all this because of a grudge against Equestria for giving him no choice but to leave the armed forces. His acts of terror weren’t limited to just Equestria, he had carried out multiple attacks against the Gryphons, Dragons and Changelings, even Yakyakistan had become a target.

Celestia began walking towards the door and left her throne room and began her walk to the meeting room.

The Sun Princess was in deep thought, thinking over what had happened over the past 4 years since Dark Storm vanished, first he had turned to criminality, then later he had been recruited by an extremist rebel group, which had ultimately led to a civil war in Equestria, and ending with the defeat of the faction after a failed coup and the death of their leaders. However just as things seemed to come together, they just fell apart again.

Dark Storm had succeeded in taking control over a large portion of the group and soon became no.1 on Equestria’s most wanted list.

However, Celestia was dragged out of her train of thoughts when she saw her sister; Princess Luna and Princess Moonlight Song; Luna’s student and adopted daughter, coming out from around a corner.

“Celestia!” Luna greeted in slight surprise, “Hello Luna, hello my dear Moonlight” Celestia greeted the two other princesses “Hello Aunt Celestia” replied Moonlight with a small smile.

Celestia gave her own small smile, yet she knew that they were just as concerned about what would happen as she was. Truth be told; everypony was worried for what the future would hold. With Dark Storms terror attacks and the tensions with the Gryphons, it was a very troubled and unruly time to live in.

“Well sister, shall we go? The meeting is about to start” Luna said breaking her sisters train of thoughts.

“Of course sister” Celestia replied with a nod, coming back from her thoughts. “This way” the ruler of Equestria said and resumed her walk down the hall which lead to the meeting chamber.

After a few minutes of the walk, they arrived at the meeting room. The sun princess opened the doors and stepped inside along with her fellow princesses

Inside all ready present was Princess Cadance and Prince Shining Armour, along with General Night Shadow; head of the Lunar Shadow Task Force, General Firebrand, General Black Hawk; head of Equestrian Military intelligence, General Iron Flare head of the Orion Intelligence Surveillance Department, Supreme Sky Marshal Silver Mane and General Phyco head of the Night Owl Secret Service.

As soon as the three princesses entered all the others bowed respectfully.

Celestia, Luna and Moonlight returned the bow, then walk towards the large round table to take their seats.

“Thank you all for attending” Said Celestia as she found her seat, sitting down in between Luna and Cadance, with Moonlight sitting next to Luna.

Every other pony sat down at their respective seats.

“As you all know, Dark Storm’s latest attack was on Manehatten central park, 24 ponies died and many more were injured” Said Celestia with a clear authoritative voice, yet the discomfort and the fear was apparent in her undertone.

Ponies nodded their heads in recognition of this appalling fact.

“This most recent attack along with increased tensions with the Gryphons has cause an awful lot of unrest and increased panic across Equestria.” Celestia said with a voice weighed down by sadness and fear.

“We must put an end to Dark Storm immediately”

“General Night Shadow, what suggestion have you come to?”

“I advise tasking Ghost Squad 6 to hunt down Dark Storm. My orders are Kill/Capture” Came Night Shadow’s cold and calm answer.

“They are the best covert operatives the I have, and with the increased tension along the Gryphon boarder, we don’t have many units to spare, they are the ideal operators to send” Said Night Shadow with confidence and finality in his voice. He received several nods from others around the table in agreement.

“Pardon me for asking Night Shadow, but if I’m to be honest isn’t there perhaps somepony else that is even more suited for this kind of operation?” Luna asked.

Celestia looked curiously at her sister, as did Cadnace and Moonlight. All of them wondering who the Moon Princess was referring to.

However, Princess Celestia, Night Shadow, Shining Armour and the other generals all realized who the ruler of night meant.

Night Shadow sighed “We discussed about sending him, but we all decided against it” Night Shadow explained

“Who did you decided against?!” Cadance asked

“The one pony who could rival Dark Storm himself, and the greatest LSTF operative I have” explained Princess Luna.

“Commander Aeon-Reaper” everypony lowered their gaze at the mention of the Commander’s name.

Princess Moonlight’s eyes went wide when she heard Aeon’s name being mentioned, her wings gave a tiny twitch.

Luna noticed this in the corner of her eye, and discreetly put a hoof on Moonlight’s in order to keep her calm.

“Why did you decided not to send him, he is the best LSTF operative?” Celestia asked

“Because, he is needed elsewhere, along with the fact of his past with Dark Storm” replied Firebrand

Luna sat upright “Don’t be ridiculous, surely you cannot think that Aeon has some connection to Dark Storm?!!” Luna almost shouted, rather offended by a thought that one of her best operatives could possibly have any connection to Equestria’s most wanted terrorist.

“No certainly not! It’s just that we decided not to send him due to that we believe that sending him will add an unstable element to a delicate situation” Firebrand continued.

“Nonsense, his past experience and knowledge of Dark Storm makes him the ideal candidate and above all he is one of my best operatives!” Luna declared

“Unfortunately the High Command disagrees” Sighed Night Shadow with disappointment in his voice.

The Princess of the Night sighed and lowered her head again, Princess Moonlight turned to look at her mother with concerned eyes, and put a gentle hoof on hers. Luna looked up and turned to her daughter, she gave Moonlight a small smile, knowing of her concern about the commander.

Commander Aeon-Reaper, was indeed one of the best Spec Ops operatives Equestria had, he was an extremely skilled soldier, a genius strategist and tactician, a brilliant scientist and engineer, and a remarkable assassin, but he was also a sociopath and a nihilist.

He had little to no regard for society’s norms or ethics, hardly any morality, very little empathy and he made no attempt to hide it or even soften his nature at all.

Yet despite his attitude, Equestria still needed him, and held him in high regard, due to his accomplishments and his loyalty to their land. So no matter how horrible he could get, he still served the royal state and defended it to his last breath.

Celestia sighed “Very well then, I understand. But I still would advise on having Aeon on stand-by in case Ghost Squad 6 require any assistance” Celestia stated

The High Command nodded their agreement, “Very well your majesty” replied Firebrand, with a hint of reluctance.

Celestia gave another sigh, and quickly looked around the room. It was a rather grand meeting room with windows of either side of it giving a clear view of the setting sun and the capitol city of Canterlot below.

The Bringer of the Day looked around the large circular table, at all the ponies before her and took a deep breath.

“Very well, then General Night Shadow. You here by have permission to proceed.” Celestia acknowledge

“Thank you, your majesty” Replied the head of the LSTF. He then brought forth a document and handed it to the princesses.

Celestia levitated the file across the table and lay it down and opened the dossier, she quickly read through the document, then handed it over to Luna, who quickly read through it. The two Princess nodded, and the goddess of the night brought forth a quill and signed her named on the order, then handed it back to her older sister, who then proceeded to sign it, approving of the order.

“There, Operation Hunter is approved!” Said Celestia as she returned the order back to Night Shadow

“Thank you, your majesties, we shall initiate Operation Hunter immediately, and Commander Aeon shall be informed of our decision and placed on stand-by” the dark general replied.

“Thank you General” Replied Celestia and Luna at the same time. The older sister took another glance around the room and noticed that the sun had almost set.

“Very well then, mares and gentlecolts, I think we have decided on what course of action to take. Ghost Squad 6 is to be assigned to track down Dark Storm.” Celestia said definitively

“Yes your majesty!” came the reply from the High Command

“I also want all Equestrian intelligence units keeping an eye out for Dark Storm.” Celestia continued

“Of course your majesty!” Replied Iron Flare and Black Hawk

“Good, then I believe that this meeting can end. Thank you all for attending, and be safe my ponies” Finished Celestia as she stood up, followed by her fellow princesses and Shining Armour.

“Of course your majesty!” Replied everypony apart from the Princesses, as they stood up and prepared to leave.

All the members of the High Command were the first ones out, knowing they had a lot to do and headed back to the Equestrian Military HQ.

Meanwhile the Princesses stayed in the meeting room, thinking over what had been discussed at the meeting.

Celestia gave a deep sigh, and looked up at Cadance and Shining Armour, Cadance looked back at her aunt.

“You two may go, I know the two of you are need in the Crystal Empire” Celestia said to the couple.

“Very well, but are you sure you don’t need any help here around Canterlot?” Cadance wondered

“No, we’ll be fine” Replied Luna

“Really, are you sure your majesty?” inquired Shining Armour, wanting to be sure, that they were alright with them heading back to the Crystal Empire.

“I’m sure, go be with you ponies, we’ll be alright” Said Celestia with a small smile.

“Very well, good luck Celestia” Cadance wished and gave her aunt a hug. Celestia returned the hug, and held her dear niece in her hooves.

“Good luck to you too, my dear Cadance” Celestia wished. Celestia then broke the hug and gently stroked her niece’s cheek.

Cadance whipped some tears out of her eyes, and smiled at her aunt, then turned to her husband.

“Let’s go Shining Armour” Said Cadance, with a sad and tired voice, as she began to walk towards the door.

“Of course my dear” replied Shining Armour and walked next to his wife as the two left the room, to head to the train station.

That left the three remaining princesses alone in the grand meeting room.

“Well…” Luna decided to break the silence. “I think I best be off, I need to go over a few things with Night Shadow and Moonlight” Said the Night Princess, as she turned to looked at her adopted daughter, who was standing silently behind her. It was clear that she was in deep thought.

“Of course my sister. I have things to be done as well” Replied the elder alicorn. Celestia hugged her little sister close.

“Take care of yourself my dear sister” Celestia whispered to her younger sibling.

“I shall, and you too my dear sister” Luna replied, as she nuzzled into her older sister’s embrace.

Celestia nuzzled back, then broke the embrace.

Once the two elder alicorns broke away, Celestia turned too looked at her other adopted niece.

“And you take care of yourself to Moonlight” Celestia said and walked closer to the youngest alicorn.

Moonlight was dragged out of her train of thoughts by her aunt’s voice.

“Hhhmmmm? Oh, of course I will aunt Celestia” replied Moonlight, apparently still in a slight daze. Celestia smiled softly at her sister’s faithful student, having some idea as what she was thinking about.

“Hhhhmmm” Murmured Celestia. She embraced Moonlight in a warm hug, and held her close. Moonlight returned the hug and nuzzled into her aunt’s chest. Celestia smiled gently and gave Moonlight a small kiss on her forehead.

“Be careful my dear Moonlight” Celestia whispered to her.

“I will, Celestia, I will” Replied Moonlight.

The two alicorns split apart, Moonlight remained silent and Celestia took a deep breath and turned back to her sister, giving her a small smile, but her eyes betrayed her. Luna clearly saw that she was worried.

Luna smiled and placed a hoof on her sister’s shoulder.

“Don’t worry sister, we’ll make it through this” Luna said with confidence, and a warm smile.

Celestia couldn’t help but smile in return, her sister always made her smile.

“Thank you Luna”

“You’re welcome Celestia” replied Luna, then turned back to her daughter, who was staring blankly out the window, in deep thought.

“Come, my dear Moonlight, we best go, we have work to do” Luna called to her student and daughter.

Moonlight snapped back to reality, and looked at her teacher.

“Of course, mother” she replied and began walking towards her and the door.

Luna nodded and started to lead the way out of the meeting room, but before they left, she turned back to look at her sister one last time.

Celestia smiled at them, but again her eye revealed her true feelings, they were all scared and nervous, not knowing what the future would bring, but they tried to make it the best.

Luna and Moonlight quickly returned the smile, then left the room, leaving the Sun Princess alone as she walked over to the windows overlooking Canterlot. It was early dusk now and soon night would fall, the last rays of the sun were cast out over the sky, giving it a slight melancholy feeling.

Celestia gave a deep sigh, and looked out over her land, wondering what would become of it? Where would this road that they had started down lead to?

Only time would tell.

Celestia looked out over the horizon.

End of Chapter 1.

Author's Note:

Rewrote chapter 1.