• Published 2nd Jun 2015
  • 570 Views, 1 Comments

Life's a War - Evil Twilight

Twilight is now the ruler of Equestria, but, is it more than what she bargained for?

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Chapter I: What Hope Remains

Author's Note:

Third-person from here on out.

Twilight was upset, more than upset, she was ashamed. She had to abandon Canterlot because the changelings just were too strong for her. She didn’t know what to do, was fighting a good option?

“I would have been captured or died like the rest,” Twilight thought. “Now I don’t have a brother, nor any family. My mother and father died from old age not too long ago but my brother has been captured or even killed by this new changeling general.”

The emotional stress was enough for Twilight to break down on the spot and start crying.

“What’s that matter Twilight Sparkle?” a familiar voice to Twilight called out.

“What is it Discord?” Twilight said through pitiful sobs.

Discord appeared right in front of Twilight. He snapped his fingers and Twilight was standing up with no more tears. “Well, being that you’re sobbing right outside of the walls of Ponyville, I think you need some cheering up.”

“NOT NOW DISCORD!!” Twilight yelled flying up to his face right before Discord was about to snap his fingers.

“My, my, what has become of you my little ruler?” Discord said with a smirk.

Twilight blasted him with a powerful bolt of magic at Discord, causing him to fly back and hit the outer wall of Ponyville.

“Do you REALLY want to start something Twilight?” Discord said as he teleported back in front of Twilight.

Once again, Twilight broke down into sobs. “No Discord I don’t, I’m sorry. It’s just I lost my kingdom, my friends, what remains of my family, everything! This new general that the changelings have is powerful! I can’t stop it! I don’t know where Chrysalis got this sort of power to bring up a new changeling?! It’s just mysterious and weird!” Twilight explained as she continued to sob on the floor.

Discord had a worried look on his face as he looked around then had an idea. He snapped his fingers and both he and Twilight were sitting on two leathery chairs with a table and some tea on it. Discord picked up a tea cup and took a quick sib. “Now then Twilight, please, tell me everything. Maybe I can help.”

Twilight got comfortable in her chair. “Okay, well. As you probably know, Celestia and Luna are gone, without any trace. Kind of like that time when you planted those vines that spread all over Equestria.”

Discord rolled his eyes. “No need to remind me.”

“Sorry. Anyways after they disappeared, Cadence said I should be the new ruler of Equestria. Not only her, but the general population of Equestria said I should be the new ruler, so I raised up onto the throne.

“I think I did a pretty good job ruling Equestria. I even authorized the manufacturing and usage of ammunition based weapons such as guns. Well, after a week of me ruling, that’s when the Changelings invaded Canterlot. My royal guards were able to hold them off pretty well with our new weaponry but that’s when this new beast arrived. I don’t know what it was but it reminded me a hell of a lot like Celestia. I think it’s what gave all the changelings power to overrule my guards and take them all down. Soon after that, they took Canterlot and I was able to escape from all of that,” Twilight closed her eyes and looked down.

Discord placed his tea cup on the table and thought to himself for a minute. “Maybe this general is Celestia?”

Twilight gave him a stink eye. “I refuse to think about if that beast is my mentor.”

“Think about it Twilight,” Discord started off. “What if Chrysalis kidnapped Celestia and turned her into her little general somehow?”

The thought sent a shiver down Twilight’s spine. “This is very possible, but what about Luna?”

Discord tabbed his lion paw finger on his chin. “This is true. Maybe she got killed by Celestia when she turned into this beast maybe?”

The thought of that sent another shiver down Twilight’s spine. “I need to find out more on what the heck is going on here. Does Chrysalis maybe have something to do with whatever the hell is going on during this crazy time?”

Discord shrugged. “Probably so. What should we do now do you think?”

“Honestly I have no idea Discord,” Twilight said looking extremely doubtful.

Discord snapped his fingers making the two chairs and the table disappear. He walked over to Twilight, kneeled down, grabbed her chin, and pointed it up towards him. “Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship, new ruler of Equestria, you will find away. I know you can do it. You just have to believe in yourself. I’ll help you.”

Twilight smiled. “I think the first thing we should do is go to Canterlot Castle and free all the Royal Guards, get our guns, and kick the changelings’ back to whatever hive they came from!”

Discord stood up. “That’s the spirit!”

Twilight thought to herself. “I have an idea Discord, why don’t I head over to my library and do some research on these changelings since I don’t really know too much about them after all. And you formulate a plan to infiltrate Canterlot Castle, how’s that sound?!”

Discord smiled. “Sounds faaaaaaaaantastic! I’ll see you later!” Discord snapped his fingers and was gone within the blink of an eye.

Twilight smiled and walked over to the gate of Ponyville. She peaked inside to see if anypony was around and thankfully there wasn’t so she started to fly to her castle which was still there from when she left it.

After looking at the ground to see if anypony was there, she did see a couple of bystanders just walking around, talking, looking like they’re just carrying on with their day, Twilight didn’t really focus on it too much.

After touching down at her castle. She remembered all the good times she had here, with all of her friends, her assistant Spike.

“Spike,” Twilight thought. The name echoed in her mind several times. She thought most about her lovely assistant that loved for her and cared for her up until the Princess’s disappearances. He didn’t know where he or any of Twilight’s friends were but she didn’t have time to go look for them. She had to find the book on the changelings and get it back to Discord.

She opened up the main door to her castle and looked around, she remembered how bleak this place use to be when the castle first emerged from the ground after Tirek’s defeat.

Running through the halls, she passed each room and remembered each purpose each room held. One of Spike’s favourite was the kitchen, because he always ate and cooked so much a day.

After finally reaching her library, Twilight starting looking through the sections until she could find the ‘C’ section.

After finally going through what seemed like endless pillars of books, she finally found it, now she had to find the right book.

“GOT IT!” Twilight yelled after finally finding the book entitled: “About Changelings”.

After flipping through the book, she found the piece of information she was primarily looking for: their true weakness.

“Their horns?” Twilight said in confusion. “That seems rather odd, but oh well. Got get this back to Discord!” She grabbed the book with her magic and ran out the door.


Discord was in the everfree forest pacing around trying to figure out what to do for infiltrating the Canterlot Castle were all the Royal Guards were being held. He had a map of Canterlot in front of him that was following in front of him as he walked around.

“Maybe we could, no that wouldn’t work,” he would keep saying to himself. After glancing at the map several times, he was just about to give up on this, until he remembered something.

“Of course I’m so stupid! The Crystal Caves under Canterlot Castle are still there! I bet Twilight could find a way down there. We can find a way through them, then we could easily access the castle!” Discord said to himself.

He made the map in front of him disappear and took a look around him. “I just hope innocent ponies don’t die from all of this, there may be war.”


Discord stood outside of the walls of Ponyville waiting for Twilight. “I may have to go look for her, we kinda forgot to set up a meeting place.”

To Discord’s luck, Twilight ran into him while he walked right in front of the gate. “Ah there you are Twilight, do you have the book?”

Twilight nodded. “Yes I do! Do you have a way in?”

Discord smiled and nodded as well. “Yes I do! C’mon, we’ll walk and talk while we get to Canterlot. Is that okay with you? Or do you wanna fly there and I’ll teleport there and we can talk there?”

“No, no, it’s okay Discord,” Twilight giggling. “We’ll just walk and talk. By the way you said ‘there’ like three times.”

Discord rolled his eyes. “Shut up and let’s walk.”

Comments ( 1 )

pretty cool
i like the concept
is this still going ? i hope so

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