• Published 10th Jun 2015
  • 487 Views, 2 Comments

Artificial Soul - AskNightmareLuna

What happens when a machine takes on a life or its own? Does it also have a soul? Can a robot learn how to love? One DJ plans to find out.

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A small scream cried out. The servos whirred as the defense protocols started activating. Target acquired flashed in red. The read out continued. Foal, filly in danger. A multi-toned voice carried on the air, "Everything's ok. Funky is on the way." The machine moved towards the filly steadily playing the thumping bass and electronic music swaying in time to the beat. That was when the danger lights flashed in her vision. A stallion stood over the filly edging closer with a dark gleam in his eyes. The fake skin of her mouth twisted from her normal smile to a menacing growl. The music stopped as she lunged forward to close the short distance and stand between the stallion ad the white filly. "Warning you are in violation of safety and welfare protocols. Any further advances will result in Funky bouncing you."

The stallion laughed at he robot. "You aren't programmed to fight. Now out of my way. I have a filly to teach a lesson to." Funky refused to move and she was heavy enough that she couldn't be pushed. Her eyes glowed under the purple lenses of her glasses. "Last time you hunk of scrap out of my way!" The stallion didn't notice the red lights on the robot's built-in sound system, horn or eyes. The speakers gave a low rumble before a wall of bass slammed into the stallion.

"No pony messes with the Funky Funky." The robot took a step forward as she seemed to getting ready to blast the stallion again. The stunned pony scrambled backwards. The filly had by this time taken refuge under a booth behind the robot. This part of the restaurant didn't have any cameras but the noise had attracted attention.

Just as the stallion clenched his teeth bracing for a second bone shaking bass blast a voice called out. "DJ Funky auto-override power down and stand-by!" There was a soft hum which died away. Then there was nothing. The robot's eyes had closed and it was carried away to be locked in the storage room, but it wasn't turned off and was awaiting to command that would awaken it. That command never came giving the robot time to think. The video of the scene played over and over. The filly was scared and the stallion looked menacing.