• Published 10th Jun 2015
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Pink Surprise Potions - Ponyess

Surprise got her hooves on a new book, containing potions. She and Pinkie Pie got it into their heads that they should try out the potions the book contained, what came out of this is for the future to say.

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The Beginning of the Ooze: 2

Author's Note:

Oozey's POV

There is but this strange tingling sensation, as if tickled. I have no sense of self, light and dark, up and down or anything else at this time. Not even a boundary of my own self, I am no-one, nothing.

My substance, the matter that will soon become me is slowly poured down into a mold the form that I was about to be given. At this point, it doesn’t matter, it has no meaning to me. I have no preference at this point.

There is no way out, no way around the boundary I am being given. There is this strange elastic matter, I will later learn is known as rubber. It has no name, no meaning to me at this point. I have no idea as to what it is, or the purpose of it. Just the hard boundary behind it. Not that I am really, truly aware or conscious of it right now.

Objects, body parts are tossed into me, the form in which I am currently contained. I absorb them, the matter, the meaning and their essence as they plummet into the ooze I am at this point.

Bit by bit, I am taking a form, a shape, even if it is the one of the containment, the boundary of the mold in which I am at the moment. The rubber is becoming my skin as I slowly expand to fill up the space within. Each object I absorb, slowly giving me more than the form, but now also the rudimentary beginning of a personality.

I am still not aware or conscious of my very own self, but the surrounding space is slowly clarifying, even if I can only persceive it as the pressure and the boundary surrounding my skin.

Absorbing the objects isn’t conscious, or even a reflect, merely physical reactions of the objects falling onto and into me. I have no control, I can’t pick and choose what to take on and what to ignore or reject. I need a self and a consciousness in order to manage anything as complex as that.

Then they pour in more substance. Since I am still deaf, I could never have heard their chanting or what they said. The mold also prevented me from even sensing the slight vibration from their voices and their movements.

Once released from the confines of the mold within which I had been created, they graciously greeted me into the world within they live out their lives.

Only now, I am no longer the formless mass with no consciousness or awareness of my very own self, my body and personality. I view them as separate beings, and consciously interact with them.

“I think I like the looks of your balloons. Even if I don’t know what they are, or what they mean in this case!” I pointed out.

“Thanks, they represent my festive nature!” Surprise expressed in a more serious tone than usual.

“I enjoy throwing parties left and right, for the joy of every Pony, aside from who ever else likes to be there. Zebras, Donkeys, Mules, Griffins, to name but a few of the more common once!” Pinkie Pie, the pink mare explained.

“Parties? I think I could get used to, and enjoy partaking in a party or two!” I responded.

“Now you will be able to. Considering we even has a few Changelings around, they are most likely going to enjoy your presence as well. If they see you on a merry party, which they will!” Pinkie continued.

“Now you just need to get used to a rich diet of Muffins and having happy Ponies surround you for prolonged periods of time. I hope that isn’t a problem to you, Oozey!” Surprise suggested.

“Happy Ponies? Like the two of you, I hope. Muffins? Now you made it sound as if they should be delicious!” I put forth.

“A Muffin. Like these!” Pinkie Pie explained as she placed a place with assorted pastries before me, just the bare, undressed once that is.

“Served by a happy Pony, like my friend Pinkie Pie!” Surprised filled in, pointing at the pink mare I had figured to be the one referred to as Pinkie Pie.

“Worth a shot!” I responded, picking up one, before chewing it in order to evaluate its flavour.

“Yeah, it always is. Oh, and try each and every flavour, we need to know which one you enjoy and which once merely agrees with you. These are going to be your diet from now on!” Surprise pronounced.

“You know what this calles for? A party!” Pinkie Pie announced jubilantly.

I chewed down one muffin after the other. Muffin by muffin, I evaluated the taste, flavour, texture and contents as best I could. For now, I had not found any one of the pastries that did not agree with me; which I guess is good, given the current company.

Actually, I like most of them. Just that a few did stick out as more delicious than the rest of them. I guess this is what I was told to look out for; the once sticking out as better than the rest. Now I just hope these are the once that are to actually sustain me in the long run, too.

Some of the pastries are what one is to call yummy, which promptly brought a smile to my face. My ears perked instantly and the corners of my mouth soon started to rice in a pleased and pleasant smile. The rest of my face and indeed my entire body soon followed suit. I guess I couldn’t hide the feelings of joy.

Sadly, that effect soon reversed as I found one of the less agreeable flavours. I could even see the effects on my friends, Pinkie Pie and Surprise. It is apparent, just how well tuned they both are, towards what their fellow Ponies felt. It may be convenient, if your life is aimed towards throwing parties and keeping your fellow Ponies happy, I gathered. It would make them spectacular party organisers. Now, I guess that is convenient, too.

To my surprise, they took turn filling my plate with yet more pastries, supplementing the assortment of muffins. Before I knew it, I had gorged myself on the pastries Pinkie had been baking. I certainly had enjoyed it. Particularly some of them, in any case. Incidentally, these were the once I realised had been filling up the plate, while other flavours soon were running out before the others.

After a moment, it struck me; just how diverse the selection of the treats had been. This is the Pinkie Pie who made me come into existence. A former Rock Farmer? Apparently, she had used every imaginable flavour available to her as a Pony living in Ponyville.

“From the effects upon you, I think we have pinned down which once you enjoy, and which once needs to be in your diet, Oozey!” Pinkie Pie announced, with quite some joy as a smile slowly spread out over her face, and beyond.

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