• Published 24th May 2012
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Stargate SG-1: The Elegant and Most Powerful Goddess Trixie! - VaporingRat

SG-1 encounter The Great and Powerful Trixie posing as a Goddess on an alien world

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I had begun my journey to Las Pegasus, and already I have made a mistake. I had taken the wrong road and went a mile in the wrong direction, towards the Everfree forest. I cursed myself for my poor sense of direction and took another road that would get me to Trottingham, and from there I can continue my original route To Las Pegasus. After a day of travelling, I pitched my wagon on the side of the road and lit a bonfire.

As I was relaxing, an Earth pony trotted by, and stopped by my wagon. He asked me about where I was going, to which I replied ‘Las Pegasus’. I asked why he wanted to know, and he said ‘I’m heading there too. I was wondering if I could travel with you.’

I said no, and he asked ‘are you sure?’

‘Yes! Now go away!’ I had shouted at him. I just wanted to be left alone, and the fact that he looked messy and dirty with all those patches of fur missing also disgusted me. He walked away, and I went back to staring into the fire. The next day, I was off again, and I could see Trottingham in the distance.


Azarn stopped outside a large marble building, which turned out to be the best tavern in the city. He led SG-1 inside and started to talk to the tavern owner, while SG-1 looked around the inside.

The main tavern part was like a wetherspoons, but more Greekish and not as modern. People were sat at stools and tables drinking beverages from tankards and mugs, while others tucked into vibrant looking salads. All of the patrons of the tavern were happy and smiling, and a calm and relaxed sense of tranquillity floated lazily in the air.

“The owner of this fair tavern has agreed to provide you with both meals and accommodation for two nights during your visit to our humble city. Please excuse me, but I must return to the archway,” Azarn explained when he had rejoined SG-1.

“Thank you for showing us around, Azarn,” Jackson said as Azarn started to leave.

“It is no problem, brave challenger! I wish you luck!” Azarn called back as he hurriedly left the tavern.

O’Neill quickly found a table for four and the rest of his team joined him at the table. Almost as soon as they had sat down, the tavern owner had appeared out of nowhere.

“So, what can I getcha?” the tavern owner asked in a surprisingly and unnaturally high pitched voice for a man of his age.

“We would like to see a menu, please,” Jackson said as he looked up at the tavern owner.

“No probs. Call me over when ya want to order.” Jackson nodded as the Tavern owner passed out four menus from behind his back.

“Excellent. I’m so hungry, I could eat a horse,” O’Neill said as he grabbed a menu. It took merely ten seconds for the comment to sink into the heads of the four humans and Jaffa. O’Neill realised too late the inappropriate comment that he had made.

“Enjoy your stay…” the tavern owner said dangerously as he shot a death glare at O’Neill, before walking away. Jackson sighed and placed his head in his left hand.

“It was a slip of the tongue, honest!” O’Neill said as he tried to salvage the situation. Luckily, Carter came to his rescue at that moment as she changed the subject.

“So, what’s your plan sir?” Carter asked as she placed the menu in front of her, while O’Neill opened his and began to browse it thoroughly.

“Well, I’m hoping they do a nice steak, and I’ll have some of that cider to wash it down…”

“I believe Major Carter was referring to the plan that you mentioned on our way here, O’Neill,” Teal’c said as he sat stiffly in his seat, not even bothering to look at the menu.

“Ah, that plan. *Quick pause in which O'Neill tried to think of a good plan while pretending to read the menu* Teal’c, I want you to go to the edge of town and see if you can catch Hammond over the radio. They should be due to check in on us in… thirty-five minutes.” Teal’c acknowledged in his usual head nodding manner.

“Carter, Daniel and I will remain here, maybe have a few pints, get plastered, then hit the hay. Dang, where’s the meat on this menu?” O’Neill explained the first part, before grumbling the second. He scanned the menu thoroughly, but couldn’t find any meat on it at all. Jackson cleared his throat, signalling for O’Neill to continue.

“Then, tomorrow we split up and search for clues. Teal’c and I will search the pyramid and the square, while you two (Jackson and Carter) search this side of town.” Carter and Jackson looked on with slight bemusement while Teal’c raised an eyebrow. “What?” O’Neill asked as he looked between the stares of his team mates with confusion.

“Nothing, just wondering what they’ve been putting in those antibiotics that you were given after we returned from D4R-6T5,” Jackson replied as he raised the menu to block his face from O’Neill’s glare.

“Very funny,” O’Neill muttered, before turning in his seat and whistling loudly to catch the tavern owner’s attention.

D4R-6T5 was a planet SG-1 had visited previously on their last mission. It was a lush jungle world, with the most beautiful scenery that almost made Teal’c cry at the sheer amount of beauty. The down side: the entire planet was inhabited by giant wasps. Wasps varying in sizes from a Labrador, to the size of a three-story house. SG-1 had barely escaped with their lives, and O’Neill almost died as one of the wasps stung him while he defended Jackson as he dialled the DHD. O’Neill shuddered at the memory.

The tavern owner came over, after O’Neill had managed to grab his attention, and he collected the menus. “So, what are you having?” he asked coldly. Very coldly. As in sub-zero cold.

“I’ll have the ’Trixie Supreme Salad’, please,” Jackson replied.

“I will have the same,” Teal’c said.

“Same for me please,” Carter added.

“Do you have any meat?” O’Neill asked. Jackson groaned.

“The Elegant and Most Powerful Goddess Trixie outlawed the eating, production or selling of meat products within the city walls,” the tavern owner explained with malice. O’Neill got the point.

“I’ll have nothing, then.”

“And for drinks?”

“A round of ciders, please,” Jackson answered. The tavern owner nodded before walking away, occasionally glaring at O’Neill.

“Everyone on this planet is vegetarian?!” O’Neill cried out in exasperation as he looked at all the smiling patrons, who were eating nothing but salads.

“It makes sense, sir. Horses are herbivores, so it would be natural that the civilization here would adapt to being herbivores in order to worship their goddess without her feeling uncomfortable. That and the goddess outlawing meat may have a part in it too.” Carter explained. O’Neill was tempted to comment on Carter calling the talking horse thing ‘her’, but decided not to.

“Are you planning to fast during our time on this world, O’Neill?” Teal’c asked with slight concern, or at least it looked and sounded like concern to O’Neill. It was hard to read emotions from a Jaffa whose permanent social status was a brick wall that occasionally talked and moved, even after four years of working on the same team.

“Don’t worry T, I’ll just have the MREs,” O’Neill replied as the tavern owner came over with a tray of wooden mugs full of a slightly bubbly, amber liquid.

“Here are your drinks,” he said in a colder voice than before. O’Neill, Teal’c, Jackson and Carter took a mug each and drank at the same time. Jackson removed the mug from his lips and gave the contents a satisfied smile. Carter licked her lips to get any foam, Teal’c raised an eyebrow, and O’Neill almost choked. The tavern owner sighed mentally, wondering what the visitor was going to say this time.

“Do you have any alcoholic drinks here?” O’Neill asked as he glanced down at the cider in his mug.

“All alcoholic drinks are outlawed by the Elegant and Most Powerful Goddess Trixie’s wishes,” the tavern owner grumbled, before walking away hurriedly.

“Of course they are…” O’Neill muttered, as he gave the cider a suspicious glance.


It took a couple of hours, but I had reached Trottingham before noon. I spent an hour stocking up on supplies, but my money situation was getting desperate. I needed to earn some more bits, so I looked around town for a job. Fortunately, there was a inn that hosts entertainment every night, but the entertainer booked for the evening had called in sick. I offered my talents and the innkeeper accepted. I had my first show!

I spent some time going over my rotine and making sure that the outfit that I had bought in Canterlot was cleaned and ready. Soon, the time came for my appearance on stage, and I bravely stepped from behind the curtain and into the center of the stage.

But I was overcumbered with stage fright! I wanted to speak or move, but the inn was full of ponies and they were all looking at me. I managed to pull myself together at the last minute and I started to perform a dazzling illusion. The crowd watched the dancing lights, transfixed as i made them assume several shapes: a pony running, rushing water, and the rising sun. After an hour and a half, I was exhausted from creating the illusions and finished my act.

The ponies cheered as I left the stage, and went to the back to meet the innkeeper. He gave me a bag of bits and offered a room for me to sleep for the night. I thanked him and took my pay. I never stopped smiling until I fell asleep in my room, dreaming of crowds cheering my name and Princess Celestia crowning me as the best pony ever.


O'Neill woke up from the chair he was in thanks to the shining rays of the sun. Last night, they had eaten their salads/militry rations, and while Teal'c was checking in with the SGC, the rest of SG-1 attempted to mingle with the patrons of the tavern, but stopped when the tavern owner gave them a stern glare. They had all regrouped in the room that they were staying in, which consisted of one single bed, two chairs, and a wooden table.

There was a problem concerning who should sleep in the bed. Carter didn't mind where she slept, while O'Neill and Jackson both insisted that she take the bed. Teal'c didn't get involved, as he found a nice spot on the floor and meditated throughout the night. Eventually, O'Neill ordered Carter to have the bed as he and Jackson settled in their chairs.

But now O'Neill was up, it was time to wake everyone else in his usual manner.

"Good morning, campers!" O'neill called out cheerfully as he mock stretched. jackson blinked several times before he finally got up from the chair, Carter was out of the bed in a flash, geared up and ready to go in seconds, while Teal'c stood up and was ready in a similar amount of time.

After everyone was fully awake and geared up, SG-1 went downstairs to claim their free breakfast.

'Please be hash browns, fried bread, beans, grilled tomato and a coffee. Please!' O'Neill thought desperately as he and his team took their seats at the same table from the night before. He was disappointed, however, when breakfast turned out to be a bowl of fruit and nuts for each member of SG-1.

Teal'c and Carter ate their meals without a problem, while Jackson started to pick orange lumps outof his bowl. O'Neill simply opened another MRE

After breakfast had finished (Teal'c had eaten O'Neill's share), SG-1 walked out of the tavern and into the street.

"Alright, we all know what we have to do today, so lets meet back here at lunchtime. Radio if you find anything," O'Neill said to Carter and Jackson, who walked down the street heading east. Teal'c and O'Neill went west and towards the pyramid.

O'Neill and Teal'c arrived at the pyramid ten minutes later. They both looked up at the tall structure, before looking forward at the entrance. As they walked towards it, O'Neill noted somewhat bemusedly that the pyramid was giving out 'free tours', as a line of people waited egearly to enter the pyramid. That, and there was a sign at the end of the queue. Below the sign was another that read: 'queues likely'.

"No duh..." O'Neill muttered as teal'c took a spot in the queue.


Carter and Jackson were exploring the opposite side of the city, which was mostly a residential area. They had stopped and talked to several people, gaining bits of information regarding the goddess' origins, but all they got was 'the Goddess has protected us and led us for as long as I remember'.

"This doesn't make any sense. No-one can remeber the origin of this goddess, which is puzzling because usually cultures would preserve the memory of when their god or goddess came to them and forge it into a tale," Jackson thought aloud as he and Carter walked down another residential street.

"Maybe we'll have some luck at the library. Several of the people here have suggested it," Carter said.

"Right," Jackson said in acknowledgement and started to head back in the direction they came from.

"Uh, Daniel? Its the other way," Carter said as she pointed in the direction they were walking in previously.

"I'm sure its this way Sam," Jackson insisted as he gestured to his destination.

"But I'm sure it was this way," Carter said as she looked around. The realization that they were lost hit them at the same time.


O'Neill and Teal'c were still in the queue, determined to get into the pyramid and do a spot of snooping, scooby style. But queues are queues and this particular queue reminded O'Neill of a queue he had stood in for almost twenty minutes at a gas station in DC. Things livened up a little as someone attempted to push in front of Teal'c.

As everyone took a step forward simultaniously, like one of those cartoons, a man Jackson's age quickly slipped in between Teal'c and the woman in front of him. This was a mistake.

Teal'c tapped the man on the shoulder. The man turned around and said "what?" in an irritable manner.

"You have joined the queue at the wrong spot. I suggest you proceed to the back of the queue and wait there," Teal'c said calmly. The man just scoffed.

"So? Whatcha gonna do if I don't 'proceed to the back of the queue'?" the man asked as he balled his hands into fists.

"I will remove you from this spot using force if you do not move," Teal'c said calmly, but the tensin filling the air and the sense oof incredible danger of the situation made the smart people in the queue to back away nervously. Unfortunately, the man wasn't smart.

"Oh yeah? I'd like to see you try!" the man said smugly as he dropped into a fighting stance. He hopped on the balls of his feet, raising his fists to protect his face, before throwing a few punches at Teal'c's chest. The punches did nothing to injure the Jaffa, but they did serve to annoy him further. He grabbed the man by the front of his shirt and threw him to the side, where he went flying through the air for several feet before landing on the stone floor of the square. The man slowly got up, looking at Teal'c with horror before runnjing away.

"Nice one, T!" O'Neill commented as the people near them rejoined the queue, except for those in front. The entire queue and half of the square had seen the incident, and the people were looking at Teal'c with a mixture of fear and awe. The people in front of O'neill and Teal'c, parted, allowing them to jump right to the front and enter the pyramid.


I apologise for this being a day late, as I have good news and bad news. Good news is that I have a new computer! Bad news is that my new computer doesn't have Microsoft Word so I can't spellcheck my work. This explains the reason why there are more errors tha usual this time, so I ask of you to please tell me if there are any mistakes. I do try my best, but I'm only human, after all. I wish i was a pony...

But on a lighter note, my new computer is alot better than my old one, as Minecraft doesn't lag now. So I might start doing Lets Play vidioes of games that I play. I can't start right away, but when I do get it off the ground, you guys will be the first to know. please comment, like and point out any mistakes that you see. Also, the meat in the mystery meatloaf ain't meat...