• Published 23rd May 2015
  • 658 Views, 11 Comments

Love for a Change! - Ori Whitedeer

When the Cutie Map sends Twilight, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash on a new adventure, can the trio stop a terrible plot to harm the denizens of Wensleydale and convince a powerful ally to come out of the shadows and help save the town??

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2. Welcome to Wensleydale

Despite the ominous grey clouds and scent of impending rain on the wind, the cozy little village of Wensleydale seemed to radiate an inner warmth. Rainbow vines, which neatly coiled around well-kept cottage walls, slightly shimmered morning reds and oranges from what little light came to their leaves. Gaggles of foals, though slightly tired and thin looking to the visiting mares, galloped to manicured pots of dancing daises in anticipation of when the clouds would deliver their seeming promise of rain.

Twilight and the other mares looked to the townsfolk for any suspicious behavior, only to see tired but otherwise cheerful looking ponies. Wensleydale’s resemblance to Ponyville in its mood, architecture, and its denizens seemed to cause a slight unnerving rumble in the pit of Twilight’s stomach as they walked through the welcoming lane with Hoodwink guiding their steps.

“Thank you again for seeing me here safely. Are you hungry at all? The Skyfire Café has the best pepper-rose scones in all of Equestira,” Hoodwink offered.

“I am feeling a bit peckish. However, first thing's first -- where is the salon?” Rarity asked motioning to a mane that started to resemble an angry octopus. Hoodwink smiled and pointed to the end of the lane.

"Just down the avenue; Moonlight Blossom Salon and Spa -- Count Torcas raves about the service there and he is NOT a forgiving stallion when it comes to his looks," Hoodwink asserted causing an excited shine to come to the unicorn's sapphire eyes.

“It wouldn’t hurt to take in the sights while we’re visiting,” Twilight mused aloud, mind quickly working as a small, knowing smile came to her face, "Why don't you check out that spa, Rarity? I mean, any place that caters to a regular like the count would be a place worth visiting, and we'll meet you there once we're done at the cafe." Rarity blinked the remaining ignorance from her eyes as she gave an understanding nod.

"Sounds wonderful, I'll see you ladies later," Rarity nearly sung as she trotted in the direction of the spa.

“I’d be more than happy to take you by the cafe, it's the least I can do,” Hoodwink nodded as he turned to talk in the direction of Skyfire Café. Rainbow Dash and Twilight exchanged a look before following.

When they arrived Twilight noted the full seats and bustling atmosphere around the café’s patio. Some of the ponies, who sat sipping tea and eating snacks, seemed as healthy and normal as a pony could look, while others looked worn and sick despite their smiles and assurances.

“Hello, welcome to Skyfire Café!” An orange-coated Pegasus with what looked like flames for a mane called as she trotted over to the four with a spring in her hooves. Her mane seemed to burn as bright as her honest smile as she held up a note pad and pen. “How many?”

“Two,” Hoodwink answered with an apologetic bow, “I’d love to stay and dine with you all – but I have business about town. I know Miss Skyfire here will take great care of you. Once again, I’m very grateful for your help today and I hope we’ll meet again soon.”

“We hope so too, take care!” Twilight spoke with sincerity in her tone as the three waved and Hoodwink weakly walked away with a nervous flick of his tail.

“Right this way ladies! I have a table inside for a – princess I can assume?” Skyfire asked with excitement in her eyes.

“Yep, she’s the former star student of Celestia, the Princess of Friendship: Twilight Sparkle,” Rainbow Dash said with less enthusiasm than the first thirty or so times it was announced in her presence.

“That’s so cool – I’ve never had a princess in my café before. Um, is there like any protocol I need to follow -- bowing, certain number of cups, anything like that?” Skyfire asked with a worried pause.

“No, no – of course not, just the usual sitting and menu-giving,” Twilight felt her guard drop a little before giving a little cough and a nervous chuckle – which seemed to return a smile to Slyfire’s face. She quickly placed the menus down before them, ensuring none were crooked or backwards before allowing them to take their seats.

“Great! Please make yourself comfortable and,” Skyfire paused to look at her mini seating chart within her notebook, “Ah – Mode Seven will be your server. He’ll take great care of you. Please enjoy!” Skyfire said with a smile as she trotted towards the kitchen. Twilight watched her leave with a forced grin before turning her attention to Rainbow Dash who was seemingly reviewing the menu with mild surprise but little real interest.

"Huh, I didn't know Cloud Cookie Flip Cakes were a thing outside of Cloudsdale..."

"Rainbow, focus! I need to be keeping an eye out for suspicious or odd behavior," Twilight hissed through forced-grinning teeth as she waved to a small foal who she'd caught staring at her twitching wings. Rainbow Dash sighed and gave her a face AppleJack would approve of as she did her best to lower her raised brow.

"Twilight, the only reason you knew about Chrysalis was because she didn't get Cadence's personality right. We're probably not going to notice a thing off about..." Rainbow paused, motioning to a figure standing behind Twilight.

"Welcome to Skyfire Cafe, what can I get for you today?" the figure, a zebra with a finely-styled mane and a black turtleneck asked as his kind eyes seemed to sooth the tension at the table.

"Oh- Hello! Um, we need a minute to look the menus, but we'll both start with water," Twilight nervously spoke. Mode Seven nodded.

"May I recommend the peppered rose hot chocolate? Its spicy-sweet and a decision you won't regret," Mode asserted with a smiling nod.

"So do ALL of you zebras speak in rhyme?" Rainbow Dash blurted, earning her an outraged look from Twilight. Mode's smile faded as he quickly looked around for a flaming mane before leaning towards the table.

"Ugh, no! We don't. Skyfire told me to because she thought it would be a novelty and help business. I can't say she's wrong though -- bits are better when I do," Mode rolled his eyes with a sigh. For the first time since they arrived, Twilight's face softened, as she shot a sincere smile in Mode Seven's direction.

"Well you don't need to do that for for Rainbow and me, because I think it's kinda silly..." Twilight's eyes went wide for a moment before both she and Mode Seven shared a relieved laugh. "Let me get you those hot chocolates, on me, take your time," Mode insisted as he walked towards the kitchen.

"Modemodemodemodemodemodemode," Skyfire excitedly whispered as she waved a hoof for him to follow her into the kitchen.

"Yes?" Mode asked with an unsure sheen in his eyes.

"She's a princess, there's a princess in our cafe!" Skyfire squeaked, "How is she, is she nice? Is she royal?"

"She's thirsty. I'm going to fix her and her friend rose pepper hot chocolate while they look at the menus, like all of the other patrons -- how's Clora Phil holding up?" Mode asked, looking towards the inner part of the kitchen, where two cooks worked in harmony to handle the orders that had been flowing in since the cafe opened. One of the two chefs, a stallion with a dull green coat and a thin blue mane looked worn, baggy eyelids threatening to close at any moment.

"I told him to take some more time off but he just won't listen," Skyfire sighed.

"They never do. He won't last much longer at this rate. Has another batch arrived yet?" Mode asked as he turned to pull out two fancy-looking mugs and moved to a large, simmering pot of molten chocolate.

"Should be here sometime today, according to Laser Lemon. I hope it's stronger than the last batch -- who knows how long all this hiding is going to go on," Skyfire sighed as she handed Mode Seven a basket full of what looked like dried rose petals. Mode took the basket and generously sprinkled some of the dried petals into the cups of steaming, rich-smelling chocolate.

"We can only hope the mayor can deal with these militia members so things can go back to normal around here. I have a feeling the princess's arrival here may speed things up a bit," Mode Seven smiled as he placed the hot chocolate-filled mugs on a tray, balanced it on his head and walked back towards the princess who filled his heart with hope.


Hoodwink passed the clerk with an acknowledging nod, as she waved him on without so much as a sideways glance. The exhausted-looking mare snorted, eyes barely staying open, as he passed. Town hall seemed quieter compared to previous visits he'd made, the few workers that remained since the militia's stand seemed stressed but too tired to rush in his own half-closed eyes.

Hoodwink came up to a large wooden door, and raised a trembling hoof to knock when the massive slab quickly opened to reveal a familiar, irate mare's face.

"What took you so long?" She asked with an angry and worried intensity in her bright yellow eyes. Her black and white sport's coat made a rustling sound as she pulled Hoodwink into the room with a small gasp. He barely remained on his hooves as the mare pushed him towards the mayor's desk with a firm, pale-yellow hoof.

"Lemon, not so rough," Hoodwink winced as the sensation of sore wounds being slightly re-opened made it's way into his consciousness.

"What happened, did you fall into the roses again? You clumsy idiot, I swear! I told you to wait for me, but noooo, 'I can handle this Lemon, I'm well enough to go by myself, Lemon'--"

"Laser Lemon, that's quite enough," the mayor, who had a firm brown hoof over his face firmly spoke with a sigh, "What matters is that he's here now. What word do you bring from Neighmurk, Monkshood?" the mayor asked.

"Don't call him that, Manefred -- you don't know who could be listening," Laser Lemon hissed as she shot a suspicious gaze to the mayor's assistant, a light brown stallion with a bucket hat who seemed far more interested in organizing law books and invoices than their conversation.

"Oh and 'Hoodwink' is any better? It means "to trick somepony." Very subtle," Manefred scoffed.

"Well he wouldn't go with my suggestion..." Lemon huffed.

"I'm not a Hoodlum, Lemon," the stallion who called himself Hoodwink pouted.

"Yeah you're not; you don't have enough cred--"

"ANYWAY, we're safe in here, unless you were unsuccessful in rooting out the remaining militia members..." Mayor Manefred asked with a tilt of his head and a raise of his brow.

"I got them all, don't you worry. The only ones not in jail are the three we know about; they're the most dangerous, and resourceful of all," Laser Lemon asserted through gritted teeth as thoughts of the mare among them made the hair on the back of her neck bristle.

"At any rate..." Mayor Manefred looked to the stallion, whom he called 'Monkshood", with a wanting gaze.

"Ah, yes sir. I have detailed letters from the Count and the Lady right here, along with the next batch of potions. The Lady ensures that, while they are still not what we'll need in the long run, they'll be sufficient to keep everyone in good health for much longer," Monkshood nodded and pulled the notes along with two small packages from his saddlebags. They made a small clinking sound as he placed them on the desk in front of Manefred, who took them with a relieved smile.

"Same dosage as the last batch?" Manefred asked, opening one of the packages and taking one of the vials out. He held the small vial filled with thick, slimy looking ooze and swirled it about in his hoof with an inspecting gaze.

"Less actually, only one drop under the tongue instead of two. Doesn't taste nearly as bad either. It's rather minty," Monkshood mused as he swishes his tongue in his mouth, as if trying to feel for the taste.

"Is that old lady using you as a guinea pig again? Not that I care, but should she be doing that in your condition?"

"Who else can she use? The count? You know she won't risk that," Monkshood sighed as Laser Lemon stamped a hoof with a snort.

"Anything else to report?" Mayor Manefred asked with an impatient tick.

"Yes actually," Monkshood's face seemed to brighten as he spoke, "A princess is here. The Princess of Friendship, Twilight Sparkle, along with two of the Elements of Harmony. I'm sure once we explain things to her, she'll be able to help us --"

"Uh, the princess who helped rid Canterlot of Queen Chrysalis's army? Are you serious? She's the last thing we need!" Laser Lemon shouted as Monkshood rubbed his ringing ear. Mayor Manfred looked away for a moment as a slowly spreading smile came to his face.

"There is someone who might make her understand..." Mayor Manefred stated, gaze resting on Monkshood with implication and suggestion. Monkshood's eye's widened for a moment before bringing a shaking hoof to his muzzle in thought.

"Bring Princess Twilight to the Lady? Are you sure that's a good idea? I know the Lady will not like that, not one bit," Monkshood mused out loud.

"If anyone can convince the princess to help us, it's her," Mayor Manefred nodded to the pair with a knowing spark in his sky blue eyes. Laser Lemon scoweled and squinted for a moment before fully closing her eyes with a nod.

"You're right, for once. The old bag might be able to explain things better than we can. Come one whatever your name is, we need to go collect some ponies and head out," Laser Lemon commanded with a flick of her short, bright-yellow tail.

"Y-You're coming too?"

"Duh, I'm not letting you go through Neighmurk like that and with three strange mares," Laser Lemon spoke as she shot a sharp gaze to the stallion, causing his steps to momentarily falter as they made their way from the mayor's office in the direction of Skyfire Cafe.


"...and then she says, 'is that your mane or did a griffon build a nest on your head?'" the stylist quipped, causing the purple-maned unicorn sitting just in front of her to howl with loud but dignified laughter.

"Oh my, Moonlight Blossom -- you are a delight! I'm so glad that nice young stallion recommended this place -- and wherever did you find this product?" Rarity gushed as she poured over the various bottled and tonics available in the brochure in her lap. The pink unicorn with silver and indigo stripes in her perfectly quaffed mane gently brushed through Rarity's frazzled mane as she brought sharpened sheers through it, removing small split ends that had formed during her journey.

"Let's just say I have very discerning customers who expect only the best. I would close this place down for good before I'd let any of my clients look less then perfect when they walk out that door," Moonlight Blossom asserted.

"A friend we met in town said a count visits here often?" Rarity asked with what sounded like innocence and ignorance despite the slight glow of knowledge behind her eyes. Moonlight's face grew bright for a moment as she gave a firm nod.

"Yes, Count Ca-- ahem, Torcas used to visit every week for his mane styling and trim, hoofacure, full-body massage, and facial treatments before," Moonlight paused with a sigh, "before all this nasty business with a group of thugs."

"Group of thugs?" Rarity asked with concern clear on her face.

"Nothing you need worry your pretty head over miss Rarity -- but let's just say there is an group causing a lot of trouble for us, a very dangerous lot, and well, they've threatened the count and his lady multiple times to the point they rarely risk coming into town anymore. It's a shame, and on top of that I lost my best customer," Moonlight shook her head as she began rubbing a sweet smelling conditioner in Rarity's mane. It was then that the door to the salon opened, causing the small bell tied about the threshold to jingle.

"Good afternoon, Moonlight Blossom," the weak-sounding voice meekly greeted with a yawn. Moonlight's face filled with shock and worry as she gently arranged Rarity's hair in a clip before trotting towards the door. Rarity's eyes occasionally drifted to the mirror, allowing her to see the interaction.

"Miss Kalila, are you alright? The Lady said you need to stay in bed," Moonlight softly spoke, moving a worried hoof beneath the rose-colored unicorn's chin. Kalila shook her lavender-maned head with a weak but very sweet smile.

"I took my medicine today and I'm feeling much better--"

"Two drops under the tongue?" Moonlight asked with a motherly tone. Kalila nodded with a small shudder as the memory of the algae-taste returned to her mind.

"Do you have any time for a leg massage today?" Kalila said, straining to walk to the waiting area where she sat with a thud and a wince.

"Of course, dear. Please feel free to fix yourself some tea and I'll take care of you once I'm done with this nice lady," Moonlight Blossom spoke as she walked back to where Rarity sat. She shook her head with a sigh.

"Is everything alright, Moonlight? She looks, rather exhausted," Rarity carefully inquired. Moonlight Blossom nodded with a saddened frown.

"Yes and no; unfortunately a bit of a super bug has been going around here and since things have been so restricted with that gang still on the loose, the medicine we need to help the sick can't get to us fast enough."

"That's terrible. Can't the hospitals take care of them, can't they acquire the medicines?"

"If only they could, but the medicine itself is terribly hard to produce, or so I've heard. There's only once place all the the ingredients can be found, and it takes a little over a month to fully leach all the curative juices out of it, according to the Count," Moonlight put the final touches on Rarity's mane before stylishly wrapping it up in her designer, blue-diamond scarf. "Now you're going to want to keep your hair up and allow the product to settle in. Plus, as I'm sure you're well aware, the weather is not kind to styled manes."

"Thank you so much for your help, Moonlight Blossom. I'll speak to my friends about this and see if they can't help get this medicine delivered any faster. Do you happen to know who we should talk to about this?" Rarity asked is she handed 20 bits to Moonlight. The stylish gave a soft, knowing smile as she answered.

"Count Torcas and his Lady."