• Published 18th May 2012
  • 747 Views, 10 Comments

The Story To Dizzy Paws - DizzyPaws356

This is going to be a longer version of my background story with detail and much longer. enjoy.

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Chapter3: Home Sweet Home.

Made by: Dizzy Paws

Chapter3: Home Sweet Home

Dizzy Paws wakes up from a long sleep. In front of him sits a muffin and his apple right next to it. Wondering what the muffin is, he leans in and sniffs it. Being the best thing he has ever smelt, he takes a bite. Finishing the muffin and his apple he sits on the floor. Looking around the room seeing book shelf's full of colorful books and well painted paintings. He finds one that caches his eyes. It's a picture of a forest. The leafs being pumpkin orange, apples red as fire, the dirt path that looks freshly used, and the sky being blue as the ocean but with a few cotton clouds.

His eyes looking around the painting, getting lost from the sight he is looking at. Stepping closer and closer till he is just a few steps from the wall. The tall wooden wall painted a misty blue color. He sits looking up at the painting. Thinking that it is something from the past, he zone out on it. He has he slowly zones back into the world hearing the sound from the stairs, the mare is walking down. Clip, clop, clip, clop. Dizzy Paws looks for a place he can hide. The only thing he can think of is back under the blanket that kept him warm.

The blue mare walks down the stairs and into the room with Dizzy Paws hiding in the blankets. As he stay still and scared wondering what to do, he stays still. "Hello, sweetie." saying in a soft voice just a few steps behind the couch. "It’s okay, your safe here." she just stands and watches him, "Did you like your snack? I put it there so if you got hungry when you woke up you had something to eat.". Dizzy Paws slowly moves the blanket from him to show his face nodding. The mare smiles, and slowly walks around the couch and sits next to him.

The mare gently picks up Dizzy Paws and holds him in her arms. He feels the warmth from her body gently heating up his, he smiles. The feeling of being hugged, to Dizzy Paws is the best thing he has felt in the longest he can think of. He feeling safe and warm, he smiles. Seeing the smile upon Dizzy Paws face, the mare couldn't help but to smile. They sit as the mare holds him as if he was her own. Silently they sit for about a half an hour.Hearing the sounds of the steps of the hooves from the stalin walking down the stairs, making the mare looking back to him.

"Good morning honey." said by the smiling mare. "Hello." said by the stalin. The stalin walks over to the mare holding Dizzy Paws, he looks down at them. "Well I better start to get to work." said by the stalin. he grabs his bag and start to leave. Dizzy Paws now knowing what he was doing, he just lay in the arms of the mare. When more time passes the mare got up, and put him back onto the couch. When he looks at the mare with a face asking what is she going to do. The mare ask him with a firm voice "Would you like something to eat?". He shakes his head no.

The mare walks to the kitchen to make her something it eat. Dizzy Paws wondering what to do, he slowly walks to the table. Looking up at the towering chair that stood tall, he climes it. Sitting in the chair just barely able to see over the table, he waits. As he watches the mare cook, his ears are up. When she looks back seeing the top of Dizzy Paws head. She smiles, "Hello there. What you doing?" she tells him in a playful voice. Dizzy Paws lowers his head so his face is hidden, but the mare can see his ears. Thinking it looks very cute, she giggles a little.

As the mare finishes cooking and sets it on the table, she starts to eat. Dizzy Paws on the other side of the table just watches her. Just being able to see over the table, he watches the mare eat. When she finished, she went to the sink and cleans her plate. Dizzy Paws being bored of the chair, he slowly jumps down to the floor. Starting to wonder around the house as the mare cleans up the kitchen. Looking around ending up looking up the stairs. Seeing the stairs stacking up to the second floor. He slowly walks up each step. Clip, clop, clip, clop.

When he gets to the top of the stairs to the second floor, he looks down. Seeing the stairs looking bigger then they looked from the first step. He looks down the hallway, seeing three doors. He walks to the first one, slowly pushing it open, looking inside. He sees a clean room with a bed in the corner, looking as if no pony slept in it. The pillows snow white, the blanket being a sky blue color, and the sheets are a darker blue. Dizzy Paws goes to it, slowly climbing up the side of it to get on the top.

He looks around the sides to the red rugged floor. Just sitting in the bed wondering what to do, he just ponders. The mare downstairs looking around not seeing Dizzy Paws. Checks the downstairs, she start to make her way up the stairs. Hearing the sound of the mare walking up stairs, he go’s to the door. Thinking he shouldn't go in the room he sits. The mare walks into the room where Dizzy Paws is. As he sits in the middle of the room looking up at the mare. "There you are sweetie. You know you shouldn't wonder off without telling anypony."

When he looks down, the mare goes to him and warp her arm around him. "It's okay, I’ll always find you." he push his body onto hers. When he feels the warms of feel of the mothers loving hug was warmer than the sun that beat down on Dizzy Paws during the days he was walking in the woods. He feels that he has found a home that he will stay for a long time. When the mare lets go of Dizzy Paws, he smiles. As the day goes on, Dizzy Paws follows the blue mare. Around every day, he helps her to clean, cook time to time, and play. The stalin it out to work, help building and fix houses.

One day the blue mare was sitting on the couch reading a book when she hears a thunk coming from Dizzy Paws room. She quickly runs up the stairs. When she gets to his room, she opens the door. Seeing Dizzy Paws on the floor crying. she goes to him, "What's wrong sweetie." she hold him gently as he holds her back. Rubbing Dizzy Paws back gently, she hums a genital song from when she was a little filly. "Feeling better sweetie?" ask the mare after a few minutes. Dizzy Paws looks up at the mare, always seeing the loving face of hers every time something happens

As a few years pass Dizzy Paws is old enough to attend school. A few days before school starts, the couple is talking in there room. He starts the walk down the hallway, hearing the couple talking in there room. "Well... I don’t know... What about the other filly's and colt's make fun of his eyes?" the mare said to the stalin "He's a strong colt and he will be fine." the stalin tells the mare. When Dizzy Paws wonders what they are talking about. He walks to the mirror on the table. Looking in the mirror seeing his reflection. His dark gray coat and his mane black with a white and gray stripe.

Wondering why his eyes are not like the couple's eyes. His are different, they look like they are looking other ways but he can see fine. Lowering his ears, thinking that they don't want him because of his eyes. He walks to his room and crawl under his blanket. Lying in his bed curl in a ball of feathers and fur. After ten minutes the mare walks into the room with Dizzy Paws, "Sweetie... You okay?" ask the mare to Dizzy Paws. Seeing him nod under the blanket, she sits next to him. Moves the blanket to see the little of the ball of fur and feathers.

"It's okay sweetie. Want me to make you some muffins?" Dizzy Paws looks up to her and nods. She smiles and goes down to the kitchen. She starts to make the muffins. Dizzy Paws starts to feel better and walks to the mare. He stands next to her and gently leans onto her leg. She looks down and smiles at him, "So your feeling better i see." he nods. The muffins are done and freshly out of the oven. Dizzy Paws raises his ears in happiness as the mare gives him the muffin. He start to eat the muffin, smiling. He doe's not know why he loves muffins so much, but he does.

The day comes to the first day of school. The mare places an apple and a muffin in a lunch bag. He walks with the mare to the school. Clip, clop, clip, clop. They walk side by side to the school. With each step to the school Dizzy Paws thinks. 'What if the others don't like me?' he thinks to himself. Being jut down the street to the school they arrive. "Okay sweetie. I'll be back when it is over. Just wait for me in the class room. Have a good day." she leans in giving him a kiss on the cheek. As Dizzy Paws walks into the school, the mare watches him. When Dizzy Paws is out of sight of the mare, she starts to walk home.