• Published 20th May 2015
  • 889 Views, 15 Comments

Reaching the end of the rainbow - ginger468

Rainbow dash reaches the end of her life and she'll make every minute count.

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The story

Rainbow Dash was flying through the sky enjoying the wind blowing against her face, the adrenaline rush, and the excitement of the fillies on the ground as they saw her fly. Then she realized that she had a doctor's appointment. Well she had to go she couldn't skip it she already used every excuse in the book. So she flew to the doctor's office.

She got in did some blood test, scans ya know, the usual and some new tests like scans of almost everything waste of time if ya ask me. Then she sat down and waited for doctor to come in and say she was aokay. But she heard arguing from the other room.

"I'm not gonna tell her! You know I just can't tell her you know." one doctor said.

The other yelled "I don't want to either so can ya please do it this one time?"

"Fine, oh I hate doing this." the first doctor replied.

Rainbow Dash thought "Well if I was cooped up in office I'd hate doing my job to." The doctor came in with a nervous look. Rainbow Dash thought it was weird for a doctor to be nervous and saw no real reason to be nervous.

The doctor said slowly "Now Rainbow Dash I need you to be calm. After we took your blood they had to take some other tests to make and well this." He reveled a picture of Rainbow's heart scan. There was a weird lump on it. The doctor said slowly and calmly "Rainbow please be calm about this. You have.... cancer of the heart."

Rainbow Dash paused for and said "Umm I think I misheard you, that sounded like the c word."

"I'm afraid you have heart cancer. The doctors don't know how long you have to live but at the most it's going to be some time soon. Rainbow Dash I am terribly sorry." the doctor responded.

No Rainbow Dash thought no this can't happen. She plunged at the doctor and yelled "No it can't be possible no! IT CANT HAPPEN NOO IT CAN'T"

"Security help!!" the doctor screamed.

Two security guards came in and dragged Rainbow Dash away while she yelled "NO IT CAN'T BE NO! JUST NOOOOO!"

The security guards threw Rainbow Dash out and as she laid on the cold ground she started to cry.

Rainbow Dash flew quickly to her house but had to go slowly because her heart started to hurt. She arrived to her house in tears she then went to her bedroom and she just fell on her bed and cried even harder.

She looked at picture of her friends and said "I almost forgot I have to tell my friends. Oh (sniff) this is going hardest thing in my life." This she wished she hadn't have to do but she had to starting with Pinkie Pie. Rainbow Dash flew into Sugar Cube Corner.

"Helloooo Rainbow Dash, how have you been doing." Pinkie Pie said happily "What's a matter Rainbow Dash (gasp) I know how to turn that frown upside down."

Rainbow sat on a stool and put her head on the table with a sad look. Pinkie came into the kitchen and came out with a plate of 3 rain boom cupcakes and a glass of apple cider. Rainbow's frown turned into a smile as she enjoyed the meal given by Pinkie Pie. Pinkie Pie yelled "I made you your favorite, Rain Boom cup cakes!"

After the meal Rainbow Dash quickly went back to being depressed. Pinkie thought this was strange what ever made Rainbow sad must've been awful.

"What's a matter Dash? Normally cider would make you happy." Pinkie asked. Rainbow knew she had to tell Pinkie Pie.

"The doctor said i'm going to..... oh Pinkie i'm going to die soon!" Rainbow Dash responded.

Pinkie face was almost flooded with tears. "Rainbow your going to going to." Rainbow nodded her head and Pinkie bursted into tears "Rainbow I I I."

Pinkie then collapsed and cried even harder. "I don't want to lose you I can't lose you." Pinkie cried out.

Rainbow Dash held up Pinkie Pie and cried "Oh Pinkie I don't wanna die either! I don't want to leave you guys. I just don't want to!"

After Pinkie and Rainbow Dash calmed down Rainbow said "I have to go tell Apple Jack."

Pinkie Pie said "I have to go to my room and think about some things. And look back at some fond memories." Rainbow though this was pretty ground up of her. Rainbow would miss that smile and how the area would brighten up and laughter would fill the air. Rainbow would miss her smile, that joyful that says everything is going to be fine.

Off to Applejack's place. Rainbow Dash flew slowly to the Apple family farm. Apple Jack was just sitting down on a lawn chair enjoying the sun's warm gaze.

"Well hi there Rainbow how yall doing. I'd wish you come earlier I just got done teaching Crud Hooves a lesson if you know what I mean." Apple Jack said cheerfully.

Rainbow Dash responded "We need to talk, death related stuff."

Rainbow Dash and Applejack walked in the barn and sat down on a pile of hay. "So what do you have to tell and you can tell me anything, honest." Apple Jack asked. Rainbow was a bit hesitant to tell Apple Jack but she had to tell her.

"Apple Jack please don't cry when I tell you this I don't like it when I have to see the people I love sad but, i'm going to pass away soon." Rainbow Dash replied. Tears starting rolling down Apple Jack's face.

Apple Jack cried "No it can't be! NOT YOU RAINBOW DASH!"

Apple Jack sad expression turned into a angry tone "Why the hell does this shit happen! You don't deserve they don't deserve it! It's just not fucking fair dammit!" Apple Jack got up yelled "Ponies like fucking Crud Hooves deserve to die not you, not you!"

Rainbow Dash yelled "What?! No pony deserves the fate that I'm going to have!"

Apple Jack yelled "No Rainbow Dash, anyone but you deserves this anyone but you!"

Rainbow Dash held on to Applejack and said "No nopony derserves this, hell not even Discord of all ponies!"

Apple Jack cried "(sniff) I'm sorry I just i just, I don't wanna lose you too!"

Rainbow Dash could understand Apple Jack's pain "Apple Jack I understand you hate losing ponies ever since you lost your parents you never wanted to see anypony else go. You don't deserve this but I know you can pull through, your Apple Jack."

After Apple Jack calmed down and accepted Rainbow's fate. Rainbow dash flew to Flutter Shy's house. But her reaction was weird. When Rainbow Dash told Flutter Shy the news Flutter Shy just said nervously "(gasp) It's almost time, um I need some time alone."

Weird, Rainbow Dash thought she was going to cry but reacting like that was just strange for Fluttershy.

But now she had to go tell Rarity the news.

Rainbow opened the door to Rarity's house and said "Rarity I need to talk to you."

Rarity said joyfully "Well hello there darling, what is it that you need to tell me?"

Rainbow Dash realized that Rarity was in a good mood but she had to tell her so she said "Rarity please don't cry but, I'm going to die soon."

Rarity's joyful mood turned into a depressed tone. Rarity cried "Rainbow your going to!"

Rarity then fell to down to ground and cried "Rainbow Dash you you you oh why in Celestia's name!"

Rainbow Dash picked up Rarity and cried "Please don't cry just please don't cryyyy!."

Rarity responded "Rainbow Dash, ok i'll do it for you, i'll just miss you very much."

Rainbow Dash was glad that Rarity could stop crying, seeing her friends was just to much and she realized that was the worst sound imaginable.

Rainbow Dash flew off to tell Twilight who was in her castle library. Rainbow came into the castle library and said "Twilight we need to talk important stuff."

Twilight responded and said "Yes Rainbow Dash?"

Rainbow Dash cried and said "Well I've already told everyone but (sniff) i'm going to die."

Twilight cried "Rainbow, this is terrible your one of the people who taught me the meaning of friendship and to see you go I justk new the day would come but not this soon. Rainbow i'll miss you just seeing you go just. It's to soon for some pony like you."

Rainbow Dash replied "Wow thank you Twilight, thank you. I'll miss you to."

Twilight stopped crying and said "Okay i'll have to write to Celestia and tell her you told everyone the news. You did tell everyone, right?"

Rainbow Dash forgot that she had to tell Scootaloo. Rainbow thought oh celestia I don't wanna tell she's been through enough shit in his life. It's better i tell her now rather then let her find ou the hard way.

Rainbow Dash thought "I'll do it tomorrow, while I also spend the day with her, the whole day with her."

The next day Rainbow Dash flew to Scootaloo and Scootaloo said "Wow hey Rainbow Dash, what are you doing today?"

Rainbow Dash said "Well I think I'll spend the whole day with you Scootaloo."

Scootaloo smiled wide and said "(gasp) Your really going to spend the whole day with me, oh thank thank you thank youuuuu Rainbow Dash thank you so very much!"

So there day began they had Pancakes at Crud and Shoestring's place for free, went swimming until the ravens showed up, and finally Rainbow Dash had one thing left that she wanted to do. She wanted to teach Scootaloo.

So after failed attempt and failed attempt something great happened. Scootaloo said "Oh I can't do it! Oh whats the freaking point! Diamond Tiara is right I'll never fly."

Rainbow Dash looked at Scootaloo and said "Look kid I know that you can do it, your awesome like me and when your awesome like me you can do anything."

Scootaloo said "Okay Rainbow. I'll do it because I'm awesome like rainbow dash eeeee" So Rainbow went up the tree and jumped.

Then Scootaloo to her amazement she flew and yelled happily "I'm flying i'm finally flying! WOOO HOOO! This is awesome!"

After Scootaloo flew for a while she realized Rainbow Dash wasn't flying.

Scootaloo flew down to Rainbow Dash and asked "Why are you not flying?"

Rainbow Dash looked at Scootaloo and said tearfully "Well Scootaloo when I fly my heart hurts because well, i'm going to die."

Scootaloo started crying and yelled "No Rainbow Dash, it can't be. I can't lose you I have no one else, I just can't lose you not now!"

Rainbow Dash came and hugged Scootaloo and cried "I know how you feel, when my parents died I couldn't stand the thought they where gone. But then I remembered something. I loved them and they loved me and they had a great life. So I might be gone but I will always love you Scootaloo."

Scootaloo hugged Rainbow Dash and said "I love you Rainbow Dash. Hey mind if I sleep with you tonight?"

Rainbow replied "Don't mind at all Scootaloo."

Scootaloo did cry in the middle of the night and cried "Rainbow Dash going to die (sniff) Rainbooooow."

The next day Rainbow Dash woke up with Scootaloo sleeping next to her. She then heard knocking on the door. Rainbow Dash opened the door. It was Pinkie Pie and she said "You will not believe what I did!"

Rainbow Dash responded "What is it?"

Pinkie Said excitingly "I arranged you a race with the wonderbolts!"

Rainbow Dash eyes sparkle and smiled wide and yelled "A race with the wonderbolts!? Oh my gosh thank you Pinkie Pie you don't know how much that means to me thank you!" Rainbow Dash went back to her bedroom and told Scootaloo "Scootaloo i'm going to race with the wonderbolts!"

Scootaloo woke up and said "Huh, the wonder, THE WONDERBOLTS! SURE I'LL COME! Wait what about your heart?"

Rainbow Dash replied "It's the wonderbolts it's a one in a lifetime chance, I don't care if my heart hurts!"

So Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo, and Pinkie Pie went to the Wonderbolts.

Rainbow Dash was really excited to race with the Wonderbolts. But wouldn't be cool if she beat them? She and the other Wonderbolts at the starting line.

Then the announcer yelled "On your mark, get set, GO!"

Rainbow Dash flew quickly though the sky. She has never flew so fast in her life before, and before she could say anything else she was in first place. The finish line was she was gaining on it. But her heart to started to hurt extremely. She continued to fly although the searing pain in her heart was only getting worse.

Rainbow Dash passed the finish line. Rainbow Dash has never been so happy in her life before. Her dream to race with the wonderbolts was finally fulfilled. She's never been happier in her life, but the she had a heart attack and she then screamed in agony. She fell towards the ground and she was out cold.

Scootaloo screamed "Rainbow are you ok Rainbow?! Rainbow is that sirens?! Rainbow NOOOOO!"