• Published 15th May 2015
  • 2,127 Views, 34 Comments

Fluttershy's Wynter Sonnet - Night Rush

A story about Fluttershy and the foal who stole he heart

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Chapter 5

The warm sunlight beamed through the curtains in Fluttershy’s cottage as she hummed happily with the song birds.The giggles from the foal echoed as she played with Angel; the white bunny was highly displeased with the coat of slobber he wore,but the giggling foal was one of only two ponies he could not seem to resist. The laughter made Fluttershy’s smile grow, but the sudden rush of darkness caused her and the filly to pause. A crack of thunder roared and with the heavy rain came the infant's cries. Fluttershy ran to the foal and picked her up, shakily cooing to the child despite the rapid bearing of her heart. Outside the winds began to stir and it quickly grew into a cacophony that billowed against the cottages exterior. Lightening Illuminated the the dark home with its sudden flashes of light,
and sent them shaking with the roar of the thunder that followed.

It was as if magic was powering the storm. The cottage walls shook and fell, peeling away like the layers of an onion, one by one and piece by piece. Fluttershy’s ears dropped in fear, but the cries of the of the foal suddenly stopped, sending the pegasus’ senses in overdrive. she glanced at her hooves to find the fill gone. Panic set in as she searched, her eyes scanning the dark and damp terrain. The fallen wall of the cottage slowly began to rebuild themselves around the frightened pony, closing in on her as she scrambled around in desperation, searching for the filly.

The cottage that surrounded her now was was dark and gloomy. Cobwebs lined the the corners of the ceiling, and the windows were covered in vines. The raging storm made the house creak as it withheld against the harsh battering winds. The fear in her was quelled as she reminded herself of the foal and she trudged through the desolate building to find the infant. There was no crying to lead her, so fluttershy pushed forward through the fear to search for the infant who needed her. As she searched from room to room her hope could not help to sink when each and room turned to be empty with no sign of the foal to be had. The filly was nowhere to be found. She slammed the door to the last room open in a panic, but the crib in the room was covered in a thick layer of dust as if no one had stepped foot in here for far too long. Fluttershy stepped into the room and glanced around at the crib with the adorable teddy bear mobile, except to colorful thing looked worn with some of the bears ripped and missing limbs. The wood of the crib was splintered and rotting. Inside the crib laid a butterfly blanket that was yellowed with age and motheaten. She knew that this was the filly's room, but she stared at the foreign objects with a hysterical gasp.

Overlooking the crib was a window that seemed free of the ever present vines that seemed to be choking the house. She could see flashes illuminating the deteriorating crib, but with her concentration on the child's resting spot the sudden slam of the window opening startled her. A loud squeal escaped her and she jumped away with fear filled eyes. The harsh winds forced the shutters of the window open and they slammed against the walls with the torrent. Fluttershy rushed to close the window to keep the storm outside and locked the panes with a slightly relieved sigh. She worried for the infant and turned to search the house once more when a piece of paper fluttered to the floor. It was a piece of parchment that looked newer than the rest of the worn and decrepit cottage with scrawled lettering in fresh ink. she picked it up, her eyes widening as she skimmed the note again and again

She’s mine! The foal is mine! your last chance to see her is now, so you better hurry before she returns with me!

Fluttershy dropped the parchment and galloped from the room. The threatening tone of the note frightened her and she was determined to find the filly no matter what it would take. the foal was no longer in the cottage with her. Fluttershy threw open the front door, ready to brace herself against the raging storm to find the child, but the sight that greeted her stopped her dead in her tracks.

The rotting door had given way to a skeletal figure that resembled a pegasus with rotting flesh that seemed to drip of its grotesque figure. It held a rather small box, holding out toward Fluttershy. As she stepped forward on shaky hooves, she looked into the the box. Her eyes fell upon the infants body and she recoiled. The sight of the foal, her foal, curled up in the box and lifeless pained her. Tears stung her eyes , but she had no time to mourn because the phantom began to step away taking, her Wyntre, with him. She ran to take the baby from him, but she could not keep up. she watched as the phantom took the infant up high and dropped the box. Fluttershy watched in horror as the filly fell and the darkness closed in on her as she screamed.

It was at that moment that she awoke from her nightmare screaming and thrashing as the morning light filtered in from the window. She looked around frantically trying to figure out where she was and find the foal. As she realized she where she was, she quickly looked the her side and found the foal who was now starting to cry due to being frightened by Fluttershy’s abrupt awakening. Never was she more happy to see the little foal than at that moment when she realized it was just a bad dream. She brushed her hoof across the foal’s hair and began to get things ready for the day. She planned to take the foal and go shopping, and after that head to the park, but before any of that came more important things such as feeding and cleaning her.

Fluttershy comforted foal gently and picked her up and checked her diaper. Once she was sure the diaper needed to be changed she gathered up the diapers and wipes, and changed her. Changing her went smoothly for the most part with the only hiccup being when the young foal decided to let out a small tinkle and got both of them messy. After she cleaned herself up she prepared some formula and fed her.

Fluttershy then put the foal carrying pouch and placed her in it and without any interruptions set out to see things around town with the young foal. The first store they arrived at was a boutique that specialized in foal nutrition. Inside there was books on proper food preparation and recipes for foals. One such book was called Cooking For Your Miracle: A New Mother's Guide to Proper Foal Nutrition and Food Care. The book had different ways to prepare foods so that they would be soft enough to eat for a foal as well as different recipes and recommendations to make sure they had a balanced diet. The store also contained tools for making a foals food such as extra bottles, tenderizers for different types of vegetables and other things. In the end Fluttershy decided all she needed from here was the Cooking For Your Miracle book and some extra bottles.

The next store they went to was a young pony’s paradise, or possibly Pinkie Pie’s, depending on the party she was throwing. It had toys, blankets, party supplies, playpens, and more. The only thing it was missing was a giant cake and a party cannon. She walked around letting the foal look at all the different toys they had available to her. In the end the little one decided on a beige stuffed unicorn mare with a blue mane and purple headphone along with a tan earth pony mare holding a small ciello. To Fluttershy they looked suspiciously like Vinyl Scratch and Octavia, and for herself she marked down things that she would keep in mind for the future should she be allowed to keep the filly. After that they found a supply store and made the necessary purchases of diapers, wipes, and formula.

By this point, both Fluttershy and the foal were hungry. This caused the young one to start crying and making Fluttershy herself uncomfortable with the loud rumbling of her stomach. Lucky for them there was a small cafe off the side of the park where they were headed. Once they arrived and were seated at a table Fluttershy ordered herself a sandwich with diced crystal barries with lettuce tomato and and and crystal corn with a tart crystal berry and apple dressing to top it off, with cubed apples and hot caramel on the side to finish off the meal. For the foal she asked for the cinnamon crystal-berrysauce with and proceeded to feed her with a bottle until it arrived. Once the food arrived, Fluttershy alternated between feeding herself and spooning berrysauce into the young foal’s mouth. Unfortunately the young foal got as much of it in her as she did on her causing her to have it running down the sides of her face and down her chin. When they had finished eating, Fluttershy attempted to clean the foal’s face, but every time she tried the foal would try to get away by ducking her face or turning it to the side. It took the next couple of minutes to get the young filly cleaned, and by the time it was done you would have thought the young foal had been offended in the highest manner possible by the look on her face.

After leaving the little cafe, they went and relaxed in the park. Fluttershy watched the butterflies dance as the young filly played with newly aquired stuffed animals. The little foal was having a blast giggling and laughing as she played with Fluttershy on the grass. By the time they left the foal had finished all of her bottles of formula and was ready for her nap as was made evident by her falling asleep in Fluttershy’s lap while playing.

Fluttershy got up placed the foal in her pouch and made her way back to the palace.when she arrived back and made it to their quarters she found a note on her door.

Dear Fluttershy, I am sorry to have missed you. I hope you and the foal had a great day out in town. I know that with everything that's been going on you probably needed some time to just have a little fun and relax after everything we talked about yesterday. Shining Armor and I expect to hear from our scout later this afternoon so with any luck we'll have news for you tomorrow.

Your Friend,


Having read this Fluttershy could not help but feel both excited and scared for depending on what the scout reported this little foal would either be going back to its parents or be joining her. After having given it much thought, she honestly could not picture a life where she did not have this child in it, and though it may be a little selfish, she honestly hoped the child would come home with her. However if her parents were found, and proved to be good ponies, she would want the baby to rejoin them because she did not wish to split a family apart. These feelings often left her conflicted and not knowing what she should feel or hope for. In the end, the only things she was certain of was that she loved this filly and wanted the best for her.

After entering their quarters, Fluttershy laid the young foal down as gently as she could tenderly planting a kiss on her forehead. She quietly walked across the room, hoping the foal would remain asleep for her nap. Fluttershy intended to read through the book she bought earlier in the day, and luckily for her the little thing was sound asleep and would not be easily disturbed. For the next hour, Fluttershy read through her book and occasionally bookmarked a page so that she could return to it latter, should she have questions or be unable to remember something.

It was toward the end of the foal’s nap that she woke up crying. Fluttershy rushed over to check her only to find out she was just cranky because she needed to be changed. After calming the foal down, Fluttershy set out to change her, giving her a fresh diaper and a clean bottom. Having done that, the foal decided she wanted to play and gave a look to her care taker that all but insisted that Fluttershy play with her. Fluttershy spent the next little while alternating between playing peek-a-boo and tickling her. It was during a moment when the foal was being tickled that a knock came at the door. Fluttershy with a tender smile on her face kissed the little filly on her nose and went to answer the door. When she opened the door she found Delicatessa standing there waiting on her.

“Delicatessa! Good morning! How are you doing, would you like to come In?” Fluttershy asked Delicatessa unsure what the pony would come to see her about.

“Thank you, Fluttershy. Sorry about just popping in unannounced, but since I had not seen the two of you today I thought I would see how you were getting on.”

Having stated her purpose for coming over she followed Fluttershy into her quarters. They sat in silence for a little bit just watching the foal crawl around and play with herself on the floor. She would pick up her various stuffed animals and alternate between chewing on their ears and noses to prancing them roughly back and forth in front of herself.

Delicatessa broke the silence, “So, how has your day been? Anything you have questions about or just want to get off your chest?”

Fluttershy sighed a little, She had kept herself occupied most of the day so that she would not have time to worry about whether or not the foal's parents would be found or the nightmare she had the previous night would ever come to pass.

“Its been good for the most part. I just keep myself busy and do what I can.” Fluttershy said quietly, as if speaking even softer would make her worries vanish just like the breath used to speak her words, but unfortunately that was not the case.

Delicatessa seemed to pick up on to Fluttershy’s nervousness, “Would you like to tell me what is bothering you? I am not promising you I will have all the answers, but sometimes just sharing your troubles with somebody can make them more bearable.”

When those words were spoken it was as if the floodgates that were all Fluttershy’s worries and fears opened as she poured her heart out to the kind mare next to her. This included everything from not knowing what she was doing and worrying about losing the foal to the nightmare she had the previous night. When she was done talking about everything the two once again sat in silence. The last thing Fluttershy had talked about with Delicatessa was her nightmare and it seemed that the older mare was mulling it over in her head as if it were a complex riddle that needed solving.

With a heavy sigh Delicatessa put a comforting hoof on Fluttershy’s shoulder and said, “Most likely your nightmare was caused by your fear of losing the foal and being thrust into a world that you felt would be cold, scary and desolate without her. Mind you, this is just my own personal opinion but it makes sense to me. A pony’s mind can take fears and worries and transform them into true nastiness and if anypony knows about the effects fear it is a crystal pony.”

After thinking for a little bit on what the mare said, Fluttershy could not help but agree what Delicatessa said made sense, but more than anything she felt a lot better after having talked to her about what had been on her mind. For the rest of the time that Delicatessa visited they just sat and talked with one another about different things with the occasional break, so that fluttershy could feed and change the little foal who was starting to wind down for the night. Finally, Delicatessa said her farewell and departed having seen how late it had grown.

That night, Fluttershy slept much better than the previous one, only waking up when the foal cried or when she herself needed to go to the bathroom. When morning finally did arrive, Fluttershy was both excited and nervous because there was a chance that today she would find out whether or not she would have an opportunity to keep the little foal who had grown so dear to her heart. Having gotten herself together for the day, she gently roused the little foal from its slumber so that she could give the little thing her breakfast. it was not too long after that, that a loud knock could be heard coming from the main room.

Fluttershy carried the foal into the main room and placed her down on her blanket before going to answer the door. Fluttershy stood in front of the door, nervous to open it when the knock came again. Taking a deep breath to compose herself, she carefully opened the door. Standing on the other side was Shining Armor and Princess Cadance being escorted by none other than Blast Centurion. Fluttershy moved to the side, and gestured for them to come in since she was to nervous to say anything quite yet.

When everyone had made themselves comfortable Fluttershy finally worked up the nerve and asked, “Is there an...any news regarding the foal’s parents?”

The royal couple looked at one another sharing looks of mixed emotion before either of them spoke. Finally it was Cadance who broke the silence.

“Yes. We received word last night from our last scout when she returned, and I am really unsure of where to begin.” Cadance said, frustration and worry both showing in her tone of voice.

Shining Armor interjected himself there, “But, from what was reported the village the scout was sent to was abandoned. This is troubling news because this was one of the largest known villages of Thestral ponies in the kingdom. We are launching a full investigation into disappearance of the village’s residents. What this means, is that the foal is to be a ward of the state unless a suitable home can be found for her.”

Fluttershy having heard all the information that was presented to her about the disappearance of an entire villages population and how the young foal would be an orphan and ward of the state could not help but to shed tears, but the tears were of conflicting emotions. The tears were born out of both sorrow and hope. The sorrow was that all those ponies had just vanished and left this little foal with no one to call her own, but the tears born of hope came from the idea that just maybe she would be allowed to care for the foal herself so that she would never grow up without love and a home.

“P...Princess Cadance, Pr...Prince Shining Armor” Fluttershy said thinking that for what she had say next it was best to do so formally even with people who she considered friends, “I would like to adopt the foal if you would let me. I have thought it over and I know that taking this on is a greater responsibility than any I have ever taken before but it would break my heart for this foal to grow up without a home and without the love of one who truly cares for her. So it is for these reasons that I would like to adopt her...if you would allow it that is.”

Cadance and Shining Armor shared a look and then the biggest smiles spread across their faces as they both nodded, “ We had hoped you would say that.”

In the next moment, Princess Cadence used her magic to teleport a roll of parchment to the table.

“Fluttershy” she said smiling at her, “to start the process and to make it official we will need you to sign this form which is a statement that you will provide the best home possible for the child and will be taking over her primary care from the state, but more importantly upon signing this form the foal will officially be your child minus one or two more documents you will have to sign at a later date after further home studies have been done in which a representative of the government will observe how you and the child interact with one another and the environment in which she we will be raised.”

“Can I name her?” Fluttershy asked looking from Cadence to Shining Armor and back again.

Seeing them nod consent that she can name her Fluttershy, went and picked up the young foal and while carrying her over to the Prince and Princess says, “Her name will be Wyntre Sonnet.”

Shining Armor looked upon Fluttershy and the baby smiling as he did so when he asked, “May we be the first to hold Wyntre Sonnet?”

Fluttershy smiled and nodded as tears of happiness coursed down her cheeks. She gently handed Wyntre to Shining Armor and watched as he tickled her chin gently with hoof. After that it was Cadence who held Wyntre smiling at her and and making funny faces at the foal causing her to laugh.

Cadence looked up at Fluttershy smiling when she said, “This child could not have gotten luckier than when she found you. You will be a great mother and if anyone gives you trouble you have the two of us in your corner. Remember that, okay?”

Fluttershy nodded. She w too choked up to say anything in response as Cadence gently handed Wyntre to Fluttershy. Fluttershy beamed down at the foal and it was as she looked into the azure eyes of her child that she realized this is happiest she had ever been.

Fluttershy looked down upon her child and said, “I will always love you my Wyntre Sonnet.”

Author's Note:

Sorry for the delay I had to get some input from my editor.