• Published 17th May 2015
  • 1,161 Views, 6 Comments

Sonata Dusk's Day alone - Karapony

Sonata enjoys a day without Adagio and Aria pushing her around and calling her stupid, and what a day it is when she goes to the park the zoo and the mall for some well needed her time with no yelling.

  • ...

The Park - Fluttershy

Morning came and Sonata woke up before the other two. In the top drawer of her dresser was a small jewelry box with a picture of a sleeping white wolf on it. This is were she would hide her own personal stash of money. She grabbed some money and quietly closed her bedroom door, tip toeing past Aria's room and to the kitchen. She grabbed her keys and left the house. Sonata stood a the door for and minute, thinking about if she should really leave for the day.

"No, I have to do this." She said to herself. "All Adagio and Aria will do is yell some more and if I'm not here they can't yell at me."

While Sonata was walking down the street she had a smile on her face, 'What a nice Saturday this is', she thought to herself. She then sighed, 'I wish Adagio and Aria would see a bright side. At least we didn't get hurt or get sent to another world where we would have to start over again. At least starting over in this world without magic will be a little easier since we already kinda know this world.'

Sonata stopped at the entrance to a park. 'This looks fun.' Sonata said as she noticed a small fair like event going on. She looked at the sign that was hanging on the park entry way, 'Pet adoption special event, I wonder whats so special about it.' She thought to herself as she as she started to walk to the event.

As she got near, there was a water and cotton candy cart. "Ooo Yummy." Sonata said with excitement. She walked up to the stand, "One of each." She told the merchant, and handed him some money. Sonata then started to walk the fair enjoying her sugary treat.

"BARK, BARK" Sonata turned her head to the noise as she took another bite of her treat. "So Cute." She looked over into a playpen with puppies, running, barking, and playing with each other. "I wish I could bring you home, but Adagio would be so angry at me. Especially now that we don't have our magic." Sonata sighed dropping her arms to her side.

The little white puppy that she was excited over ran over to her and jumped up on the fence, "BARK, BARK." Sonata had the biggest smile on her face, "But I can find no reason why I can't stay and play with you for a while." She said as she started to scratch under the little puppies chin.

Fluttershy was walking towards the puppy tent with 3 large boxes in her hand, puppy toys, collars, and leashes, since the fair had just started she was still quietly setting up. The other kids from the Eco Club were handling the paper work and animal sales part. Sonata had turned to walk away before she could wave bye to the little pup she crashed into Fluttershy. They both fell to the ground and the boxes opened up and emptied everywhere.

"Hey, watch it." Sonata said as she stood up dusting off her clothes.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," Fluttershy gently spoke as she started to clean up the mess.

Sonata and Fluttershy's eyes meet, Fluttershy let out a small 'Epp' scream.

"You. Your from that band that broke our pendants." Sonata stated pointing right at Fluttershy.

"I.. Um... The Rainbooms." Fluttershy said softly as she was putting stuff in the boxes as quickly as possible so she could run away.

Sonata sighed. She knew that she was not liked, anymore, an she could tell that Fluttershy wanted to get away from her. "I'm... I'm sorry I knocked you over." Sonata managed to say with her eyes closed and her head tilted. "Look I know you and the whole school don't like us but we still have to live around each other, so... for me anyway, I'm going to try... " Sonata stopped mid sentence as she noticed the other Eco kids were starting to circle her, with quite the look of dislike on their faces.

"Your from that group that brainwashed us!" One of them yelled out.

"What are you even doing here!" Another added.

"I bet she wants revenge, I saw her knock down Fluttershy!"

"No, we just bumped into each other." Sonata pleaded

One of the Eco kids tossed a yogurt cup at Sonata, just missing her. Then more and more food items started to get tossed her way. Sonata covered her head and started to run out of the park.

"Stop, wait." Fluttershy tried to say but no one could her over everyone else making noise, yelling at Sonata to get out and leave.

Sonata Hind behind a tree, out of breath, she sat down and laid her head against the tree looking up at the clouds that were moving by.

In all the commotion, one of the kids knocked one of the panels over from the puppy pen. "Oh man, I hope none of the puppies got loose." One of the Eco kids said and he fixed the gate and walk over the other and helped cleaned up the mess.

Fluttershy put the boxes by the puppy and when she saw a little white puppy sitting on the other side of the tent.


"How did you get out?" Fluttershy asked as she started to walk towards him.

The little puppy wagged his tail and started to run through the trees.

"Wait little guy." Fluttershy said as she started to run off towards him.

The little puppy jumped into Sonata's lap, "Oh, hey little guy how did you get out." She said as she scratched behind his ears.

Fluttershy hid behind a near-by tree, peaking around the corner. She watched as the little puppy wagged it's little tail and Sonata smiled and was petting him.

"You can come home with me, but I don't know how I will get you back into the puppy pen. All those kids will most defiantly think that I was trying to take you or something and throw more food at me." Sonata said.

"I guess you can't be all that bad if that little puppy likes you." Fluttershy said softly, holding her hands together as she walked up to Sonata.

Sonata jumped up. "Hey, I didn't take him, he just ran into my lap. Please don't toss more food at me." Sonata said as she bowed her head handing the puppy towards Fluttershy.

Fluttershy took the puppy, "I'm not going to throw food at you, and I followed the puppy trying to get him back into the pen, so I know you didn't take him."

Sonata looked at Fluttershy, "Look I'm sorry for bumping into you earlier."

"I forgive you for that. It's just after the battle of the bands, I'm not too sure what to think of you and the other two." Fluttershy said now hugging the little puppy. "But I know people can change if they really want to", She added with a smile. "After all look at Sunset Shimmer."

"Yea, I remember Adagio telling us about her." Sonata said tapping her chin with her finger. "Look I can't talk for Adagio and Aria, but for me I hope one day we can make a new start."

Sonata wanted to have people like her but she knew she can't make them like her anymore. "I'm going to try this, a, nice thing that I saw on the TV. An maybe one day we could be friends." Sonata smiled holding her hands together.

"FLUTTERSHY!" Yelling from the distance over and over again.

"Oh", Fluttershy said as she turned towards the noise, "I should be going back, But Yes I think maybe one day we could be friends." She said with a smile on her face.

Fluttershy walked back towards the fair. Sonata smile, 'maybe this nice thing might work out', she thought to herself and she started to leave the park.

Author's Note:

I wanted to make Sonata a more likable character, Since in the movie she was see as the goof or brainless. I wanted to show her in a different light, so I hope you enjoy what I have put together.

Head-cannon created by Stephanie Lynn Nowak