• Published 17th May 2012
  • 1,435 Views, 26 Comments

The five trials - Wonderpony

Spike has to go through 5 trials to see Twilight Sparkle

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Chapter 1

The purple dragon was laying on a bed at the psychiatrists. Even though it’s been about 5 years since Twilight’s death, Spike haven’t forgotten a thing about this purple unicorn. He was still affected by this incident.

“Have I told you about Twilight Sparkle... no? Of course not. She already passed away due to reasons I do not wish to talk about. She was like a sister... no. A mother to me. We grew up together, she raised me, she even treated me with care and respect. I was her number 1 assistant”

The purple dragon looked down at the depressing gray colored floor without any particular face expressions. He looked at the picture frame with him and Twilight in his hands, from the times when she was alive.

The psychiatrist's name was Fiona. Fiona was a cyan colored unicorn, wearing a white coat and red glasses, and her orange mane in a length much like Fluttershy.

She wrote down with her quill, taking quick notes of everything that was said. She glowed her horn, taking small sips from her black, hot coffee from time to time before she started to speak.

“Can you tell me a little about your life with Twilight and her friends?” Fiona asked her patient and took another sip of her coffee

Spike nodded, and smiled lightly and stared up at her, before he started to speak.

“I did enjoy myself a lot in the past like: Nightmare night, writing friendship reports to Princess Celestia, The royal wedding, and of course everponies birthday parties, which Pinkie Pie would host.“

Spike’s expression changed pretty quickly, and stared up at the cyan unicorn again.

“But as I said earlier, everything has gotten so messed up. For one. Rarity is going out with this other fucking prick!” Spike hit the table in rage as he said so, before he stared awkwardly at the unicorn again.

“I’m sorry, Mrs.Fiona.”

Fiona smiled nervously at the purple dragon “Please go on, Spike”

Spike sighed once again before continuing

“Rainbow Dash has been rather enraged because of how she failed at joining the wonderbolts, but as strong as she is, she should be fine. She spends the most of her time in Cloudsdale. Sweet Apple Acres is out of business, and Applejack moved with Fluttershy to Las Pegasis, trying to get a better life.”

Spike’s voice got more and more depressed when he talked about his friends. However, he thought about the words Pinkie Pie told him 6 years ago: Just keep on smiling and never look back.

“The only positive thing is the Cutie Mark Crusaders. They have got their talents, and as always they are sticking close together. Pinkie Pie haven’t changed much. She is always happy, and the only pony trying to do something around town. Even with all the stuff.”

Fiona took off her glasses and sighed slightly, and put them on the table, smiling gently.

“Well it seems like you are getting better after all, Spike. I understand you are going through a lot, but look at the things you already have and all the things in between. When you get out, I want you to go and talk to your friends. Distract yourself from her death, and go out and have some fun.”

Spike gently rubbed the back of his head awkwardly, not bother to give a response.

Fiona glowed her horn yet again, but this time she levitated an old watch, checking the time.

“We are done for today, Spike. You should get some rest for your big surprise tomorrow”

Spike knew that this night would feel like a big roller coaster off emptiness as every night. He was led out by a bunch of ponies, and into his room. Spike laid his head on the soft pillow exhausted.
As the next day occurred, Spike was already awake staring at the tight shut window, as the sun shined through the light blue curtains. After a while, Fiona opened Spike’s door slowly.

“Are you awake Spike” She asked through the door opening, with a fake smile across her face.

Spike nodded lightly, with his blanket on top of him.

“Yes Mrs.Fiona.” Spike said with his soft voice.

“I woke up just a short while ago actually.”

Fiona walked into his room. Without any warning, she ran up and hugged him gently.

“You have done well, Spike. I am here to say you are free to go now.” Fiona’s eyes became wet with tears, but she was somewhat happy.

“Take care Spike. Whatever you need, I will be here to talk, even if you are not my patient anymore.”

Spike was shocked by this sudden message, and held tightly around her psychiatrist, smiling once again. which seemed like an eternity since last time.

“Thank you, Mrs.Fiona. I owe so much to you. You taught me a lot about how to move on.” Spike’s voice had reached his normal tone, rubbing the psychiatrist's back in circles.
Spike glanced back at the institution he had been living in for the past 5 years.
He kept looking back at the institution as he walked down the lonely road that would lead him back home.

As soon as Spike got home to the abandoned library, he opened the door for the first time since he had left 5 years ago. Everything in the library was covered in dust and the air was thick as cotton balls.

He coughed repeatedly, opening all the windows throughout the library. He walked upstairs looking at his surroundings, thinking of all the things him and Twilight went through.

”Wow... this place haven’t changed at all. The books are untouched, the bed is just the way I left it.” He thought to himself with a smile on his face.
“Well, I got work to do” Spike shut the door behind him as he left his home one again.

“I should go and buy some flowers to put on Twilight’s grave” He spoke to no one in particular, except himself.

He slowly began to walk towards Ponyville cemetery. Soon after, Spike had arrived to the cemetery. He walked around, staring at the gravestones, searching for his dear friend.

He eventually found her tombstone near the end of the cemetery. He sat down in front of Twilight`s grave, placing the red flowers near the others from her friends.

“I know you can’t hear me Twilight, but i really miss you. We all do! I wish I could be there for you and your friends.” 3 seconds of silence, he began to speak again

“I wonder how they are holding up.” He thought to himself.

I haven’t seen them for 5 years for pete sake”

Spike got up as he stared at Twilight’s picture frame, from when she was young.
Spike began to walk away from the grave.
“Maybe Pinkie Pie has a cheerful advice to share with me?”

Spike stared blankly at the sky, as he kept walking. Several minutes had passed before he arrived at the Sugar Cube Corner in complete silence. Spike stared through the window, before he decided to walk in, or at least knock.

“Great, she seems to be home after all” Spike said cheerfully and decided to knock.

The pink party pony opened the door slowly with a smile across her face, as soon as she saw the purple dragon, which she hasn’t seen in eternity

“Is that you Spike?”.

Spike nodded slowly, tapping his feet on the ground. “Yes. It’s been a while hasn’t it?” Pinkie pie rushed to the purple dragon, grabbing her hoof around his shoulder.

“I have missed you so much! This definitely calls for a party!”

Pinkie Pie pulled Spike in the house, overjoyed seeing her friend once again. She gave him a tight hug, and started to giggle.

Spike sighed in the Pinkie pie’s grip. “No thank you. I don’t feel like partying right now”
Spike turned his head around as he suddenly belches out a letter.

“W-what? A letter from the princess?” He opened up the letter and widens his eyes from the content.

Pinkie stared at him confused and tried to peek at the letter
“ Ooo! A letter. What is it Spike?” Pinkie Pie questioned the purple dragon with her curious tone.

Spike hid the letter behind his back

“N-Nothing at all, Pinkie”

Pinkie Pie raised her eyebrows, and grabbed his shoulders. “What’s going on?”

Pinkie Pie questioned with her unusual serious tone, knowing something was going on. From experience, even Pinkie Pie knew something was up.

Spike swallowed not sure how to respond.

“I-I can’t tell you Pinkie!” Spike ran to the the closest door.

left to an empty room, shut the door behind him, locking it tight.

Spike opened up the letter, and began to read it out in his own mind. The letters were written in thick, blood red colored font.

“We know all about you Spike. We know about your past, your friends, but the question is, are you willing to risk everything to see Twilight again. Are you willing to risk your freedom and your own life? 5 days, 5 trials. If you fail, you will never see her again. The first trial is inside Twilight Sparkle’s coffin. You know what to do.”

Spikes eyes widen, at what he just read. Spike quickly ran outside out of Sugar cube corner with no word in advance.

“Hey! aren’t you even gonna say goo-” Spike had already left the building before she could finish her sentence.

“Oh brother” Pinkie sighed and didn’t bother to run after him.

He rushed into the graveyard once again, and picked up a shovel. He began to dig the grave without hesitation. 10 minutes of hard shoveling and sweating, he hit the wooden coffin.

He broke the front of the casket, till he reached the pony inside. “What the hay!” He gaped up his mouth in shock from the corpse.

“This can’t be Twilight...” Spike reached down and found the first parchment, and unwrapped it and began to read it.

“Are you willing to kill, to save Twilight? You must be done by midnight. Go to Canterlot archives, there you will find the picture of the victim” Spike got chills down his spine
“I-I have to kill someone? Can I really kill somepony in order to proceed?”
Spike thought out loud.

“I have to do it for Twilight” He exclaimed, and ran to his library to hide his parchment under his dusty bed.

He ran to the Ponyville train station in a hurry. The train had just began to leave the station. He ran as fast as he could, sweating. He could not miss that train no matter what, or else he would miss the deadline.

He ran and jumped through the window, shattering it in thousands of pieces.

The loud noise of shattered glass was heard through the entire wagon or perhaps the entire train?

Where did he end up you may ask? Luckily he fell at some soft feather bags. Why do they have those those conveniently placed in a wagon...?

He stood up on his legs again, and tried to find a narrow place to crawl in so he could hide. Perhaps the whole trip if he had to, either way he could not come out. Suddenly he heard a low whispering voice behind him

“Spike, why are we hiding!?”

The voice was very familiar. Spike widened his eyes. His iris was smaller than a raisin. He was panicking, his thick scales were shivering. was he already caught?

Spike stared back at the unknown pony. He then realized the familiar colors, and voice, the breath of sweet cotton candy already revealed her identity.

Spike jumped, but relaxed quite quickly. “Pinkie! What are you doing here? How did you find me?” His loud whispering was of course louder than his normal tone.

“Well, duh. When I saw you hiding something I was so curious and I thought Hey maybe i should follow him and see what’s up Besides I don’t want you to get hurt since we haven’t seen each other in soooooo many y-”

Spike shoved his hand up her mouth, as Pinkie mumbled the rest of the words, but, of course it was impossible to understand any of it. “Please just go home...”

Pinkie Pie began to shake her silly head.

“Nopey dopey. I want to keep up with you, I mean we have soooo much to catch up to, besides. Dashie and Applejack isn’t home. Soooo~ I am going with you” Pinkie Pie demanded

Spike shrugged and sighed as he kept eye contact with Pinkie

“Well okay, but you are not allowed to follow me around Canterlot. There is somethin I must do alone.”

Pinkie Pie nodded in agreement, even though she didn’t pay too much attention to what he was saying.

“Oki doki loki!” She gave a happy smile

Spike sat down and closed his eyes. The hour passed quite quickly

“Ugh. are we there yet Pinkie?” The Pink pony was already gone.

“Oh for sweet Celestia’s sake!” He cried out furiously.

Pinkie Pie however was rubbing her face in cakes and other sweets, whether she was allowed to or not, didn’t matter. Because she was already wearing an apron.

The bakers around her was shocked of course.

”Who is that mare? Should we stop her?” one baker questioned one of his clients.

“I think that would be a good idea”

Spike wandered around aimlessly, searching for his friend“Where is that silly pink pony now”

He said in his annoyed yet tired tone. Spike rubbed his head as he saw pinkie pie in the kitchen part of the wagon.

“Pinkie get over here” Spike whispered a little loud and motioned with his hands.

“Spike! Oh come here, come here! You should come here and taste these deeelicious cakes!” she exclaimed, staring over at Spike, as she was munching on cakes.

Spike took a deep breath, as his heart was racing since they were now spotted. He grabbed Pinkie pie’s hoof, and ran off in a hurry. Pinkie Pie dropped her caked on the ground, as she was pulled away
“Hey!” Pinkie cried out.

“I was eating that!”

“Well there is no time for eating that you silly pink pony!” He used the same tone her as in an of mocking her.

“Aww...” Pinkie gave a pout and looked back at the kitchen with all the delicious looking sweets with her huge, cutesy looking eyes

“I’ll be back someday!” She gave a whisper, as they walked

“We arrive in Canterlot station in 5 minutes. Everypony must leave the train.” Spike sighed in relief and went back to where he was sleeping.

Spike saw some crates right under the window he jump through a while ago
“Pinkie, when we get out, you will take the closest train back to Ponyville.”

Pinkie shaked her head in disagreement “Nopey dopey. Ponyville is boring now I mean, sure. Rainbow Dash is fun and all, but she is spending so much time in Cloudsdale an-”

Spike interrupted her in slight annoyance “I get it! Fine... But no... nevermind”
The train stopped after about a minutes or two.

Spike climbed up to the window and crawled through. His thick scales made it easy for him to crawl through the sharpened glass shards.

Pinkie Pie was already out of the train, jumping around happily. “Ooo! this is gonna be sooo much fun!”

Spike sighed at the pink pony’s happy attitude. Out of all the times it had to be now she was happy “Sure, let’s go.”