• Published 11th May 2015
  • 1,952 Views, 42 Comments

A Monster's Sunset - PrometheusX

We know the tale of Sunset Shimmer coming to CHS and becoming the jerk-queen of the school...but how would she fare in a world where her only allies are a young boy with heroic dreams and an all-powerful lamia with far too voracious an appetite?

  • ...

The Journey Begins

I don't think I can properly articulate in a few paragraphs what my life under Princess Celestia was like. For good or ill, better or worse, my time under her shaped me into the mare I am today, even if my body is different in form. For that, I can't blame her, and I even look favorably on those times, with equal parts nostalgia and pain.

Well, I suppose I should start out on the basic level. Celestia originally took me on as her student because of my magic. She recognized the level of raw power I had buried inside of me and realized accurately enough that I was a timebomb waiting to go off if pushed too far. I think she also understood just how dangerous it would be for a pony with so much power and so little control to be out in the world by herself. Her taking me in was just as much protection for the people of Canterlot as it was for me. Over time though, I think she saw me less as something to watch over and more of like a daughter, at least I like to think that was the case.

When I first met Celestia though, I honestly thought she was gonna throw me into a dungeon for what I did. I can still remember that first time we ever spoke...

"Hello, little one. Are you-"


I believe it was a profound and reasonable explanation even to this day. Celestia even went so far as to hug me for how great a job I did explaining myself before she dropped the bombshell that I was to be her student.

"Y-You...you really mean th-that?"

Celestia smiled softly. It reminded me of my own mother when she had the time to spend with me, and I had to fight to keep from crying real tears at the sight (The tears I currently had were that of joy, see. Totally different). "Yes I do, if you really want to."

"Y-Yes! Of course!"

Aside from the fact I really didn't have anywhere else to go anyways and it was a decision based solely on my refusal to be alone again, I eventually had my own desires for being Celestia's student. As I stated earlier, I wasn't exactly well-respected for either being poor, a failure at magic, or a blank-flank. I hated that feeling of being weak, of being looked down upon, of being pitied. When I became Celestia's pupil and had time to adjust to the situation, I swore to myself I would never be weak again. I'd show the world what I could do, and they'd associate my name with greatness. They were going to regret everything they did to wrong me.

Yes, even then I had quite the spiteful streak.

When I started to learn under her, I dedicated myself to the idea that the key to reaching greatness was learning all I could. I followed every lesson religiously and spent most of my days with my head buried in my books, studying like there was no tomorrow. I'm pretty sure I spent more hours reading than I did sleeping and eating combined. The teachers Celestia assigned me quickly found themselves dismissed, not out of any incompetence, but rather the fact my growth was accelerating beyond their ability to effectively teach, to the point that within two years it was Celestia herself who was training me. Our relationship would continue from that point for nearly five years.

Things started to change as time went on though. It was the little things from Celestia: A smile that wasn't just for being polite or reassuring, a hug for when I was down, a story for my nightmares, a shared cake for my birthday. All these things together made slowly made me feel less like we were teacher and student and more like mother and daughter. Maybe I was projecting because I never had time for such things with my real family, but I grew to enjoy these times with Celestia and see her no longer as just a quick way to achieve greatness, but really as my second mother.

That didn't change my opinions on others though. In my eyes, the only pony in the world who was worthy of my undivided attention anymore was Celestia and Celestia alone. I refused to rely on anyone else out of the belief it would just make me weaker or they were trying to ride on my hard work.

I never did realize how this would eventually impact my relationship with and warp my perception of the mare I called mother until it was too late, but hey, hindsight's 20/20.

Outside Ilias Village

Luka sighed as he and Sunset set out onto the main road out of Ilias Village. Alice was nowhere to be seen, having left the house through the back as to not cause an uproar. At a crossroads near the center Sunset branched off, telling him that she'd be back as soon as she grabbed a few things from her house. Luka nodded and continued on his way, stopping every so often to say goodbye to his neighbors. Some wished him well, others just shook their heads as he passed by, but none of them said anything rude to him. Ever since the second plague he had become one of the most well-known members of the village as a result of being one of the few 'original' villagers before immigrants came along despite his associations with 'the Witch'. As such, he made it out of the village without much trouble, following the dirt path northward.

After about five minutes of walking, he stopped to look back. It was hard to believe even now that he was actually going on his quest, and without a baptism either. He still wondered about that. Had Ilias abandoned him? Had he even seen Ilias in his dream? Everything seemed so confusing...

He was snapped out of revelry by the flash of teal light and a pop, revealing itself to be Sunset with a knapsack over her shoulders, staff in hand and cloak flowing out behind her with the wind. She fixed him with a slightly concerned look.

"You okay?"

He took a breath and nodded. "Yeah...just homesickness I guess."

She smiled a little and patted his back. "Nothing to worry about, Luka. You'll get used to it in a while."

"...Well, isn't this nice?"

Both of them turned startled to see Alice standing on the path with her arms crossed, as if she had been there the whole time. "Are you ready?"

Sunset snapped her hand away. "O-Of course!"

Luka shrugged. "Ready as we'll ever be. I guess we'll make for Iliasburg to stock up on supplies. From there we'll head for the only port on the Ilias continent, Iliasport, and then we'll make way to the main continent of Sentora."

"And from there, we'll eventually make passage to Hellgondo, fight the Monster Lord, and make buddy-buddy with each other." Sunset finished. "Yay for us and Lady Ilias be praised."

Luka rolled his eyes at Sunset's mocking tone near the end. "You know, you could do without the mocking of Ilias constantly, Sunset."

"I'm not a member of the church and I don't care for Ilias," she replied. "I'll do what I want."

Luka shook his head and started walking. He noticed that Alice seemed to look on with approval.

'Doing a mission in Ilias' name and my traveling companions mock her on a constant basis,' Luka thought sadly. 'Why do I feel like I'm the one who'll get smited when things go wrong?'

Alice had to admit, this was an entirely new experience for her. Here she was, traveling with two humans, an idiot hero and a hotheaded mage, on a suicidal quest to fight and defeat the Monster Lord to bring peace to the world. If someone had told her this would be in her future, she would have laughed her head off. Right before she either killed or ate the fool for tricking her out of her money for such an obviously fake fortune-telling.

Still, this was proving to be an interesting endeavor. The boy truly did interest her: She had detected no guile, no falsehood in his eyes or words as he proclaimed his dream before her. He genuinely believed in the dream he had set out for himself. A fool's dream, but one he would follow to the end.

Maybe, just maybe on some random throw of the galactic dice, even succeed in it.

It intrigued her...plus, he still smelled delicious. Getting some of that for herself would definitely be a treat worth the effort.

The girl Sunset on the other hand...she was something else entirely. Her personality (which she was certain there would have to be an adjustment for in the near future) notwithstanding, even she had to admit that she had been speaking the truth when she called herself the strongest mage on the continent. She had several opportunities to feel the power behind her prepared attacks and realize that she was holding quite a bit back, likely out of worry for the boy. In addition, anyone who could teleport even short distances obviously wasn't the typical mage.

But more than that though, she felt something distinctively...other about Sunset's magic. Yes, her fire magic was indeed 'fire' but...there was something almost...alien, unique about it compared to the various fire-users she had seen before.

Again, it intrigued her. So, she had set aside her misgivings about both of them and decided to join them on their quest. Perhaps she would find answers along the way...along with some tasty meals.

"I notice you don't seem to have a lot of respect for Ilias," she remarked to Sunset as they continued their journey on the road, Ilias Village long since disappeared behind them. "Normally I wouldn't be too surprised, but we're practically in the heart of her worshiping area. It's like a black spot on a white sheet in how attention-grabbing it is. Care to explain why?"

"Let's just say I had a bad run-in with Ilias worshipers," Sunset replied, absentmindedly knocking away a loose rock in the road while sipping from a waterskin at her side. "It's the same reason I met up with Luka's family for the first time. Don't have much respect for gods whose followers leave strangers to die in the cold."

Alice hummed in agreement. "Yet you seemed to have no problems with Luka getting a baptism and becoming a lapdog to her," she noted.

"Not my favorite idea, but being a Hero has a lot of perks, I'll give it that," Sunset admitted. "You get the respect of the people, cheap rates at Inns, and you can even walk into people's houses and take stuff like you're some sort of god and they can't do a thing about it. Still wouldn't trade my freedom for it, but it's tempting."

Alice just stared at her. "Walk into people's houses...? Are you two thieves or something?"

"Eh, Luka's practically a saint compared to me," Sunset replied. "But most importantly, you apparently get Ilias' divine protection. If you come across any evil monsters, she will defend you or some sort of mystical bull like that. I figured that would at least get him off the continent in one piece or last long enough to get good enough at actual battle."

Alice was silent for a moment, then simply shrugged. "Well, I suppose that would explain why the semen of a baptized human tastes so horrible then. Monsters aren't as likely to attack them if they know all they'll get is a mouthful of Angel liver. Not very appetizing at all."

"How do you even..." Sunset started, then shook her head with a queasy expression. "You know what, don't even want to know."

Alice grinned. "Well, there I was, preparing to-"

"DON'T want to know," Sunset repeated, pulling her hood up.

Truthfully she had never eaten Angel liver, it was just the first thing that came to mind when she first tasted a baptized human's semen. Still, no reason to let Sunset know that.

And speaking of eating...

"I'm hungry," she stated quite plainly, looking over at Sunset. The mage gave her a baffled/cautious look.

"And what does that have to do with me?" she asked with a raised eyebrow, several different scenarios no doubt running through her mind as she said that. Alice just raised an eyebrow.

"Well, if you're on a journey you'd obviously have food on you, right?"

"Yeah...and what makes you think I'm just gonna give some to you when you've done nothing but insult and half-threaten me and my little brother?"

"Because that means I won't be in the mood for larger prey," Alice replied, her eyes not once leaving Sunset's form. "I personally don't like having to work for my food, but I will if I'm hungry enough."

Inwardly she smirked when she saw Sunset visibly sweat from underneath her hood. Apparently there was a limit to how much the mage was willing to push her luck with her. 'Good. That'll make things easier in the future.'

"Well...when you put it like that, how's a girl to say no?" Sunset said with just the hint of a tremor in her voice as she reached into her knapsack and pulled out a pack of dried meat.

Alice eyed it with disdain and disappointment. She was hoping for something a little more...filling.

"Hey, don't knock it 'til you try it," Sunset said, noticing her disapproval. "It's some of Luka's cooking. That guy can cook like no one's business, or at least way better than me." Her voice seemed to gain a little bit of its strength back. "Besides, I'm not giving up all my rations just because you're hungry. It's a day's journey to Iliasburg and I want to make this stuff last until then."

Alice gave the figure of Luka ahead of them a glance before sighing in agreement. She supposed it wouldn't do good to pig out before supper, especially if it meant nothing tomorrow morning. "Well, I'm not that hungry yet, so I suppose it'll work as an appetizer."

She snatched the meat from Sunset's hands and began to chew on it unhappily, still glum about not getting something more tasty, when her eyes widened upon actually tasting the food. It was still just a bunch of dry meat, nothing to write home about, but she could taste the various spices and seasonings added to it to compliment the meat, making it much more savory to the palate. It wasn't long before she had eaten all of it.

"Hmm, not too bad after all," she admitted, her spirits lifting, if just a little. "I'll look forward to seeing what he can make us tonight. I suppose the main dish won't be necessary after all," she added with a purposeful smirk, inwardly laughing at how Sunset suddenly seemed to pale and look away.

Alice then turned her attention back to the front, noticing that Luka was looking back in confusion before making a dismissive gesture with her hand. As she did though, she caught sight of something just a little ways ahead, partly hidden by the glare of the setting sun.

'Is that...ah, yes,' she thought with some slight satisfaction. 'This should help me get a feel of their abilities.'

Sunset shivered as the sudden image of being eaten by Alice like a mouse by a snake flowed through her mind. Definitely not how she wanted to go out. Plus, that'd just be plain embarrassing.

'Maybe I should hold back on the sass...' she decided mentally before she heard Luka shout in alarm up ahead. Stirred from her musings, she quickly focused her eyes back up where Luka was, noticing with relief that at least his sword was out and at the ready, and then upon whatever had startled him.

She blinked in confusion for a moment. Just a little bit in front of Luka was what appeared to be a beautiful young woman clad in muted grey. It took her a second to realize that 'muted grey' was also what her skin and hair were colored.

Also, kind of hard to not notice the pink flesh of a slug that made up her lower body when she suddenly raised the dress up.

"Ah crap...a Slug girl" she muttered as she gripped her staff tighter. "Well Alice, guess you and me are gonna-"

She stopped as she glanced over at her companion, only to realize that she had vanished as if she had never been there. Sunset quickly looked around, but for all intents and purposes the lamia was gone.

"Wha...oh that little-"

Sunset's words were cut off when she heard Luka's yell of help. Quickly looking back around, she watched as he sidestepped to avoid getting hit with the slug girl's mucus, jabbing at her chest with his sword. However, his attack literally just bounced back, the monster's elastic body making it useless.

"...Fine, I'll do the job myself."

Remembering Luka's words of not killing monsters, Sunset quickly made a fist-sized fireball and shot it directly at the slug. Luka, in a position to see the attack coming, jumped back just before it hit. The attack collided with the Slug girl's shoulder, exploding in a ball of flame and smoke. The monster screamed in pain and surprise as she lurched back, her eyes turning towards Sunset.

The mage didn't let up though, firing another blast purposely aimed in front of the monster as she marched forward. The Slug girl flinched as the attack landed and kicked up dirt and flame.

"Two on one? No fair!" she shouted in a surprisingly sophisticated voice. "Unbaptized Heroes shouldn't travel with allies!"

"Don't care," Sunset replied. "Now either get moving or the next one hits you in the face."

The slug flinched and started to run away, quite quickly for something with a lower body like that. "I-I'll remember this!" she shouted over her shoulder as she fled.

Sunset finally made it over to Luka, whom she noticed was holding a bag of something white in his free hand. "Is that...salt?"

He looked sheepish. "Yeah...I was kinda desperate before you pitched in. Pretty certain it would have worked though."

She couldn't deny that. If slime and slime girl weaknesses were the same, who's to say that slugs and slug girls weren't either. Maybe all monsters could be beaten by exploiting their non-human sides.

"Well, you're fighting smarter at least," she complimented him. "And you're dodging like I taught you."

Luka grinned. "Yeah...I've got a ways to go though, haven't I?"

"No better way to learn than on the job, right?" Sunset told him with a smirk. "Still, good thing you didn't lose the salt."

"Indeed, or else we wouldn't have had any effective seasoning for tonight's dinner."

Sunset whirled around to see Alice staring at the two of them with her arms crossed and with a bemused expression on her face. Instantly, she felt her felt her annoyance with the serpent rise up.

"And where exactly where you when the monster showed up?" she asked, then placed a hand over her face in mock shock. "Could it be that you were actually scared of that little slug?"

"Don't be absurd," Alice answered, her face returning to its neutral form. "I simply don't want any monsters to see me."

"Still could have tossed a fireball or something," Luka grumbled. Alice fixed him with her stare.

"Please, if you couldn't handle one low-level monster like that you shouldn't even be on this quest, imitation Hero," she replied. "Besides, you both seem to forget I am not your ally or companion. I'm simply along to observe...for now at least."

Sunset seriously considered showing her how to personally 'observe' being burned alive, but decided against it. Powerful as she might be, she still didn't want to force a confrontation with the lamia just yet. Maybe when they were alone...

"Fine, we get it," Luka remarked, dragging Sunset out of her revenge fantasies. "We don't need your help anyways! That'll just make things even better when we prove you wrong!"

'That's the spirit, Luka,' Sunset thought to herself, smirking slightly as the boy let off some steam at the monster, who just took it in stride and looked up at the sky. Sunset followed her on impulse, actually blinking at the sight of the sun beginning to set. Had they really been traveling that long?

'Damn, this cross-country's easier than it looks. I didn't even realize that slug was the most exciting part of the journey so far.'

"Regardless, I'd say it's time we stop and make camp," the lamia stated as she took a moment to stretch her arms. "So...what's for dinner?"

Both humans just stared at her. She had just stated she wasn't their companion, yet still expected to be fed...

'What a worthless 'companion',' Sunset thought in annoyance. 'I'm gonna get at her one of these days...'

Alice sighed in contentment as she patted her belly. "Not bad at all, Luka, not bad a bad supper at all."

She had to admit, Luka certainly was an impressive cook. Bread and an omelette, with wild grass salad and some salted meat on the side. It had been a long time since she had willingly forgone trying to also eat her meals with a helping of semen, but the boy's cooking was so good that she couldn't even find it in herself to care. Across from her, Luka and Sunset both similarly laid back with pleased smiles and groans around their campfire, Luka's a little brighter and louder at perhaps the first compliment she had given him yet, a pot of coffee now boiling over the fire.

'If only the boy's sword was as good as his kitchen knife...'

That thought soured her good mood somewhat. She had seen the boy's technique while fighting the Slug girl, and while she admitted he seemed to have dodging an attack down pat, his efforts to giving an attack had been...piss-poor, to be perfectly honest. It didn't matter if the Slug girl's body made it almost impossible to actually hurt her with a blade, what few blows she had seen him give had been far too uncoordinated or took too long to set up. She had seen masters of the blade, and she knew for a fact that if he went up against any of them as he was now, he'd lose horribly.

Being an interesting person the likes of which she'd probably wouldn't see again on this continent if he died or became a sex slave, it just wouldn't do for her to stand idly by and watch that happen when she had the ability to teach him.

'I suppose I have you to thank for this, Granberia...'

"Tell me something Luka," she called to the boy as she sat up straight, catching both his and Sunset's attention. "Where did you learn your technique...or rather whatever you call that wild flailing of a sword?"

"'Wild flailing'?" Luka repeated incredulously, "I've been training for nearly five years. I mixed all sorts of styles I learned from pilgrims who came to the temple into my own unique one."

Unique? Well that was certainly one way to describe it. Alice shook her head. "Crappy skills learned from crappy people will still be crappy even when combined...though I admit you're better at it than Sunset."

"Hey!" the mage snorted angrily. "I don't even use a sword!"

"Exactly, I was complimenting you," Alice replied. "You stick with a style that actually works and hurts an opponent...though I'm curious if you have any other offensive spells aside from various levels of 'fireball'."

"Maybe I'll show you sometime if you're willing," Sunset replied, her tone mostly sarcastic but with just the hint of curiosity as to the meaning behind her statement.

Alice nodded. "Perhaps tomorrow then, but right now I see that Luka is the one in greater need of training."

Luka blinked. "Wait, you mean you want to teach me? I thought you said you were just an observer."

"Of course, but I need you to stay alive after all. It'd be pretty boring if you got eaten quickly. I just so happen to know a few moves that could help you improve." Noticing the look of hesitation on Luka's face, she raised her hand to her mouth in mock surprise. "Hmm? Is that the look of refusal? You claim to be a proponent of coexistence yet refuse to train under a monster? Oh, the hypocrisy-"

"Alright!" Luka answered, a little flustered. "Your offer just surprised me is all. I mean...why would a monster teach me to fight other monsters?"

"Why do humans teach other humans to fight yet other humans?" Alice replied. "This is no different than when a race makes war on itself. Besides, most monsters think in terms of species, not as a whole collective, and even then only usually."

Sunset looked almost intrigued by the discussion. "Hmm...I should remember to ask you about monsters and their various cultural differences. That could come in handy on our journey."

'Well, at least one of them has a good head on her shoulders,' Alice thought with satisfaction. "Maybe another time...assuming you have no objections to me training him?"

Sunset shrugged. "If it helps him survive, fine...just don't beat him up too badly."

Alice nodded, then looked back towards Luka. "Well?"

Luka hesitantly bowed towards her, a sight that further lifted her spirits. "A-Alright. Well...please...teach me then."

"Very well. From this day forth, I shall be your teacher in fighting against monsters." Alice crossed her arms as she looked down at Luka. "However, don't expect me to go easy on you."

"I wouldn't dream of it."

She could sense the eagerness and desire for challenge in his tone, underneath his reluctance and worry.

'This might be pretty fun.'

"Luka...Oh brave Luka..."


Luka knew not where he was, only the sight of white clouds and rays of light filling his vision. His head felt heavy as if filled with cotton, yet he was certain he had heard a voice...a very familiar, heavenly voice.

As if in answer, a figure appeared before him, a beautiful woman clad in a robe of white, long blond hair flowing down past her shoulders and large white wings. A necklace and circlet of gold and adorn with red gems graced her neck and head, and two crystal blue eyes stared into his own with kindness.

There was only being this could be. Her image was shown throughout the world, after all.


The figure smiled as he said her name, a warm, motherly smile that seemed to make the heavens shine even brighter.

"Luka...you are not baptized, and remain unblessed. However, never lose faith in yourself. You are the one who will change this world..."

Luka blinked as he registered her words. "Y-You...what do you..."

"Brave, unblessed Hero Luka..." the goddess said as she and the heavens began to fade into darkness, her voice growing faint. "I will always be watching over you..."


Luka shot upwards before groaning in pain as he woke up the next morning, sunlight just barely filtering in through his tent. When did he...?

His memories came back to him as it clicked together. He had spent several hours before falling asleep training with Alice, who had fulfilled her promise in not going easy on him.

"L-Like this?"

Despite the ache in his muscles from both swinging his sword and constantly moving his legs at the same time, Luka could actually tell he was moving with much more grace and dexterity than before. At least now he didn't feel so awkward, muscle pain aside of course.

Alice nodded. "Hmm...not bad. Now charge straight at me with that very same motion...and aim for my neck."

"EH?" Luka nearly shouted as he looked at her in shock. "But I-"

"Do it. Come at me like you want to kill me or you won't even get close."

Alice's voice was hard and commanding. Luka found himself flinching underneath it briefly, then nodded.


For some reason, he didn't feel any real hesitation at the thought of striking Alice now that he thought about it. It wasn't like he had any real pent-up aggression towards her.

For the most part...

"Go on, Luka! Kick her scaly ass!"

He sighed as he heard Sunset's cheer from the sidelines, the girl holding a cup of coffee in hand as she had watched the entirety of the lesson up to this point. Really, sometimes she could just be a burden.

"No coaching from the peanut gallery," Alice called back, turning her gaze from Luka. "You aren't even-"

Suddenly, a lesson a pilgrim once taught him came to the fore. 'Attack while the enemy is distracted; the perfect strategy for beating a superior opponent!'

"Ha!" he shouted when he saw her attention was still somewhat diverted from him, dashing forward before jumping, sword slicing towards Alice's neck in a straight arc to-

The lamia's head jerked to the side as her tail came up, slamming into his chest and sending him crashing back to the ground. The now wild swing passed harmlessly by, not even nearing a strand of her silver hair.

"Not bad," she commented as he raised a hand to his chest and groaned. "But seriously, did you honestly expect me to not dodge?"

He was too busy holding his chest to respond and moaning to reply. It was like someone smashed a hammer into his ribs, driving all the air out and quite possibly cracking the bones as well.

Alice shrugged. "Still, it looks like you actually managed to master it, so there's that."

"Wait, he mastered a technique?" he heard Sunset ask. Looking over, he saw she was coming towards them with two mugs of coffee in hand. "What kind of technique is that supposed to be?"

"'Demon Decapitation'," Alice answered as she took her cup. "This is the best technique for someone of his size. It's said that the Dark Elf Zack was able to cut off the heads of 100 humans using that move."

"Wait...what?" Luka groaned as he sat up, accepting the coffee cup and drinking the welcome beverage. "But that's...that's horrible! Couldn't you teach me a more...Hero-like technique?"

"Beggars can't be choosers," Alice responded with a stony look, which faded briefly as a smile crossed her face from tasting the hot drink in hand. "Besides, you've already learned it."

"C'mon Luka, you can't deny that 'Demon Decapitation' is a pretty awesome name," Sunset added, crossing her arms. "I mean, most people would kill for a cool-sounding move like that."

'Okay, that's kinda true, on both accounts...but my Hero image...'

"Stop wallowing in self-pity and get up. We're gonna practice this move some more..." Alice's voice trailed off as she glanced down at her drink, confusion evident. "Why does this taste like h-hot pe...pepp-!"

Sunset grinned as she took off, chased by a now red-faced Alice, who was busy spitting out the tainted drink while wiping her tongue with her free hand. The mage didn't stop grinning even as the mug collided with her forehead, leaving Luka to stare after them in resignation.

After he had managed to calm Alice down with some water and keep her from murdering Sunset, who had secured herself high in a tree with the help of several feet of rope, they had gone back to perfecting his new skill. Afterwards, they had retired for the night...with himself in a sleeping bag and Alice curled around the base of Sunset's tree. He had only agreed to it after she promised not to eat Sunset...as long as the mage didn't provoke her during the night.

Surprisingly enough, they even managed to have a bit of conversation about family, Alice admitting that she was an only child and he telling her about his mother's passing, before they themselves fell asleep. He had steered any real conversation away from his father though. Some things just weren't meant to be brought up...and speaking of that...

"Did I really see Ilias in my dreams?" he muttered to himself. "Or did I just imagine it?"

The Goddess had said she believed in him despite not receiving her baptism. Did that mean he was still her Chosen? But why hadn't she shown up?

He sighed to himself as he pulled his arms out of his sleeping bag and rubbed his eyes, glancing down at right hand on instinct and smiling slightly at the sight.

There, on his ring finger was his mother's keepsake ring, the last thing she had given him before she had passed away. It wasn't anything special; just a dull gold band with a few markings on it for decoration, but it was his most prized possession.

"I feel something faint from that ring..."

He frowned briefly as he thought about what Alice had said before they went to bed. What did she mean by that? Sunset, someone who prided herself on being able to sense magical power, had never told him if there was any magic tied to his ring, but maybe it wasn't magic at all?

He sighed again as he banished those thoughts from his mind, deeming them unimportant for now. If Ilias had given her approval, then so be it. It wouldn't change his course. 'Well, time to get up,' he thought as he started to wiggle out of his sleeping bag. 'We got a big day of traveling ahead of us and-'

He stopped when he noticed something in the corner of the tent. Blinking, he realized it was some sort of plant sticking out of the ground, two giant elephant leaves bent towards where the light was filtering inside from the entrance.

'...Was that there last night?' Luka thought in confusion as he leaned forward to look at it. Slowly, not taking his eyes off of it, he got out the rest of the way of his sleeping bag and buckled on his sword, slowly taking it out as he neared the tent entrance. Very hesitantly, he reached out with said sword and tapped one of the leaves.

The leaf swayed for a moment, but nothing happened. Luka sighed in relief.

"Okay, false alarm-"

Suddenly, the plant started to shake as if in direct response to his words. The boy just stared for a moment before reaching for the tent flap.


An arm reached out of the ground and grabbed him, cutting off his escape with an iron grip. Luka just stared helplessly as the naked-plant-woman-thing started to pull itself fully out of the ground, blinking bleary eyes at him before they turned much more mischievous as realization of what she caught came to her.

'Why me?'

"What's with him?" Sunset absentmindedly asked no one in particular as she, Luka and Alice continued on the path towards Iliasburg. Luka was currently leading the way, rubbing his back slowly as he used his other hand to try and pick away at what looked like sap in his hair. All Sunset knew was that she heard Luka scream from inside his tent, waking her up from her less-than-comfortable night in a tree, and by the time she managed to disentangle herself from the rope she used to secure herself and get down to see what was going on she had been greeted to the sight of a disheveled Luka holding his sword and staring at a hole in the ground.

"No idea," Alice replied from next to her, not looking up from an old worn tome in her hands even as they walked (or slithered) on. "Though if I had to guess, he probably encountered a Mandrago that burrowed up into the tent during the night and like an idiot disturbed its slumber. Still, the fact he's in one piece is proof it wasn't too hard a challenge to face."

Sunset just grunted her answer, her attention now more on whatever Alice was reading. The lamia's eyes flickered over to her before cocking an eyebrow.

"Don't you have anything better to do than read over my shoulder?"

"Maybe," Sunset replied, then gestured towards the book. "What's it about?"

Alice grinned slightly, shutting the book. "Well, this, my fire-hurling friend, is the most valuable book in the world."


"Yes. This forbidden book contains everything the human world has to offer. Geography, environment, food, it has it all! With this, I could lead a path of destruction directly through all of the world and make it bow before me if I so chose to."

Sunset cocked an eyebrow, slightly more interested now. "Well, 'knowledge is power' as they say."

Alice caressed the book as if it were a living thing, all traces of her previous haughtiness gone as she became more and more enraptured by her own words. "Exactly. The 'Traveling Guild's World Traveler Tour Guide' is what they call it, and it's said that all the world's bounty is at the fingertips of those who have it. To adventurers, sight-seers, and foodies such as myself, who intends to sample all of the delicacies of the world on our trip, this book is legendary!"

Sunset blinked. 'Seriously, she intends to pig out on this life-threatening journey? Well, to each her own...' She took a closer look at the book in question as Alice rambled on, narrowing her eyes as she noticed that it seemed rather...old.

'Like 500 years old or something...that's practically a history book rather than a tour guide now.'

"With this tool at my disposal nothing can get in my way! I'll be able to devour every last delicacy this world has to offer as the ultimate gourmet!"

As Alice started laughing like a madwoman, Luka looked back in confusion. Sunset waved him off, rubbing her eyes. 'A kid with dreams of being a hero and an almighty lamia fashioning herself a gourmet. Ilias must have a weird sense of humor...'

"It's part of the reason I can't wait to get to Iliasburg," Alice added as she finally calmed down, thumbing through the book. "According to this, the Sutherland Inn within is famous for its Happiness Honey-Filled Ama-ama Dango." A dark look crossed her face as she clenched her free hand shut. "Prepare yourself, Ama-ama Dango..." she chuckled sinisterly.

"Umm...Alice, you do realize that a hotel from probably 500 years ago most likely won't be there anymore," Sunset prompted. Alice gave her an incredulous look.

"What are you saying? Only 500 years? I'm certain it's still there."


"Don't give me that look," Alice added as she shut the tome and began to pull ahead. "Come on! We're burning daylight at this rate!"

'...I should keep in mind that humans and monster have different sorts of time perceptions from now on,' Sunset decided as she adjusted her bag and picked up the pace. 'Especially if she starts threatening to eat me in the near future.'

Despite Alice's urging to go faster, the three of them only caught sight of Iliasburg as the sun was beginning to set. The image of their destination so near made Luka feel so much lighter as they trudged up to the city gates. As they neared them though, Luka pulled his companions to the side just out of sight of any guards that might have been on patrol around the area.

"What's the holdup?" Alice asked the boy as she looked back towards the gates. "My Ama-ama Dango is waiting for me!"

Luka looked at her. "Don't worry, we'll be there soon. It's just..." he gestured towards her awkwardly.


"He means to say that on this continent, hatred against monsters is rather strong and Iliasburg is likely no exception," Sunset said. "If we go in there with you looking like you do now, we're probably going to have guards baring the gates and coming after us while people panic like headless chickens."

"And in light of that, Alice...well, can you disguise yourself as a human in any way?" Luka asked. "It'd make things much smoother."

The lamia expressed distaste at the idea.

"Yes I can, but taking human form is unpleasant..." she muttered. "I honestly don't see why that would warrant my pretending..."

Sunset sighed. "Were you listening to-"

"What Sunset means," Luka quickly remarked, "is that if you go like you are, you can't enter the city. And if you can't enter the city, how are you gonna eat your precious dango?"

Alice grunted. "Crap...I guess that's true...Fine, how does this look?"

As she spoke, her tail suddenly shrank, splitting in two and changing color and texture as her body shifted in form, her blue skin turning peach-white, the horn-like growths about her head shrinking into her skull. Her two 'tails' further changed, resembling legs as they bent at the 'knees' and formed feet that touched the ground. Said legs were now covered by long, skin-tight black and purple boots that reached up to her knees, and along her left thigh the black tattoo extended down to the boot.

Save for the fact that she still had silver hair, gold eyes, the flowers in her hair and her attire now looked more fitting on an exotic dancer than anything else, she looked perfectly human. And as Luka and Sunset's rapidly reddening faces showed, she was also a perfect specimen of human women now as well.

"Ah...that's good," Luka finally managed to get out.

Sunset removed her cloak and handed it to the former lamia. "Just...cover up some more, alright?"

"Jealous much?" the disguised monster teased, some of her annoyance fading at the sight.

"N-Not on your life." Of course she wasn't jealous. She had just gotten used to the fact that people apparently having such a figure was a sign of great beauty among females, along with the nuances of nudity. Had absolutely no impact whatsoever on how she viewed her own smaller chest and slightly less impressive thin body, none at all.

Alice smirked slightly at their reactions, but complied and put the cloak on, covering the...exoticness of her usual attire. "Well, now that that's done with, shall we?"

The two humans hurriedly nodded and thus they continued on towards Iliasburg.

"This isn't right."

Those were the words that Luka stated as the three of them walked the silent streets of Iliasburg, keyword being 'silent'. When they had arrived at the gates they had discovered to their confusion that there were no guards posted on the walls or at the gate itself, no challenge to identify themselves. After they had entered and only empty streets greeted them, that confusion quickly turned to concern.

Both Luka and Sunset had been in Iliasburg once years before and it had been the complete opposite of now, bustling with life and trade as people bartered, bought, sold or even just randomly walked around. Now it was as if the city was a ghost town; no merchants, no travelers, nothing. The houses were shut tight; the doors seemingly locked, the windows closed with the blinds drawn.

But more than that, it was the feeling of dread in the air, of tense fear that seemed to strangle everything within the city. Even Alice seemed affected by it, unusually sober as she glanced at the various buildings and abandoned carts in the streets.

Sunset walked towards a random house and banged on the door. No answer came from within. She tried another one, then another, all with the same result.

"What the hell's going on?" she muttered quietly. She was certain she caught glimpses of people passing windows, even faces occasionally peaking out, but still no one came to answer. Something was going on, and nothing suggested it was good.

"Let's try the city plaza," Luka suggested. "Maybe there's something there."

Sunset slowly moved away from the door. "I've got a bad feeling about this..."

Alice continued to be silent, something that honestly unnerved them more than if she had started shouting.

Still, as they made their way down the main street towards the plaza, they began to hear the first signs of life since entering the city.

Metal clashing on metal, along with yells.

"Oh no," Luka muttered as he picked up the pace, rushing towards the disturbance and drawing his sword. Sunset opened her mouth to shout out a warning, then shook her head and started to follow him. Suddenly, she stopped and looked back at Alice, who was just standing there.


"'Well' what?" the disguised lamia replied. "You two are the ones playing Hero. I'll just sit back and relax for now. I need to prepare for eating when this is over after all."

Sunset was flabbergasted. "You...you..."

Alice rolled her eyes. "Well, if you're going to be such a baby about it, I'll step in if things get hectic. Maybe."


Alice waved her hand, walking away as she did so. "You're still here? Shouldn't you be keeping that idiot from dying right now? Bye."

Sunset stared after her for a second then shook her head. "Most useless piece of snake-skin pair of boots I've ever..." she muttered as she broke out into a run in the direction Luka went, hoping she wasn't too late.

Author's Note:

Cliffhanger. Fight scene next chapter, and I'm gonna make it awesome.