• Published 14th May 2012
  • 1,105 Views, 11 Comments

My Friend, Twilight - Dr. John Trotson

When there is no point to this boys light, a certain somepony adds a little magic to it.

  • ...

Chapter 1

Chapter 1


I thrashed my hand blindly around my bedside table to find the disturbance and hit the alarm clock knocking it off the table.


I groaned and got out of bed to get it, I picked it off the ground and hit the snooze button and turned off the alarm. My mom came in to see if I had fallen off the bed, I told her I was fine. She looked me over to make sure and then said to get ready for school. After she left I turned back to my beside table and looked at the mess I'd made, I had knocked off almost everything, even my Twilight Sparkle figurine. I went to pick her up and put her back on the bed side table along with the other things. I smiled at the little toy and went to get ready for school.


I always regret the bus ride to and from school, mostly because of this freshman kid that sits in the back. I'm a sophomore in high school and I'm older and stronger than him but he has friends to back him up, I do not.
I got on the bus and went to my normal seat which was three seats away from him. I know you are probably like, why do you sit so close to him if he keeps bothering you?!
Well like I said before, I don't have friends and most of the kids on the bus think I'm weird, mostly because I openly watch a little kids show. I sat down and looked out the window as the scenery rolled by, it was raining out so I couldn't see much. The bus stopped at the freshman kid's house to pick him and some of his friends.
They came on to the bus in some huge debate about something involving skanks. I looked out the window to avoid eye contact. After they took their seats and the bus started to roll, I brought out my iPhone to watch some pony stuff; worst choice ever.
"Hey, Beiber!" the kid yelled.
I do look similar to Justin I just have a rounder head minus his newer lesbo haircut.
I ,of course, ignore him.
He walked up to my seat.
"Did you hear me dip-shit?"
Still I ignored him.
"When I talk to you," he grabbed my iPhone out of my hand, "you will listen," he then prompted to throw my iPhone out the window, "got it?" he smiled.
His friends moved up two seats.
Rage boiled in me, I stood up towering over him.
He hopped back in fear, tripping over a chair and his face landing straight into his friend's knee. Me, be the kind person I am rushed over to see if he was alright. Little did I know that the bus had stopped and the bus driver lady was walking towards us. She shoved me out of the way and went straight towards the kid.
"What did you do to him?!" she turned and looked at me.
The kid put on a show that could have won him the Academy Award.
"I-I wa-was ju-st going to g-get my ipho-phone that he," he pointed a finger at me accusingly, "stole from m-me, and he pu-pu-punched me!"
He finished off with some more crying.
The bus lady looked up at me angrily.
"Do you take pleasure in causing other people pain?"
Not even knowing what to do, I just shook my head.
"Where's his iPhone," she asked me,"give him back his phone.
"It wa-" I started but I was cut off by the idiot.
"H-He threw it out th-the window," he said, pointing to the open window, rain still pouring.
"He did what now?!" she asked, disgusted.
"It was my I-" I tried to start again but was cut off by the bus lady.
"Exactly, it was YOUR fault." She pointed at me.
"Now I want you to come up here with me, so we can some ice on that." she said as she took the kid up to the front. "And you," once again with the finger pointing, " when we get to school, you will march yourself up to the principles office."
She walked away with the kid and as they did, I heard her say to him, "It's ok, dear, grandmas got you."
It was like getting into a car accident and the other persons family knows the cop so they get off easy.
So he wants to THAT game huh? Well I know my own share of "police cops."


When the bus pulled up to school, I got off (not without getting some pretty nasty looks from the bus driver) and went to the main office.
As I waited for the principle to call me in, I thought about how much trouble I would be in, but then again...
"Max Green"
My name was called from the principle's office. I gulped and went in.
"Sit down, Max." The principle said.
I sat.
"So what happened exactly?"
I told him the TRUE story and he sat back and thought for a minute.
"I think I will check the tapes then to see what happened."
I totally forgot about the cameras! Thank God for technology!
"And you are off the hook, heck I'll even buy you a new iPhone!"
"Really?!" I asked not believing my ears.
"Sure!" he replied, "Anything for a fellow brony." he said as he adjusted his Rainbow Dash figurine.


So problem solved right?
Everything turned out Jim dandy?
Even though they had the evidence, Sam didn't get any punishment. His parents threatened to sue the school so, of course, they let him off the hook too.
Good news is I got a new iPhone, bad news is that everything that happened didn't stop Sam from bullying me still.
Soon I started just not caring anymore, and it showed on my mlp RP twitter. A few of the people asked if I was feeling ok, one of them was persistent in making sure I was alright. That person was the RP player that played Twilight Sparkle.
"Twilight" would pm me every day and asked how my day was. I liked pretending I was talking to the actual character and we even had little chats about the "goings on" in Equestria. The player made it very believable, and soon I gained hope again.
That is, until the accident.


One day my mom said she was going to the grocery store and she never came back. We got a call a few hours later saying that my mom got into a terrible car accident and she was barely alive. My dad and I drove over to the hospital, almost getting into an accident ourselves, and went up to where my mother was being treated.
I know it sounds weird but while during this, I was talking to Twilight, telling him/her (whoever rp'd as her) minute by minute updates. She sounded genuinely caring. She told me if there was a way she could help she could. Was her rp'er a docter?
Then she wrote, wait I have an idea!
And then she was AFK.
I sat there looking at my horribly injured mother. She was sleeping, I checked for a pulse.
Well then again, I could of just looked at the heart monitor, but those things make me worry to much.

A few minutes later, the nurse came in and said that visiting hours were over. So we hesitantly got up and left.


The next few days were hard. I kept getting bullied by Sam and my mother wasn't recovering as well as the doctors hoped. "
"Twilight" has been AFK for a few days now also. I haven't been able to talk to her about whats going on. Life seems to have no meaning anymore...

A a week later, my mom's looking worse than ever, and I got a broken arm from Sam. Nobody cared though, they're too busy looking after my mom. I decided to get on twitter and see if Twilight was on, like I do everyday, and saw she made A couple of tweets.
Excited, I was about to contact here when I got a direct message from her.
Are you at your computer? The message asked.
Yes, I typed back.
Is anyone around? She replied back.
No one was around because my dad was at the hospital. So I typed back, No.
She typed out two words:
Stand back.
At first I was confused, then my computer crackled and shook. I was frozen, then I heard a familiar voice yell, "GET DOWN!"
As I dove for the ground, there was a bright flash of light and a huge explosion.
When I regained my senses, I got up and look round my room. It was a mess, but luckily no extreme damage. I then heard a feminine cough and looked around for the source.
There, sitting in the debris was a girl, about my age, maybe one or two years older, with long purple hair with a pink streak down the top right side of it, on top
I ran over to her.
"Are you ok?" I asked.
She looked at me and then around the room, then she looked down at her body. She made a cute squee sound and hugged me and said, "It worked!"
I still was confused on who this girl was, then it hit me.
"Twilight Sparkle?" I asked dazed.
She broke the hug and smiled and said, "At your service."
I stood up, not knowing what to think. This is not possible. She is not possible. She is scientifically inpossible!

She tried standing for a few seconds, only to wobble and fall over again. I walked over to her.
"Here let me help you up," I said as I helped her up and brought her over to my bed. She almost fell a few time and kept frowning at me trying to keep a straight face and not laugh.

"How did yo-" I started.
She put her finger to my lips, "Question time later, now I have to sleep," she replied, "that used up all my magic, so I'm kind of tired." She giggled.
"Oh, alright." I replied.
She looked over on my bed side table and gasped then let out a laugh.
"Is this supposed to be me?!" she examined it.
I blushed, a little embarrassed, "Yes," I said.
"It's sow adorwable!!" she said in a baby voice which made me blush harder.
"Hey," I finally said, "don't you have some sleeping to do?"
She frowned, "Oh alright."
She laid in my bed and I put the covers over her. It was only noon so I just went to clean up.
I looked back at my bed holding the human Twilight Sparkle.
"Good Day, Twilight," I said.
She opened her eyes and looked me and smiled, "Good Day, Max." she yawned and fell asleep.

A/N: Edit: I know, very sappy end to the chapter, I fixed most of the spelling and grammar errors. That's what I get for writing this on an iPod... Oh well please don't forget to leave a like and if you disliked it, please leave a comment on why you did so. Thank you.