• Published 21st Jun 2015
  • 1,991 Views, 13 Comments

Always - IDontKnowWhatToTypeHere

Spike has dated pony after pony, none of them worthwhile... But the new pony in town seems to catch his eye.

  • ...

Story of a Lonely Guy

She makes me feel like it's raining outside

The Ponyville Café, that was where they had planned to meet. Spike had already bought his tea, which he much preferred over coffee, as he patiently waited for his significant other to arrive. The clock hit one in the afternoon.

"Always late..." He said, sighing to himself. He knew this pony ever since he had moved to this small town of Ponyville, almost six years ago. Wow... Six years already? It seems like only yesterday this was an 'Orderly Checkup' and now look, Twilight was the Princess of Friendship and Spike was still her faithful assistant. He truly loved his so-called mother as, to be fair, she was the closest he had ever gotten to one. He had almost finished his tea when he heard somepony speak to him in a familiar country accent.

"Howdy, Spike!" The yellow-coated pony spoke out cheerfully "Sorry for bein' late again" She said while sitting down "Work on the farm y'know?" The waitress came around again, seeing the new pony sit down. She took the order of the farmpony, a simple glass of apple juice. The dragon was surprised she wasn't sick of the beverage yet she drank it so much. After the waitress had left, Applebloom began to wonder why her coltfriend, or drakefriend in this case, had called her to lunch. Before she could speak, Spike took a deep breath and said

"Applebloom, I need to..." His voice cracked a little and he cleared his throat "I need to tell you something." At this Applebloom got a tad giddy. There was a big dance coming up and she was hoping her Spike would ask her to go sooner or later, but why the local café? She was hoping for something a little more extravagant, but as long as she got to go she wouldn't complain.

"Yes, Spikey?" She wasn't one for pet names, but she felt this was an appropriate time for one. Spike had to take another deep breath to make sure he could spit these next words out. It was gonna break her heart, but he knew he had to do it...

"I think we should take a break." These were the words he spat out, he had softer ways of saying it in his mind, but for some reason this was the easiest way of saying it. Applebloom was distraught, she had been expecting the opposite of this. There was an awkward silence, Spike was nervously tapping his two index fingers together as the filly stayed silent, looking confused if anything. These few seconds felt like hours as the waitress soon came back with the Apple Juice.

"Was it something I did?" She finally spoke up "Is it how I look? Is it cause I'm not as pretty as those other fillies?" She said, frantically trying to find reasons why Spike would suddenly feel this way.

"No no no!" Spike said reassuringly "It's nothing like that! Trust me!" He knew he wanted to do this, it was why he was unsure of. "I just..." He stopped to take the final sip of tea "I just don't feel anything anymore." To be honest, he had never felt anything since the day she had asked him out "Does that make sense?"

"I mean, I guess..." The filly across from the drake looked at the ground, not even taking a sip of the drink she had ordered. "I... I gotta go" She said again to the now teenage dragon, clearly lying; Her family consisted of notoriously bad liars. She took out a few bits and threw them on table. "This should be enough for my drink." She then stormed off in a melancholy way "Goodbye Spike..." She whispered one more time before getting out of ear-shot.

Spike sighed, this did not go as planned. That's three? Yeah, three fillies now whose hearts he had broken. For the love of Celestia, why couldn't he just stick with a fillyfriend? He had tried, this previous one had lasted for almost two months, yet he always got nothing from these fillies. Was it because he hadn't kissed any of them? He didn't think so because in most love stories he had secretly read in his home, people know they love each other before the kiss and in each relationship he had been in he felt nothing. He soon paid the bill, with very little help from Applebloom, being a few bits short of her still full drink. He got up and started what seemed like a long walk home.

On this painful path towards his home, he noticed wagon after wagon painted with a familiar logo of a pony carrying a crate of some sort, in front of a previously 'For Sale' house. He decided to go off the beaten track to take a closer look at these new residents. He saw two male pegasi; The one clearly the older one was carrying most of the packages, and a younger one, about Applebloom's age, wore flight goggles on his forehead. They both seemed very content with their new home and the packing carriages soon drove away, leaving a cloud of dust behind them. Spike coughed because of that fact and soon the dust had dissipated, showing the younger gray pony now making eye contact with him. The pony looked at Spike very confused, to which Spike nervously smiled and waved in reply. The pegasus hesitantly waved back soon after, and he slowly turned back to go into his new home.

Spike face-palmed at the cringe-worthy moment and quickly tried to head home so he could get his mind off of it as soon as possible. When he arrived, he opened the door and quickly set his mind to going to take a nap in his room. Before he could get there he was stopped by his mother's words.

"So you met the new neighbours?" She said, closing a book she was reading on romantic studies. Twilight then looked at the purple dragon in a motherly fashion.

"Yeah, they seem nice." He said, trying to get to his room without being interrupted again.

"You should go introduce yourself!" Twilight says quite excited, "We weren't here for Pinkie's party so I'm sure it would be a nice action." The alicorn suggested, trying to urge Spike to go talk to them.

"Maybe tomorrow." He said yawning, and headed up to his bed. Twilight sighed, and decided to keep reading instead of giving a response. Spike thankfully reached his bed and got comfortable. He looked at the new neighbour's house across the street through the window.
"Maybe tomorrow..."

And when the storm's gone I'm all torn up inside

Author's Note:

Currently looking for cover artist and proofreader, if anybody volunteers to do so, PM me!
Hope you enjoyed the story so far, more to come soon(?).

EDIT: Found a proofreader! Their name is ElementsOfVariousStuff and they can be found in the story description.
EDIT2: Found a cover artist! Their name is Talcom and they can be found in the story description
Thanks for reading!